MBBS Cut Off 2013 Tamil Nadu OC BC BCM MBC SC SCA ST

Tamil Nadu : 2013 MBBS Cut Off Mark Various Communities : OC BC MBC DC SC SCA ST
The Merit List for Tamil Nadu Medical ( MBBS ) Admissions has been released at http://tnhealth.org/notification/June2013/merit%20list13.pdf
The Counselling Schedule is as per http://tnhealth.org/notification/June2013/Counselling%202013-2014.pdf
We will update Cut off Marks here as soon as possible
OC : Open Competition :
BC : Backward Communities, other than Muslims :
BCM : Muslims :
MBC / DC : Most Backward Communities / Denotified Communities
SC : Scheduled Castes :
ST : Scheduled Tribes :
SCA : SC Arundhathiyar :
PS : Last OC candidate to be admitted was General Rank ___ Roll Number ___ Marks ___ _______ Medical College.
Note that, in Tamil Nadu, the government does not release the cut off marks
They release the merit list and call for counselling
Cut off marks are decided based on the number of people opting in or opting out
Erratum : The rank/mark ofDeepa V.S (A RNo 2731 / RegnNo 777613/2013 ) may be read as GR 1436A/ BC community rank 911A with mark 197.25
Secretary, Selection Committe
pl send me the cut off details for mbbs selection 2013to2014