2011 – 2012 Session
M.B.B.S. / B.D.S.
02 – 06 – 2011 upto 5.00 P.M.
CHENNAI – 600 010.
Phone No : 044-28361 674
Website: www.tnhealth.org / www.tn.gov.in
Official Mobile Number : 8939145147
To send SMS to candidates regarding counselling only
( If required )
+ Last date for submission of the application : 02.06.2011 , 5.00 pm
+ Expected date for declaration of Merit : 21.06.2011
+ Allotment of seats by Personal appearance
I Phase : 30.06.2011 onwards.
II Phase : Schedule will be hosted on the
website only after the
completion of the II round of All India counselling.
+ Last date of admission : The time as mentioned in the
allotment order of the candidate.
+ The merit list will be displayed on the notice board of this Directorate. Merit list will be also available on the internet at http / www.tnhealth.org / www.tn.gov.in. Results of individual candidates will not be informed over the telephone.
+ All legal disputes pertaining to the allotment of seats to colleges for both MBBS and BDS courses by the Selection Committee, Directorate of Medical Education shall fall within the jurisdiction of Chennai only.
+ Applications can be downloaded from the websites www.tnhealth.org and
www.tn.gov.in and the filled application along with necessary enclosures and 3 self addressed envelopes measuring 23 x 10 cms and sent in a large sized cover measuring 38cm X 28cm super scribed ‘APPLICATION FOR MBBS / BDS COURSES 2011 – 2012 SESSION’ to the Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai -10 before the last date along with a Demand Draft for 500 /- towards the cost of application form drawn in favour of The Secretary, Selection Committee and payable at Chennai. The name of the candidate and the name of the course (MBBS/ BDS )should be written on the reverse of the Demand Draft. AR Number will be assigned by the Selection Committee.
+ Candidates can track their applications on the above websites by entering their names as entered in the application and the Plus Two Examination Register Number.
2 | ELIGIBILITY | 2 – 8 |
5 | MERIT LIST | 22 – 23 |
8 | CATEGORIES OF SEATS | 40 – 42 |
10 | TUITION FEES | 44 |
1. (a) Completed Application Form should reach: – THE SECRETARY, SELECTION COMMITTEE, 162, E.V.R. PERIYAR SALAI, KILPAUK, CHENNAI – 600 010. on or before 02 – 06 – 2011 by 5.00 p.m. (b) The candidates shall ensure that the completed application form with all particulars and enclosures reaches the Selection Committee within the date and time specified. Applications received by Speed post / courier or any other means, after the last date & time will not be accepted irrespective of the date of booking. (c) The Selection Committee shall not be responsible for any delay in the receipt or for the loss in transit of application form etc., (d) Request for extension of time for submission of documents called for, after the specified date and time will not be entertained. (e) Any supporting documents received after the due date or application without required documents / particulars will not be entertained. (f) Candidates seeking admission under Special Category for both MBBS and BDS courses (Children of Freedom Fighters, Physically disabled, & Children of Ex- Servicemen – except Sports Quota) shall submit a separate Special Category Form I along with the main application in the prescribed format available along with the Prospectus with an additional fee of 100 /- by way of a Demand Draft for each special category enclosing the relevant certificates. If the certificates are not enclosed the candidates will not be considered under that category without any intimation to the candidate. (g) Candidates seeking admissions under Sports Quota are directed to submit their main application as well as the special category form II prescribed for Sports along with the Certificates and the additional fee of 100 /- by way of a Demand Draft only in person on or before 02.06.2011. If the certificates are not enclosed the candidates will not be considered under that category without any intimation to the candidate. (h) All the demand drafts should be drawn in favour of Secretary, Selection Committee payable at Chennai. (i) Candidates selected under General Category will not be allowed to claim the very same status as the candidates selected under Special Category and vice versa. (j) No oral enquiry would be entertained. (k) Photocopy/ Fax copy of the application will not be accepted. (l) Both upper limbs, vision and hearing should be normal for all candidates including for candidates applying under physically disabled category. |
2. Candidate should be a Citizen of India.
3. Nativity : –
i) Candidate should be a Native of Tamil Nadu
ii) Candidates who have studied from VIII to XII standards in schools in Tamil Nadu need not enclose the “ Nativity Certificate”
iii) Candidates who are native of TamilNadu but studied from VIII to XII Std either partly or completely in schools situated outside Tamil Nadu should produce the “Nativity Certificate.
iv) The Certificate of Nativity in Tamil Nadu should be issued by the competent authority only in the specified format available in the application form and supported by a copy of Passport/ Ration Card / Birth Certificate.. If the copy of the supporting document is not produced, then the application form will be rejected. Nativity Certificate submitted later will be summarily rejected.
v) Applications without a proper Nativity Certificate will not be considered.
vi) Permanent Residence Certificate will not be accepted.
Note: (a) Nativity Certificate should be produced as per Instructions for Nativity Certificate in Annexure XV
(b) Producing false nativity certificate if detected at any time later during the course of study will result in expulsion of the candidate and also initiation of criminal proceedings against the candidate as well as the Parents as per law.
4. Age Limit : –
Should have completed the age of Seventeen years on or before 31st December 2011. Evidence should be produced. |
5. Educational Qualifications: –
(i) Candidates should have passed in all the subjects of the qualifying examination of the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination (Academic) conducted by the Tamil Nadu State Board /any other equivalent Board in one and the same attempt ( Single Sitting ) in the following group of subjects with the minimum eligible marks. (a) Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. (or) (b) Physics, Chemistry, Biology with any other subject. (ii) A failure in examination/ reappearance/ first appearance in compartment in one or more subjects will be treated as an attempt. |
6. (a) Candidates who have passed the H.S.C in the Vocational Stream and private candidates are not eligible to apply for Medical / Dental course.
(b) The selection and admission of candidates of other Universities / Boards will be provisional subject to recognition of the qualifying examination by the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University under which the candidate gets admitted. In case, the recognition is not accorded for the admission of the candidate on any ground, the provisional admission will not entitle the candidate for the continuance of the course and the admission will be cancelled. |
7. Minimum Eligibility Marks : –
(i) Other Communities : –
(a) A minimum of 60% marks in Biology or Botany and Zoology taken together.
(b) A minimum of 60% marks in each of the subjects of Physics and Chemistry.
(c) Aggregate of the percentage of marks in (a) and the percentage of marks in (b) should not be less than 140 out of 200 marks.
(ii) Backward Class and Backward Class Muslim : –
(a) A minimum of 60% marks in Biology or Botany and Zoology taken together.
(b) A minimum of 60% marks in each of the subjects of Physics and Chemistry.
(c) Aggregate of the percentage of marks in (a) and the percentage of marks in (b) should not be less than 130 out of 200 marks.
(iii) Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities : –
(a) A minimum of 55% marks in Biology or Botany and Zoology taken together.
(b) A minimum of 55% marks in each of the subjects of Physics and Chemistry.
(c) Aggregate of the percentage of marks in (a) and the percentage of marks in ( b) should not be less than 120 out of 200 marks .
(iv) Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Caste–Arunthathiyar , Scheduled Tribes : –
(a) A minimum of 40% marks in Biology or Botany and Zoology taken together.
(b) A minimum of 40% marks in each of the subjects of Physics and Chemistry.
(c) Aggregate of the percentage of marks in (a) and the percentage of marks in (b) should not be less than 80 out of 200 marks.
