NIMSET : NIMS Hyderabad PG Entrance on 19-02-2012 : Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences
Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences
( A University established under the State Act )
Punjagutta :: Hyderabad
Update : Hall Tickets for NIMSET 2012 are ready for download at this link * The Exam has been rescheduled to 19th February ( full details are given below)

Rc. No.AC3/40/2011/BS(2012) Date: 06/12/2011
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates of Andhra Pradesh for the Entrance test for
admission into the following broad specialty MD/MS courses for the year 2012.
Subject Seats Duration-Years Entry Qualification
MD (Anaesthesiology) 7 3 MBBS
MD (General Medicine) 4 3 MBBS
MD (Hospital Administration) 3 3 MBBS
MS (Orthopaedics) 4 3 MBBS
MD (Pathology) 5 3 MBBS
MD (Radiotherapy) 1 3 MBBS
1. Application form and prospectus are available at
2. Application form needs to be filled and submitted on line.
3. In addition
a) a print out of the application form duly filled in
b) a passport sized photograph
c) original demand draft in favour of Director, NIMS or NIMS cash receipt for Rs.2,000/-
dated between 07-12-2011 and 31-12-2011 and
d) attested copies of supporting documents as detailed in Prospectus have to be submitted
in person or by post so as to reach the Associate Dean, Aptitude Testing, 1
Millenium Block, NIMS, Punjagutta, Hyderabad 500 082 , AP before 5.00 PM of
4. Entrance Test is scheduled for 12-02-2012.
Director, NIMS
At A Glance

1. Availability of on-line application 07-12-2011 (Wednesday)
2. Last date for submission of application By 5.00 PM of 31-12-2011
3. Cut-off date for completion of internship 31-03-2012 (Saturday)
4. Issue of Hall Tickets 1
week of February, 2012
5. Date of entrance examination 10.00 AM on 12-02-2012
6. Publication of question booklets and 4.00 PM on 13-02-2012
individual evaluation sheets (Monday)
7. Deadline for report of discrepancies in 4.00 PM on 15-02-2012
self evaluation of OMR sheets, if any (Wednesday)
8. Display of Merit List 21-02-2012 (Tuesday)
9. Date of Counseling 26-02-2012 (Sunday)
10. Payment of fee and submission of Date will be notified later
Original certificates and bond
11. Commencement of classes 01-05-2012 (Tuesday)
12. Closure of admissions 31-05-2012 (Thursday)
(A University Established Under The State Act)
Prospectus for Admission to
MD/MS Post Graduate Medical Specialty Courses
Table of Contents
At A Glance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..3
I. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………….4
II. Notification…………………………………………………………………………………………..4
III. Number of seats, duration of course and entry qualification required……….4
IV. Eligibility ………………………………………………………………………………………………4
V. Statutory Reservations…………………………………………………………………………..5
VI. Local Area Reservations…………………………………………………………………………6
VII. Application Procedure …………………………………………………………………………..6
VIII. Entrance Test………………………………………………………………………………………..8
IX. Method of Selection…………………………………………………………………………….11
X. Admission …………………………………………………………………………………………..11
XI. After admission …………………………………………………………………………………..13
XII. Stipend/Salary…………………………………………………………………………………….14
XIII. Closure of admissions ………………………………………………………………………….15
XIV. Leave………………………………………………………………………………………………….15
XV. Maternity Leave ………………………………………………………………………………….15
XVI. Powers of the Dean……………………………………………………………………………..16
XVII. Anti Ragging Act ………………………………………………………………………………….16
Annexure I
List of documents to be submitted……………………………………………………………….17
Annexure – II
Definition of Local / Non‐Local Status…………………………………………………………..19
Counseling procedure …………………………………………………………………………………21
Annexure – IV
Form of Bond to be executed by a candidate joining MD/MS courses …………….24
Annexure – V
List of documents to be submitted at the time of Counseling and admission …..263
At A Glance
1. Availability of on‐line application 07‐12‐2011 (Wednesday)
2. Last date for submission of application By 5.00 PM of 31‐12‐2011
3. Cut‐off date for completion of internship 31‐03‐2012 ((Saturday)
4. Issue of Hall Tickets 1
week of February, 2012
5. Date of entrance examination 10.00 AM on 12‐02‐2012
6. Publication of question booklets and 4.00 PM on 13‐02‐2012
individual evaluation sheets (Monday)
7. Deadline for report of discrepancies in 4.00 PM on 15‐02‐2012
self evaluation of OMR sheets, if any (Wednesday)
8. Display of Merit List 21‐02‐2012 (Tuesday)
9. Date of Counseling 26‐02‐2012 (Sunday)
10. Payment of fee and submission of Date will be notified later
Original certificates and bond
11. Commencement of classes 01‐05‐2012 (Tuesday)
12. Closure of admissions 31‐05‐2012 (Thursday)4
I. Introduction
Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences is a ‘State‐wide University’ as declared
by the Presidential Order, 1974. The admissions to the courses shall be regulated as
per A.P. Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order, 1974 as issued in
G.O.P.No.646 dated 10
July, 1979 of Education (W) Department of Government of
Andhra Pradesh and as amended from time to time.
II. Notification
Applications are invited from eligible candidates of Andhra Pradesh for
admission into MD/MS post graduate medical specialty courses for the year 2012.
