Instructions for JIPMER Online Application
JIPMER 2013 PG Entrance Notification
(Institution of National Importance under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)
This Prospectus sets out to provide…..
(1) General Information.
(2) Eligibility for Admission to M.D. / M.S. Courses.
(3) Distribution of Seats for various Courses.
(4) Process of Entrance Examination and Admission.
(5) Regulations for PG Residency Program.2
Last date for Online Registration of Applications on JIPMER website
www.jipmer.edu.in (upto 5.00 PM)
Download of Admit Cards
JIPMER website www.jipmer.edu.in
(The admit cards will be made available through internet only and not by post)
Date & Time of Entrance Examination
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Expected date of Publication of Merit List
First Counseling
20-03-2013 (Wednesday)
21-03-2013 (Thursday)
Second and Final Counseling
Will be notified in the
JIPMER Website
Commencement of Academic Session 01-04-2013 (Monday)
Close of Admissions for MD/MS Courses 31-05-2013 (Friday)
Prospectus & Application Fee:
Unreserved / OBC/Institute Category : ` 1000/-
+ Transaction Charges as applicable
SC/ST Category : ` 800/-
Payment through Computer generated Challan Form in any branch of State Bank of India.
1. The candidate is advised to read the Prospectus and instructions before starting online registration. In the event
of rejection of the application form, no correspondence / request for re-consideration, will be entertained.
2. Download and retain a copy of the application till the completion of Admission Process.
3. Results as well as dates for counseling and the Category Ranks in the order of merit called for counseling shall be
displayed in Notice Board of Academic Section, JIPMER and in JIPMER Website www.jipmer.edu.in
4. Candidates will NOT be informed individually either through telephone or by post, etc.
5. Candidates in their own interest are advised to browse JIPMER Website periodically for latest information.
6. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances and no correspondence in this regard will be
7. Admission of candidates to MD/MS courses are subject to fulfillment of eligibility conditions framed by this
Institute. Mere qualifying in the entrance examination will not confer any right for admission to MD/MS Courses.
8. Downloaded hall ticket is provisional for appearing for the Entrance Examination.
9. If ineligibility of a candidate is detected at any stage before or after examination/ declaration of result, his/her
candidature/admission will be summarily cancelled.
10. The centre indicated for the entrance examination by a candidate is final. No request for change will be
entertained under any circumstances. JIPMER reserves the right to allot an alternate center if sufficient numbers of
candidates do not opt for a particular center.
11. Requests for re-evaluation/re-checking of answer sheet will not be entertained under any circumstances.
12. In case any candidate, is found to have furnished false information or certificate etc. or has withheld or
concealed any material information in his/her application, he/she will be debarred from admission.
i)Selection / admission of the candidate who commits impersonation in MD/MS Entrance Examination will be
summarily cancelled. Appropriate criminal proceeding will also be initiated.
ii)Submission / Production of false documents will lead to summary cancellation of selection / admission.
iii)Candidate must not obtain or give or attempt to obtain or give irregular assistance of any kind during the
examination; this will entail expulsion and cancellation of candidature for the examination. The admission of the
candidate will be cancelled and appropriate criminal/civil proceedings will be initiated against the candidates, if at
any stage of the examination the candidate is found to have secured admission by using any unfair means.
iv) Candidates who have already done /completed MD/MS in any Institution are not eligible for admission to MD/MS
courses in JIPMER.3
1. Eligibility 5
2. Courses & Seat Distribution 6
3. Definition of the Categories 7
4. Categories & Seat Distribution 8
5. Process of Payment 9
6. Filling up the Application Form online 9
7. Hall Ticket 10
8. Do’s and Don’t’s 11
9. Method of Examination 12
10. Merit List 12
11. Counseling 13
12. Certificates for Submission 16
13. Fee Structure 17
14. Contract & Emoluments 18
15. Residency Scheme 19
16. Mid-Stream Departure 20
17. Marking the Answer sheet 22
I – Counseling – Roster Point Allocation 23
II – SC / ST Certificate Model Form 24
III – OBC Certificate Model Form 25
IV – Pro-forma for Endorsement by the Employer 274
(April, 2013 Session)
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry
(JIPMER) under Government of India since the year 1956, has been declared as an
Institution of National Importance by an Act of Parliament – JIPMER Puducherry,
Act 2008. A copy of the Act was Gazette notified on 14.07.2008 to enforce this Act. Prior
to this the Institute was functioning under the administrative control of Directorate General
of Health Service, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi.
The Institute is empowered to grant medical degrees, diplomas etc., under the clauses
23 & 24 of the Act. Such degrees/diploma etc., shall be deemed to be included in the
schedules to the respective Acts governing MCI, INC and Dental Council of India,
entitling the holders to the same privileges as those attached to the equivalent awards
from the recognized universities of India.
JIPMER, one of the leading Medical Institutes of India is spread over 195 acres
Campus in an urban locale of Puducherry (formerly Pondicherry), JIPMER is
170 Kms. by road from Chennai.
JIPMER, with 37 academic departments, imparts Undergraduate (UG), Postgraduate
(PG) and Super speciality Medical Training through a working hospital (JIPMER
Hospital). JIPMER Hospital, with bed strength of 1500 provides free medical care
easily accessible to poorer sections of society.
PG Degree courses are offered in 22 disciplines. JIPMER promotes postgraduate
training through seminars, journal clubs wide range of clinical and laboratory
experiences, independent thinking and relevant research.
Objectives of PG Medical Education at JIPMER
a. To integrate basic sciences education, community-based learning and intensive clinical
b. To advance student’s knowledge with emphasis on both learning and research.
c. To assess competency-based and self-directed learning after specified period. 5
(a) Nationality :
i) Indian Nationals:-
Applicant must be an Indian National.
ii) For Overseas Citizen of India (OCI):-
OCI registered under Section 7A of Citizenship Act 1955 are also eligible to appear in this
test and all terms and conditions applicable for Indian Nationals given in this Prospectus will
be applicable to them. The candidate should submit proof of Registration as OCI under
Section 7A of Citizenship Act 1955 at the time of counseling.
