Questions Answers Reference of AIPG 2012 will be posted here after 3:30 PM
Till we frame the questions, let us get some basics first
Bacitracin can be used to distinguish Streptococcus pyogenes from other bacteria, with S. pyogenes being sensitive to bacitracin and others resistant. Bacitracin is in this case used to distinguish S. pyogenes from other β-hemolytic streptococcus.
Glasgow Coma Scale comprises three tests:
- eye,
- verbal and
- motor responses.
The three values separately as well as their sum are considered. The lowest possible GCS (the sum) is 3 (deep coma or death), while the highest is 15 (fully awake person).
Best eye response (E)
There are 4 grades starting with the most severe:
- No eye opening
- Eye opening in response to pain. (Patient responds to pressure on the patient’s fingernail bed; if this does not elicit a response, supraorbital and sternal pressure or rub may be used.)
- Eye opening to speech. (Not to be confused with an awaking of a sleeping person; such patients receive a score of 4, not 3.)
- Eyes opening spontaneously
Best verbal response (V)
There are 5 grades starting with the most severe:
- No verbal response
- Incomprehensible sounds. (Moaning but no words.)
- Inappropriate words. (Random or exclamatory articulated speech, but no conversational exchange)
- Confused. (The patient responds to questions coherently but there is some disorientation and confusion.)
- Oriented. (Patient responds coherently and appropriately to questions such as the patient’s name and age, where they are and why, the year, month, etc.)
Best motor response (M)
There are 6 grades starting with the most severe:
- No motor response
- Extension to pain (abduction of arm, external rotation of shoulder, supination of forearm, extension of wrist, decerebrate response)
- Abnormal flexion to pain (adduction of arm, internal rotation of shoulder, pronation of forearm, flexion of wrist, decorticate response)
- Flexion/Withdrawal to pain (flexion of elbow, supination of forearm, flexion of wrist when supra-orbital pressure applied ; pulls part of body away when nailbed pinched)
- Localizes to pain. (Purposeful movements towards painful stimuli; e.g., hand crosses mid-line and gets above clavicle when supra-orbital pressure applied.)
- Obeys commands. (The patient does simple things as asked.)
Section 228A. Disclosure of identity of the victim of certain offences etc
1[228A. Disclosure of identity of the victim of certain offences etc.— (1) Whoever prints or publishes the name or any matter which may make known the identity of any person against whom an offence under section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C or section 376D is alleged or found to have been committed (hereafter in this section referred to as the victim) shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to fine.
(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) extends to any printing or publication of the name or any matter which may make known the identity of the victim if such printing or publication is—
(a) by or under the order in writing of the officer-in-charge of the police station or the police officer making the investigation into such offence acting in good faith for the purposes of such investigation; or
(b) by, or with the authorisation in writing of, the victim; or
(c) where the victim is dead or minor or of unsound mind, by, or with the authorisation in writing of, the next of kin of the victim:
Provided that no such authorisation shall be given by the next of kin to anybody other than the chairman or the secretary, by whatever name called, of any recognised welfare institution or organisation.
For the purposes of this sub-section, “recognised welfare institution or organisation” means a social welfare institution or organisation recognised in this behalf by the Central or State Government.
(3) Whoever prints or publishes any matter in relation to any proceeding before a court with respect to an offence referred to in sub-section (1) without the previous permission of such Court shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to fine.
The printing or publication of the judgment of any High Court or the Supreme Court does not amount to an offence within the meaning of this section.]
Section 376. Punishment for rape
please post the questions and answers as soon as possible
subbu says
aipgmee 2012 re exam may conducted on 10-03-2012
TargetPG says
Reference / Source ??
dr.swapan debbarma says
why? and what is the source of information?
usha says
please post d solved question paper of aipgmee 2012 as soon as possible.
