No. V 11015/17/83-ME. (Policy)
New Delhi, Dated the 19th September, 1983
S. O. In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (2) of section (ii) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), the Central Government after consulting the Medical Council of India, hereby makes the following further amendments in the First Schedule of the Act, namely:
(i) In the entries relating to National Board of Examinations, New Delhi after the entry Membership of National Academy of Medical Sciences (Microbiology) ……. M.N.A.M.S. (micro) the following entries shall be inserted, namely:
Membership of the National Academy M.N.A.M.S. (Family Medicine) of Medical Science (Family Medicine)
Membership of the National Academy M.N.A.M.S(Biochemistry) of Medical Science (Biochemistry)
Membership of the National academy M.N.A.M.S (Nuclear Medicine) of Medical Science (Nuclear Medicine)
Membership of the National Academy M.N.A.M.S of the Medical Sciences (Clinical (Clinical Pharmacology
Pharmacology and therapeutics and therapeutics)
(ii) “The M.N.A.M.S. qualifications in various disciplines granted by the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi as included in this
Schedule, shall be recognized medical qualifications only when granted on or before 30th August, 1982”
(iii) As a result of the change of nomenclature of the medical qualification granted by the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, from M.N.A.M.S. (Membership of the National Academy of Medical Sciences) to Diplomate NB (Diplomate of National Board), in the
entries relating to National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, after the foot note related to M.N.A.M.S. qualification, etc. following entries shall be inserted, namely.
“ The Diplomate of National Board qualification in various disciplines granted by the National Board of Examination, New Delhi, shall be recognized medical qualifications when granted on or after 30th August 1982”.
Diplomate National Board (Physiology) …Diplomate N.B. (Phy)
Diplomate National Board (General Medicine) …Diplomate N.B. (Gen. Med)
Diplomate National Board (General Surgery) …Diplomate N.B. (Gen. Sur.)
Diplomate National Board (Ophthalmology) …Diplomate N.B. (Ophth)
Diplomate National Board (Anesthesiology) …Diplomate N.B. (Anaes)
Diplomate National Board (Social and Preventive Medicine. …Diplomate N.B. (S.P.M)
Diplomate National Board (Psychiatry) …Diplomate N.B. (Psy)
Diplomate National Board (Paediatrics) …Diplomate N.B. (Paed)
Diplomate National Board (Orthopaedics) …Diplomate N.B. (Ortho)
Diplomate National Board (Radio-diagnosis) …Diplomate N.B. (Radio Dig)
Diplomate National Board (Radio Therapy) …DiplomateN.B. (Radio Therapy)
Diplomate National Board (Health Adminstration …Diplomate N.B. (Health Admn. Including Hospital Administration)
Diplomate National Board …DiplomateN.B. (Oto-rhinolaryngology) (Oto-rhinolaryngology)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B. (Dermatology & Venereology) (Derm. & Vener)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B. (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) (Obst. & Gyne)
Diplomate National Board …Diplomate N.B. (Respiratory Diseases) (Resp. Diseases)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B. (Neuro Surgery) (Neuro Surgery)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B (Paediatric Surgery) (Paed. Surgery)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B. (Neurology) (Neurology)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B. (Plastic Surgery) (Plastic Surgery)
Diplomate National Board …Diplomate N.B. (Genito-Urinary Surgery) (Genito-Urinary Surgery)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B. (Cardio-Thoracic Surgery) (Cardio-thoracic Surgery)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B. (Physical Medicine Rehabilition) (Phy. Med. & Rehab.)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B. (Forensic Medicine) (Forensic Medicine)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B. (Maternal Child Health) (Maternal Child Health)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B. (Nephrology) (Nephrology)
Diplomate National Board (Cardiology) … Diplomate N.B. (Cardiology)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B (Gastro-enterology) (Gastro-enterology)
Diplomate National Board (Microbiology) … Diplomate N.B. (Microbiology) (Microbiology)
Diplomate National Board … Diplomate N.B. (Family (Family Medicine) (Medicine)
Diplomate National Board (Pathology) …Diplomate N.B. (Pathology)
Diplomate National Board (Biochemistry)…Diplomate N.B. (Biochem)
Diplomate National Board (Nuclear Medicine) …Diplomate N.B. (Nuclear Medicine)
Diplomate National Board …Diplomate N.B. (Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics)…(Clinical Pharm. and Therapeutic)
(P.C. Jain)
Govt. of India
The General Manager,
Government of India Press,
Mayapuri, Ring Road, New Delhi
A/o. V11015/17/83-M.E. (P)
Copy forwarded for information
1. The Secretary, Medical Council of India Kotla Road, New Delhi
2. Dte. Gen. of Health Services, New Delhi
3. All State Government/ Union Territories.
4. Ministry of Law & Justice, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi
5. National Medical Library, (to arrange 50 copies of Gazette
6. The Secretary-cum-Registrar, National Board of Examinations,
New Delhi
(P.C. Jain)
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