It has been observed that the following candidates are not eligible for appearing in the All India Post Graduate Medical
Entrance Examination scheduled to be conducted on 8
January, 2012:
Reg. No. Name Roll No. Centre
Name of Centre Reason for Rejection
1 9054013401 Trivedi Keval
1286971 A09 Ahmedabad The Medical/Dental College from which graduated is NOT recognized as per ME/DE Cell,
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
2 9053012144 Vikrant 1289130 B12 Bangaluru Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
3 9054014081 Paul Pratibha 1282860 B12 Bangaluru The Medical/Dental College from which graduated is NOT recognized as per ME/DE Cell,
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
4 9053012680 Parimalasundari R 1288311 F17 Chennai The Medical/Dental College from which graduated is NOT recognized as per ME/DE Cell,
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
5 9053013995 Noora Manoly 1285323 F17 Chennai Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
6 9054012183 Anita Sharma 1285338 D34 Delhi Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
7 9054012404 Divya Gaur 1285691 D34 Delhi Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
8 9054012447 Brajesh Kumar
1287918 D34 Delhi Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
9 9054012733 Nivi Dixit 1284988 D33 Delhi Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
10 9054012802 Shivani Singh 1283542 D33 Delhi Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
11 9054013123 Sachin Dhankhar 1285737 D34 Delhi Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
12 9054013158 Naveen Kumar 1281067 D31 Delhi Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.13 9054013326 Manoj Kumar 1282957 D32 Delhi Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
14 9054013827 Leena Kumari 1289315 D36 Delhi Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
15 9054014972 Kitu Sheoran 1280716 D31 Delhi Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
16 9054012517 Debshri Kundu 1281998 K15 Kolkata Obtained MBBS/BDS degree from Medical/Dental College of Andhra Pradesh/Jammu &
Kashmir but the nomination letter from the Govt. of India along with Non-Judicial Stamp
Paper of Rs.10/- has not been produced.
17 9051013980 Anjali C V 1282943 T10 Thiruvananthapuram The Medical/Dental College from which graduated is NOT recognized as per ME/DE Cell,
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
18 9054013988 Prathibha M 1280724 T10 Thiruvananthapuram The Medical/Dental College from which graduated is NOT recognized as per ME/DE Cell,
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
However, due to some technical error all the above candidates have been issued Admit Cards showing the name of
Centre. The Admit Cards of the above 18 candidates are WITHDRAWN & CANCELLED. Centres will also be informed
that these candidates may not be allowed to appear in the AIPGMEE – 2012 to be held on 8
January, 2012.
I could not refrain from commenting. Perfectly written!