banibrata says
pls send the solved q. paper of aipge
kemparaju says
please post d questions and most probable answers of aipgmee 2012
Dr.Nupur says
What happened to the questions & answers of AIPGE 2012
Dr.Nupur says
1. bronchiectasis complic———amyloidosis
2. secondary amyloid—————AA protein
3. anti hiv drug tgl incsd———protease inhib
4. apixaban ———————–direct x a inhibitor
5. pinna nt supplied by————tympanic br of gloss.nerve
6. perforation involved struc——gastroduodenal artery
7. syphilis prenant lady———–penicillin
8. side effects of thalidomide except-myocarditis
9. GCS scale inapp words————3
10. sle——————————prior test probab,sens,spec
11. pustular lesion——————bacitracin
12. extradural enhancin————-meningioma
13. subhimalayan region ulcers——sporothrix
14. eosinophil count variable——-cortisol
15. cerebral vasospasm————–nimodipine
16. mtp—————————–only womens consent
17. wilms tumor rx—————–surgery
18. hbsag vaccine——————-within 12 hrs
19. thyrotoxic due to iodine———jod basedow
20. mrsa nt effectv——————-cefaclor
21. active management nt inclu——-massage of uterus
22. cyanide toxicity———–nitroprusside
23. case of recc bulky stools—-Cystic fibrosis
24. vaccine nt given in elderly—measles
25. flower petal app———-CME
26. iucd nt changed after 3-5yr–cu 380 a
27. IBD–drug lubiprostone
28. mitoshondria all except —–fa synthesis
29. hypospadias——————–DES
30. TPN complication mc————catheter related
31. bone density——————–dexa
32. renal scars———————-DMSA
33. blood grp a——————-OA
34. kiegel exercises————–immediately after delivery
35. cond locc all except———–meniere’s
36. clozapine———————–d2 blockade
37. general adaption—————–stressful situation
38. secondary hemochr all except—–PNH
39. recurrent post dislocation hill sach —anterior
40. sex ratio upto 6 yrs————914
41. preeclampsia———————-gfr low
42. amylin————b cells
43. sham rage—————-decortication
44. sexual arousal—————-preoptic nucleus
45. germ cell tumor all exc———granulosa
46. protein reappearin—————bence jones
47. basal exudates——————-tb meningitis
48. pnemo mening———————high pleo low sugar
49. long acting quino—————-moxi
50. olfact mucosa———————esthesioneuroblastoma
51. thiazides————————-nt used in hyperlipidemia
52. thiazides————————-nt used in trt of hypercal
53. alzeimer not affected————–visual cortex
54. temezolmide————————alkylating agent
55. hirchsprung————————rectal biopsy
56. collarete scales——————-p rosacea
57. critical brain blood flow———–10
58. ketoconazole—————–cisapride not used with it
59. depth of anaesth—————bispectral index
60. UMN with absent DTR————friedrich ataxia
61. max vasodilatation————–co2
62. newborn blisters————–epi.bullosa
63. OCD———————-response prevention
64. langerhan histio—————————cd1a
65. dic all except —————–with low PT
66. pituitary adenoma————>1 cm
67. japan suicide——————h2s
68. mobius————————–misoprostol
69. clopidogrel and PPi————-cyp19a
70. asha training——————–AWW anm
71. rape victim———————228
72. ar—————-ataxia
73. ureter ant rel all except——GF nerve
74. malignant ht kidney app——-petechial hge
75. vibrioalginol————–ear infec
76. vision 2020 all except————–vit a def
77. dermatome of little fing——–c8
78. reduction in school perf all except —PICa
79. myaesthenia—————type 2 hypr
80. slow acet inh——————–hepatitis
81. acute pul edema all except—-digoxin
82. salmonella——100 to 10000
83. cholera toxin————-c amp
84. wide foramina—————-NF
85. 1 cm away frm sternum—-int thoracic art
86. brain stem stim——–depression
87. for parkin stim of——subthalamic nuclei
88. electromechanical sys—-QS2
89. deep ant chamb,scar——aphakia
90. all vectors————-filaria
91. most resis————-prions
92. bizare perception——illusion
93. bone frc india mc—-nutritional
94. liver abcess——-biliary disease
95. frac scaphoid——retrograde blood suppl
96. splenomeg least likely—1 thrombocythemia
97. nt from pharyngeal arch —–LPS
[snip]. white disc——-primary optic neu
99. child nt looking—-autism
100. skin nail———-disulphide bridges
101. splenomeg.varices—-portal ht
102. rbs——-85 105
103. ferro oxidoreductase—-cryptosp
104. electron beam—-mycosis fungoides
105. endtoxin no role——vibrio’
106. ex crit for liver trans—–core ag positiv
107. small fibre neuropathy——HIV
108. metformin ——-b 12 def
109. mitomycin———lt stenosis
110. chalazion——-seb cell ca
111. seond twin————polycythemia
112. reid indew————bronchitis
113. short bowel syn———b 12 def
114. fasting————–except low serum protein