(v) The candidates under Physically challenged Category – (Locomotory disability of Lower Limbs alone). OC / BC / BCM / MBC / DC should have obtained a minimum of 45% marks in each prescribed subject in the qualifying examination
( B ) BDS :-
(i) The candidates ( OC / BC / BCM/ MBC/ DC ) should have obtained not less than 50% of the aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology / Botany and Zoology taken together at the qualifying examination.
(ii) Scheduled Caste, Scheduled caste – Arunthathiyar and Scheduled Tribe, the aggregate marks required for admission shall be 40%.
(iii) The candidates under physically challenged category (OC / BC / BCM / MBC / DC) should have obtained not less than 45% of the aggregate marks in the above prescribed subjects at the qualifying examination.
Note:- i) The Marks obtained in the qualifying examinations in the relevant science subjects in the first appearance only will be taken into consideration for the allotment of seats to the candidates and the improvement marks in +2 examinations of any year will not be considered.
As per the G.O Ms. No. 184 .HE (32) Dept., dt 09.06.2005 and G.O (st ) No 143 HE
(32) Dept dt 06.05.2008 improvement marks obtained by the candidates including
other state candidates from 2006 onwards will not be considered .
ii) Candidates who have passed any other equivalent examinations in the first attempt with the same group of subjects mentioned above should produce the eligibility certificate from the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University before admission to the course. iii) In the case of candidates who have furnished the mark sheets of the qualifying examination, only in GRADES, the minimum marks of the grades alone will be taken into consideration while determining the marks in the Science subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Botany and Zoology. iv) Candidates who have submitted mark sheets with GRADES should obtain the mark equivalent certificates from the examination authority and attach a certified copy along with their mark sheet as an enclosure with the application. v) Normalization method will be adopted for calculating the minimum eligibility mark for the candidates who have passed any other equivalent examination. |
8. Normalization Of Marks: –
As per the Tamil Nadu Act No 3 of 2007, dt 05.03.2007 and G.O( Ms) No 77 HE(J2) Dept , dt: 05.04.2007, the marks obtained by the students in the relevant subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by the various Boards or Authority shall be equated with the marks obtained by the students in the same subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by the State Board of Tamil Nadu by adopting the method of normalization. Explanation : – Under the method of normalization the highest mark obtained by the students of various Boards in each subject will be equated to the highest mark obtained by the students of State Board in that subject and the relative marks obtained by other students in that subject will be determined accordingly. Illustration: – If the highest mark secured by the student of State Board in Physics is 100 and the highest mark secured by a student of any other Board in the same subject is 90, both the highest mark will be considered to be equal to 100. If a student of the Other Board secures 60 marks in Physics when the first mark in Physics in the same board is 90, the 60 marks will be considered to be equal to 66.66 marks as arrived at below:- 100 x 60 = 66.66% 90 After normalization of marks in the relevant subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by different Boards, the qualified students of different Boards will be merged into a common merit list. |
b.Each application form bears a unique number which is printed on the Prospectus, Application form and the OMR. Candidates are requested to check the number and ensure that the same number is printed on the Prospectus , Application form , OMR, Outer & Inner covers and Acknowledgement Card. In case any discrepancy is noted, it should be immediately brought to the notice of the Selection Committee before the last date for the receipt of applications. However the serial number of the OMR will be considered as the final number for correspondence purposes . |
10. | Use one common application form for M.B.B.S. and B.D.S. Courses. No candidate should submit more than one application. |
. |
Fill up the application form and OMR sheet legibly, neatly and correctly. The
information will be processed by using a computer. Any mistake committed by the candidate will prejudice the selection. |
12. | Do not fold the OMR sheet under any circumstance. Making a hole, using a pin or a stapler on the OMR sheet should be avoided. Cutting, overwriting and erasing in the Application form and in the OMR Sheet or Scrutiny Form should be strictly avoided |
13. | Candidates should inform the change of address, immediately to the Selection Committee. If the change of address is not intimated to the Selection Committee in time, the Selection Committee will not be responsible for delay in communication or its consequences. The results will be published on the web sites www.tnhealth.org / |
www.tn.gov.in as well as on the notice board of the Selection Committee, Directorate | |
of Medical Education, Chennai. 10 | |
14. | a) Application with incomplete or insufficient particulars or without enclosures or those received after the last date mentioned will be summarily rejected without intimation to the candidate.
b) Filled up applications without the signature of the candidates will be rejected. |
15. | The Government Orders issued and to be issued from time to time pertaining to any of the matters contained in the prospectus should be read as part and parcel of this prospectus and such terms and conditions in the Government Order are deemed to have been incorporated in this prospectus. |
16. | Candidates should affix recent passport size photographs taken with name and date (as shown in the Instructions- Annexure XIII ) duly attested by Group A or Group B officer of the Government of Tamil Nadu or Central Government or the Head of the Institution last studied in the places provided in the application form and the OMR.. |
17. The Registration Number allotted by the Directorate of Government Examination / Concerned Boards should be indicated along with the year of +2 examination/ equivalent in the application for admission to Medical / Dental Course. |
18. All the entries in the application form should be written legibly by the candidate in his/her own handwriting.The candidate should ensure that all information including the marks in the qualifying examination furnished by him/her in the application and the enclosure are correct. The candidate is informed that if after proper scrutiny of his/her application, the marks furnished by him/her in the application are not correct or any other information is found to be incorrect, then;
a. he/she will forfeit the admission no matter at what stage of the course, he / she will be at that time; b. he/she will be debarred from pursuing any other course for a period of three years;
19. No document enclosed with the application will be returned. Candidates are required to enclose only the attested photocopies of the following certificates along with the application. Attestation should have been made by Group A or Group B Officer of the State Government or Central Government or by Head of the Institution where the candidate studied.
(a) Mark sheet of H.S.C. (Academic) examination (both sides of mark sheet should be photocopied) or any other equivalent examination of the first appearance.
(b) Transfer certificate obtained after the completion of H.S.C. (Academic) or equivalent courses.
(c) Nativity certificate (if applicable)
(d) Permanent Community Certificate Card.
(e) X standard Mark Sheet .
(f) Certificate for proof of study from VIII standard to XII standard.
(g) H.S.C Hall Ticket
(h) First graduate certificate( if applicable ).Certificate submitted along with application alone will be considered. If submitted later to the college authorities it will be summarily rejected (Annexure XVI- a & b)
(i) Special category form(s) with Demand Drafts and relevant certificates (if applicable).
(i) The candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribe should produce Community Certificate obtained from Revenue Divisional Officer. An attested Xerox copy or certified copy of the permanent community certificate card should be produced.
(ii) Producing a false community, Nativity or any other certificate if detected later at any point of time during the course of study will result in expulsion of the candidate and also criminal proceedings will be initiated against the candidate as well as the parents as per law.
