
GRAMS:NIMHANS Ph: 26995000/26995015/26995013 FAX: 0091-80-26566811/26564830
Hosur Road, Bangalore-560 029, INDIA
No.NIMH/ACA/ADMN/2013-2014-1 Dated: 31.10.2012
ONLINE Applications are invited on prescribed form for Admission to the following courses for the Academic Year 2013 – 2014.
A) Ph.D.
(a) Institute Fellowship
1. Ph.D. Degree in Clinical Psychology 04 Seats
2. Ph.D. Degree in Neurophysiology 02 Seats
3. Ph.D. Degree in Psychiatric Social Work 01 Seat
4. Ph.D. Degree in Speech Pathology & Audiology 02 Seats
5. Ph.D. Degree in Biostatistics 01 Seat
Under Wellcome Grant
6. Ph.D. Degree in History of Psychiatry 2 Seats
(b) External Fellowship
Candidates with Sponsorship from Government of India/State Govt. Institutions, Deputed or Sponsored from a recognized University,
Fellowships from Government Agencies like UGC, CSIR, ICMR, DBT (JRF/SRF only) and Permanent employees/tenured employees
of NIMHANS can also apply for Ph.D. in the following departments of this Institute which will be considered at the discretion of the
competent authority for Entrance Test and interview to be held during the month of February.
NOTE: Candidates applying for Ph.D. with Fellowships from UGC, CSIR, ICMR, DBT (JRF/SRF only) are exempted from the
Entrance Test. All the candidates have to attend an interview and qualify in it by obtaining a minimum of 50% marks to be
eligible for admission into the Ph.D. programme. Mere qualification in Entrance test and interview does not entitle admission to
Ph.D. course. Selection is subject to availability of eligible Guides in the respective departments.
(a) Biophysics (b) Biostatistics (c) Clinical Psychology (d) Human Genetics (e) Mental Health Education (f) Neurochemistry (g)
Neuromicrobiology (h) Neurophysiology (i) Neurovirology (j) Psychiatric Nursing (k) Psychiatric Social Work (l) Psychiatry (m)
Psychopharmacology (n) Speech Pathology & Audiology.
1. MD Degree in Psychiatry 22 Seats (1 for Sponsored)*
2. Diploma in Psychiatry (DPM) 09 Seats (8 for Karnataka Domicile and 1 for Sponsored)*
3. Fellowship in Psychosocial Support Disaster Management 08 Seats (4 for Sponsored)
4. M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology 21 Seats (3 for Foreign
5. M.Phil. in Psychiatric Social Work 21 Seats (3 for Foreign
6. M.Phil. in Neurophysiology 02 Seats
7. M.Phil. in Biophysics 03 Seats
8. M.Phil. in Neurosciences 04 Seats
9. Masters in Public Health 05 Seats (All 5 for Sponsored)*
10. M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing 09 Seats
*Sponsored candidates means sponsored by the State/Central Government or Public Sector undertaking of State/Central Government.
All Foreign Nationals (Holding Passports of Countries other than India), Non Resident Indians and Overseas Citizen of India should apply under
Foreign National category only
1. Post Basic Diploma in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing 45 Seats
2. Post Basic Diploma in Neuroscience Nursing 09 Seats
MD in Psychiatry: (a) MBBS: The duration of the course will be for a period of three years (b) Diploma in Psychiatry (DPM): The
duration of the course will be for a period of two years for DPM candidates
Diploma in Psychiatry (DPM): MBBS: The duration of the course will be for a period of two years
Fellowship in Psychosocial Support Disaster Management: M.Phil. in Psychiatric Social Work/Clinical Psychology/Psychosocial
Rehabilitation/Disaster Management or M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing with one year experience after completion of M.Sc. course.