115. bac endocardi——–least in asd
116. abd distension dysnoea————CA ovary
117. porphyria ad except==——-CEP
118. low fsh lh not in ————klinefelter
119. CRAo—————mucor
120. age related dementia—–homocysteine
121. prader willi——high ghrelin
122. post op pain —-endophthalmitis
123. cardiac output low—–on standing
124. long ulcers——–rupture of intestine
125. alk diuresis——phenobarb
126. rectal prolapse—-rectopexy
127. theraputic monit plasma levels except—warfarin
128. vaccine—immunological memory
129. dilator pupillae—-sympath
130. pyrexia all exc—il 18
131. lt varicocoele—-RCC
132. RB spread ————Optic nerve
133. RF——-IgM ag IgG
134. MI spe sens—-troponin
135. tsh assy third gen—.004
136. old blood—–luminol spray
137. delusion all except—–conversion
138. inherited aplastic anaemia—–fanconi
139. self mutilation—-leshnyhan–uric acid
Dr.Nupur says
140.small vessel vasculitis – microscopic polyangitis
141. all phase one reaction exc- conjugation
142. child in unhygeinic place develops pink nodule on conjunctiva with lymphadenopathy – phlyctenuler conjunctivitis
143.decreased vision in a pt, finding is suprasellar calcification – craniopharyngioma
144.standard deviation is 1, population is 100, standard error of mean is – 0.1
145.before and after alcohol, test to be done – paired t test
146.marker for carcinoma – cytokeratin
147.drug causing osteomalacia – phenytoin of sle with malar rash ab seen are- anti ds dna with rashes(eczema), thrombocytopenia – wiscott aldrich syndrome
150.corneal ulcer with feathery margins, satellite lesions, h/o trauma with vegetative material – fusarium
151.inguinal canal content a/e – inferior epigastric artery
152 diabetic elderly male with lesion in ext ear – malignant otitis externa
153.gynaecomastia not due to – prolactinoma
Dr.Nupur says
154-young male plaque in mouth,perianal rash-secondary syphilis
155young child with bullous,igA-chronic bullous disease of childhood
156-all are germ cell except granulosa cell tumour
157]millenium development goals a/e TB
158-general adaptation syndrome-stressful conditions
159-most commonly detected tumour in foetus-sacrococcygeal teratoma
160-neuroma at amputated stump-ultrasonic therapy
161]40 weeks asymptomatic baby of diabetic mother with hypoglycemia 35mg/dl-oral dextrose
Dr.Nupur says
162 sodomy inactive—–absence of smegma
163mrna synthesized from cytoplasmic dna
164 restriction enzyme cut at palindromic sequences
165 head of pancreas,connection wid bile duct,ascites,multilocular cysts,microcysta—-intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
166 serine—o glycosylation
167 magnetic brain stimulation—depression
168protein phosphorylated—methionine
169 parietal lobe abcess—high [some 5 letter word ]spect[its a repeat frm aiims paper,,bt cant recollect]
170decrease in glucose a/e—increase in fructose 2-6 biphosphate
171] 4 wrds with noun,bt verbal actions—-15 or 18 ??my bet on 18
172not a method of protein estimation —-bradford
173 common for ketone and cholesterol—-hmgcoa synthetase
174 short ap diameter brachycephaly
175spoke of wheels—lamellar cataract
176 drug trial comparing efficacy—-type 2
177 fibromyalgia a/e abnormal eeg
178paraplegic pt bp 229/210,,pulse 59—nifedipine
179 normal vascular flow does nt clot because thrombin binds antithrombin[something like tht,,cannt recollect]
180 meningomyelocele dressed wid —normal saline
181 nocardia—brain abcess
182- comet tail sign—round atelectasis’
183ards—diffuse alveolar damage
184 spasmodic dysphonia a/e—abductor causes strained speech
185 laryngomalacia a/e tracheostomy
186 non small vcell ca. all true a/e—-squamous more common in india
187 unit a/e —–health education
188cluster sampling was ans
189 bacteriostatic—-daptomycin
190 carcinoid tumour—more common in lungs and intestine
191yoga—-prevention[ref baba ramdeo lolz]
192 pathogenesis a/e tertiary care
193 arm cant be abducted and elbow cant be flexed after fall,,,rest all movements normal—upper trunk[erbs]
194 hillsachs -anterior dislocation[A Hill-Sachs lesion, also Hill-Sachs fracture, is a cortical depression in the posterior superior head of the humerus bone. It results from forceful impaction of the humeral head against the anteroinferior glenoid rim when the shoulder is dislocated anteriorly]
195 spleen mets—ovarian
drarun says
thanks doc,,,seems good recall…
dr dev says
can any1 post dental 2012 all india qnz n answers……..:) infact am lookin for tensd out..!