III. Number of seats, duration of course and entry qualification required:
Subject Seats Duration‐Years Entry Qualification
MD (Anaesthesiology) 7 3 MBBS
MD (General Medicine) 4 3 MBBS
MD (Hospital Administration) 3 3 MBBS
MS (Orthopaedics) 4 3 MBBS
MD (Pathology) 5 3 MBBS
MD (Radiotherapy) 1 3 MBBS
Note: In the event of the Medical Council of India permitting an increase in the
PG medical seats during the course of admissions for the year 2012 those seats
will also be filled up from the merit list available without issuing any further
IV. Eligibility
a) Candidates who have passed MBBS examination from Medical
Colleges recognized by MCI and completed Internship at the time of
their applying are eligible. Candidates who will be completing
Internship on or before 31/03/2012 are also eligible to apply,
provided they submit a certificate to the effect that is signed by the
b) Requirement of compulsory rotating internship shall not be condoned
unless approved by the Medical Council of India (MCI). The
condonation of compulsory rotating internship shall be restricted to
the period up to 31/03/2012 and not beyond that date. The
condonation certificate from MCI must be submitted along with the
application form.
c) The candidates who have already registered for any regular or part
time course at NIMS and would like to apply for admission to another
course at NIMS, shall resign from such Training /course in the Institute5
duly fulfilling the conditions of the bond and failure to do so will
render their applications for admission liable to be rejected.
V. Statutory Reservations
A. Rule of Reservation for Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes and Backward
Classes (A, B, C, D and E) shall be applied as per 100 points roster (Rule 22
of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996). Consequent to
allotment of the seats from roster point 1 to 24 during the year 2011, the
roster will be resumed from point 25 this year (2012).
B. i) There shall be 3% reservation on horizontal basis for differently‐abled
(PH) with loco motor disability of lower limbs between 50% to 70%.
ii) Provided that in case any seat in this 3% quota remains unfilled on
account of unavailability of candidates with locomotory disability of lower
limbs between 50% to 70% then any such unfilled seat shall be filled up
by persons with locomotory disability of lower limbs between 40% to
iii) Candidates with less than 40% disability are not eligible for the benefit
of reservation under PH category.
iv) The PH certificate should have been issued, within three months, prior
to last date for submission of application for claiming the benefit of
v) The Medical Board constituted by the NIMS will examine these
candidates and scrutinize their claim for reservation under PH for
conformation of eligibility.
C. The roster point system for statutory reservations shall be followed by
taking the total number of seats in all the courses.
i. The seats reserved for scheduled Tribes shall be made available to
Scheduled Castes and Vice‐versa, if qualified candidates are not
available in the category.
If qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes communities are not available the left over seats reserved for
them shall be treated as unreserved seats and shall be filled by the
qualified candidates from general pool.
ii. If qualified candidates belonging to Backward class of a particular
group are not available, the left over seats shall be adjusted for the
candidates of next group. If qualified candidates belonging to
Backward classes are not available to fill up the seats reserved for6
them, the left over seats shall be treated as unreserved and shall be
filled up with qualified candidates from general pool.
If qualified candidates belonging to differently abled are not available,
the leftover seat/seats shall be treated as unreserved and shall be
filled up with qualified candidates from general pool .
VI. Local Area Reservations:
The local area reservations are made as per the procedure described in the
Annexure IV of the G.O.P.No.646 dated 10
July, 1979 and may be seen at The following allocations are accordingly made
for the three regions of the State of Andhra Pradesh.
a) Andhra University (AU) ‐ 42%
b) Osmania University (OU) ‐ 36%
c) Sri Venkateswara University (SVU) ‐ 22%
The definition of local and non‐local status and a detailed description of
local/non‐local candidates in relation to a university area may be seen in
Annexure II of the prospectus.
VII. Application Procedure
1. A candidate must submit both soft and hard copies of the Application form.
2. It may be ensured that the 4‐step application process as detailed below is
Step 1: An account must be created by using an existing E‐mail ID,
Candidate’s Name, Date of Birth and a Password.
a) E‐mail ID should be already existing, active and should be valid. E‐mail ID
once filled cannot be changed. It may be ensured that E‐mail ID is
correctly filled failing which no communications will occur.
b) E‐mail ID and Password will be the applicant’s User Name and Password
for accessing online application form. In case the Password is forgotten
the applicant may click on “Forgot Password” tab and follow the
c) The applicant’s full name should be the same as given in the secondary
School Leaving Certificate or equivalent examination.
d) Date of Birth should be the same as recorded in the Secondary School
Leaving Certificate or equivalent examination
e) Once registered, the registration details cannot be changed.7
Step 2:
A demand draft may be obtained for Rs.2,000/‐ (Rupees two thousand only)
in favour of the Director, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, payable at
Hyderabad or by paying Rs.2,000/‐ in NIMS cash counter in person. The
candidates must write his/her name and application registration number on
the back side of the DD/NIMS cash receipt. Application fee is non‐refundable
even if the application is summarily rejected.
Step 3:
a) It is important to obtain a digital copy of a passport size photograph or a
soft copy of the scanned photograph of size not more than 100KB.
b) The signature of the candidate may be inserted in an area of 2” x 1” on
white paper with black ball point pen. The signature area of 2” x 1” may
be scanned, cropped and saved for uploading with the online application.