(iii) As number of bogus community certificates are being encountered off late and in order to curb such practices, the authentication of the above certificate has to be verified and confirmed by the concerned authority, before the individual completes 1st year MBBS/BDS course. The concerned candidate and parents should take necessary steps to that effect. Unless proof of authenticity of community certificate is received, the candidate will not be allowed to continue the 2nd year. |
20. (i) Ranking will be made on merit on the basis of marks obtained by the eligible candidates in the prescribed science subjects in the qualifying examinations reduced to the base of 200 marks. The marks obtained through different boards will be taken into account after normalization. CALCULATION Weighted Total Marks for a maximum of 200 Percentage in Biology (after normalization) (X) Percentage in Physics and Chemistry taken together (after normalization) (Y) Percentage in Botany and Zoology taken together (after normalization) (Z) Weighted total marks for a maximum of 200 Either (X+Y) OR (Z+Y) ii) Ranking of the candidates will be done based on the total marks obtained in the relevant science subjects after normalization of marks computed to a maximum of 200. iii) a) The improvement marks of any year in +2 examination are not valid and only the marks obtained in the first appearance in the qualifying examination will be taken into consideration for the selection and allotment of candidates to M.B.B.S./B.D.S. Course. b) If claiming of improvement marks for selection to MBBS / BDS is detected at any point of time it will lead to cancellation of selection and removal of his/ her name from rank list. c) Any application submitted without the latest attested Xerox copy of the first |
In cases, where two or more candidates obtain equal aggregate marks for 200, the |
i) Percentage in Biology or Botany and Zoology taken together in +2 examination ii) Percentage in Chemistry in +2 examination iii) Percentage in Fourth optional subject in +2 examination iv) Date of birth – weightage given to seniority in age. v) Computerized random number assigned. Higher value of random number will be |
Open Competition – 31 % Backward Class – 26.5 % Back ward Class (Muslim) – 3.5 % Most Back ward Class – 20 % Scheduled Caste – 15 % Scheduled caste Arunthathiyar – 3 % Scheduled Tribe – 1 % BC, BCM, MBC / DNC, SC , SCA , ST candidates are eligible for Selection under Open Competition as per merit in addition to the reservation made for them. |
26. Counselling for the Special Categories will be done before the General category. There will be no reallotment / change of college allotted for the Special Category. |
(ii) a) Candidates who fail to attend the counselling at the specified date and time will b) Due to unforeseen reasons, If a candidate could not attend the Counselling on the specified date and time he / she can attend on a subsequent time / date during that Counselling phase and allowed to take the course and college available at the time of Counselling when he/she actually attends. |
( or )
He / She can authorize his / her parent on his / her behalf and the parent’s decision will be binding on the candidate. The authorization letter must be in the prescribed format in the Annexure XIV( a & b) If the candidate is absent during the 1st phase of counselling, he / she cannot attend the 2nd phase of Counselling. |
choice at the time of counselling and allotment will be subject to availability of
seats. (b) They are eligible to attend the counselling for reallotment of Colleges. The date of such counselling will be published in the website and also will be informed to the Deans of respective Medical / Dental Colleges. No individual intimation will be sent to the candidates. |
31.(a) Re-allotment will be made only for those who have joined the course within the
stipulated time. (b) Re-allotment for the vacancies arising due to not joining of the candidates both in the State Quota / All India Quota in government colleges and newly created seats will be done on merit / community basis subject to the availability of sufficient time before the cut off date prescribed by the Medical Council of India / Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University. (c) Re-allotment is not a matter of right of the candidate. Re-allotment will be done only through counselling on merit basis following the communal reservation if vacancies are available. If sufficient time is not available vacancies will be filled up with the candidates from the waiting list on merit basis only. (d) Those who obtained allotment order to a particular course in a particular category and college during the counselling but do not join within the stipulated time the |
32. Those who obtain Retotalled / Revalued marks can also attend the counselling on the day and session according to their new marks. If the candidate produces the Retotalled / Revalued marks after the counselling is over and within the cut off date, then his/her name, will be considered only in the existing vacancies available and he/she cannot claim any preferential rights for allotment according to merit under |
Retotalling / Revalued marks. Candidates who submit the Revaluation / Retotalling
marks after the administrative cut-off dates fixed by Government will not be considered for selection. |
35.(a) If a candidate chooses a Government Quota seat in Self-Financing College category when seats are available in Government Medical / Dental college he/she has to give a declaration to the effect that he/she will not be permitted to claim the Govt. seats later during re-allotment / subsequent phase of counseling.
(b) If a candidate opts out Government Quota in self-financing college category when (c) If candidates opt out they must mark as NO in the column provided in the (d) If seats are not available in a particular category/ categories at the time of counselling and candidates are willing to be waitlisted in that category / categories of seats they must mark WL in the column(s) provided in the counselling form. If not marked in the counselling form, they will not be considered as waitlisted in that category/ categories. |
39 (a) 15% of the total seats in each Government Medical/Dental College are reserved for All India Quota. (b) If MBBS/ BDS seats earmarked for All India Quota are surrendered back by the Director General of Health Services, New Delhi, the vacancies will be added to the General Pool and will be filled up with the candidates from the merit list applying the rule of reservation followed by the Government of Tamil Nadu. |
40. Choice of Candidates : – a) Candidates can exercise their option for allotment of seats subject to availability in any of the categories listed in succeeding para. If no seats are available in the particular category, he / she can be waitlisted. b) No candidate can opt to be waitlisted for a particular college. c) When a candidate is absent / opted out for the Counselling to self financing Medical / Dental colleges to which he/she is called , he /she will not be considered for that particular category. But he/ she will be wait listed for Government Medical / Dental college. |
41. (i) Category I – Government Medical Colleges:-
Seats available in MBBS course in Government Medical Colleges (ii ) Category II – Government Quota In Self – Financing Medical Colleges:- (a) 65% of the total MBBS seats in Self-Financing Non-Minority Medical Colleges including IRT Perundurai Medical College, which is run by the Institute of Road Transport. (b) 50% of the total MBBS seats in Self-Financing Minority Medical Colleges. (iii) Category III – Government Dental College:- BDS Seats available in Tamil Nadu Government Dental College. (iv) Category IV – Government Quota In Self – Financing Dental Colleges: – (a) 65% of the total BDS seats in Self-Financing Non-minority Dental Colleges. 50% of the total BDS seats in Self-Financing Minority Dental Colleges. Note: – (a) Selection Committee will allot candidates to the colleges based on merit following the rule of reservation and subject to availability. (b) The seats offered by Self-financing Medical / Dental Colleges will be filled up on merit basis from the merit list published by the Selection Committee for 2011-12 following the rule of reservation in force in Tamil Nadu. (c) The fee structure for Self-financing Medical and Dental Colleges will be adopted as fixed by the Committee constituted by the Government of Tamil Nadu for that purpose. (d) The actual number of seats offered by the Self Financing Medical/Dental Institutions will be displayed at the time of counselling. |
Seats Reserved for Special Categories in Government Colleges:- Seats earmarked for the special categories will be allotted following the Horizontal Reservation. The Seats will be allotted as per merit order in the concerned special category and those seats will be deducted in the concerned compartment (OC/ BC/ BCM/ MBC/DC/ SC/ SCA/ST) and the remaining seats will be allotted to the General Category. If no eligible candidates are available for the seats earmarked under special category, those seats will be added to general pool and alloted on merit basis. |
(i) Seats Reserved for Children of Freedom Fighters NO. OF SEATS RESERVED IN M.B.B.S. – 3 Adopted/Foster son/daughter are not eligible to seek admission under this category. The Candidates while applying under the Special Category mentioned above should furnish the following copies of documents along with the application.
( or ) Jail Extract duly recommended by the District Committee for the Freedom Fighters.
d. Tashildar Certificate to establish the relationship with the Freedom Fighter.