ravi says
what wil b the cut off % this yr in get m.s. ortho what rank we shud get in this yr aipgmee.
ravi says
hw to prepare for jipmer 2012. can anyone suggest me in this
driliyas says
daptomycin is bactericidal.. tigecycline is bacteriostatic
prasun says
the exact question was what will not be seen in active agent of sodomy? answerwill be frenular tear
Dr.Nupur says
1) Syphylis + Pregnancy > Penicillin G
2) Secondary Amyloidosis > AA
3) Bruise + Accused + Provocation > NONE (Rs 500 / 1month jail / Both)
4) Non-Disclosure of Rape Victim > IPC 228A
5) Japanese Suicide Technique + home detergents > H2S + other poisonous gases
6) Osteomalacia > Phenytoin
7) Not used for MM Hypercalcemia > Thiazide
8) Thiazide NOT used for > Idiopathic hypercalciuria + Nephrocalcinosis
9) Flower Petal > Cystoid Macular Oedema
10) Limbal scar + Deep Chamber + 11D correction > Aphakia
11) Brain Stem Death > Fixed Unreactive Pupil
12) Apixiban > Xa Inhibitor
13) MC Metastasis in Spleen > OVARY(checked myself)
14) Left Varicocele.. Rule out > RCC
15) Sodomy Active agent .. –ve finding > Smegma
16) Child with bullous lesion.. Scrapped on friction > Epidermolysis Bullosa
17) Meningomyelocele Sac before Sx shud be covered with > NORMAL SALINE(checked myself)
18) Cardiac Mortality is associated with > Rofecoxib
19) Amylin is secreted by > Beta Cells
20) Neonatal Jaundice > Can be seen after Ventouse Delivery
21) One qust relatd to carban mono oxide poison,wrong statment is..1.oxygn disocitn curve shiftd to right? (checked myself)
22) Elderly diabetic with Facial palsy > Malignant otitis externa
23) Pharyngeal arches all except > LPS
24) Auricle nerve supply A/E > TYMPANIC BRANCH OF GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL (checked myself)
25) Tumour from olfactory mucosa > Esthesion-neuroepithelioma
26) True about Houston Valves > Lost after mobilisation of Rectum
27) LH Surge > Increasing Estrogen
28) Little Finger > C8
29) Normal MCHC, Raised MCV > Cobalamin Def.
30) True about SACH (Solid Ankle Cushioned Heel)
31) Raised in Pader Wili Syndrome > Grehlin
32) MRI Not True > Can detect calcification accurately
33) Standard error of mean > 0.1 [REPEAT]
34) SLE Probability > Prior prob… [REPEAT]
35) Corneal lesion + Vegetable matter injury > Fusarium
36) Contact lens + Acute keratitis > Acanthamoebea
37) Structure eroded in Post. Duodenum perforation > Gastrodudenal Artery
38) Extensor plantar + Absent Knee, Ankle + Pes Cavus > Friedrich’s Ataxia
39) DIC A/E > Inc. Fibrinogen / Decreased Prothrombin time
40) Pneumococcal meningitis > Poly pleocytosis + Inc Proteins + Highly dec. sugar
41) Basal exudates + infarcts + Headache + hydrocephalus > TB Meningitis
42) Pareital lobe tumour + resected + vomiting + headache.. IOC > FDG PET
43) Asbestos exposure + comet tail + pleura thickening > Round Atelactasis
44) Nocardia characteristic lesion > Brain Abcess
45) Strabimus + ptosis + diplopia > Occulomotor Nerve
46) Contraindicated in Renal Faliure > Pethidine
47) Slow Acetylators INH toxicity > Peripheral Neuropathy (checked myself)
48) Fibromyalgia True is > EEG Abnormalities
49) Depth of Anaesthesia > Bi Spectral Index [REPEAT]
50) Alcohol consumption before and after > Paired T Test [REPEAT]
51) Reid’s Index Increased in > Chronic Bronchitis
52) RTA + unable to abduct shoulder + flex elbow + rest normal > Upper Trunk Injury
53) Wilm’s tumour stage 1 + other kidney normal > Open Nephrouretectomy (checked myself)
54) During Pathogenesis true A/E > Screening dosen’t help change course/ Tertiary prevention
55) Latest trend in Drug designing > Target Drug Design