(b) Educational :
The candidates must possess MBBS or an equivalent Degree recognized by the Medical
Council of India.
(c) Experience :
Must have either completed or due to complete One Year Internship (Rotatory
Housemanship) training by 31st March 2013*.
[Candidates likely to complete internship by 31-03-2013 only can take up the Entrance
Examination. No condonation of Compulsory Rotating Internship beyond this date shall be
(d) Application Status:
Candidates who have already done / completed MD/MS in any subject in any Institution are
not eligible for admission to MD/MS course at JIPMER.6
Courses offered for 2013 Session
M.D. / M.S. Courses are offered in the following disciplines and the distribution of seats discipline
wise is as under:
M.D. / M.S. Courses (124 Seats)
SI. No. Disciplines
No. of
M.D. Courses
1. Anatomy (Four seats) 04
2. Physiology (Four seats) 04
3. Biochemistry (Four seats) 04
4. Pharmacology (Five seats) 05
5. Pathology (Six seats) 06
6. Microbiology (Four seats) 04
7. Transfusion Medicine and Immuno Hematology (One seat) 01
8. Community Medicine (Five seats) 05
9. Anaesthesiology (Ten seats) 10
10. Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy (Five seats) 05
11 Forensic Medicine ( Two seats) 02
12. General Medicine (Thirteen seats) 13
13. Pediatrics (Ten seats) 10
14. Psychiatry (Two seats) 02
15. Pulmonary Medicine (Two seats) 02
16. Radio-diagnosis (Three seats) 03
17. Radiotherapy (Four seats) 04
M.S. courses
1. General Surgery (Thirteen seats) 13
2. Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Thirteen seats) 13
3. Ophthalmology (Five seats) 05
4. Orthopedic Surgery (Five seats) 05
5. Oto-Rhino Laryngology (E.N.T.) (Four seats) 04
Total seats 124
Note: Number and distribution of seats are subject to variation based on any periodic
directives from competent Authority / Court Judgments and pending Court cases.
Duration of Degree Course : M.D. / M.S. Degree course is for three years from 1st April 2013 to
31st March 2016.
Method of selection: All the 124 seats would be filled through Competitive Entrance
Examination to be conducted by JIPMER on 10
February 2013 (Sunday).7
UR – Unreserved stands for all applicants including OCI (Overseas Citizen of India).
Institute (INST) – Institute category stands for an applicant who has studied and obtained his / her
MBBS Degree from JIPMER. The word Institute is not applicable to any other Medical
Institution for the purpose of category.
Other Backward Classes (OBC) – Applies to candidates whose sub-caste is notified in the Central
List of OBC. OBC candidates claiming reservation of seat should not belong to Creamy Layer. OBC
Certificate must be in the format as mentioned in the Appendix. The certificate issued by the
Competent Revenue Authority (vide Appendix III) should be uploaded. (Read Instructions in the
home page)
OBC candidates claiming reservation of seat should not belong to Creamy Layer. The last
three year’s Income Tax Returns of their parents ending 31.03.2012 as proof of Non-Creamy
Layer status should be produced at the time of counseling along with the original OBC
Certificate to verify the claim of a seat under this category by the Applicant.
Income certificate from competent Revenue Authority can be produced in case the parents are
not filing any income tax.
Wherever the parents are employed in Government / Public Sector Enterprises, a recent
certificate from their employer indicating their Designation and Class / Group has also to be
submitted for their claim of seat under OBC category (Vide Appendix – III).
Scheduled Caste / Tribe (SC / ST) – The seats for M.D. / M.S. course are reserved for the
candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC) / Scheduled Tribes (ST) as per Government
Instructions, provided candidates fulfill the minimum admission requirements prescribed by the
Institute for the purpose. The candidate belonging to Scheduled Castes / Tribes are required to furnish
certificate from the District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector / 1st Class
Stipendiary Magistrate / Sub Divisional Magistrate, Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra
Assistant Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate, Revenue Officer not below the rank of
Tahsildar, Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and / or his family normally resides,
Administrator / Secretary to Administrator / Development Officer (Lakshadweep islands) in support
of their claims (vide Appendix II). If the certificates are not in English an English translation of their
caste certificate duly attested by a Gazetted Officer should also be produced. The certificate must be
uploaded. (Read Instructions in the home page)
OPH – Orthopedic Physically Challenged – the term is applicable to persons with locomotory
disability confined only to lower limbs between 50% to 70% who would be allowed the benefit of
reservation under the Disability Act for admission in the medicine courses.
3% reservations for orthopedic physically challenged shall be provided on horizontal basis, in the
seats available as per their rank in the merit. If requisite numbers of qualified candidates are not
available to fill up the seats reserved for the category OPH / OBC / SC / ST, the same shall be filled
from out of the candidates belonging to the UR.8
a) Other Criteria for Orthopedic Physically Challenged: The candidate must possess a
valid document certifying his / her physical disability conforming to judgment of
Supreme Court of India directive
i. Reservation in admission to PG medical course in the first instance is provided
to candidates with disability of lower limbs between 50% to 70% and in case
eligible candidates are not available, then the candidates with disability of lower
limbs between 40% to 50% will be considered for admission.
ii. Candidates suffering less than 40% disability are not eligible for the benefit
of reservation under OPH category.
iii. The disability certificate should be produced by a duly constituted and
authorized Medical Board of the State or Central Govt. Hospitals / Institutions.
OPH candidates should upload (Read Instructions in the home page) an attested copy of the Physical
Disability Certificate in support of disability as mentioned above at the time of application and if
selected, they will have to produce the Original Medical Certificate at the time of Counseling and
he/she should also appear before a Medical Board of JIPMER and obtain a valid Disability Certificate
prior to admission.
