Are you planning to take an Educational Loan. Please read this before you do so. is what applies the Medical fieldBut the worst off would be medical students. Given that they earn paltry sums until they complete their MDs, it makes sense to take a loan only if your dad owns a nursing home or is willing to … [Read more...] about Realities of a Educational Loans
Archives for November 2005
TNPSC 2005 – FAQ
1) For a candidate getting appointment in Service this time, will he be able to write TNPGMEE this time.YES. There is no problem. It is your choice 2) What will be the first month salary for one who joins the forthcoming service. Whether Rs.8000 or Rs.13,500The basic is 8000. With this you have DA and other allowances which will come around 14000. The exact amount will vary … [Read more...] about TNPSC 2005 – FAQ
A piece of advice for aspirants of TNPG
Please don't "over think" in Tamil Nadu PG........Tamil Nadu PG (as well as TNPSC) Questions are from the same question bank that is followed for the MCQ Part of your theory exams by MGR Medical University. Eventually the level of the questions will be from I MBBS to III MBBS.It is this reason why you have question like "Hypokalemia is " and the "nerve injured in Fracture Neck … [Read more...] about A piece of advice for aspirants of TNPG
Hallucinations… Please don’t be under an Illusion !!!!
Question from AIPG(All India PG) 2003 and the related discussion105. All of the following are features of hallucinations, except:1.It is independent of the will of the observer.2.Sensory organs are not involved.3.It is a vivid as that in a true sense perception.4. It occurs in the absence of perceptual stimulus.Ans. 2-------------------Sensory ORGANS are NOT involved in … [Read more...] about Hallucinations… Please don’t be under an Illusion !!!!
About Court Case in Karnataka
PG Aspirants: Fight for our righte - Merit Vs Might: "Post Graduate Aspirants Group: Karnataka State Junior Doctors' Association (KSJDA) You are reading a page from TargetPG - Medical Post Graduate Entrance Exams and Professional Career Growth for Medicos written by Dr.Bruno … [Read more...] about About Court Case in Karnataka
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