56) Diff between Case Control and Cohort > Less time, More time
57) Reporting of health statistics done for > To know trend of disease
58) Vaccine NOT given to elderly man > Measles
59) Disease Spread by Culex + Aedes + Anopheles > Filiariasis
60) Vision deteriorate after Phaco + flare + redness > Post op Endoophthalmitis
61) Dialator Pupilae supply > Post Gand Symp from Cervical Chain [REPEAT]
62) Age related dementia associated with > Homocystiene
63) Night Blind + Tubular vision + Abnormal ERG + Waxy appearance > Pigmentary dystrophy
64) Electromechanical systole > S2Q
65) Best MI Marker in Athlete > Trop T,I
66) Child on Rx with Tacrolimus + Na 136, Ca 7.5, Creat .5, Urea 78 + seizures.. Cause > Tacrolimus Toxicity (Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome) (checked myself)
67) CT + Atherosclerosis + CAD Screening > Calcification
68) Keratin diff in Skin and Nails > Disulphide Bonds
69) Enhancing Dural Lesion > Meningioma [REPEAT]
70) Yoga + Modern Medicine > Physiotherapy IgA + IgG2
72) Hisrshprung + Diagnostic investigation > Rectal Biopsy [REPEAT]
73) URI + Fatty Stool + 1yr old Child > Cystic Fibrosis
74) Mean 105, 95% confidence > 85 – 125 [REPEAT]
75) Branching septate fungus in Diabetic > Option D Some ‘phyces’(checked myself)
76) Proteinuria + haematuria + Anti HCV +ve > Mixed Cryoglobulinemia (checked myself) [REPEAT]
77) Hematemesis + Splenomegaly > Portal HTN
78) MC cause of Bone # in India > Nutritional
79) Urine Alkalinasation for > Phenobarbitone
80) White disc + retina totally normal > Primary Optic Atrophy
81) Least common presentation of MM > Anemia(checked myself)
82) ASHA Training > ANM + MPW
83) Cyst in Cerebellum + Mural nodule + VHL > Haemagioblastoma (Don’t remember this question)
84) True about VHL > Haemangiblastomas in cranio spinal region
85) SAH + Blood in 4th Ventricle > PICA
86) A Blood Group > AO
87) Diurnal variation in Eosinophils > Cortisol Variation
88) Episodic Generalised weakness A/E > Hyperphosphatemia(checked myself)
89) Lid Lag + Diplopia + ext. Starbismus > Thyroid Ophthalmopathy
90) Old Blood Stain > Infra-Red / Luminol
91) Right Side pain + ventrolateral cordectomy > Left Lateral Spinothalmic
92) Resistant to Disinfectants > Prions/Spores [REPEAT]
93) Germ cell tumour A/E > Granulosa Tumour
94) Tumour detected in fetus > Sacrocoxygeal teratoma
95) Thiopentone + cerebroprotective Why > Decrease Cerebral Metabolism and Oxygen Consumption
96) Misinterpretation of object > Illusion
97) Hand wash 40 times/day OCD Rx > Response Prevention
[snip]) Most potent cerebral Vasodialator > Hypercarbia
99) Prevents Cerebral Casospasm > Nicorandil
100) Aquous flare + corneal diameter 13mm + 1yr old > Congenital Galucoma
101) Sinus Tachycardia A/E > Nifedipine (checked myself)
102) Paracentral scotoma + Disc Atrophy + normal pressure > Normal tension glaucoma
103) Delusion NOT a feature of > Conversion Disorder
104) Without external cue, Sleep cycle is > {>24hours}
105) Not a component of India Vision 2020 > Vit A deficiency
106) Angioneurotic oedema A/E > Pitting Oedema
107) Yellow Flag sign for Back pain > ??????????
108) Mast Cell Stabaliser MOA > Dec Ca Efflux
109) Mobius syndrome > Misoprostol
110) Millenium Development Goals A/E > IMR 2/3 by 2015
111) 9yr girl + lesion tibia .. which Translocation > 22 q 12(checked myself)
112) Extended criteria for Liver Transplant A/E > Hepatitis core Antigen positive(checked myself)
113) General Adaptation Syndrome seen in > Stressful conditions
114) NDPS Act True is > User sent to Rehab
115) Conductive deafness A/E > Menniers Disease
116) Iodine + hyperthyroidism > Jod Basedow!