Number of seats reserved under various categories are represented here under
Unreserved (UR) Open to all candidates. 40 seats
Institute (INST)
Open to candidates who have graduated from
24 seats
Other Backward
Classes (OBC)
Open to all candidates tallying with the
Central List of OBC and not belonging to the
creamy layer.
33 seats
Scheduled Caste (SC) Open to all Scheduled Caste candidates 18 seats
Scheduled Tribe (ST) Open to all Scheduled Tribe Candidates 9 seats
TOTAL 124 Seats
For OPH (Orthopedic Physically Challenged) Applicants Horizontal Reservation basis – 3 seats
Note: Number and distribution of seats are subject to variation based on any periodic directives
from competent Authorities / Court Judgments and pending cases in Courts.
Proportional allocation of seats and interval fixing at the time of counseling will be based on Model
Roster of Reservation (Vide Appendix I) and share of entitlement. Representation of each of the
reserved category shall at no point of time exceed the reservation prescribed for it.9
[1] Candidate seeking admission to Entrance Examination is required to Apply On-line.
[2] Log on to www.jipmer.edu.in and navigate to link “Apply On-line MD/MS Admission
[3] Read the “Prospectus and Instructions” in the home page carefully. The candidate
should acquaint himself/herself with all requirements with regard to filling up the
application on-line.
[4] Click “Apply Online”. Read “Instructions and Procedure” given in the Screen. Click
“Click to Proceed” button given below the Instructions and Procedure to proceed to
apply online. Correctly type the “Captcha Code”. Click “Submit”.
[5] Personal Details Screen will appear. Carefully fill the required details. Click “Register”.
[6] Screen displays Application Number. Note the number for reference. Click “Generate
Challan”. Screen will display the Bank Challan. Download and take printout of the
Challan and remit the fees in any branch of State Bank of India.
[9] After completing the Payment. Click “My Application” fill in the Application Number
& Date of Birth and “Click Submit”. You can use “Forgot Application Number?” link
to guide you to retrieve your application number.
[10] Screen will show My Application with i. Personal Details, ii. Generate Challan
(re-generate only if you lost the challan), iii. Image upload and payment details and
iv. Examination Center.
[11] Click “Image upload and payment details”. Upload the Photo, Signature and Bank
Challan and fill in the Payment Particulars. Click “Register”. (Image size maximum
Candidate has to wait for 24 hours for validation of payment before proceeding further.
[12] After 24 Hours, Click “My Application” fill in the Application Number & Date of Birth
and “Click Submit”. Click “Exam Center” update.
[13] Choose available Examination Center. Click “Register”.
[14] Screen would again show “My Application”. Click “Generate Application” to generate
your on-line application. Application will be displayed in PDF Format. Save and Print
application for your future reference.
[15] Instructions for Photograph:
a. One (1) recent colour passport size photograph with light background is
required. Black & White / Polaroid photographs are not acceptable.
b. Photograph MUST be snapped on or after 01.11.2012.
c. Photograph must be taken with name of candidates (as in application) and date
of taking photograph.
a. The photograph must be snapped with a placard while the
placard is being held by the candidate indicating name of
candidate and date of taking photograph. In case name and
date are written on the photograph after taking it, the
application will be rejected.
b. The name and date on the photograph should be legible.
Note:1.Mere payment of fees does not confer right for issue of hall ticket. Registration should be
Completed, in all respects as per the instructions. No communication in this regard will be
2.Candidate has to complete the process of submission of application as indicated above
3.The process is complete only after generation of hard copy of the application.
4.Fees would not be refunded if the candidate fails to complete the process as indicated above.
3.Candidates are advised to complete the process before time to avoid last day disappointment.
Hall Tickets for the Entrance Examination shall be available for download to eligible candidates,
whose Applications are complete and accurate in all respects, from 20-01-2013 Onwards. The Hall
Ticket will contain Roll Number, Name, Photo, Signature and Venue of the Examination. To rectify
discrepancy if any the candidate should contact the help desk immediately. Hall Ticket can be
downloaded from the website: www.jipmer.edu.in as per the dateline given in the prospectus.
No candidate will be allowed to appear for the Entrance Examination unless he / she holds the
Hall Ticket from the website of JIPMER.
Applicant can opt for one center only.
The Entrance Examination and the maximum number of candidates who can opt for a particular
center are given below: The applicants are therefore required to choose the centre after careful
thought . Change of centre is not permitted.
Sl. No. Center Maximum number of candidates
1 Bengaluru 4000
2 Chennai 4000
3 Kolkata 4000
4 New Delhi 3000
5 Puducherry 3000 +
Center can be opted on first cum first serve basis
If the maximum number of candidates specified in respect of a center has been exhausted,
candidate has to choose another center based on the availability of vacancy.
If the maximum number of candidates specified for all the centers have been fully exhausted,
candidate should appear in the Entrance Examination at Puducherry Center only.
No request for change of center would be considered under any circumstances. The Institute reserves
the right to allot the venue / center which will be final and binding. In case of any unforeseen
circumstances the center can be cancelled at any point of time and a new center can be allotted
en bloc with due intimation in newspapers / website.
The Entrance Examination will be held on 10
February, 2013 (Sunday)
between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. 11
1. Candidates should report at the test venue latest by 9.45 am. No entry will be permitted after
10.30 am.
2. Carry only Hall Ticket inside the hall. No candidate will be allowed to take the examination
without producing the valid Hall Ticket.
3. Ball point pen will be provided in the hall by the Invigilator. Candidates are not permitted to
bring their own pen to the examination hall.
4. The Entrance Exam is a Paper based Test Administration on 10-02-2013 (Sunday).
Anticipating vehicular traffic, local circumstances on that day, the candidates are required to
be present at least 45 minutes before the commencement of the examination at the venues
allotted to them in their hall tickets.
