New Delhi: Medical Council of India (MCI) on Monday got the go ahead from the Supreme Court for holding a combined entrance test for All India Medical examinations. The apex court said that the MCI can frame rules for holding a combined medical entrance examination and that there was no case pending before it that had anything to do with MCI framing rules and regulations for conducting combined medical entrance exams for MBBS courses in India.
The MCI has already come out with a scheme for a common all India examination for MBBS. But many state governments have been opposing the move by MCI.
So the MCI went to the Supreme Court pleading that the court should give an approval for new policy.
only for govt colleges? or including private institutions , aiims and jipmer?
Only for STATE Govt Colleges
Will it come into effect this academic year itself. What about Aipg 2010 and Tnpg 2010?
AIPG 2010 and TNPG 2010 are already over 🙂 🙂
There will be no change in TNPG 2011 and AIPG 2011 also
//Only for STATE Govt Colleges//
ஊருக்கு இளைச்சவங்க அரசுக் கல்லூரியை நம்பி இருக்குவங்கதானா?
This exam is not for Central Govt Institutes
But SC says academic session 2011-2012?
This means AIPGME 2011 exam.
Why it will not be changed this year?
All Notifications are issued
So not possible from this year
Even in next year, many states will oppose
It is totally unfair to have CET only for State Govt Administered Colleges and leave Central Govt Institutes out with their own exams
hi ,
wish you all a very happy new year …it doesnt seem to be a happy year for we students…MCI kept on playing with the regulation since last may after existence of its BoG … these moves are not letting us to prepare for exams the way it has to be done …even though the syllabus is same but the question paper pattern and standard of question varies from exam to exam .
Sir , my query towards you is that
(1.)as in every news they are saying “MBBS & Post grads” does the same applies for the Dental Course and its PG course also ?
(2.) as most of the exams notification for various PG entrance exams are already out for the session 2011-2012 , what are the chances for cancellation of all the exams and introduction of NEET this year itself ?
(3.) wont there be any chances of management seats ?
(4.) last question is knowing the fact that this idea is good for no one … why no one is raising voice agaianst it ?
//hi ,
wish you all a very happy new year …//
Wish you a happy new year
//it doesnt seem to be a happy year for we students…//
Yes 🙁 🙁
//MCI kept on playing with the regulation since last may after existence of its BoG …
these moves are not letting us to prepare for exams the way it has to be done …
even though the syllabus is same but the question paper pattern and standard of question varies from exam to exam .//
No Boss
State Entrance are based on State Board Syllabus
All India PG is based on CBSE Syllabus
//(1.)as in every news they are saying “MBBS & Post grads” does the same applies for the Dental Course and its PG course also ?//
Not Sure about this
But Logically
Yes, It should appluy
//(2.) as most of the exams notification for various PG entrance exams are already out for the session 2011-2012 , what are the chances for cancellation of all the exams and introduction of NEET this year itself ?//
Chances for NEET this year is remote
Check this
//At this, Justice Raveendran said: “You want this court to give the seal of approval for a regulation which is not notified. The scheme has to come, it has to be challenged, we will have to hear the States and other parties and go into its validity and then decide whether the rule is valid or not. How can we grant approval for a regulation which is yet to be notified? You notify the rule, we will consider if it is challenged.”//
//(3.) wont there be any chances of management seats ?//
Managements will fight tooth and nail and get this NEET excluded for them
//(4.) last question is knowing the fact that this idea is good for no one … why no one is raising voice agaianst it ?//
Tamil Nadu Government has opposed it
But most medicos have fallen for the trap
They have been cheated and they think that NEET is a blessing
sir ,
now months after we are finished with almost all pg entrance exams, there results are out and now people are preparing for the counselling , our legendary MCI & Supreme court again have come out of their hibernation with the same song with different tune . now they want single cet some some from this year itself (2011-2012) … so kindly help poor us and tell me what are the chances that they will make all pg entrance exams and their results occured by far for this session, stands cancel …and will organize a single cet for this session …or they will get it into action from next year ??