117) AD A/E > Ataxia Telangiectasia
118) LCH > CD 1a [REPEAT]
119) Mitomycin C > Laryngeal Stenosis [REPEAT]
120) Sex Ratio 0-6 yrs > 914
121) Constipated IBS > Luboprostine
122) Design effect applicable to > Cluster Sampling
123) Supra duodenal Bile duct + blood supply > Right Hepatic A, Retroportal A??
124) Undiff Carcinoma Marker > Cytokeratin
125) # neck femur complication A/E > Mal Union
126) GFR + Pre eclampsia > Decrease
127) Smallest AP diameter > Brachycephaly
128) Medican value cant be used for > Health expenditure/ BP
129) Individual unit of study in A/E > Health education
130) Upr Abdo pain + Panc Head mass + dialated duct + multiloculated > Intraductal Papillary mucinous Ca
131) Small Bowel carcinoid > Associated with Lung Ca (AA have not given any answer 4 this)[REPEAT]
132) White reflex + White opacity with wheel spokes > Lamellar Cataract
133) Thalidomide A/E > Myocarditis
134) Autosomal Dominant Porphyria A/E > Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria
135) Pyogenic Liver Abcess MC Cause > Billiary Tree Infections
136) Small Fibre Neuropathy > ???
137) Cyanide toxicity > Na Nitroprusside [REPEAT]
138) Least recurrence + rectal prolapse repair + middle age man > Rectopexy
139) HBV+ve Pregnant.. Ig to child > within 12 hours
140) Pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase inhibitor > Cryptosporidium
141) Bactericidal A/E > Tigicycline
142) SHAM Rage > Lateral Hypothalamus removal
143) Small Vessel Vasculitis > Microscopic PAN
144) 14 year old girl, quadriparesis, facial palsy, winging of scapula, ptosis, F Fade on EMG> Fascioscapulohumeral
145) Ambiguous genetalia + Normal BP + no Hyperpigment > Primary Virilisation/5-5 Reductase deficiency
146) Pain on Injection > Rocuronium
147) Pt for surgery.. Withhold > Statins/ACE INHIBITORS
148) Pyrogen A/E > IL18
149) MC Complication of TPN > Canula related
150) Recent Problem after advances in TIVA >
151) Proximal Segment Scaphoid AVN due to > Retrograde supply
152) Quinolone with longest t1/2 > Lomefloxacin
153) Wide Neural Foramina > NF1
154) Splenomegaly least likely in > Primary Thrombocytosis
155) IUCD NOT changed after 3-5yrs > Cu 380A
156) RA Antibody in Synovial fluid > Anti Collagen Ab
157) Not done in active management > Methergin [REPEAT]
158) Deceased FSH,LH,Testosterone A/E > Klinefelter
159) Antiretroviral causing Hypertriglyceridemia > RITONAVIR(checked myself)
160) Hypoechoic metastasis in Liver > Mucouscystadenoma
161) Subclavian Canulation + hypotension + low air entry +hyperesonance > Tension Pneumothorax
162) Female + finger pain + cant touch Cold > Sausage Digits
163) Vibrio causing ear infection > V. Alginolyticus
164) ARC associated with > Lymphadenopathy
165) Estimate protein content A/E > Bradford???
166) Dysphagia + regurgitation + Foul smell from mouth > Zenker’s Diverticulum
167) CRAO seen in > DM
168) Amputation +Stump neuroma + pain Rx > Ultrasound therapy
169) Least affected by Anaesthesia > BERA
170) Region least affected by Neurofibliary Tangles > ???
171) Splenomegaly + intestine perforation > Longitudinal ulcer
172) Clozapine True A/E > D2 > D1??
173) Pregnancy A/E > Reduced SBP
174) Bone marrow Stem Cells A/E > Myoblast
175) Antigen Antibody Rxn + Protein Structure > Secondary ???
176) After 12 hour fasting what will not increase in blood > Protein
177) Consent for MTP > Wife ONLY!!!
178) Rod used for Rape victim exam > Glaster Keen rod
179) Best way to test gene function > Knock Out Mice
180) Hill Sach Lesion > Postero Medial
181) mRNA True is > Translated from nuclear DNA
182) Enzyme used in both Cholesterol and Ketone Synthesis > HMG CoA Synthase
183) Mitochondria A/E > Fatty Acid Synthesis
184) T & B cells true A/E > Both use Cytokines for action ???