5. Candidates shall be photographed. Biometric authentication through digital device and hard
copy of signature and fingerprint in attendance sheet will be taken in the examination hall by
staff designated for the purpose. Cooperation of the candidate is solicited.
6. It must be ensured that the Question Paper Book Code, Answer Sheet Number and the
residential address be written in running hand in the Attendance Sheet by the candidate.
7. Do not fold the answer sheet or leave smudges on it.
8. Do not bring any other papers except Hall Ticket. Do not bring cellular phones, calculators,
watch calculators, alarm clocks, digital watches with built-in-calculators / memory, ear
Phones. (No arrangements will be made by the duty staff for safe keeping and returning the
above gadgets if brought).
9. All the candidates are advised not to copy any question on a piece of paper / hand, etc; if
found copying down the questions from the question paper, the candidates will be booked
under the unfair means case and his / her candidature will be annulled without any prior
10. Do not try to work on answering the test after the signal to stop has been given.
11. In case any candidate is caught or found to use any means of techno copying he / she shall be
liable to be punished by the competent authority.
12. Use of unfair means /impersonation will lead to summary cancellation of selection /
Mobile phones are banned in the venues of the Entrance Examination.
Candidates taking the Entrance Examination will be subjected to through frisking before being
allowed into the Hall. 12
The Entrance Examination is common to all and consists of 250 single best response type MCQs
and will cover all subjects. The Entrance Examination will be of the standard of MBBS
Examination. Question paper consists of:
PART I: Basic Clinical Sciences including Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology,
Pharmacology, Microbiology and Forensic Medicine & Toxicology.
– 100 Questions
PART II: Clinical Sciences including Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Community
Medicine, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, ENT, Anesthesiology, Dermatology, Psychiatry,
Radio-diagnosis and Radio-therapy.
– 150 Questions
1. There shall be only one paper of three hours duration consisting of 250 Multiple Choice
2. All questions will be of one best / correct response type having four alternatives.
3. More than one answer indicated against a question will be deemed as incorrect response and
negative mark will be given.
4. Each answer with correct response shall be awarded Four Marks.
5. ZERO mark will be given for the questions not answered.
6. Negative marks will be given for incorrect response. For every incorrect response, ONE
mark will be deducted.
Merit Ranking would be based on percentile.
The percentile shall be determined on the basis of the average marks obtained by the first top ten
candidates in the Entrance Examination MD / MS – 2013.
Merit List would be drawn category wise based on minimum percentile as given below:
Category Minimum Percentile
Unreserved (UR) / Institute (INST) 50
Orthopedic Physically Challenged – UR (OPH) 45
OBC / SC / ST (Including OPH) 40
In order to be eligible for admission to any Postgraduate course at JIPMER, it shall be necessary for a
candidate to obtain a percentile of 50 and above in the Entrance Examination for the current academic
year. However, in respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other
Backward Classes including OPH, the minimum percentile shall be 40. In respect of Unreserved
Orthopedic Physically Challenged (OPH) candidates, 45 shall be the minimum percentile.
Candidates who secure less than the minimum percentile in the Entrance Examination will not be
considered for admission and their names will not be included in the Merit List.13
The validity of Merit list shall be only for the current academic session i.e. 2013 admission for
MD/MS courses and cannot be carried forward for the next year i.e. 2014.
Downloadable rank letter will be hoisted on website 3 days after publication of merit list. No
individual communication regarding merit / ranking shall be sent to any candidate. This downloaded
rank letter should be retained safely till the completion of Admission Process.
In case of two or more candidates obtain same percentile in the Entrance Examination, their inter-semerit shall be determined as follows:
(i) Candidate scoring less negative marks will be placed at a higher merit.
(ii) In case of tie with same percentile rank and same number of wrong responses, date of birth
shall be considered to determine inter-se-merit. An elder candidate shall be placed at a higher
Merit list prepared for category – wise (UR, OBC, INST, SC, ST, OPH) will be displayed in the Notice Board of
Academic Section, JIPMER and website www.jipmer.edu.in on or before 18-02-2013. Candidates will NOT be
informed individually either through telephone or by post, etc.
There is no provision for re-checking / re-totaling / re-evaluation of the question paper, answers, score/marks
and no query in this regard will be entertained.
Allotment, for all the 124 M.D. / M.S. seats announced for this April 2013 session through JIPMER
competitive Entrance Examination, will be done during first counseling scheduled on the forenoons
and afternoons of 20
and 21
March 2013. The candidates will be called in batches for counseling as
per the Reservation Roster Point (Appendix-I).
Adequate number of Candidates shall be called from eligible candidates from all the categories so that
Roster Point is not blocked for lack of attendance. Counseling will be done according to the category
rank (UR / INST / OBC / SC / ST / OPH) and not by the overall rank as per the Roster Point
allocation method. All SC / ST candidates called for counseling are required to be present on both
and 21
March 2013, so that the Roster Point is not blocked and counseling subsequently stopped
due to non-availability of eligible candidates under SC / ST at that Roster Point.
Production of all original certificates as per list vide prospectus is mandatory. Candidates without
original certificates shall not be entertained to participate in counseling.
On the day of counseling, please report 90 minutes before start of counseling to registration desk.
1. The candidates will be registered only on production of the all original certificates
(vide page 16 & 17 of prospectus), Rank letter and the Hall Ticket downloaded by the
candidate for the Entrance Examination held on 10.02.2013.14
2. Candidates are required to report to one of the two Registration Terminals equipped with
a Biometric Finger Print scanning device with the downloaded hall ticket and rank letter
for counseling.
3. Biometric imprint of the candidates would be captured for candidates appearing for the
counseling process and the same will be authenticated against pre-existing candidate’s
4. A red flag would be raised upon a mismatch and his / her admission for counseling will
be cancelled immediately. Suitable legal action will be initiated forthwith.