The other eligibility conditions for admission to MBBS course will be applicable as in the case of General Category. |
(ii)Seats Reserved for the Children of Ex-Servicemen : –
NO. OF SEATS RESERVED M.B.B.S. – 2 B.D.S. – 1 The candidate should furnish a certificate as prescribed in the format in the Annexure – II, obtained from the competent authority. The special committee from the Defence authorities constituted for this purpose will scrutinize certificates submitted by the candidates. Eligible candidates will be selected on merit basis. The other eligibility conditions for admission to MBBS/BDS course will be applicable as in the case of General Category. |
(iii) Seats Reserved for Eminent Sportsperson : –
Selection will be done by the Common committee constituted for this purpose at Anna University, Chennai. The mode of selection will be made as per the guidelines given in Annexure – III (a).
The candidates should submit the filled-in Special Category Form II along with
two sets of attested Xerox Copies of certificates and testimonials of sports along with common application form (General Category) in the office of the Selection Committee in person on or before the last date prescribed for submission of application. Selection Committee is not responsible for the application sent by Post / Courier for this category. Selection will be made by the common committee at Anna University. Decision of the common committee shall be final. The candidates are requested to arrange the certificates as per the serial number starting from June 2007 as given in the Annexure III (b) and submit them along with the applications in person. All the particulars are to be filled up as per the guidelines given in the Annexure III (a). The other eligibility conditions for admission to MBBS course will be applicable as in the case of General Category.. |
(iv) Seats Reserved for Orthopedically Physically Disabled:
3% of the total number of seats available in Government Medical / Dental Institutions are reserved for the Orthopedically Physically disabled candidates. In the first instance in the reservation of seats, candidates with disability of lower limbs between 50% to 70% shall be considered and in case candidates are not available in that category then candidates with disability of lower limbs between 40% to 50% may be considered. The other conditions for admission into MBBS / BDS Course will be applicable as in the case of the general category.
The candidates are required to produce a certificate from the District Medical Board of the area concerned constituted for the purpose assessing the nature and the extent of disability in the format prescribed in the Annexures – IV (a) & (b).
The Certificate must have been obtained within three months prior to submitting the application for seeking admission under this category . If the Certificate has been obtained earlier, the application will be rejected.
The Medical Certificate issued by District Medical Board of the area concerned for this purpose is subject to the confirmation by the Expert Committee constituted by the Director of Medical Education at the time of counselling.
The Candidate seeking admission under this category should produce a full size photograph exhibiting the deformity.
Note: 1. The selected candidates for MBBS/BDS course will be required to undergo second Medical Examination by a Medical Board constituted for the purpose by Director of Medical Education to ascertain and confirm the nature and extent of physical disability.
2. Candidates with any other disability other than the locomotory disability of the lower limb will not be considered for admission into MBBS/BDS Course under this Special Category. Such applications will be summarily rejected without any intimation to the candidate.
3. The decision of the Director of Medical Education in this regard will be final.
M.B.B.S. : 51/2 years including one year Compulsory Rotatory Resident Internship. B.D.S. : 5 years including one year Compulsory Rotatory Resident Internship. |
Tuition fees : 4000 | ||
1 | MBBS | Special fees : 950 |
( incl Medical Exam) | ||
Caution Deposit : 1000 | ||
Library fees : 1000 | ||
University fees : 4910 | ||
HSC Verification fees : 50 | ||
LIC(Gp Insurance) : 170 | ||
Red Cross : 10 | ||
Miscellaneous fee : 100 | ||
Flag Day : 100 | ||
Total : 12, 290 | ||
2 | BDS | Tuition fees : 2000 |
Special fees : 950 | ||
( incl Medical Exam) | ||
Caution Deposit : 1000 | ||
Library fees : 1000 | ||
University fees : 4910 | ||
HSC Verification fees : 50 | ||
LIC(Gp Insurance) : 170 | ||
Red Cross : 10 | ||
Miscellaneous fee : 100 | ||
Flag Day : 100 | ||
Total : 10, 290 |
Course | Self Financing College |
Tuition Fee for 2011 – 2012 |
MBBS | IRT, Perundurai Medical College, Perundurai. | 2.50 Lakhs |
Sree Mookambigai Medical College, Kulasekaram | 2.30 Lakhs | |
PSG Medical College, Coimbatore | 2. 50 Lakhs | |
Adiparasakthi Medical College, Melmaruvathur | 2.50 Lakhs | |
Karpaga Vinayaga Medical College, Chinnakolambakkam, Madurantakam , Kanchipuram District | 2.25 lakhs | |
Chennai Medical Hospital & Research Centre, Trichy | 2.25 lakhs | |
Tagore Medical College, Vandalur | 2.25 lakhs | |
Sree Muthukumaran Medical College,Mangadu, Chennai | 2.25 lakhs | |
BDS | All Self Financing Colleges | 85,000/ – |
Any modification in the Fee for 2011 – 2012 will be fixed by the fee committee and will be informed during counseling.
(a) Detailed information regarding, Scholarship, Fee Concession, Hostel Facilities, etc. can be obtained from the Head of the Government Institution in which the candidate joins. (b)Candidates selected to Government Colleges shall pay the tuition fee in total as prescribed in clause 44 ( 10290 /- for MBBS & 9290/- for BDS for SC / ST candidates ) by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Secretary, Selection Committee, payable at Chennai . After receipt of the joining report from the Deans of the respective colleges, this amount will be transferred to the colleges concerned. This fee is not refundable. If the candidate does not join the institution on the cancelled. Those candidates who do not join or discontinue the course will also (c) Candidates selected to the Government Quota seats in Self Financing Institutions will have to remit a sum of 25000/- by means of a Demand draft drawn in favour of “The Secretary, Selection Committee, Chennai”, at the time of counselling for allotment of seats. This will be adjusted towards the tuition fee that has to be paid to |
respective colleges at the time of joining the course. Those candidates who
discontinue the course will forfeit the amount. For those candidates who do not join the allotted Government Quota seats in Self Financing Institutions, 50 % of this fee of 25000/- will be refunded only if the candidate surrenders the allotment order to the Selection Committee before the date specified in the allotment order issued to the candidate during counseling of the 2011-2012 session. (d) All the Candidates selected for MBBS / BDS course during the counselling will have to remit a non-refundable amount of 500/- by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Secretary, Selection Committee as processing fee for allotment and reallotment in each category of seats. |
X. BOND :-
47. (i) Candidates selected for admission and his/her parent / Guardian will have to execute an Agreement Bond during admission to College as prescribed in Annexure VII. Failure to execute the Agreement Bond will lead to cancellation of selection. (ii) Candidates who discontinue the course between 25th September and 29th September of the year of admission are bound by the bond and thereby they shall have to pay a sum of 50,000/- as a penalty for having breached the contract in the bond and the candidates who discontinue the course on or after 30th September of the year of admission and in any date of the subsequent years shall have to pay a sum of 5,00,000/- as penalty. Note:- This penalty is only for candidates who discontinue the course and not for reallotment and movement from one to another category. (iii) Those candidates who fail to comply with clause 3(i) of the bond in Annexure VII of the prospectus shall have to pay a sum of 3,00,000/- as penalty for having breached the contract in the bond. |
(b) Candidates should inform the change of address, immediately to the Selection Committee. If the change of address is not intimated to the Selection Committee in time, the Selection Committee will not be responsible for delay in communication or its consequences. The merit list will be published on the Web site www.tnhealth.org |
/ www.tn.gov.in as well as the notice board in the Selection Committee, Directorate |
of Medical Education. Chennai 10. |
All Candidates selected for admission to first year M.B.B.S./B.D.S. Course should take the Hepatitis–B-Vaccine before admission and produce a certificate as in Annexure– VIII. |
kind of ragging. If they are found to have indulged in ragging in the past or noticed later, the candidates will be removed from the roll of the institution at whatever stage of study and criminal action will be taken against the candidates. |
Seats reserved in MBBS For Government Institutions | |||
Sl.No | Code No. | Special Category | No. of seats reserved |
1 | 01 | Children of Freedom Fighters | 3 |
2 | 02 | Children of Ex-servicemen | 2 |
3 | 03 | Eminent Sportsperson | 3 |
4 | 04 | Physically Disabled | 3 % |
Seats Reserved in BDS | |||
1 | 05 | Children of Ex-Servicemen | 1 |
2 | 06 | Physically Disabled | 3% |
(For the Children of Ex-Servicemen of Tamil Nadu Origin Army / Navy / Air Force Service
This is to certify that Selvan / Selvi ______________________ is the son / Unmarried
Daughter of the undermentioned Ex-serviceman.