One MUST NOT UPLOAD signature in A4 size format/complete paper as
this later on would result in difficulty in inserting the signature in their
admit cards
c) The demand draft/NIMS cash receipt also needs to be scanned and kept
Step 4:
a) The online application form is now filled completely after logging in to
the individual account of the candidate
b) Instructions for filling are provided as help text in the online application
form against each item to be filled in.
c) The passport size photograph, signature and demand draft/NIMS cash
receipt need to be uploaded as instructed. (Please note that the image of
DD will not appear in print).
2” 8
d) The “View” button may be clicked to see the filled in application form and
for any editing.
e) Applicant can edit the application details only before submitting the
application. Once “Submit” button is clicked he/she will not be able to
edit the details. Therefore, “Submit” button should be clicked only after
ensuring that all the application details are correct in all respects before
the final and irrevocable submission.
3. The filled‐in Application form now needs to be printed. The hard copy of the
filled‐in application form with all necessary documents (Annexure I) and the
DD/NIMS cash receipt shall be submitted in person or sent by post to the
Associate Dean, Aptitude Testing, 1
floor, Millenium Block, Nizam’s Institute
of Medical Sciences, Punjagutta, Hyderabad ‐500 082, Andhra Pradesh on or
before 5.00 PM on 31‐12‐ 2011.
4. The filled in applications received after the prescribed date and time shall not
be considered. The Institute will not be responsible for non‐receipt of
applications or delay in postal transit.
5. An acknowledgement along with the Registration Number will be sent to the
candidate by Email after the Application is received
6. After the applications are processed, candidates will be informed of the
status of their applications. If there is any discrepancy or non submission of
required documents, candidates will be informed by e‐mail. They may also
check the status of their Application on line after logging in. In case there are
no discrepancies, hall tickets will be issued by the scheduled date and
candidates may down load the same.
7. The in‐service candidates must be sponsored by their parent department.
Applications should be forwarded by the appointing authority. The in‐service
candidates are required to submit “No Objection Certificate” in original from
the appointing authority at the time submission of application.
VIII. Entrance Test
1. The entrance examination is common to all post‐graduate courses and consists
of 150 single best response type MCQs and will cover all subjects.
2. An approximate break‐up of the question paper is given below:9
Subject No.of MCQs
Anatomy 6
Biochemistry 6
Physiology 6
Pathology 9
Pharmacology 9
Microbiology 9
Medicine 5
Medicine 15
Pediatrics 7
Dermatology 3
Psychiatry 3
Radio‐diagnosis 8
Surgery 15
Orthopedics 10
Ophthalmology 5
Anesthesiology 5
OBG 15
Total 150
3. Approximately, 15% of the questions will be of Assertion‐Reasoning type, 15%
will be multi response type and the remaining will be of standard MCQ type.
Irrespective of question types, questions may be based on images, clinical
problem solving, diagnostic algorithms etc. Sample questions are available at
the website
4. The syllabus for Entrance Test shall be that of MBBS standard of the
Universities in Andhra Pradesh State.
5. All questions will be of one best/correct response type having four alternatives.
6. More than one answer indicated against a question will be deemed as incorrect
response and negative marks will be given.
7. Each answer with correct response shall be awarded one mark.
8. Zero mark will be given for the questions not answered.
9. Negative marks will be given for incorrect response. For every incorrect
response 0.25 mark will be deducted.
10. The entrance test shall be conducted at the venue and date and time specified
by the institute.10
11. Candidates will receive one of the four sets of a question booklet. The same
questions will be arranged in different order in each set. It is the candidate’s
responsibility to darken the appropriate question booklet code in the OMR
answer sheet. Candidate should also write the OMR answer sheet serial
number in the question booklet and return it to the invigilator at the end of
examination. OMR answer sheets of the candidates not complying with
instructions or resorting to malpractice of any kind will not be evaluated.
12. The minimum percentage of marks for eligibility in the entrance examination
for admission to postgraduate medical courses shall be 50% for general
category candidates, 45% for persons with locomotory disability of lower limbs
as defined earlier and 40% for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes.
13. Candidates appearing for entrance test will not be paid any traveling
14. Candidates indulging in malpractice during the entrance examination will be
disqualified and their hall‐tickets shall be confiscated. The malpractice
information will be forwarded to Medical Council of India for necessary action
in addition to any action taken by NIMS administration. The marks of such
candidates will not be displayed.
15. The Examination and Evaluation process to postgraduate admissions at NIMS is
totally transparent:
i. The question papers are set by a random computer selection from
a question bank that is validated by an appointed senior faculty.
ii. Immediately after the examination, the question paper and the
individual performances as evaluated by the computerized system
against right answers are published on NIMS website.
iii. Candidates are given 48 hours to lodge any complaints with
regard to the question paper, the answer key provided and the
evaluation of the individual performances as perceived by the
candidates. All the complaints are registered and acknowledged.
iv. The complaints are looked in to by the Faculty appointed for the
purpose who would then give their considered report with
reasons and references from medical literature. The report of the
Faculty is considered final and no further enquiries are
v. After the complaints are resolved the final evaluation of individual
candidates along with the merit list of candidates is published on
NIMS website.
vi. No individual correspondence will be entertained at any stage.11
IX. Method of Selection
1. Selection will be made based on the performance of the candidates at the
Common Entrance Test i.e. NIMSET 2012.
2 In the event of two or more candidates securing equal marks in the entrance
examination, their inter se merit in the descending order shall be determined
as follows:
i. Candidate scoring less negative marks followed by
ii. Candidate senior in age will be followed by
iii. Candidate securing higher aggregate marks in Final MBBS examination
(Part I and Part II).