Please note:
[1] No authorized representative will be permitted for counseling on behalf of any candidate.
[2] Candidates are instructed to comply with all the instructions in the prospectus prior to and
after counseling.
They are required to attend the counseling at JIPMER as indicated in the merit list displayed in
JIPMER notice board and website. A candidate who is absent at the time of first counseling will
forfeit his / her chance for admission. Candidates appearing for allotment should submit the
documents (vide page No. 16 & 17) in original along with an attested copy of the documents for
registration to counseling.
Bona-fide Certificate for Counseling:
Candidates who come for counseling with a certificate that “their original certificates are deposited
with the Institute / College / University” will be allowed to participate in counseling under the
following conditions:
[1] A Letter / Document in Original signed by the Principal / Dean mentioning the exact date of
admission and list of the original certificates retained in that College / Institution.
[2] The fee receipt for the admission issued by the college in Original
[3] Attested photocopies of all Certificates retained in that college are to be submitted.
[4] A Bona-fide Certificate Deposit (BCD) for ` 25,000/-, as DD drawn in favour of Accounts
Officer JIPMER, has to be submitted along with the bona-fide certificate.
[5] Any such candidate attending the counseling with only bona-fide certificate, taking up a seat
available at his / her rank in the counseling, has to submit the original certificate on or before
March 2013 (one week from the date of counseling), failing which they will forfeit the
Bona-fide certificate Deposit of ` 25,000/- and their claim for the seat offered in the
counseling stands cancelled automatically.
[6] Upon any such candidate who does not join the course after taking the initial allotment and
forfeits his/her claim for the allotted seat in writing, his / her BCD will not be returned.
[7] Upon such candidates who have attended the counseling with bona-fide certificate and
subsequently have submitted the originals in time and admitted to the course , their BCD will
be returned to only at the end of the course.
[8] In case of such candidates who leave the course midway, their BCD will not be returned
and they will also have to pay the penalty and one month salary in lieu of notice period as per
the terms and conditions of residency scheme contract. 15
Eligibility for subsequent counseling
(1) A candidate who is absent at the time of first counseling will forfeit his / her chance for
admission and will not be eligible for second counseling.
(2) Second counseling will be held, if seats are vacant, in the second week of April. The dates
and eligible candidates shall be notified in JIPMER website and no personal intimation
will be sent.
(3) A candidate who is present for the first counseling but does not opt / exercise option at
his / her category rank will be eligible to attend second counseling.
(4) Any seat remaining vacant after the second counseling due to candidate’s resigning (or)
not opting for the discipline, will be available for the final open selection counseling to be
held in the last week of May 2013. All candidates who are eligible for inclusion in the
merit list can attend this final counseling irrespective of their previous attendance.
(1) Candidates opting for a particular discipline and getting admitted at JIPMER after the First /
Second round of counseling are eligible to be registered for the subsequent round (s) of
counseling on production of Demand Draft to an amount as per the penalty clause (vide Page
21 of Prospectus ) drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, JIPMER payable at SBI, JIPMER
Branch, Pondicherry .
(2) In case the candidate opts a seat at the roster point during the counseling, he/she should
submit the resignation from the previous discipline immediately; then only he/she will
be allotted another seat at the counseling.
(3) For such candidates taking up an alternate seat in any other discipline, the penalty
clauses for mid stream departure (vide Page 21 of Prospectus ) would apply.
(4) The amount already paid will not be adjusted and such candidates would be treated as new
admissions and they have to remit again Academic fee, Admission Fee and Learning
Resource Fee.
1. Counseling shall be done according to the Roster Point and Category Rank UR, INST,
2. Hall Ticket (Original) downloaded by the candidate for Entrance Examination must be
produced for entry to Counseling Hall.
3. Provisional certificate of MBBS Degree is permissible for those candidates who had passed
the MBBS course in the year 2013 only.
4. No TA / DA will be paid to any category of candidate called for counseling. All candidates
should attend counseling at their own expense. They should make their own arrangements for
stay at Puducherry.
5. The selection for the seats under various categories will be held on 20-3-2013and 21-03-2013
by following Roster system. Roster point order for selection for the same is displayed in
Appendix I. 16
6. Option once exercised is final.
Note : The candidate has to attend in person for counseling. No proxy / representative is permitted
under any circumstances into the counseling hall.
Issue of Admission Order for joining PG Courses
The candidates who have opted for a seat and selected through the counseling, shall undergo medical
examination and biometric (Finger-print / signature) verification. After due verification of the
documents and clearance of biometric parameters by competent authority nominated by the Institute,
the admission letter will be issued.
The candidates will be allowed to pay the tuition fee, etc. and admitted to the PG course only after
completion of the above formalities.
The academic session will commence from 1st April 2013.
Original certificates submitted, if found defective the eligibility for admission will be cancelled. If
the certificates are not in English, attested English translation should be submitted.
At the time of counseling and joining the course, the candidates are required to submit only the
ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES as indicated below:
1. Admit card
2. Rank letter
3. Proof of Registration as OCI (in case of Overseas Citizen of India (OCI)).
4. Certificate showing the date of birth.
5. Residence certificate issued by Revenue Authority not below the rank of Tahsildar.
6. Internship Completion Certificate.
7. Conduct Certificate obtained from the Institute last attended.
8. Transfer Certificate obtained from the Institute last studied
9. Migration Certificate obtained from the University last attended.
10. MBBS degree or Provisional Pass certificate (permitted only for those candidates who passed
MBBS in 2013.
11. Permanent/Provisional Medical Registration Certificate. (Permanent Medical Registration
Certificate should be produced at the time of joining the course).