Rank :
Regimental No. :
Name :
Name of the Unit in which last served :
Date of Enrollment :
Date of Discharge :
Whether Disabled in Service :
Name of the Corps / Service :
Character assessed at the time of discharge :
STATION : Signature :
DATE: Name & Designation:
Office Seal
NOTE : This Certificate is to be issued by the Officer in the department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare Board not below the rank of Assistant Director of candidate’s native District Ex- Servicemen Welfare Board.
ANNEXURE III (a) | |||||||||||||||
Table (I) – Marks for International Achievement |
Competition | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Participation | |||||||||||
International (Representing India Category-I) | 500 | 450 | 400 | 150 | |||||||||||
International (Representing India Category-II) | 350 | 300 | 250 | 125 | |||||||||||
Table (II) – Marks for Recognized National Achievement | |||||||||||||||
Sl. No. |
Competitions | Allocation of marks | |||||||||||||
Gold | Silver | Bronze | Partici‑ pation |
1. | National Championships – Organized by National Federations | 190 | 160 | 130 | 50 | ||||||||||
2. | School Games Federation of India (SGFI) Meet (National Level) | 190 | 160 | 130 | 50 | ||||||||||
3. | All India Rural Sports Meet (National Level) | 190 | 160 | 130 | 50 | ||||||||||
4. | National Sports Festival for Women (National Level) | 190 | 160 | 130 | 50 | ||||||||||
5. | National Inter School Competition (National Level) | 190 | 160 | 130 | 50 | ||||||||||
Table (III) – Marks for Recognized South Zone Achievement | |||||||||||||||
Sl. No. |
Competitions | Allocation of marks | |||||||||||||
Gold | Silver | Bronze | Participation | ||||||||||||
1. | South Zone Tournaments / Meets – organized by State Associations and Federations | 120 | 110 | 100 | 20 | ||||||||||
Table (IV) – Marks for Recognized State Championships | ||||||||||||||
Sl. No. |
Competitions | Allocation of marks | ||||||||||||
Gold | Silver | Bronze | Participation | |||||||||||
1. | State Championship Representing Revenue District – Organized by State Associations | 95 | 80 | 65 | 15 | |||||||||
Table (V) – Marks for Recognised State Level Achievements | ||||||||||||||
Sl. No. | Competitions | Allocation of marks | ||||||||||||
Gold | Silver | Bronze | Participation | |||||||||||
1. | Bharathiar Day Sports Meet (State Level) | 80 | 65 | 50 | 10 | |||||||||
2. | Republic Day Sports Meet (State Level) | 80 | 65 | 50 | 10 | |||||||||
3. | State Inter School Competition (State Level) | 80 | 65 | 50 | 10 | |||||||||
4. | KVS/CBSE National Sports Meet (State Level) | 80 | 65 | 50 | 10 | |||||||||
5 | PYKKA (Panchyat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan) State Rural Competition | 80 | 65 | 50 | 10 | |||||||||
Table (VI) – Marks for Divisional Level Achievements | ||||||||||||||
Sl. No |
Competitions | Allocation of marks | ||||||||||||
Gold | Silver | Bronze | Participation | |||||||||||
1. | Bharathiar Day Sports Meet (Divisional Level) | 45 | 30 | 15 | 5 | |||||||||
2. | Republic Day Sports Meet (Divisional Level) | 45 | 30 | 15 | 5 | |||||||||
3. | KVSRegional /CBSE South Zone Meet (Divisional Level) | 45 | 30 | 15 | 5 | |||||||||
4. | District Inter School Competition (Divisional Level) | 45 | 30 | 15 | 5 | |||||||||
5. | PYKKA District Rural Competition(Divisional Level) | 45 | 30 | 15 | 5 | |||||||||
Gold (I Position) Silver (II Position) Bronze (III Position)
4.(a) For International Tournaments: Category – I : Olympics, World Cup / World Championship, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games, Asian Championships, Junior World Cup / World Championships, Asian Junior Championships, World University Games / Championships, World School Games, Afro Asian Games, South Asian Federation Games and Junior South Asian Federation Games. Category – II : All other International tournaments not covered under Category I and wherein not less than six countries had participated and events approved by IOA and cleared by SAI/Government of India. |
Participation / achievement in International tournaments will be considered only with earlier achievements at National / State Level Tournaments.
- Only tournaments officially recognized by the Indian Olympic Association / respective official National Federations will be considered for the award of marks (for each year) (1.6.2007 to 31.5.2008, 1.6.2008 to 31.5.2009, 1.6.2009 to 31.5.2010 and 1.6.2010 to 31.5.2011).
- Participation / Achievements in tournaments, with Form I alone are eligible for marks indicated in Table (I) above.
(b) For National Tournaments:
- The highest achievement in only one annual tournament, officially recognized as the regular annual championship / tournament by Indian Olympic Association/ SDAT / SAI / respective official National Federation will be considered (for each year) for the award of marks.
- Marks will not be awarded for selection trials.
(c) For State Tournaments:
1. The highest achievement in only one annual tournament, officially recognized as the regular annual championship / tournament by SDAT / SAI / respective official State Association will be considered (for each year) for the award of marks.
5. General conditions : –
1. For consideration of candidates seeking admission under the category of eminent sports person, he/she should enclose attested photo copies of participation certificates and the Forms issued by the relevant sports authorities along with the application.
- Participation / achievements from 01.06.2007 to 31.05.2011 (1.6.2007 to 31.5.2008, 1.6.2008 to 31.5.2009, 1.6.2009 to 31.5.2010 and 1.6.2010 to 31.5.2011) in sports / games shown in the list alone will be taken into account. National / State Level Championships / Tournaments conducted by organizations recognized by Indian Olympic Association / Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT) / Tamil Nadu Olympic Association (TNOA) alone will be considered for award of marks. (Recognition should be relevant to the year concerned).
- The relevant attested copies of certificates issued by the appropriate authorities as detailed below are to be submitted along with the application.