Ph.D. Degree in History of Psychiatry: MBBS or Post Graduation in Social Sciences/Humanities
(History/Psychology/Sociology/Social Work/ Cultural Studies)
Ph.D. in Biophysics: MBBS/ M.Phil. Biophysics/ M.Sc. in Biophysics/ Physics/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Life Science/ Physiology
Ph.D. in Biostatistics: M.Stat. (ISI)/ M.Sc. in Statistics/ Biostatistics/ Medical Statistics/ Health Statistics/ Agricultural Statistics
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology: 2 years full time MA/M.Sc. in Psychology/ Counseling Psychology/ Psychological Counseling/ Applied
Psychology/ M.Phil. degree in Mental Health and Social Psychology/ M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology
Ph.D. in Human Genetics: M.Sc. in any Life Sciences discipline
Ph.D. in Mental Health Education: Masters in Public Health, Health or Behavioural Sciences Ph.D. in Neurochemistry: M.Phil. in Neurosciences/M.Tech. in Biotechnology/M.Sc. in Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Biomedical
Genetics/ Molecular Biology/Life Science/Neurosciences/Medical Biochemistry/Molecular Genetics
Ph.D. in Neuromicrobiology: MBBS/ MD Microbiology/ BE Biotechnology/ M.Phil. Neuroscience/ M.Sc. in Medical Microbiology/
Molecular Biology/ MLT/ Applied Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Biomedical Genetics/ Neuroscience
Ph.D. in Neurophysiology: M.Phil. in Neuroscience/ Neurophysiology/ MBBS/ MD in Physiology/ MD in Ayurveda/ BE/B.Tech. in
Electronics/ Electrical/ Computer Science/ Biotechnology/ M.Sc. in Physiology/ Biochemistry/ Anatomy/ Neuroscience/ Life Science/
Biotechnology/ Zoology / Masters in Physiotherapy
Ph.D. in Neurovirology: MBBS/ MD in Microbiology/ M.Sc. in Medical Microbiology/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Virology
Ph.D. in Psychiatric Nursing: Master’s Degree in Psychiatric Nursing
Ph.D. in Psychiatric Social Work: Masters Degree in Social Work/ M.Phil. in Psychiatric Social work
Ph.D. in Psychiatry: MBBS, MD or a Postgraduate degree in Basic Sciences or Humanities
Ph.D. in Psychopharmacology: MD in Pharmacology/ Physiology/ Biochemistry/ MBBS/ BE Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ B.Tech.
Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ ME Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ M.Sc. in Pharmacology/ Physiology/ Biochemistry/ Life Science/
Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics
Ph.D. in Speech Pathology & Audiology: Master’s degree in Speech Pathology & Audiology
M.Phil. in Biophysics: MBBS/B.Tech in Biotechnology/ Electronics/ Computer Science/ M.Sc. in Biophysics/ Physics/ Biochemistry/
Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Zoology/ Chemistry/ Physiology
M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology: 2 years full time MA/M.Sc. in Psychology/ Counseling Psychology/ Psychological Counseling/ Applied
M.Phil. in Neurophysiology: MBBS/ BAMS (Ayurveda)/ BDS/ M.Sc. in Physiology/ Neuroscience/ Anatomy/ Biochemistry/ Zoology/
Biotechnology/ Life Science/ Molecular Biology
M.Phil. in Neurosciences: MBBS/BE/B.Tech.Electronics/Electrical/Computer Science/ Biotechnology M.Sc. Physics/ Chemistry
/Biochemistry/Anatomy/Physiology/ Molecular Biology/ Genetics/ Biotechnology/ Zoology/ Life Science/ MA Psychology/M.Sc.
M.Phil. in Psychiatric Social Work: Master’s degree in Social Work
Masters in Public Health: MBBS
M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing: Should be a Registered Nurse & Midwife with any State Nursing Registration Council with minimum
passing of B.Sc. Nursing/B.Sc. Hons.Nursing/Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing with minimum of 55% aggregate marks from an Institute
recognized by INC with minimum of one year experience after Basic B.Sc. Nursing as on the day of counseling. Minimum of one year of
work experience prior or after post Basic B.Sc. Nursing as on the day of counseling.
Post Basic Diploma in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing & Post Basic Diploma in Neurosciences Nursing: Should be a registered
Nurse (R.N&R.M) in the State Nursing Council with one year experience as staff nurse
Common for all Courses:
The qualifying degrees for all the above mentioned courses should be from a University recognized by NIMHANS. For Medical
qualification the degree should be recognized by the Medical Council of India.
The Candidates should have obtained not less than 55% of Marks in the aggregate of the Master’s degree for non-medical courses.
A relaxation of 5% on the aggregate of marks obtained will be given for non-medical and Ph.D. courses in respect of SC/ST
For Medical course, the candidate should have completed compulsory rotation internship of one year after MBBS or its equivalent degree
recognized by Medical Council of India on or before the date of commencement of course i.e., 2
May 2013. A certificate to that effect
has to be produced. The candidate should have permanent registration with State Medical Council. In case of Candidates who have not
completed the Internship and have not registered with any State Medical council, but are selected in the counseling, will not be
considered for admission unless the Internship Completion Certificate and the State Medical Council Registration Certificate are
produced on or before the date of commencement of course failing which, the seat allotted will be cancelled without any further
communication and the Candidate next in the order of Merit in the waiting list will be considered. For Non-Medical courses, candidates
should bring the results of their qualifying examination as on the date of Entrance Test i.e., 24th February 2012.
E) FEES/EMOLUMENTS/RESERVATION OF SEATS: Please refer website/Prospectus for full details.
1. Application forms for all the courses are available online at the NIMHANS website www.nimhans.kar.nic.in The applications
have to be filled online and submitted online. Printout of the Application Abstract with the latest passport size photograph affixed
(in the column provided) along with the Demand Draft and relevant enclosures should be sent to The Registrar, NIMHANS,
Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560 029 by superscribing the name of the course(s) applied for, on the Envolope without fail.