12. Service candidate should produce NOC / Relieving Order and a certificate granting study
leave with or without pay as the case may be. (Appendix-IV)
13. Undertaking by the Candidate regarding his/her caste.(format issued at the time of admission)
14. Other Backward Classes (OBC) candidates should produce the required certificate as per the
format in the Appendix III along with last three years Income Tax returns of the parents and 17
designation, class group status of their Service if parent’s are employed in Govt. / Public /
Sector / Banks / Corporations duly certified by their Head of Office .
15. Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe certificate recently obtained from the competent authority
– a Revenue Officer, not below the rank of Tahsildar as per the model form in the Appendix
of the Prospectus.
16. Medical Certificate in case of Orthopedic Physically Challenged candidates.
17. Certificate from the Institute last studied, stating that the degree obtained by him / her from
that Institute is recognized by Medical Council of India.
18. Passport size colour photo – 4 Nos.
* The detection of any discrepancy in the caste certificate shall entail cancellation of
registration even after admission to the course. This is as per the provisions made by Ministry
of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions vide their order No.36033/4/97-Estt. (RES)
dated: 25-7-2003 and No.36011/3/2005-Estt. (RES) dated: 09-9-2005 respectively. The name,
designation and the seal of the officer should be legible in the certificate. Certificate from any
other person / authority will not be accepted and no further correspondence in this regard shall
be entertained.
(The Original Certificates will be retained in the Academic Section and returned only
after the candidate completes the course or is relieved mid-way for any reason).
* Subject to revision.
Sl. No. Description
M.D. / M.S.
(Fee in `)
1. Admission fee (one time) 3,000.00
2. Academic Fee (annual) 2,200.00
3. Learning Resource fee (One time) 9,000.00
Total 14,200.00
Sl. No. Description
M.D. / M.S.
(Fee in `)
Establishment Charges
2. Hostel Caution Deposit 1,000.00
3. Mess Deposit 3,000.00
Total 9,000.0018
Selected candidates must join the course after medical examination on or before the stipulated date
given in the letter of selection. The selected candidates should pay the requisite fees as would be
mentioned in the selection order. The admission of candidates, who fail to pay the specified fee by the
date mentioned in the letter of selection or fail to join the course or fail to report for duty to the
concerned Head of the Department and has not worked in the Department, will be treated as
cancelled. Such seats shall then be filled through second counseling by following roster system. No
further correspondence will be made in this regard. Extension of joining time shall not be granted
under any circumstances. The Junior Resident (P.G.) should send his/her joining Report to the
Director through the concerned Head of the Department.
In case, any Junior Resident remains continuously absent, unauthorisedly for more than 30 days after
joining, the admission will be cancelled and necessary penalty will be levied.
Admission to the course will be provisional, subject to the recognition of the qualifying examination
of individual candidate by the JIPMER. 19
In case any candidate is found to have supplied false information or certificate, etc., or is found
to have withheld or concealed information in his / her Application Form, he/she shall be
debarred from admission and if already admitted, the admission will be cancelled without
prejudice to other disciplinary action.
In case a candidate is found to have used unfair means / impersonation, the selection / admission
will be summarily cancelled.
All Postgraduate Degree students will be covered under the Residency Scheme on contract service
and they will be required to enter into a contract as prescribed by the Institute. If any candidate leaves
the course at any time, he / she will have to abide by all the terms and conditions as per the contract
executed by him / her.
(1) All the candidates, admitted to various courses, will be appointed as “Junior Resident” during
the period of the course. The total duration of the salary period of Junior Residents shall not
exceed 3 years and will end on 31st March of third year of Post Graduate Degree.
(2) The candidates admitted to Degree course will be paid as per the pay scales and other
allowances admissible under rules and as approved by Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India from time to time.
(3) During the period of the Junior Residency, candidates are not eligible to receive or apply for
Scholarship / Financial Assistance / Salary / Railway concessions of any kind, etc. from any
other source as they are in a stipendiary post fixed by the Government. Private Medical
practice is not permitted during the period of Post Graduate course.
(4) If the Junior Resident is suspended from duty in connection with any investigation into
his / her conduct, he / she shall not be entitled to any emoluments during such a period of
suspension. 20
Duties and responsibilities of the Postgraduate students will be as fixed by Government from time to
time. They will be required to perform such work as may be needed in the legitimate interest of
patient care in the hospital / laboratory work / teaching schedule.
The Service of the Resident may be terminated without any prior notice by the Director:
i) If he / she is satisfied on medical evidence that the resident is unfit and is likely to
remain so for a considerable period for reasons of ill health and unable to discharge
his / her duties. The decision of the Director whether the Resident is unfit and is
likely to continue to remain unfit shall be conclusive and binding on him / her.
ii) If the Resident is found to be guilty of any insubordination, interference or other
misconduct or any breach or non-performance of any of the provisions of the
agreement signed by him / her at the time of admission or of any rules pertaining to
the Institute.
iii) If any resident is absent continuously for more than 30 days without any intimation to
the office, no course / course completion certificate will be issued and necessary
penalty will be levied.
iv) If the certificates submitted by him / her at the time of joining the course are found to
be not genuine by Competent Authority at any time during or after the course his / her
Degree is liable to be cancelled by the Director.
The Postgraduate students are eligible for leave as follows:-
First Year Junior Resident : 30 days in a completed academic year
Second and Third Year Junior Resident : 36 days in a completed academic year
The leave that is not availed during a year cannot be carried over to the subsequent year or encashed.
Junior Residents are not entitled to any other leave except that mentioned above. Residents who do
not put in 80% attendance in each academic year will not be eligible to write the examination at the
scheduled time. If he/she has availed leave of any kind (sanctioned or otherwise) and lacks attendance
of 80%, he / she will be allowed to write the exam after putting in extra period of Residency Service.
No emoluments shall be paid during the extension period.21
Junior Residents will be provided with partly furnished free single accommodation and other facilities
as and when provided by the Government as per rules. They will have to abide by the rules and
regulations governing hostels.