4. The marks obtained by the candidates in the entrance examination and merit
list along with the names of candidates qualified for counseling will be
displayed on the notice board of the Institute/website on the date specified. In case the candidate fails
to report for counseling he/she forfeits the right to admission.
5. Candidates have to report for counseling on the date specified in person. No
request for postponing the date of counseling or request to appear at an
earlier date shall be entertained. In case, a candidate fails to report for
counseling at the date and time specified, he/she forfeits the right to
admission and the seat shall be offered to the next candidate in the merit list.
The candidates recommended for provisional admission are required to pay
an amount of Rs.10,000/‐ (Rupees ten thousand only) towards counseling fee
immediately. This amount will be adjusted against the admission fee to be
paid along with the balance of the admission fee to be collected at the time
of admission. In case, the candidate does not, for any reason, report for
admission before specified date he/she will forfeit the counseling fee. The
counseling procedure is described at Annexure III.
6. The candidate selected at counseling will be given a provisional admission
X. Admission
1. All those candidates who have been allotted the seat have to pay the fee as
specified and submit the original certificates on the date of admission. All the
candidates joining the post graduate degree course shall execute a bond and
undergo medical examination by a board constituted by NIMS on or before
the stipulated date. The bond should be on non‐judicial stamped paper of
Rs.100/‐ value along with two sureties at the time of admission as per the
format enclosed to the prospectus at Annexure‐IV that they shall complete
the course failing which the conditions of the bond shall be invoked. The12
sureties on the bond should be not below the rank of Gazetted Officers. The
signature of the surety should be supported by seal/rubber stamp.
2. After the certificates are scrutinized and found to be in order, the candidate
signs an agreement and he/she is given the admission letter. This is treated as
completion of the admission process.
3. If any candidate discontinues the course at any time or is relieved on his/her
request for any reason the fee that is paid will not be refunded. In addition
he/she has to pay a penalty as indicated below:
a) A candidate who discontinues the course during admission period i.e.
May 1
2012 to May 31
2012 shall have to pay a penalty of
Rs.1,00,000/‐ (Rupees one lakh only), and stipend received if any and if a
candidate discontinues the course after closure of admissions i.e. on or
after 1
June, shall have to pay a penalty of Rs.5,00,000/‐ (Rupees five
lakhs only) and stipend received if any.
b) After closure of admissions, a candidate can seek his/her original
certificates on fulfilling the following conditions: Deposit or furnish a bank
guarantee in favour of the institute for Rs.1,00,000/‐ in addition to
stipend to be received for the remaining period of course from the date
of seeking the certificates.
c) The fee paid at the time of counseling/admission is not refundable under
any circumstances
4. For candidates who are pursuing studies and who cannot deposit the original
certificates at the time of counseling have to bring Xerox copies of the
original certificates duly attested by the controlling authorities of the
institution. They shall also produce a certificate from the institution that they
have no objection to the candidate’s admission to the post graduate degree
course and in the event of selection of the candidate to the course he/she
shall be relieved immediately. Failure to submit the above certificates shall
render the candidates being ineligible for counseling.
5. In all matters relating to counseling and admission, the decision of the
Institute shall be final and binding on the candidates and selection cannot be
questioned after admissions are closed.
6. No individual correspondence will be made for counseling/admission.
Candidates are requested to follow the information displayed at NIMS notice
board and website:
7. Fee Structure:
Sl Purpose Periodicity 1
year 2
year 3
1 Tuition fee Monthly Rs.4,000 Rs.5,000 Rs.6,000
2 Library fee Annual Rs.1,000 Rs.1,000 Rs.1,000
3 Medical fee Annual Rs.1,500 Rs.1,500 Rs.1,500
4 Examination fee One time Rs.5,000 ‐ ‐
5 Thesis/Paper
6 Alumni services One time Rs.3,500
8. In‐service candidates of Government of Andhra Pradesh are also required to
pay the above fee. Non‐payment of tuition fee will entail discontinuation of the course.
XI. After admission
1. The courses are full time courses. The candidates shall be full time resident.
No postgraduate is allowed to do any private practice or consultation. The
tuition fee shall be paid before 5
of every month. For such of those candidates
receiving stipend the tuition fee shall be deducted from the stipend payable to
2. The candidate shall not register for any other Degree/Diploma and continue
the studies concurrently while doing the present course.
3. Accommodation will be provided to the candidates to the extent available
on a rent fixed as per rules of Institute. They will have to necessarily stay in
the accommodation if provided by the Institute.
4. Duties and responsibilities of Residents joining MD/MS courses shall be fixed
by the Institute from time to time. They will be required to pursue such works as
may be needed in the legitimate interest of patient care in the hospital.
5. All selected candidates must maintain a logbook recording their day‐to‐
day academic activities, which are to be submitted to the Director through
proper channel once in six months.14
6. The selected candidates will have to submit thesis/research documents as per
rules of Institute that shall be issued in accordance to the MCI guidelines.
7. The admission of each Resident will be subject to medical fitness. The
Medical Board appointed by the Institute will decide the medical fitness. The
decision of the Medical Board shall be final.
8. The students shall maintain strict discipline during the period of study/training
programme in terms of conduct rules of the NIMS. Violation of the conduct rules
will result in the cancellation of the admission of the candidate apart from
invoking the terms and conditions of the bond. The candidate shall not resort
to any strikes during the period of their study in dereliction of their duties or air
their views criticizing the policies of the Institute either before the print or
Electronic Media or anywhere.
