Fully Solved AIIMS Nov 2013 Answer Key : Last Day Check List : For those appearing for CET NEET AIPPG 2014

POZITIVE have come up with their Solutions for AIIMS Nov 2013. The questions are memory recollected. 197 Questions are given. 3 Questions are not included. Choices are not given for 10 ten questions. Only answers are given. References are not given. Explanations are not included. Another Book with detailed explanation will be published next week.
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What ?, How ?, What not to do during the last day Before AIPPG 2014
- Take rest !!
- If you have traveled a long distance, try and get a good sleep.
- Revise those facts which you find hard to remember, especially the numeric values, investigations, syndromes, etc.
- Go to bed early
What not to be done :
- Don’t try to read more points by forgoing your sleep on this particular day
- In addition to your recent memory (which you will by reading the whole night) for a good performance you need certain other skills like remote memory, analytical skills, speed, decision making the next say. And to get all these at the zenith is to have a good sleep.
What ?, How ?, What not to do Before you reach the venue
- Get to the exam centre early before 8 AM for morning session and 2 PM for afternoon Session. So start well in advance
- Check your purses/wallets and make sure that there are no bits of papers (which you might have kept long time back) inside that might create problems with a checking squad
What not to be done :
- Avoid reading at this time (Easier said than done).
- Don’t discuss any question with your friends / colleagues.
- When some one asks you a question and if you can’t answer you may be depressed
What ?, How ?, What not to do Inside the venue
- Candidates may note that the reporting time refers to the time at which the candidate reaches the Reporting counter at the test centre.
- Candidate who fails to report to the reporting counter by the stipulated time as indicated above shall not be allowed to enter the
examination premises that is Reporting counter and beyond. - The candidate should arrive at the Reporting counter at least one hour before the commencement of test i.e. 9:00am for the
morning session and 02.45pm for the afternoon session. - This allows for security checks, identity verification, image capture, bio-metric capture etc. The reporting counter will close
30 minutes prior to the test start time. The following shall be undertaken upon reporting at the counter:
1. ID verification – The original documents as have been indicated will be checked in original.
2. Security Checks including frisking.
3. Capture of finger prints – The finger prints of all candidates shall be captured electronically and candidates are requested to cooperate with the on duty staff with this process.
4. Capturing of digital image – As a security measure digital image of the reporting candidates shall be captured and taken on record.
5. The test centre administrator /on duty staff shall guide the candidate to the assigned work station
6. Signing-in to the computer system.
• Kindly note that the reporting time has been indicated to timely complete the foregoing activities as well as to familiarize the candidate with the process.
• Candidates may note that they will not be allowed entry to the test centre after 09.30am for the morning session and 03.15pm for the afternoon session of the test.
• Candidates are also advised to check the requirement for mandatory documents on Testing Day and comply with the same.
• NBE/ Test centre / Designated Agency /Staff on duty shall not be liable under any circumstances for delayed reporting and /or non presentation of mandatory documents.
How many questions to attend ?
- As per Clause 5.5 Negative marking: There shall be no negative marking.
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