185) Graves’ Disease + Hypersensitivity > Type II
186) Response to dec in Glucose in Liver A/E > ????
187) Mediastinal Lymphoma + MC > Diffuse Large B Cell
188) Scholastic performance affected by all except > PICA
189) Transmission STOP, Agent still present > Elimination
190) Test for Bone Density > DEXA Scan [REPEAT]
191) Frequency used in Keratoplasty > 193 nm(checked myself)
192) Ant. Relation of ureter A/E > Iliac artery
193) Procedure done 1cm away from sternum to > Save Internal Mammary artery
194) Slit lamp Golden at oblique, Dark in centre > Coloboma lens
195) Least chance of IE > ASD
196) Drug user with Hallucination > LSD
197) Kegel’s exercises > Jus after delivery
198) 3rd gen TSH assay > 0.004
199) Bronchiectasis + nephropathy > Amyloidoisis(checked myself)
200) Pustules on Leg + cocci > Bacitracin [REPEAT]
201) Baroreceptor Reflex acts at > Rostral Venterolateral Medulla
202) Sub Himalayan region + recurrent leg ulcers > Sporothrix [REPEAT]
203) Inappropriate words + GCS verbal score> 3
204) Childhood history of paralysis + now pain and fatigue > Post Polio Syndrome
205) Conduction Block A/E > ????
206) Infective dose of Salmonella > 10^2 – 10^5 [REPEAT]
207) Electrophysiological change associatd with prolonged or absent F potential > ???
208) Twin True is > 2nd has more chance of Polycythemia
209) Negative intrapleural pressure > Opposite recoil of Chest and Lungs [REPEAT]
210) HUS A/E > Rarely associated with Haemorrhagic colitis
211) Cocaine addict + psychosis > Withdrawal
212) 20% lipid better than 10% lipid for A/E > Less Phospholipid
213) Temozolamide is > Alkylating agent
214) Ch Hypertensive + SAH + Death + kidney appearance > Small Granular / Hemorrhagic Petechiae
215) Lifting heavy weight + Pain in great toe > L4-L5 (checked myself)
216) Hypospadias + drug in Pregnancy > Diethylsilbestrol
217) Girl + rapid height gain + Inability to squat > Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
218) Not associated with Lymphoma > Lynch Syndrome
219) Characteristic of ARDS > Diffuse Alveolar Damage
220) Exfoliative cytology diagnostic for > TCC
221) Transcranial Magnetic Therapy > Depression
222) Cervicograph + multigravida + cervix 4cm at present + 5cm after 5hr > Shud have touched action line
223) Glutamate is predominant neurotransmitter in > ????
224) Structure passing thru inguinal canal A/E > Inf. Epigastric Artery
225) Amino Acid NOT phosphorylated by kinases > Aspargine
226) Clopidogrel + PPI metabolism > CYP2C19
227) Nerve Impulse + muscle contraction > Release of Ca2+ from SR
228) New Drug B + compare efficacy with existing Drug A > Phase II/III ??? (checked myself)
229) Direct Brain Stimulation in Parkinsons > Substantia Nigra
230) Brain area for external self-stimulation > ???