9. Candidates found to be ineligible at any stage of examination will not be
permitted to appear in the examination. In an unlikely event of any ineligible
candidate appearing and/or being successful in the examination the result of
such candidate shall be cancelled and/or are deemed to be cancelled.
10 . “All the candidates joining the course shall work as ‘full time
residents’ during the period of training and shall attend not less than 80%
(eighty percent) of the imparted training during each academic year
including assignments, assessed full time responsibilities and participation
in all facets of the educational process.”
11 . All guidelines/instructions issued by Medical Council of India from time to
time will be applicable.
XII. Stipend/Salary
1. Stipend/salary as fixed by the Institute from time to time shall be paid.
2. Stipend/salary will be paid to the Postgraduate students who are regular in
attendance and show good progress every month. The total period during
which the students are paid stipend shall not exceed 36 months for
Postgraduate degree courses. No candidate will be eligible to draw the
stipend for more than 36 months during his/her entire study period.
3. In‐service candidates serving Government of Andhra Pradesh and other
Government institutions will not be paid stipend.
4. The postgraduate degree candidates must complete the final examination
within a period of 8 years from the date of admission to the course, failing
which the candidate will be required to re‐register for Post Graduate degree
course after getting himself/herself selected for the course.15
XIII. Closure of admissions:
The admissions stand closed by the prescribed date and the courses shall
commence from the notified date. Due to unforeseen reasons if a seat falls
vacant within the period of closure of admissions as per MCI rules, the
candidate next in order of merit as per rules will be considered for admission
i.e., on or before 31/05/2012.
XIV. Leave
1. The candidates are eligible for 30 days all purpose leave in an academic year. The
entitlement includes leave for sickness and attendance of professional conferences
2. Maximum duration of leave at a time will be 10 days
3. If a candidate avails more than 10 days at a time, the stipend shall be deducted
proportionately. The balance of leave in a year, if any, shall not be carried forwards
to the next academic year.
4. The candidate is not eligible for special casual leave.
5. Extraordinary leave without stipend, for additional periods beyond leave eligibility
will be considered in case the candidate is sick and the Institute’s medical board
considers that his/her illness requires rest.
6. If the candidate is absent for more than 30 days without sanction of leave, he/she
shall be deemed to have discontinued the course and the Bond amount and the
stipend paid shall be recovered as per rules.
XV. Maternity Leave
1. Maximum stipendiary maternity leave is three months.
2. Women candidates may avail up to six weeks of stipendiary maternity leave before
the expected date of delivery and the remaining part of three months stipendiary
maternity leave after the EDD.
3. Additional non‐stipendiary maternity leave up to three months may be availed by
the women candidates.
4. Thus the maximum duration of permissible maternity leave is six months. Three
months with stipend and the remaining without stipend
5. The maternity leave entitlement as above is without prejudice and without
compromise of the mandatory clinical experience and attendance requirement of
the course.16
i. The course may be extended and the candidate may be allowed to take the next
available end semester or end term examinations after completing the mandatory
attendance requirement.
ii. The candidates shall undergo extra training for the period covered by the
absence without stipend.
XVI. Powers of the Dean
Not withstanding anything contained in these Prospectus the Dean, NIMS
may at any time before completion of the Postgraduate Medical Course
either on his own motion or on the application of any person after due and
proper enquiry and after giving the person two weeks time from the date of
receipt of the show cause notice to submit the written explanation and on
personal hearing, order the cancellation of admission to the course. If in his
opinion such candidate had furnished incorrect particulars/false information
in the application or in the documents attached thereto or in the statement
made either before the authority in charge of admission or the Dean or any
other manner. Against any such order of the Dean, the appeal shall lie with
the Director, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences.
XVII. Anti Ragging Act
Ragging is prohibited in the Educational Institutions in the State of Andhra
Pradesh, vide.Act.No.26 of 1997, dated 21‐08‐1997 & amendments made
from time to time and Medical Council of India (Prevention and Prohibition
of Ragging in Medical Colleges/ Institutions) Regulations, 2009 issued vide
notification dated 03‐08‐2009.
If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the concerned
student shall be given liberty to explain and if his/her explanation is not
found satisfactory, the authority would expel him/her from the Institution
and the information will be forwarded to Medical Council of India for taking
necessary action.
This prospectus is subject to change in accordance with the decisions of the institute
taken from time to time.
Annexure I
List of documents to be submitted
1. Original bank demand draft/NIMS cash receipt (please write the name of the
candidate and course applied for on the back side of draft/cash receipt).
2. Attested copy of Marks memos of M.B.B.S
3. Attested copy of Provisional/Final M.B.B.S. Degree Certificate or consolidated
marks memo (if available)
4. Attested copy of X class marks memo/proof of date of birth
5. Attested copy of Permanent Medical Registration Certificate
6. Attested copy of Compulsory Rotation Internship Certificate
7. Attested copy of Social Status Certificate in the prescribed format, if
8. The BC‐E certificate based on G.O.Ms.No.23, Backward Classes Welfare (C2),
dated 7
July, 2007 should be obtained from Mandal Revenue
Officer/Tahsildar on or after 7
July, 2007, if applicable
9. Attested copy of Transfer/Migration certificate of M.B.B.S.(mandatory as per
MCI post graduate medical education regulations 2000)
10. Attested copy of Study and Conduct certificate of MBBS from the Head of the
11. Attested copy of Study and Conduct certificates from 6
to Intermediate
(applicable for candidates who completed MBBS from State‐wide
Universities/State‐wide educational institutions/State‐wide courses in
Andhra Pradesh as defined in the GOP No.646 dated 10
July, 1979.
