It pains a lot to read the following news reports, and doubts are raised as to whether there needs to be a re exam because of this leak

Time and again, Exams conducted by AIIMS are being marred with arrests of doctors involving in Exam Fraud
Genuine students who burn their midnight oil are left gasping and distressed, while fraudsters corner the seats
The Delhi Police has arrested five people for allegedly helping people pass the prestigious MD entrance examination conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences.
Two members of the gang used to go to the examination centre, scan the paper with their phones and send it to a control room.
People sitting in the control room used to solve the paper and give answers to other students who would be seated in other centres through phone.
The MD examination 2012 was conducted on Sunday with 12,000 aspirants taking the exam at 156 centres across India.
Update : High-tech mobiles, bluetooth used in AIIMS AIPG paper leak
Update 06/02/2012 : Re Exam for AIPG 2012 following Paper Leak : Court notice to AIIMS
The detailed coverage about Frauds in Examinations conducted by AIIMS and other bodies are covered in the following Links
The Fraudulents Ways of admissions in Central Govt Institutes
A tribune investigation How The Seats Are Sold n Agents deal in ‘pre-sold’ medical seats
Let us unite and fight against All India CET – Corruption Entrance Test
4 Doctors Arrested
New Delhi: The Delhi Police has arrested five people for allegedly helping people pass the prestigious MD entrance examination conducted by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences.
Those arrested include one doctor and four others and the police said more arrests are likely.
The police claimed that the gang was very well organised. Two members of the gang used to go to the examination centre, scan the paper with their phones and send it to a control room.
People sitting in the control room used to solve the paper and give answers to other students who would be seated in other centres through phone.
The MD examination 2012 was conducted on Sunday with 12,000 aspirants taking the exam at 156 centres across India.
The police is trying to find out if the gang had tried to do this earlier as well.
The Delhi Police has busted a racket involving entrance examinations into the Post Graduate course at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi. Five people have been arrested in the case.
Two of the arrested are junior doctors.
The gang had been operating since the last one year.
Their modus operandi involved feeding answers to candidates in the examination hall using Bluetooth technology.
there shd be a re exam. and more over questions are standradless. mch level questions.
Its too much people blame st/sc for low cut off marks in the exams but dull students of capitalists son have made the system prostitute and raped the system allways for their favour.
DocKabeer Bhatia
and various exams in mp.
In mp pre pg entrance this year in march the exam paper was leaked on
a day before exam and was sold to around 25 candidates.
Pradeep Raghuwanshi who looks after admissions in SAIMS MED COLLEGE
along with Dr khanuja(works in SAIMS) decided to leak paper for
candidates who shall pick up seats of SAIMS MED COLLEGE under govt
quota and charge them donations. This way he could prevent loss of
donation fees as, if some other candidate picked the seat of SAIMS, he
could not charge them donation. He then found a link in VYAPAM for
paper leak that involved senior officers in VYAPAM(father in law of
Raghvendra pratap thakur (2nd ranker).He then contacted some students
whose parents were rich and influential people from SAIMS. These were
Anurag Jain(1st ranker), Amit Jain(3rd ranker), Sunny Juneja (4th
rank), Neha Shivhare(7th rank), Avijit Singh khanuja(12th rank).
Officers from Vyapam also arranged for some candidates from PEOPLES
MED COLLEGE. Total of around 25 candidates were selected. Each of them
payed rs 35-40 lacs for the paper
A day before exam all af them were taken to farm house near hotel
CRESCENT few kms from bhopal and were kept in custody till next
morning. Their mobiles were switched off so that they could not
contact any body else. .
People involved in scam includes Who holds higher post in VYAPAM.
Pradeep Raghuvanshi who works in SAIMS MED COLLEGE was the main
culprit who fixed deal with some students of SAIMS.
Individual information:
Rank 1:Anurag Jain, s/o senior police officer in MP,SAIMS MED COLLEGE.
didn’t clear any other pg entrance.
Rank 2:Raghuvendra Pratap Singh, his father in law is a senior officer
in VYAPAM.His father in law had offered him guaranteed
top MP PG rank , one of the reason he got engaged with
officer’s daughter.
Rank 3:Amit Jain, SAIMS MED COLLEGE, failed many times during
mbbs,detained for 6 months for failing in 1st yr, no other
entrance cleared.
Rank 4:Sunny Juneja,SAIMS MED COLLEGE, FAILED and DETAINED in first
year mbbs ,no other entrance cleared.
Rank 5:Ashish Anand Gupta, engaged to rank 7th (Neha Shivhare).
Rank 7:Neha Shivhare,d/o senior police officer in mp.Her father made
sure that his son in law(rank 5) also secured good rank as a
engagement gift .
Rank 12: Avivjit Singh khanuja s/o Dr Khanuja(works in SAIM management)
Pradeep Raghuwanshi(the KINGPIN): he finalises all admission deals in SAIMS.
Dr Khanuja:, friend of Pradeep Raghuwanshi worked with him to make
sure his son 12th rank got good rank.
SAIMS/PEOPLES MED COLLEGE as some of these fraud candidates will opt
for seat in SAIMS/PEOPLES for which they have already paid hefty
donation. this way SAIMS/PEOPLES also charged donations on seats that
would have otherwise gone waste if opted by other students from govt
quota. This is the latest tech used by pvt colleges to avoid loss of
donations on govt quota seats.
Two Senior Police Officer whose kids got top ranks.
VYAPAM officers by accepting bribe that runs in crores
To let these corrupt people know that nothing is hidden. People know what has happened. People know you and your kids who are involved in this scam.
To let them know that you people are being watched and any thing could happen anytime so be prepared.
To let everyone know the extent of corruption in VYAPAM.
To let the parents of honest candidates know that their kids failure in PRE PG ENTRANCE was not his/her fault alone.
To tell all Indians this story and state of education in our country.
With every one you want them to know….
If u feel cheated….
If your or your friend’s or brother/sisters hardwork has gone waste…..
If u think u r the victim of this scam….
If u feel its your responsibility to spread the truth..
If u want to help the country in some way….
If u are BOLD and can speak truth…..
If u feel like slapping them….
If u are a doctor….or Indian…
If u ever wanted to do something for the country, make your move, its time…..
I know sharing this would be difficult for some of us as these corrupt people happens to be our friend .relatives, batchmates, students……
But truth is that sharing this is the need of the hour……
Share • Sunday at 10:22pm • ( facebook)
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• “……………………..plz advice…………………
an urgent and a serious issue.
hello friends ,
i am a doctor from bhopal and i wanted some legal advice regarding CORROPTION in PG medical entrance exam conducted by govt authority VYAPAM in MP.
only few days back result of mp pre pg 2012 was declared. Most of the top 20 rankers happened to be fraud and most of us knows this fact as these toppers are our known ones from varios private med colleges who consistently failed in mbbs exams and other pre pg entrance xms.
as most of the people on this page are lawyers i request u all to give your pricious 2 mins and expert opinion on the matter regarding legal action that can be taken against the board and the fraud candidates. we feel helpless due to lack of any direct evidence against them. A huge amount of 35-45 lacs was paid depending on the rank.
plz plz plz plz plz advice…..”
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