Category | Competent Authority | Form / Certiicate |
International (Representing Nation) | President / Secretary of the National Sports
Federation (recognized by IOA) |
Form – I |
National (Representing State) | Member Secretary, SDAT/ Secretary of the State Association (recognized by SDAT / TNOA) | Form – II |
National (Representing State) | Chief Inspector of Physical Education for National School Games Competitions | Form – IV |
School Games Federation of India (SGFI) (National Level) | President / Hon.Gen.Secretary, SGFI | Certificates |
National Inter School Competition (National Level) | Executive Director / Director – General, Sports
Authority of India |
Certificates |
All India Rural Sports (National Level) | Executive Director / Director – General, Sports
Authority of India |
Certificates/ Form II |
National Sports Festival for Women (National Level) | Executive Director / Director – General, Sports
Authority of India |
Certificates/ Form II |
PYKKA (Panchyat Yuva Krids Aur Khel Abhiyan) National Level Rural Tournament | Executive Director / Director – General, Sports
Authority of India |
Certificates |
KVS Nationals (State Level) | Commissioner / Joint Commissioner of KVS | Certificates |
CBSE National Sports Meet (State Level) | A.E.O. Sports / Secretary, CBSE | Certificates |
Bharathiar Day Sports Meet (State Level) | Regional Inspector of Physical Education and Chief Inspector of Physical Education | Certificates |
Republic Day Sports Meet (State Level) | Regional Inspector of Physical Education and Chief Inspector of Physical Education | Certificates |
State Inter School Competitions (State Level) | Member Secretary, Sports Development Authority of TamilNadu | Certificates |
PYKKA (Panchyat Yuva Krids Aur Khel Abhiyan) State Rural Competion | Member Secretary, Sports Development Authority of TamilNadu | Certificates |
Bharathiar Day Sports Meet (Divisional Level) | Regional Inspector of Physical Education and Chief Education Officer | Certificates |
Republic Day Sports Meet (Divisional Level) | Regional Inspector of Physical Education and Chief Education Officer | Certificates |
KVS Regional Level (Divisional Level) | Assistant Commissioner of KVS | Certificates |
CBSE South Zone Sports Meet ( Divisional Level) | A.E.O. – Sports / Secretary, CBSE | Certificates |
District Inter School Competitions (Divisional Level) | District Sports Officer | Certificates |
PYKKA District Rural Competition | District Sports Officer | Certificates |
District level competitions | RIPE(Regional Inspectior of Physical Education)
and District Education Officer |
Certificates |
These certificates are not valid unless signed personally in ink by the authorities mentioned above.
5. For Tennis, the achievements of top three players by his / her position in the ranking list published by AITA / TNTA based on the ranking rules and the final rankings of previous four years, will be awarded marks for achievements and participation (necessary forms from the
the auspices of TNCA/BCCI at District / State / National level alone will be taken into
candidates based on the marks assigned to the certificates enclosed along with the application. 10.All the achievement certificates are to be supported necessarily by the relevant participation certificates and appropriate forms. 11.No further enclosures or certificates will be entertained after the last date for submission of completed application form. 12.Required number of candidates will be called to appear for an interview before the Common Committee for Engineering / Medicine for verification of the Originals followed by counselling after ranking. 13.If any candidate fails to produce the requisite Original Certificates / Forms, his / her place will be allotted to the candidate next in rank and so on. The consequential vacancy at the end of the rank list will be filled up from among the additional candidates according to their ranks. 14.Selected candidates will be counselled and allotment of branches and colleges earmarked for this quota will be based on the ranking before the start of the main counselling. 1 5.A Candidate can utilize the sports quota only once for Engineering / Medicine. |
1. | Athletics | 26. | Mallakhamb |
2. | Atya Patya | 27. | Motor Sports |
3. | Badminton | 28. | Netball |
4. | Ball Badminton | 29. | Powerlifting |
5. | Baseball | 30. | Roller Skating |
6. | Basketball | 31. | Rowing |
7. | Beach Volleyball | 32. | Rugby |
8. | Billiards and Snookers | 33. | Sailing |
9. | Body Building | 34. | Sepak Takraw |
10. | Boxing | 35. | Shooting |
11. | Carrom | 36. | Silambam |
12. | Chess | 37. | Soft Ball |
13. | Cricket | 38. | Squash Rackets |
14. | Cycling | 39. | Swimming |
15. | Fencing | 40. | Table Tennis |
16. | Football | 41. | Taek-won-do |
17. | Golf | 42. | Tennikoit |
18. | Gymnastics | 43. | Tennis |
19. | Handball | 44. | Throwball |
20. | Hockey | 45. | Triathlon |
21. | Judo | 46. | Volleyball |
22. | Kabaddi | 47. | Weightlifting |
23. | Karate-Do | 48. | Wrestling |
24. | Kho-Kho | 49. | Wushu |
25. | Korf Ball | 50. | Yachting |
51. | Yogasanas |
Name of the Candidate : Application Number :
Details of sports certificates enclosed*
Sl. No . |
Academic Year |
International / National / State / Divisional |
Name of the Sports meet | Month &
Year (June |
Relevant Forms I/II/IV |
Eligible Marks (As per the Guidelines) |
Total Marks | |||
Partici – pation | ||||||||||
1 | 2010-2011 | |||||||||
2 | 2009-2010 | |||||||||
3 | 2008-2009 | |||||||||
4 | 2007-2008 | |||||||||
Total no of Certificates enclosed | ||||||||||
Total Marks |
* The certificates are to be arranged as per the serial number starting from June 2007 and submitted along with the application.
The information furnished above and all the enclosures submitted by me are true. Should it however be found that any information furnished therein is untrue with respect to sports details, I realize that I am liable for criminal prosecution and I also agree to the forfeiture of my seat under sports quota.
Signature of the Parent Signature of the Candidate
ANNEXURE IV A A. MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR ORTHOPEDICALLY PHYSICALLY DISABLED (To be issued by the District Medical Board) (Locomotory disability of the lower limbs should be between 40% and 70%) The District Medical Board of——————————————- District , ———————– certify that we have this——————- Day of—————– 2011 examined the candidate whose 1. Name of the candidate : 2. Father’s name : : 3. Sex : 4. Age 5. Identification marks : 1. 2. 6. a. Orthopaedically handicapped YES / NO b. Nature of Orthopedic Handicap : 7. Extent of permanent disability (mention the % disability) (Upper limbs must be functional and normal) : a) 50% to 70% b) 40% to 50% 8. Whether the candidate fulfills the following standard and may be considered for admission to undergo studies in Medical/Dental institutions : (a) Normal Blood Pressure : Yes/No (b) Mentally normal : Yes/No (c) No visual and auditory handicaps : Yes/No (d) No gross speech disorders : Yes /No (e) Independent in ambulation with or : Yes/ No (f) Good standing balance with or without : Yes/No |
Hand function within normal limits : Yes/No
without any aid
(h) Good control over bowel and bladder : Good/Not good
(i) a. Is the disability non-progressive ? : Yes/No
b. If progressive is the candidate eligible : Yes/ No
for further studies
(j) Height (Normal) : Yes/No
1. Certified that the above candidate does not have any upper limb disability.
2. Certified that the above candidate has only locomotory lower limb disability..
Signature of the Applicant Signature Of Members Signature of Chairman of the
Medical Board
- Designation :
- Office Stamp
Place : Date : | Recent Full size photograph of the candidate exhibiting the deformity duly attested by the medical certificate issuing authority. |
Foot Note: 1. Upper limbs should be normal.
- The above certificate should be issued only by the Medical Board of Medical Colleges of the area concerned constituted for the purpose after due physical examination by board
- The Candidate seeking admission under this category should produce a full size photograph exhibiting the deformity
I. Government Medical Colleges
- Madras Medical College, Chennai.
- Stanley Medical College, Chennai.
- Madurai Medical College, Madurai.
- Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur.
- Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai.
- Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengal pattu.
- Tirunelveli Medical College, Tirunelveli.
- Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore.
- Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College, Salem.
- KAP Viswanatham Govt. Medical College, Tiruchirapalli.
- Thoothukudi Govt. Medical College, Thoothukudi.
- Kanyakumari Govt. Medical College, Nagercoil.
- Vellore Govt. Medical College, Vellore.
- Theni Govt. Medical College, Theni.
- Dharmapuri Govt. Medical College, Dhamapuri
- Villupuram Govt. Medical College. Villupuram.
- Tiruvarur Govt. Medical College, Tiruvarur.
II. Self Financing Medical Colleges
- IRT Perundurai Medical College run by the Institute of Road Transport, Perundurai.
- P.S.G. Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Institute, Coimbatore.
- Sree Moogambigai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Institute, Padanilam, Kanyakumari District.
- Adhiparasakthi Medical College, Melmaruvathur.
- Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Science, Chinna Kolambakkam, Kanchipuram District.
- Tagore Medical College , Vandalur.
- Sri Muthukumaran Medical College, Chennai
- Chennai Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Irungalur, Trichy.
Annexure VII
BDS Course
- III. Government Dental College
1 .TamilNadu Government Dental College, Chennai.
IV. Self-Financing Dental Colleges
- Ragas Dental College, Chennai.
- Rajas Dental College, Vadakankulam, Tirunelveli.
- Sree Mookambika Institute of Dental Sciences, Kulasekaram, Kanyakumari
- Sri Ramakrishna Dental College, Coimbatore.
- K.S.R. Institute of Dental Sciences & Research, Tiruchengode.
- Adhiparasakthi Dental College, Melmaruvathur.
- Chettinad Dental College, Padur, Chennai.
- CSI College of Dental Science and Research Institute, Madurai.
- Venkateswara Dental College, Thalambur,Kanchipuram district.
10. Karpagavinayaga Institute of Dental Science, Chinna Kolambakkam, Kanchipuram District..
11. Vivekananda Dental College for Women, Triuchengode.
12. Priyadarshini Dental College, Tiruvallur.
13. Best Dental Science College, Madurai.
14. Tagore Dental College and Hospital, Vandalur.
15. RVS Dental College and Hospital , Coimbatore.
16. Madha Dental College and Hospital, Kunrathur, Chennai.
17. J.K.K Natarajah Dental College & Hospital, Komarapalayam, Namakkal District.
Allotment will be made only for colleges for which Medical / Dental Council of India / Government of India / Govt. of Tamil Nadu / Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University permission are available on the date of counselling.
This agreement made this ________ day of _____ 2011 between the Governor of
Tamil Nadu (hereinafter called the Governor which expression shall, where the
context so admits include his successor in Office) of the one part and
____________________ son / daughter of __________________ resident of
in the Taluk of district (hereinafter called the candidate) which expression shall, where the context so admits include his/her heirs, executors, administrators and representatives of the other part.
WHEREAS the candidate has, on his/her application been selected to undergo training for the M.B.B.S/ B.D.S Course in the Government/Self Financing Medical/Dental College (hereinafter referred to as the said College).
AND WHEREAS the candidate has agreed to complete his/her training for the said course, at the said College, subject to the condition hereinafter appearing.
Now THEREFORE, this agreement witnesses and it is hereby agreed as follows :
(1) The candidate shall diligently complete his/her training for the said course at the said College, shall abide by the rules of the said College for the time being in force regulating the conduct of students at the said College and shall pass all the examinations prescribed for the said Course by the University or the Medical Institution concerned.
(2) Upon passing the final M.B.B.S. Examination the candidate shall serve as ‘Intern’ for the prescribed period as laid down by the Medical Council Act, 1956 (Central Act 102 of 1956) .
(3)(i) The candidate shall, on demand made by the Government within two years from the date of which he/she registers himself/herself as a Medical Practitioner, serve for a period of not less than five years and in such rural areas as the Government may by General or Special orders specify.
(ii) Those candidates who fail to comply with clause 3 (i) shall have to pay a sum of
3,00,000/- or as the Government may direct as penalty for having breached the contract in the bond.
(4) During the period of Internship under clause (2) and while in service under clause (3) the candidate shall faithfully, diligently and with skill and ability perform his/her duties and observe the rules for the time being in force made by the Governor or the President as the case may be for regulating the conduct of Government Servants.
(5) While in service under clause (3) the pay and allowances and other conditions of service of the candidate shall be regulated by the rules and orders of the Government for the time being in force, for the post to which he/she is appointed.
(6) Candidates who discontinue the course between 25th September and 29th September of the year of admission are bound by the bond and thereby they shall have to pay a sum of 50,000/- as penalty for having breached the contract in the bond and the candidates who discontinue the course on or after 30th September of the year of admission and in any date of the subsequent years they shall have to pay a sum of 5,00,000/- as penalty.
(7) Any sum falling due from the candidate under this agreement shall be recovered from him/her as an arrear of land revenue .
(8) If any dispute shall arise between the parties hereto in respect of this agreement or any of the provisions herein contained or anything arising hereunto except in respect of matters on which decision of the Government under clause (6) is declared to be final and binding, the same shall be referred to the arbitration of Director of Medical Education whose decision thereon shall be final and binding on the parties.
(9) The witness shall bear the stamp duty payable in respect of this agreement if required. In witness whereof the parties hereto have appended their signature hereunto on the dates respectively mentioned against the signature.
- Signature of the Candidate and date /
Signature of the Parent / Guardian
(If the Candidate is minor) and full address
Signature of the Director of Medical Education For and on behalf of the Governor.
To The Governor of Tamil Nadu
WHEREAS, the Governor has, in order to secure due performance of the above agreement, demanded security from the candidate.
Now, THEREFORE, in consideration of the admission of the candidate to the said college and his/her continuance there, for training as aforesaid and at the request of the candidate.
(i) ______________ S/o D/o_____________________ Resident of______________ in
the Taluk of District of
(ii) _______________ S/o D/o_____________________ Resident of______________ in the
Taluk of District of
(iii) S/o D/o Resident of___________ in the Taluk
of District of
Parent/Guardian of the candidate hereinafter called “the sureties” on behalf of the candidate do hereby jointly and severally agree that in the event of the candidate committing any breach of any term of the above agreement to which breach the decision of the government shall be final and binding on the sureties, we shall pay the Government on demand and without demur the sum of 50,000/-(Rupees Fifty thousand only) / 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three lakhs only) / 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five lakhs only) as the case may be; or as the Government may direct and we hereby bind ourselves and representatives for such payment. We further agree that any sum due hereunder shall be recovered as an arrear of land revenue.
We also agree that notwithstanding the provision of Section 133 and 135 of the India Contract Act, 1872 (Central Act IX of 1872) or any other rule of law or equity in that behalf, any indulgence of forbearance shown by the Government to the candidates or any variance in the terms of the contract with the candidate whether with or without the consent of the sureties or either of this shall not operate as a discharge of the sureties obligations under this bond.