12. Attested copy of documents in support of local candidature as defined in the
Presidential Order (GOP No.646, dated 10
July, 1979, A.P.Educational
Institutions (Regulation of Admissions), Order 1974:
i) Study and Conduct certificate for 7 years (Intermediate to MBBS)
from the Head of the Institution OR
ii) Residence certificate of candidate (who have not studied in any
institution during the whole or any part of seven consecutive
academic years in Andhra Pradesh immediately preceding the
qualifying examination) for a total period of 10 years in A.P.
excluding the period of study outside the State of Andhra Pradesh
issued by MRO/Tahsildar OR18
iii) Residence Certificate of parents for a total period of 10 years in
Andhra Pradesh excluding period of employment outside the State
of Andhra Pradesh issued by MRO/Tahsildar.
13. The residence certificate of the candidate issued by MRO/Tahsildar, where
applicable, must be in the format prescribed in the GOP No.646 dated 10
July, 1979.
14. No Objection Certificate from appointing authority in original (for in‐service
candidates only)
15. Internship completion certificate (whose internship to be completed by 31
March, 2012) attested by the principal of the medical college, if applicable.
16. Attested copy of differently abled (PH) certificate if applicable. The
certificate should be issued, within 3 months prior to last date for submission
of application by claiming the benefit of reservation, by the Medical Board
vide G.O. Ms.No.109 Women’s Development Child Welfare and Labour
Department dated 15‐6‐1992.
Please Note the following:
Application will be summarily rejected if any of the above documents are not
Any person found submitting false certificate will be prosecuted as per the law and
the names of such person shall be forwarded to MCI
If the memorandums of marks are not submitted along with the application form or
where evaluation is done by grading, 50% will be assumed as default should there
be need for tie breaking.
Do not fold the application
Do not staple or tag application with other documents19
Annexure – II
Definition of Local / Non‐Local Status
1. A Candidate shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area
1.1. If he/she has studied in an Educational Institution or Educational Institutions
in such local area for a period of not less than four consecutive academic
years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or first
appeared in the relevant qualifying examination as the case may be.
1.2. Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years
in which he/she appeared, or first appeared in the relevant qualifying
examination, he/she has not studied in any educational institutions, if he/she
resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years immediately
preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination
in which he/she appeared, or first appeared, as the case may be.
A candidate who is not regarded as local candidate under clause (1.1)
above in relation to any local are shall
2.1. If he/she studied in the educational institutions in the state for a period of
not less than seven academic years ending with the academic year in which
he/she appeared or first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination as
the case may be, be regarded as a local candidate in relation to.
i. Such local area where he/she studied for the maximum period out
of period of seven years.
ii. Where the period of his/her study in two or more local areas is equal,
such local area where he/she studied last in such equal periods.
2.2. If during the whole or any part of the seven consecutive academic years
ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or first appeared
for the relevant qualifying examination, he/she has not studied in the
educational institutions, in any local area, but has resided in the state during
the whole of the said period of seven years, be regarded as a local candidate
in relation to.20
i. Such local area where he/she has resided for the maximum
period out of the said period of seven years.
ii. Where the period of his/her residence in two or more local
areas is equal such local area where he/she had resided last in
such periods.
Note: Local area in respect of Andhra Pradesh (A.U area) includes Nagarjuna
University area; In respect of Sri Venkateswara University (SVU area) it includes
Sri Krishnadevaraya University area; in respect of Osmania University (OU
area) it includes Kakatiya University area.
3. Candidates coming under any of the categories given below and not satisfying the
conditions mentioned in 1 or 2 above are treated as Non‐Local to all the three
University areas specified above.
a. Candidates who have resided in the state of AP for a total period of 10
years or more excluding the period of study outside this state.
b. Candidates either of whose parents has resided in this state for a
total period of 10 years or more excluding the periods of employment
outside the state.
c. Candidates either of whose parents is employed in the State of A.P in
the State or Central Government Public Sector Corporations, Local
Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi Government Institutions
within this state, at the time of submitting the application.
d. Candidates who are spouses of those employed in the State of A.P in
the State or Central Government, Public Sector Corporations, Local
Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi Government Institutions
within this state, at the time of submitting the application. For full
details refer G.O. No. 646, dated 10.07.1979
Note: Any period of study in State‐wide University or a State‐wide educational
Institution/State‐wide course as defined in the schedule to the Presidential
Order, 1974 shall be considered for determining the University area.21
Counseling procedure
1. The candidates qualified for counseling will be called on the specified date for
2. The parameters considered during the counseling are:
i. the roster point (see table below)
ii. social category allotted for that roster point
iii. merit order of the candidate belonging to the category and
iv. Availability of subject of the candidate’s choice within the
university area he/she belongs to (see table below) if applicable.
3. The candidates will be called in the order of roster point and asked to choose
the subject of their choice. The first roster point for this year (2012) happens
to be 25 and is allotted to ST. Therefore, the top ranker belonging to ST
category will be called first and will be asked to choose the subject of
his/her choice and will be allotted the subject, provided a seat is available
within the university area (if applicable) he/she belongs to. Similarly, the
second candidate to be called will be the top ranker among OC candidates
(open category: irrespective of social class). The third candidate shall be top
ranker among of SC category and so on. As the counseling proceeds, if a
subject selected by a candidate is not available by virtue of getting filled up
before, he/she will be allotted a subject of his/her second choice. The other
restriction the candidate will have while selecting a particular subject is the
availability of seat within the local university area he/she belongs to. In case
it is not available the candidate will be asked his/her next choice where a seat
is available within the university area he belongs to.
