AIPG 2009 – Exam Notification
Notification for AIPGMEE-2009 to be held on 11th January 2009
30th Sep 2008
Corrigendum to AIPG 2009 Notification – Last Date Extended and New Medical Colleges Eligible
Last Dates Extended
1. For Getting Forms from SBI Branches throughout the country : 13.10.2008
2. For Getting Forms by Post : 13.10.2008
3. For Getting Forms from SBI, Ansari Nagar :20.10.2008
4. For Receipt of Completed Application Forms : 5:00 pm 20.10.2008
Similarly Candidates from Few More Colleges have been made eligible to appear in AIPG
Colleges codes for MP colleges for Aipgmee 09 announced
Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal G198
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore G199
Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior G200
Netaji Subash Chandra Bose Medical College, Jabalpur G201
Shyam SIngh Medical College, Rewa G202
Chattisgarh institute of medical science , Bilaspur G203
BRD medical college , Gorakhpur G204
6th Sep 2008
AIPG 2009 Notification
Click on the image to see an enlarged version
Applications are invited in the prescribed form All India Post Graduate Medical / Dental Entrance Examination (AIPGMEE – 2009) to be conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences on Sunday, the 11th January, 2009 for admission under open merit seats quota in various Postgraduate 9MD/MS/PG Diploma & MDS) courses in Medical and Dental Colleges in the country run by the Union of India, State Governments (except Government of Andhra Pradesh and J&K) and Municipal or other local authorities.
Eligibility Criteria : (1) Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply. (2) The candidates must possess MBBS/BDS degree from a recognized Medical / Dental College or a foreign degree included in the schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 AND full registration either from the Medical / Dental Council of India or State Medical / Dental Council after completing the compulsory rotating internship. (3) Candidates who have obtained MBBS / BDS from Medical / Dental Colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir are not eligible to apply. However, candidates who were nominated by the Government of India (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare / D.G.H.S., New Delhi) to do MBBS / BDS from Medical / Dental Colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir are eligible to apply, subject to submission of requisite documents specified in the Prospectus. (4) The Candidates should complete the required period of 12 months pre 0- registration internships from a recognised Hospital 1000/- (Rs. 800/- in case of SC / ST candidates) inclusive of examination fee can be obtained in the following manner:
Against cash payment from any of the following branches of State Bank of India between 11.09.2008 to 03.10.2008
By Post : The Prospectus – cum – Application Form can also be obtained through Speed Post / Registered Post by sending a written request with an account payee Bank Draft for Rs. 1050/- (Rs. 850/- in case of SC/ST candidates) in favour of “AIPGMEE – 2009”. The Bank Draft issued by the S.B.I. should be drawn on State Bank of India, Service Branch (CODE NO. 7687), New Delhi and should be valid upto March / April 2009. The request must reach the Assistant Controller of Examination, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi – 110 608 before 03.10.2008. Request received thereafter will not be entertained. Money Order / Cheque / Postal Order / Cash or any other form of payment will NOT be accepted for postal sale. The words “REQUEST FOR APPLICATION FORM FOR AIPGMEE – 2008” should be written on the envelope containing request for application form, and also on top of the request letter. The address at which Application Form is required should be written clearly in CAPITAL LETTERS and with PIN code. AIIMS will not be responsible for delay in / non – receipt of Application From caused by illegible or incomplete address.
IMPORTANT : (1) Candidates must obtained Prospectus – cum – application forms ONLY from an authorised branch of S.B.I. or by post from Examination Section of AIIMS. Forms obtained from an unauthorised source will be rejected. (2) Candidates are advised to procure prospectus – cum – application forms as early as possible instead of waiting for the last date. If the Application Forms are sold out before the last date of sale and the same are not available, AIIMS / State Bank of India or its specified branches will not be responsible for any consequences that may arise due to non – availability of forms. In case a candidates does not get the form through Post Office in time, AIIMS will not be responsible for such lapses.
Schedule for sale of Prospectus-cum-Application Forms :
1. Against cash payment by above listed branches of State Bank of India (except Ansari Nagar, New Delhi )……………..11.09.2008 to 03.10.2008
2. Against cash payment from S.B.I., Ansari Nagar, New Delhi …..11.09.2008 to 10.10.2008
3. By Speed Post / Regd. Post against bank Draft from the Office of Asstt. Controller of Examinations, AIIMS….11.09.2008 to 03.10.2008
Last date for receipt of completed applications at Examination Section, A.I.M.S……..10.10.2008 to 5:00 PM
Note : After the last date, applications received by courier or by any other means will not be accepted, irrespective of the date of booking.
This Admission Notice is also available on the internet at and
You know what, I have been searching for some more information on this topic, and wonder if anyone can help me out? I found this website on MSN and would appreciate it if someone sends me some more links on this topic by email.
Thanks much in advance.