Leaving the Course during Residency (MID – STREAM DEPARTURE)
After payment of fees, if any candidate discontinues the course at any time or is relieved on his
request for any reason, the fees once paid will not be refunded. In addition he / she has pay a penalty
as indicated below:
1. Students who leave the course within one month of admission will have to pay a penalty of
` 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty five thousand only).
2. In respect of those who leave the course after one month from the date of admission and
within the First Academic Year have to pay ` 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only).
3. Those who leave the course in II and III Academic Years have to pay ` 1,00,000/- (Rupees
One lakh only).
4. Those who discontinue(d) the course after 31st May in first year, second and third Academic
years, shall be debarred to appear for the Entrance Examination for Postgraduate Degree
(M.D. / M.S.) courses of JIPMER for the next three years.
1. Institute is not responsible for any unforeseen events preventing the candidate from reaching
the Examination Hall / Counseling and the candidate will be considered absent under such
2. The disputes if any with regard to conduct of examination, counseling and admission process
after the Entrance Examination, etc. will be subject to the legal Jurisdiction of the Union
Territory of Puducherry.
3. Any attempt on the part of the candidate to influence directly or indirectly by any means will
be treated as disqualification.
4. The selected candidates will have to undergo medical examination and the admission will be
subject to medical fitness. An Immunization Certificate for Hepatitis B vaccine indicating the
dates of receipt has to be submitted at the time of medical examination.
5. No individual intimation will be sent to candidates who are not selected and no
correspondence on this subject will be entertained.
6. The decision of the Director shall be final in all matters relating to the selection for admission. 22
7. All students admitted in the Institute shall maintain good conduct, pay the requisite tuition
fees and other charges by due date, with regular attendance and abide by the rules and
regulations of the Institute and Hostels, failing which they will not be permitted to continue
the course. Ragging junior students will be viewed seriously and will be dealt with as per
8. The period of training is strictly full time and continuous. Private practice in any form during
the course is prohibited.
9. The rules are subject to change in accordance with the decision of the Institute taken from
time to time.
Place : Puducherry.
Dated: 05
December 2013
Incorrect Methods:
Roll Number:
Roll Number should be written in
figures as we as Darkened in the
Correct method of marking the roll
For example, if the Roll number is
6 0 4 1 9, it should be written in
Black Ball-Pen and circles darked
as follows with Black Ball -Pen.
Answer to Questions:
Example for marking the Answers:
Correct Method of Marking the Answers .
Do not make stray marks.
6 0 4 1 9
A B C D24
MD / MS Admission for Session – 2013
Counseling Process Through Roster Point Allocation
Roster Point
Sl. No.
Roster Point
Sl. No.
Roster Point
Sl. No.
Roster Point
1 UR-1 33 UR-13 (OPH) 65 INST-13 97 OBC-26
2 UR-2 34 OBC-9 66 UR-23 (OPH) 98 UR-32
3 UR-3 35 SC-5 67 OBC-18 99 SC-15
4 OBC-1 36 INST-7 68 SC-10 100 OBC-27 (OPH)
5 INST-1 37 UR-14 69 ST-5 101 INST-20
6 UR-4 38 OBC-10 70 INST-14 102 UR-33
7 SC-1 39 UR-15 71 OBC-19 103 UR-34
8 OBC-2 40 ST-3 72 UR-24 104 OBC-28
9 UR-5 41 SC-6 73 UR-25 105 INST-21
10 INST-2 42 OBC-11 74 SC-11 106 UR-35
11 UR-6 43 INST-8 75 OBC-20 107 SC-16
12 OBC-3 44 UR-16 76 INST-15 108 ST-8
13 UR-7 45 OBC-12 77 UR-26 109 OBC-29
14 ST-1 46 INST-9 78 OBC-21 110 INST-22
15 SC-2 47 SC-7 79 UR-27 111 UR-36
16 OBC-4 48 UR-17 80 ST-6 112 OBC-30
17 INST-3 49 OBC-13 81 SC-12 113 UR-37
18 UR-8 50 INST-10 82 OBC-22 114 SC-17
19 OBC-5 51 UR-18 83 INST-16 115 OBC-31
20 SC-3 52 OBC-14 84 UR-28 116 INST-23
21 INST-4 53 UR-19 85 INST-17 117 UR-38
22 UR-9 54 SC-8 86 OBC-23 118 UR-39
23 OBC-6 55 ST-4 87 SC-13 119 OBC-32
24 UR-10 56 OBC-15 88 UR-29 120 ST-9
25 INST-5 57 INST-11 89 OBC-24 121 SC-18
26 OBC-7 58 UR-20 90 INST-18 122 INST-24
27 SC-4 59 UR-21 91 UR-30 123 UR-40
28 ST-2 60 OBC-16 92 UR-31 124 OBC-33
29 UR-11 61 SC-9 93 OBC-25
30 OBC-8 62 INST-12 94 SC-14
31 INST-6 63 OBC-17 95 ST-7
32 UR-12 64 UR-22 96 INST-1925
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions vide their order No.36033/4/97-Estt. (RES) dated
25.7.2003 and No.36011/3/2005-Estt (RES) dated 9.9.2005 respectively.
Candidates must note that a certificate from any other person/authority will not be accepted and no further
correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. The name, designation and the seal of the officer should be
legible in the certificate.
Form of certificate as prescribed in M.H.A., O.M., No.42/21/49-N.G.S. dated the 28.1.1952, as revised in
Dept. of Per. & A.R. letter No.36012/6/76-Est. (S.C.T.), dated the 29.10.1977, to be produced by candidate
belonging to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe in support of his/her claim.