Roster point Category Roster point Category Roster point Category
25 ST 35 BC‐B 45 BC‐A
26 OC 36 OC 46 OC
27 SC 37 OC 47 SC
28 OC 38 OC 48 OC
29 BC‐A 39 BC‐D
30 OC 40 OC
31 OC‐PH 41 SC
32 OC 42 OC
33 ST 43 BC‐D
34 OC 44 BC‐E
Note: Roster points will be extended beyond 48 in case any additional seats in the
existing or new courses are sanctioned by Medical Council of India, New Delhi.22
4. The University Area Reservation as per the provisions of Annexure IV of GOP
646 dated 10
July, 1979 applicable for state‐wide universities is as follows:
Local Area Reservation
Subject No. of
MD‐Anesthesiology 7 3 2 1 1
MD‐General Medicine 4 1 1 1 1
3 Not applicable
MS‐Orthopedics 4 1 1 1 1
MD‐Pathology 5 2 1 1 1
MD‐Radiotherapy 1 Not applicable
5. ‘Differently‐abled’
i. One seat is reserved at 31
roster point for differently abled
(Physically Handicapped) candidate. This seat will be filled on
horizontal basis.
ii. The reservation of PH (differently‐abled) in admission to PG
medical courses in the first instance is provided to candidates with
locomotory disability confined only to lower limbs between 50 to
70% and in case eligible candidates are not available, then the
candidates with disability of lower limbs between 40 to 50% will
be considered.
iii. The roster point 31 will remain reserved for a ‘differently‐abled’
candidate only if the previous roster points (i.e.25 to 30) do not
get filled by such a candidate. If any of these points gets filled by a
differently‐abled candidate, the roster point 31 will be allotted to
an OC candidate.
iv. If the candidate at 31
roster point happens to be an OC, then the
roster will remain intact. On the other hand, if the candidate
happens to be in the reserved category (BC‐A, BC‐B, BC‐D, BC‐E,
SC, ST), then the next available roster point for that category will
be adjusted to an open position. For example, if a differently‐
abled BC‐A candidate opts for the seat at roster point 31, the 45
roster point which is the next available roster point for that
category will be adjusted to open category. If a differently‐abled
BC‐B candidate opts for the seat, then the 35
roster point will be
adjusted to an open category. If a differently‐abled BC‐D
candidate opts for the seat, then the 39
roster point will be
adjusted to an open category and so on for other categories too. 23
1. Hall Ticket (Original) issued to the candidate for entrance examination must
be produced for entry to counseling hall.
2. A candidate who is absent at the time of first counseling will forfeit his/her
chance for admission and will not be eligible for second counseling.
3. Qualified candidates have to report for counseling in person with hall‐ticket,
counseling fee and other required documents as detailed in Annexure‐II.
4. Provisional certificate of MBBS degree is permissible for those candidates
who had passed the MBBS course in the year 2012 only
5. No TA/DA will be paid to any category of candidate called for counseling. All
candidates should attend counseling at their own expenses. They should
make their own arrangements for stay at Hyderabad.
6. Option once exercised during counseling is final. A candidate who has opted
for and allotted a particular seat in the first counseling will not be permitted
for second/further counseling.
7. The candidate has to attend in person for counseling. No proxy/
representative is permitted under any circumstances into the counseling hall.
8. Second counseling will be held, if seats are vacant, on the date specified. The
dates and eligible candidates shall be notified in NIMS website and no
personal intimation will be sent.
9. A candidate who is present for the first counseling but does not opt at his
category rank will be eligible to attend second counseling.
10. Any seat remaining vacant after the second counseling due to candidate’s
resigning (or) not opting for the discipline, will be available for the final open
selection counseling to be held in the last week of May, 2012.
1. No individual correspondence will be made for selection/admission. Candidates
are requested to follow the instructions/information displayed at NIMS notice
board/website: as per the scheduled programme.
2. The admission schedule is as per the MCI instructions based on the Supreme Court
Order: Slp No.14919/2000‐(2002) 7 SCC 258 and W.P.No.306 of 2004.
3. NIMS is not responsible for any postal delay for the receipt of the completed
application after the prescribed closing date.
4. For enquiries contact:
Office of Associate Dean, (Aptitude Testing)
floor, Millenium block, NIMS
Phone No:040‐23489189
Mobile No:09490295019
5. For clarifications mail to: [email protected]
6. Candidates are requested to visit the website periodically for any updates.
Annexure – IV
Form of Bond to be executed by a candidate joining MD/MS courses
(on Non Judicial Stamped paper Rs.100/-)
This Bond is executed on this ___day of _____2012 by Dr.____________
S/o/D/o/W/o _____________
R/o___________________________________________ hereinafter called as
“STUDENT “in favour of the Executive Registrar, Nizam’s Institute of Medical
Sciences, (NIMS), Punjagutta, Hyderabad hereinafter called as the” NIMS “
WHEREAS the said student selected for the course of______________________ in
NIMS for the year 2012.