2. A candidate can apply for a maximum of 3 courses only, provided they are eligible.
3. The Application fee is Rs.1500/- per course for General candidates and Rs.1000/- per course for SC/ST candidates. 4. Method of Payment
a) All the Candidates should download the challan and remit the payments through the challan only.
b) Candidates making the payment through the branches of State Bank of Mysore should obtain the journal number from
the bank and the same has to be entered in the On-line application before submission.
c) Candidates making the payment through Banks other than State Bank of Mysore should obtain the RTGS/NEFT/UTR
number from the respective Banks and the same has to be entered in the On-line application before submission.
d) The NIMHANS Copy of the Challan has to be attached along with the Abstract as proof of remittance of payment.
5. Foreign Nationals are required to submit their applications through the Diplomatic Channel (through the Ministry of External
Affairs). They shall also appear for the common Entrance Test along with the other candidates.
6. Sponsored candidates should submit their application through proper channel and they should also appear for the Common
Entrance Test. The candidates should produce the sponsorship certificate in the prescribed format.
7. There will be no entrance test for Post Basic Diploma in Psychiatric/ Mental Health Nursing and Post Basic Diploma in
Neurosciences Nursing Courses.
8. AGE LIMIT: For MD & DPM Courses the age should not be more than 32 years and, relaxable in case of SC/ST Candidates by
a maximum of 5 years as on 2.5.2013. For sponsored candidates age should not be more than 45 years as on 2.5.2013.
9. Application is available online from : 15
November 2012
10. Application is available online for final submission upto : 14
December 2012
11. Last date for receipt of Application abstract along with enclosures by post/courier : 19
December 2012
12. Online Entrance Test will be held in all the centres on : 24
February 2013
13. The dates for Interview & Counseling will be : 11
and 12
March 2013
14. Commencement of the Courses : 2
May 2013
15. Last date for admission of candidates : 9
May 2013
The Entrance Test will be held online (i.e., computer based). The eight cities identified for conduct of ON-LINE Entrance Test
are BANGALORE, CHENNAI, COCHIN, HYDERABAD, in the South, PUNE in the West, DELHI in the North, KOLKATA in
the East and INDORE in the Central Zone. There will be multiple test centres in each of these cities and NIMHANS reserves the
right to distribute the test centres to the applicants. A candidate has to select three cities in the order of priority i.e., 1
choice and 3
choice. The choice of City/Centre cannot be claimed as a matter of right. If there are no minimum number of
candidates filled for a particular city, the test in such city will be cancelled and the applicants will be informed about the change
of city well in advance to avoid inconvenience.
Candidates applying for the following courses/course combinations can take the Online Entrance Test from any of the eight cities
listed above:
1. MD in Psychiatry
2. MD in Psychiatry and Diploma in Psychiatry (If eligible)
3. M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology and/or Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
4. M.Phil. in Psychiatric Social Work and/or Ph.D. in Psychiatric Social Work
5. M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing
A mock test demo will be hosted on the NIMHANS website 15 days prior to the Online Entrance Test. The Online Entrance Test
will be conducted on a single day i.e., on 24
February 2013 at all the Test Centres across the country simultaneously.
Incomplete applications, applications without enclosures i.e., for Medical courses: Final year Mark Sheet, Attempt, Internship
Completion, Registration Certificates and 10
Standard Marks sheet. Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC category and
Applications without Demand Draft or insufficient Demand Draft will be rejected. Non Medical courses: Qualifying exam final
year/semester mark sheet, Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC category and experience certificate (if applicable) and
Applications without Demand Draft or insufficient Demand Draft will be rejected. The Demand Draft or application of the
rejected candidates will not be returned at any cost. No communication will be given against the rejected applications. Demand
Draft or enclosures sent subsequently will not be considered. . Application Abstract will strictly not be accepted after 19
December 2012. No interim enquiry or correspondence will be entertained. Candidates called for Entrance Test and Counseling
must be present at the venue within the stipulated time failing which they will not be considered for Entrance Test or Counseling
at any cost. Possession/use of Mobile Phones/Electronic Devices is strictly prohibited in the premises of NIMHANS Entrance
Test Centres and candidates shall be liable for the penal action for any such act.
NIMHANS reserves its absolute rights to modify/alter/amend the admission guidelines.
Eligible candidates must take printout of their Admit Card for the Entrance Test from NIMHANS website only. Hall-Tickets
will not be sent by post. List of qualified candidates for counseling will be notified on the Institute’s Notice Board and Website.
No separate individual intimation will be given. The decision of the Director in all matters regarding selection will be final and
no representation in any form will be entertained. The candidate must visit the website from time to time for all necessary details
and updates on the above.
NIMHANS Website : http://www.nimhans.kar.nic.in E-mail : [email protected] Phone No.: 080 26995013
How to approach for Ph.D Degree admission in NIMHANS, and may i known that any branches are in hyderabad
i passed msc nursing and interested to do Phd in nursing pls give me the details about the phd nursing in admissions