
The Indira Gandhi National Open University’s (IGNOU’s) School of Health Sciences (SOHS) invites applications for three post graduate medical programmes for July 2012 session through an entrance exam on February 12, 2012 all over the country. The last date to apply is December 31, 2011.
There are two post graduate certificate programmes on offer namely, PG Certificate in Oral Implantology (PGCOI) and PG Certificate in Endodontics (PGCE) and one PG Diploma in Clinical Cardiology (PGDCC).
IGNOU in collaboration with the Dental Council of India (DCI) has developed the two post graduate certificate programmes for BDS graduates. These programmes are essentially a judicious mix of theoretical and practical courses. They enhance the knowledge and skills in the field of Oral Implantology and Endodontics respectively. The programmes are approved by DCI and are of minimum one year and maximum three years duration. The practical skills are imparted through selected DCI recognized dental colleges all over the country.
The PGDCC programme is a non-invasive clinical cardiology programme implemented in collaboration with the top cardiac institutes of the country. More than 60 cardiac institutes across the country have been designated as training centers of this programme. Candidates with MBBS degree, recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI) are eligible to apply for the same. The minimum duration of the programme is two years while the maximum is four years.
The candidates shall be selected on the basis of the entrance test and weightage as applicable and reservation policy of Government of India norms. Student handbook and prospectus can be obtained from the headquarters and all the regional centers of the university by sending a sum of Rs.550 through a demand draft in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi or city of the concerned regional center or by paying Rs.500 in cash at the sale counters. Last date for receipt of request of prospectus by post is December 23, 2011.
Application form and prospectus can also be downloaded from the website and sent along with a draft for Rs.550 in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi by registered/ speed post to Registrar (SED), IGNOU Maidan Garhi. Prospectus will be sent to such applicants after receipt of Rs.550.
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