This is to certify that Shri./Smt./Kum.*………………………… son/daughter* of ………………………… of village/town*
…………………………. in district/Division* of the State/Union Territory*……………….. belongs to the ……………………………
Caste/Tribe which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe* under:
l The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order, 1950
l The Constitution (Scheduled Tribe) Order, 1950
l The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) (Union Territories) Order, 1951
l The Constitution (Scheduled Tribe) (Union Territories) Order, 1951
% 1. (as amended by the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956, the Bombay Re-organization Act, 1960,
the Punjab Re-organization Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970 the North Eastern Areas (Re-organization) Act, 1971 and
the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976).
l The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Caste Order, 1956.
l The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959.
l The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Caste Order, 1962.
l The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1962.
l The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Caste Order, 1964.
l The Constitution (Uttar Pradesh) (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1967.
l The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Caste order, 1968.
l The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968.
l The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970.
l The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Caste Order, 1978.
l The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1978.
%2. Applicable in the case of Scheduled Caste/Schedule Tribe persons who have migrated from one State/Union Territory Administration:
This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe certificate issued to Shri/Smt*…………………………
father/mother of Shri/Smt/Kum*………………….. of village/town* in District/Division* …………………………. of the State/Union
Territory* …………………….. who belongs to the caste/tribe which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe* in the
State/Union Territory* ………………….. issued by the (name of prescribed authority) vide their No………………. date …………………..
%3. Shri*/Smt*/Kum*………………….. and/or his/her* family ordinary reside(s) in village/ town*…………………. of the State/Union
Territory of …………………….
Signature ……………………
Place ……………………….. **Designation ………………….……
Date ………………………. State/Union Territory (With seal of Office)
* Please delete the words which are not applicable.
l please quote specific Presidential Order.
% Delete the paragraph which is not applicable.
** Should be signed by the Authorities empowered to issue Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe certificates as specified above.26
(Certificate to be Produced by other Backward Classes applying for Admission to
Central Educational Institutions (CES), under The Government Of India)
This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kum…………………………………. Son/Daughter of Shri/Smt……………………….. of
Village/Town…………………… District/Division…………………… in the …………………………… State belongs to the
…………………………………….. Community which is recognized as a backward class under:
(i) Resolution No.12011/68/93-BCC(C) dated 10/09/93 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No.186
dated 13/09/93.
(ii) Resolution No.12011/9/94-BCC dated 19/10/94 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No.163
dated 20/10/94.
(iii) Resolution No.12011/7/95-BCC dated 24/05/95 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No.88
dated 25/05/95.
(iv) Resolution No.12011/96/94-BCC dated 09/03/96.
(v) Resolution No.12011/44/96-BCC dated 06/12/96 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No.210
dated 11/12/96.
(vi) Resolution No.12011/13/97-BCC dated 03/12/97.
(vii) Resolution No.12011/99/94-BCC dated 11/12/97.
(viii) Resolution No. 12011/68/98-BCC dated 27/10/99.
(ix) Resolution No.12011/88/98-BCC dated 06/12/99 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No.270
dated 06/12/99.
(x) Resolution No.12011/36/99-BCC dated 04/04/2000 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No.71
dated 04/04/2000.
(xi) Resolution No.12011/44/99-BCC dated 21/09/2000 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No.210
dated 21/09/2000.
(xii) Resolution No.120 15/09/2000-BCC dated 06/09/2001.
(xiii) Resolution No.12011/01/2001-BCC dated 19/06/2003.
(xiv) Resolution No.12011/04/2002-BCC dated 13/01/2004.
(xv) Resolution No.12011/09/2004-BCC dated 16/01/2006 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I
No.210 dated 16/01/2006.
Shri/Smt/Kum………………………….. and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the …………………
…………………………………….. District/Division of ……………………….. State.
This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the
Schedule to the Government of India. Department of Personnel & Training O.M.No.36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 08/09/93 which is
modified vide OM No.36033/3/2004 Estt. (Res.) dated 09/03/2004 or the latest notification of the Government of India. (Govt. of India
Ministry of Personnel and Training O.M. No.36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res.) GOI – OM. Dt. 14.10.2008).
District Magistrate/Competent Authority
(a) The Term Ordinarily used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of
the People Act, 1950.
(b) The authorities competent to issue Caste Certificates are indicated below:
i. District Magistrate / Additional Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner /
Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Collector / 1st Class Stipendiary
Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate/Extra
Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank of 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate).
ii. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency
iii. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar.
iv. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family resides.
(c) The annual income/status of the parents of the applicant should be based on financial year ending
March 31.2012.
NOTE: To be completed and submitted by the applicant’s parents who are employed in Govt. /
Public Sector Enterprises / Banking Services / Corporations.
This is to certify that Shri / Smt. ……………………………………. F/o. / M/o……………………………………. who
has applied for …………………….. course in JIPMER is a bona-fide staff of ……………………………………
His / her current designation is ……………….. he/she belongs to Group …………. Class……………. . It is further
certified that his / her official status in the organization as on date is not equivalent to Group-A / Class – I
Officers of Central and State Services (Direct recruitment)
Seal Signature of Head of Office:……………………..
Name in Capital :………………………………………..
Tel. No. …………………………………………………….27
(Certificate to be Produced by Service Candidate)
It is certified that Dr………………………………… S/o. / D/o…………………………
Is employed as …………………………………………………………….(Designation)
at ……………………………………………………………………………………………
(A Govt. of India / State govt., / Autonomous Body / Public Sector Organization).
It is further certified that the undersigned has no objection to the application of
Dr………………………………………. being considered by JIPMER for admission
to PG(MD/MS) courses and if selected he / she will be relieved within the
prescribed time limit as per the Rules with / without any salary from our office for
the entire period of study.
Signature of the Employer
(Name in Full & Designation)
With Official Seal
sir could u tell me after uploading my challan , sign, photo in my application to jipmer 2013 md ms entrance exam , how long i wait to proceed to fill ? reply me please. i am waiting for 3 days .