Signed by us this_____________________ day of________________________ 20___
- 1. Signature of First Surety Parent / Guardian of Candidate Full Address :
2. Signature of Second Surety Full Address :
- Signature of Third Surety Full Address :
I, Dr. ____________________________ Registration No. ____ certify that I
have this _____ day of _____ 2011 administered the Hepatitis-B Vaccine to the candidate whose particulars are given below :
- Name of the Candidate :
- Father’s Name :
- Sex :
- Age :
- Identification marks :
- Dose I/II/III :
Signature of the Applicant : Signature of Medical Officer :
Name and Designation :
DATE : Officer Seal :
RELIGION | CODE NO | ||||||||||||||||
BUDDHISM | 1 | ||||||||||||||||
CHRISTIANITY | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
HINDUISM | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
ISLAM | 4 | ||||||||||||||||
JAINISM | 5 | ||||||||||||||||
SIKHISM | 6 | ||||||||||||||||
I __________ the undersigned, a student selected for admission in the M.B.B.S. /B.D.S.
Course in _______ College do hereby agree to conform from this date if I am admitted thereto
the rules and regulations including those relating to the hostel laid down or to be laid down hereafter by the Dean for the time being of the College for the due maintenance of discipline at the said College and I assure that I will not join any agitation / Strike of any kind during the course of study. I further agree to make good when called upon to do so to the Government of Tamil Nadu any damage to furniture, apparatus or other articles which may be caused by any carelessness, negligence wantonly on my part.
In the presence of: Signature of Candidate :
STATION : Signature of Parent/ Guardian :
DATE : Occupation & Address :
I the Parent/Guardian of the above student, also agree that son/daughter/ward will conform to the rules and regulations referred to above. I also further agree to make good when called upon to do so to the Government of Tamil Nadu any damage to furniture, apparatus or to other articles which may be caused by any carelessness, negligence wantonly on his/her part.
In the presence of: Signature of Candidate :
STATION : Signature of Parent/ Guardian :
DATE : Occupation & Address :
( C ) DISCIPLINE DECLARATION BY THE PARENT / GUARDIAN OF THE CANDIDATE I assure that my son/daughter/ward will not join any agitation / strike of any kind during the course of studies.
STATION : Signature of Parent / Guardian : DATE : Occupation and Address : |
I, ………………………………….. son/daughter/ward of ……….. an applicant seeking admission to Signature of the Parent/ Guardian Signature of the candidate Witnesses – Name and Address 1) 2) |
I ………………… s/o.d/o………….. an applicant seeking admission to MBBS/BDS course for 2011- 2012 session hereby declare that I am a native of Tamil Nadu and solemnly declare that I will not claim the nativity in any other State. I am also aware that producing a false nativity certificate leads to expulsion of my course of study at any point of time besides initiating criminal action as per law. Signature of the Parent Signature of the Candidate |
I …………………………………….. s/o.d/o…………………………….. an applicant seeking admission to MBBS/BDS course for 2011-2012 session hereby declare that I belong to community (sub caste ). I am also aware that producing a false community certificate leads to expulsion of my course of study at any point of time besides initiating criminal action as per law. Signature of the Parent Signature of the Candidate —
will be rejected.
9. The photograph pasted on the Application Form should be attested by a Gazetted Officer / Headmaster / Headmistress with a clear stamp. 1 0. Applications not complying with these instructions or with unclear photographs will be rejected. 11. Keep a few identical photographs in reserve for use at the time of admission. Note: If the photograph is not a recent one taken at the time of submitting the application, the application will be rejected. —
ANNEXURE XIV a. UNDERTAKING REGARDING AUTHORIZATION I,…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. son / daughter of Mr………………………………………………………………………………………. aged……………………………………….. years and …………………….. months, bearing application number………………………………. and General Rank………………………………………. in the Merit list for MBBS/ BDS , 2011-2012 session do hereby of……………………………………………….. Mr………………………………………………….. aged ………………….. years, regarding selection/ rejection of seat on the date of counseling( ) shall be binding on me and I shall not have any claim whatsoever, other than the decision taken by my authorized representative on my behalf on Signature of the Candidate Name…………………………………………… Application No………………………… General Rank………………………………… Address…………………………………………..
b. AUTHORITY LETTER I,……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… son / daughter of Mr ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… bearing application number………………………………….. and General Rank number……………………. in the Merit list for MBBS / BDS 2011- 2012 session do hereby authorize, Mr/ Mrs/ Miss…………………………………………………………………….. Son/ Daughter of……………………………………………… Mr…………………………………………. to represent me on…………………………………………………………………….. (Date) The signature and the photograph of the above named Mr/ Mrs/ Miss Signature of the Candidate: . Name: Application Number: General Rank in the Merit List: Photograph of Candidate attested by a Gazetted Officer
Photograph of authorized Signature of authorized Representative attested by Representative duly the candidate attested by the candidate NB: Signature and seal of the attesting authority should cross over the photographs
ANNEXURE XVI ( a ) (G.O.(Ms).No: 85, Higher Education (J2) Department, dated: 16.04.2010) CERTIFICATE It is certified that there is no Graduate in the family of Selvan / Selvi Presently residing at…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. And who has applied for Professional courses during the year 2011, is eligible for Tuition Fee exemption as per the G.O.(Ms).No: 85, Higher Education (J2) Department,dated: 16.04.2010.
Station: Date: Headquarters Deputy Tahsildar Tal uk: —
ANNEXURE –XVI (b) (G.O.(Ms).No: 85, Higher Education (J2) Department, dated: 16.04.2010) I hereby declare the details of my family members and their education qualifications to avail the tuition fee Waiver for my studies in professional courses under the scheme of waiver of tuition fees to the students from the family where there are no gradutes
I hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm that I am the first person from my family to claim the waiver of Tuition Fee for entire Professional Course of study and there is no graduate in my family so far. The particulars furnished above are true. Should it, however, be found that any information furnished therein is false in material particulars on verification at a later stage, I am liable for criminal prosecution and I also agree to return the amount equal to three times the tuition fee waiver availed by me. Date : Place: SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE I solemnly and sincerely affirm that I am fully aware of the above declaration and the particulars furnished in the declaration are correct. I am liable for the criminal action/recovery of amount equal to three times of the fees waived, for incorrect particulars furnished. Date Place: SIGNATURE OF THE PARENT/GUARDIAN —
Part 1 : Application Form Part 2 : OMR Sheet The Application Form contains 25 items. Sub group of the items of the application is reproduced in the OMR Sheet.
Documents / Certificates are required in support of the data furnished by the candidate for the following :- Date of Birth, Community Certificate, if applicable, Marks in qualifying examination, Nativity Certificate, if applicable and claim for Special Category seats, if applicable, first Graduate if applicable. Only Attested Xerox copies should be submitted along with the application The originals should be produced at the time of counselling and admission. Attestation of Xerox copies should be done by Grade A or Grade B Officers of the Central / State Government or by the Head of the Institution wherein the candidate studied last. An attested passport size photograph should be affixed to the application form as instructed
GENERAL POINTS Instructions for filling up the Application form are given, item-wise. you must adhere strictly to these instructions. Two factors may be taken notice of (1) The format in which you furnish your data is of decisive importance (2) The item-descriptions and column-headings in an item might use abbreviated words and / or shortended form of sentences. Explanation / elucidation would be given in the instructions. In view of the foregoing, it is essential that you read the instructions for an item, and then fill up the particulars in the application.INSTRUCTIONS : –
PRE – DESPATCH CHECK LIST FOR THE USE OF THE APPLICANT It is the candidate’s own responsibility to exercise suitable checks and ensure that his / her application is correct and complete in all respects. As a facility for a further check, a list of tasks are given below. Against each task-description, the candidate should put a tick mark (√) or write “N.A.” to indicate that the task has been done or is Not Applicable to him / her.
Date: Signature of the Applicant Note: This form should be detached and submitted along with the filled in application .
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