WHEREAS the NIMS has prescribed/stipulated the condition in prospectus that the
student selected for the course have to execute a bond for Rs.1,00,000/-(Rupees One
lakh Only) in favour of the Executive Registrar, NIMS promising that he/she will
complete the course. In case of cancellation/discontinuance of the said course during
May 1st, 2012 to May 31
, 2012, the student is liable to pay the said bond amount
besides the amounts that are received from NIMS by way of stipend etc.
Where as the NIMS has prescribed/stipulated the condition in admission Prospectus
that the student selected for course have to execute a bond for Rs5,00,000/-(Rupees
five lakhs only) in favour of the Executive Registrar, NIMS promising that he will
complete the course and in case of cancellation/discontinuation of the said course
after closure of admissions i.e. on or after 1
June, 2012, the candidate is liable to pay
the said bond amount besides the amounts that are received from NIMS by way of
stipend etc.
Whereas the student selected has agreed to said conditions and executing this bond.
The bond will come into force from date of selection.
This Bond is executed in presence of following witnesses.
Signature and Name of the student
Witness 1 }
}with full name and permanent address
Witness 2 }
We, the gazetted officers/faculty
1) _________________________ S/o,D/o,W/o_______________________ aged
______ years R/o_________________________________________________
working as __________________________ at ___________________________
2) _________________ _______ S/o,D/o,W/o_______________________ aged
______ years R/o_________________________________________________
working as __________________________ at ___________________________
hereby stand as sureties to the Bond executed by Dr ________________ S/o,D/o,W/o
___________________________ in favour of Executive Registrar, NIMS,
Punjagutta, Hyderabad. We undertake the liability of the above bond amount to an
extent of bond amount as well as the amounts received by way of stipend etc. by the
student/executor of the Bond. If the student/executor of the said bond fails to
discharge his/her obligations under the said bond, we abide to pay the amount as and
when the NIMS demands.
The Sureties are signed this bond in presence of the following witnesses on this ____ day of ______ 2012
Witness:1} Surities:1
} with full name and
} permanent address
Witness:2} Surities:2
(With rubber stamp)
-oOo 26
Annexure – V
List of documents to be submitted at the time of Counseling and admission
(All Originals)
1. Marks memos of M.B.B.S
2. M.B.B.S. Degree Certificate.
3. X class marks memo/proof of date of birth
4. Permanent Medical Registration Certificate
5. Compulsory Rotation Internship Certificate
6. Social Status Certificate, if applicable
7. The BC‐E certificate based on G.O.Ms.No.23, Backward Classes Welfare (C2),
dated 7
July, 2007 should be obtained from Mandal Revenue
Officer/Tahsildar on or after 7
July, 2007, if applicable
8. Transfer/Migration certificate of M.B.B.S.(mandatory as per MCI Post
Graduate Medical Education Regulations 2000)
9. Study and Conduct certificate of MBBS from the Head of the
10. Attested copy of Study and Conduct certificates from 6
to Intermediate
(applicable for candidates who completed MBBS from State‐wide
Universities/State‐wide educational institutions/State‐wide courses in
Andhra Pradesh as defined in the GOP No.646 dated 10
July, 1979.
11. Documents in support of local candidature as defined in the Presidential
Order (GOP No.646, dated 10
July, 1979, A.P. Educational Institutions
(Regulation of Admissions), Order 1974:
a. Study and Conduct certificate for 7 years (Intermediate to MBBS)
from the Head of the Institution OR
b. Residence certificate of candidate for a total period of 10 years in A.P.
excluding the period of study outside the State of Andhra Pradesh
issued by MRO/Tahsildar 1979 (who have not studied in any
institution during the whole or any part of seven consecutive
academic years in Andhra Pradesh immediately preceding the
qualifying examination) OR
c. Residence Certificate of parents for a total period of 10 years in
Andhra Pradesh excluding period of employment outside the State of
Andhra Pradesh issued by MRO/Tahsildar.27
d. The residence certificate of the candidate issued by MRO/Tahsildar,
where applicable, must be in the format prescribed in the GOP
No.646 dated 10
July, 1979.
12. Fee particulars:
Sl Purpose Periodicity 1
year 2
year 3
1 Tuition fee Monthly Rs.4,000 Rs.5,000 Rs.6,000
2 Library fee Annual Rs.1,000 Rs.1,000 Rs.1,000
3 Medical fee Annual Rs.1,500 Rs.1,500 Rs.1,500
4 Examination fee One time Rs.5,000 ‐ ‐
5 Thesis/Paper
6 Alumni services One time Rs.3,500
12. Bond as described in annexure‐IV
13. Differently abled (PH) certificate where applicable. The certificate should be
issued, within 3 months prior to last date for submission of application by
claiming the benefit of reservation, by the Medical Board vide G.O. Ms.No. 109
Women’s Development, Child Welfare and Labour Department dated 15‐6‐1992.
The Medical Board constituted by the NIMS will scrutinize/verify the disability
candidates and candidates claiming reservation under PH for conformation of
14. For candidates who are pursuing studies and who cannot deposit the original
certificates at the time of counseling have to bring Xerox copies of the original
certificates duly attested by the controlling authorities of the institution. They
shall also produce a certificate from the institution that they have no objection to
the candidate’s admission to the post graduate degree course and in the event of
selection of the candidate to the course he/she shall be relieved immediately.
Failure to submit the above certificates shall render the candidates being
ineligible for counseling.
Good Evening 🙂
where is the merit list