231) Vaccination is based on the principal of > Immunological Memory
232) Papilary Ca Thyroid + near total Thyroid + next step > I131 scan
233) Pitutary Macroadenoma > 1cm
234) Child + low IgM + thrombocytopenia + eczema > Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome
235) Age standardisation done for/ Age related parameter > Crude Death Rate / TFR(checked myself)
236) 55yr lady + abdo distension + ascites + raised CA 125 > Ca Ovary
237) Carotid ligated above Carotid sinus > Inc BP + Bradycardia
238) 2yr Child + Plays with himself + Doesn’t respond on calling > Autism [REPEAT]
239) Renal scarring > DMSA
240) Suprasellar mass with Calcification > Craniopharyngioma
241) True about spinal cord A/E > Central Canal In White commisure
242) Radioprotective > Amifostine
243) Linear IgA deposit in BM > Chronic bullous disorder of Childhood
244) Minimal Pneumoperitonium > Left Lateral Decubitus
245) T3 lesion + paraplegia + Initial Rx > Steroids
246) Spasmodic Dysphonia True A/E > ABDUCTOR Palsy l/t strained voice and dyspnea(checked myself)
247) 4-5 meaningful words + non verbal communication > 1512,15,18,24
248) Not true abt Resistance in Bact > Plasmid only Vertical [REPEAT]
249) Antibiotic resistance carried in > Plasmid (don’t remember this)
250) Vibrio acts thru > cAMP [REPEAT]
251) Ketoconazole for Fungal Infection, what not to give > Cisapride
252) MRSA Antibiotic NOT used> Cefaclor [REPEAT]
253) Pink Papules near limbus + poor background > Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis
254) Reccurent mebomian infection Rule out > Sebaceous Carcinoma
255) Laryngomalacia true A/E > Surgical Tracheostomy Best Rx
256) Short Bowel synd. Affects absorption of > Vit B12
257) Not a Phase I rxn > Conjugation [REPEAT]
258) O Site for binding Carbohydrates in > Serine
259) Advantage of Post Cochlear Implant > Better learning and Voice development
260) Larvicidal A/E > Malathion
261) TB Bone due to > Paucibacillary + Haematogenous ???(reference plz)
262) Oral Anti Diabetic causing B12 deficiency > Metformin
263) Oxygen in Blood at 4 ATM and 100% delivery > 6mL
264) G –ve bacteria whose endotoxin dosent cause injury > Vibrio Cholera
265) acute SEVERE pulmonary oedema treatment all except – morphine,digoxin(ANS),frusemide ,positive pressure ventilation(checked myself)
266) Blood Level Monitoring required in A/E > Warfarin
267) Which dosent cause Gynaecomastia > TSH Tumour / Prolactinoma(checked myself)
268) Erethema + Scales of trunk > Pytriasis Rosea
269) White lesions in mouth + Genital Lesion > Psoriasis / Secondary syphilis(checked myself)
270) Butterfly lesion on face + blood finding > Anti DsDNA Ab
271) Pain + shortening of leg + fall + gluteal mass >
272) Which is Hereditary > Fanconi’s Anaemia
273) True about HIV vertical transmission A/E > ???????
274) Pt of leukemia given induction therapy + persistent pancytopenia A/E > B12 Deficincy
275) Which is a serotonin Dopamine antagonist > ???
276) Blood in vessels dosent clot coz > Antithrombin III
277) MC Aneurysm in Circle of Willis > Ant. Communicating A.
278) Labour + leucocytosis + Frangmented rbc A/E > Evans Syndrome
279) Lethargic baby + Infant of Diabetic Mom + Blood Sugar – 35 Rx > IV 10% Dextrose Infusion
280) Secondary Hemochromatosis A/E > PNH
281) Restriction endonuclease II function > Cleave DNA at specific palindromic sequences
282) Protein precipitates at 40deg redisolves at further heating > Bence Jones Protein
283) DALY > Years lost due to premature death and severity of disability
284) RTA Type 1 true A/E > Stone formation due to acidic urine
285) Non-Small Cell Ca Lung True A/E > Single Chemo after 70
286) CNS tumour Rx with Radiotherapy true A/E > Effect severity dosent vary with Dose of radiation
287) NOT a feature of drug dependence > Use of Illegal Drugs
288) Electron Beam Irradiation used in which skin tumour > Mycosis Fungoides
289) Migraine Pt. + Vasospasm MC due to > Ergotamine
290) Advantage of stopping smoking > Prevent progression of disease
291) Flare + Pressure 18mm + Breadcrumb appearance > Fuchs’s Uveitis
292) True about Cardiac Output > reduces from lying to standing position
293) Infection from middle ear transmitted by a/e > lymphatics (checked myself)
294) EBV + Autoimmunity > Polyclonal B cell Activation
295) True about Anaesthesia machine > O2 Sensor in Inspiratory Limb at Machine end
296) Spontaneous CSF Leak A/E > RAISED ICP [ REPEAT] (checked myself)
297) Wrong about Central Hypothyroidism > Plasma TSH High
298) Brain Metabolism completely Stops at > 10ml/100gm
299) P Value > Probability of Significant result when actually no difference
300) QuatiferonTB assays True A/E > Cannot diff. b/w Typical and Atypical Mycobacteria!
Melvin says
Excellent job Dr.Nupur..Appreciating your hard work.Great thanks to u.
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Ovarian Cyst Pain says
Ovarian Cyst PainOvarian cysts can manifest itself on the inner part or theoutside of your ovaries.
These sacs form natural part of anormal menstrual
cycle and most times vanish . But, if theybecome problematic or
remain in or on your ovaries, theycan cause extreme pain and
other symptoms. The following article will go through a few
natural methods of ovarian cysttreatment.