First I Year MBBS Students vs the TN Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University : New system of marks in MBBS exam stayed by High Court. As per the Court order ‘seperate pass’ is not needed and a ‘combined pass’ is enough

Previously, till 1996, when we had ONLY ONE PAPER at a TIME (ie Semester system – when we wrote I Anatomy first in April and II Anatomy separately after 6 months in November), the minimum marks for pass was 45 % individually and 50 % combined.
Let me explain this a bit more
For all those who joined MBBS till 1995, I MBBS was of 18 months duration and there were five papers totally of which I Anatomy and I Physiology and Biochemistry were written in April and II Anatomy and II Physiology were written in November
Each of the paper has to be passed seperately
Similarly, II MBBS too consisted for 5 papers. Pharmacology, I Pathology and II Microbiology were written in December and II Pathology and II Microbiology were written in April
All these papers were of 200 Marks. Theory 100 Marks, Practicals 40 Marks, Orals 20 Marks and Internal Assessment 40 Marks. Candidates were obliged to score at least 45 % in each component and 50 % of the total marks to get a pass. That is 45 (out of 100) in Theory, at least 18 (out of 40) in Practicals, at least 9 (out of 20) in Orals and at least 18 (out of 40) in Internal Assessment and Total 100 out of 200 were needed in Each Paper to get a pass. For example, a candidate who got 45 in Theory, 30 in practicals, 10 in orals, and 30 in IA was declared pass. Similarly a candidate who got 65 in theory, 18 in practicals, 9 in orals and 18 in Internal Assessment was also declared pass
In 1996, the rules were modified. Two of the prominent changes were
- The Biochemistry paper was clubbed with II Anatomy and II Physiology. That meant 2 Papers ( Anat I and Physio I ) in April and 3 Papers ( Anat II, Physio II and Biochem ) in November
- Candidates needed to get 50 % in each of the components. That is 50 Marks in Theory, 20 in Practicals, 10 in Orals and 20 in Internal Assessment. In such cases a candidate who got 45 in Theory, 30 in practicals, 10 in orals, and 30 in IA was declared having failed and similarly a candidate who got 65 in theory, 18 in practicals, 9 in orals and 18 in Internal Assessment was also declared having failed
This was implemented from April 1997 Exams (when 1996 Batch appeared for their Anatomy I Paper and Physiology I Paper) and many candidates who got 47 and 48 etc in Theory were declared having failed
University applied this norms for all the candidates (first year to final year) who wrote the exams in April 1997 and this included students from 1992 Batch wrote their final year papers. Among them, one candidate with Mark 48 (out of 100) in theory was declared as having failed.
The candidate filed a case in Madras High Court. His contention was that, the rules in force when he joined MBBS are alone applicable for him and the new rules are only for batches who have joined after the notification was released
The Hon’ble High Court of Madras ruled in his favor. The court said that “the 50 % minimum marks needed in individual component” rule is applicable only for batches who have been admitted after that regulation was framed.
The candidate who filed the case joined Internship a bit later and completed it in 1998
All candidates from 1992 to 1996 Batches, who have got 45,46,47,48,49 in theory or 18,19 in Practicals and Internal Assessment and 9 marks in internal assessment were declared passed in November (after many had re written the paper again!! )
Update (17/10/2011) : Gujarat High Court has come to the rescue of students who have failed First year MBBS in Gujarat. We have covered that in this page
Update (09/11/2011) : Medical Students vs MGR University – Medicos Win – Combined Pass Enough. We have covered that in this page
Update (11/11/2011) : MGR University vs Medicos : Old System ( Combined Pass in MBBS ) Stays
Update : The result is also applicable to the Final Year students who had been declared having “failed” in Surgery, because they did not get 50 percent in Orthopaedics, even though they have “passed” in the combined score. They have now “passed” the paper. Readers can compare this with the scenario mentioned in our analysis, where the court case filed by one Final Year Student in 19997 led to first year students also being declared pass.
Update (16/11/2011) : MGR Medical University : Revised MBBS results withheld after protests
Update (23/11/2011) : MGR University First year M.B.B.S. results for August 2011 ( I MBBS Aug 2011 ) published
Update (24/11/2011) : MGR University vs Medicos – Write Exam for 500, Get Marks for 200 – Left in lurch, docs rise in protest
Update (01/02/2012) : Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University new exam rules : 50 % mandatory for pass
Update (01/02/2012) : Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University new exam rules : 50 % mandatory for pass
Update (16/06/2013) : No Brake or Break in MBBS ? MGR University to conduct supplementary exams to enable students join main batch
MADURAI: Granting an interim stay against the new system of allotting marks for students in medical colleges, the Madurai Bench of the High Court on Monday directed that the first year MBBS students be admitted for the second year.
Twenty three students of government and private medical colleges, including Poorna Choundary, a student of Government Villupuram Medical College, who had sat for first year examination but were not granted passes, in their petitions before the Bench, had said that the Dr MGR Medical University had decided at its 39th Academic Council meeting to introduce a new system in allotting marks for students at examinations. There will be two papers for physiology, anatomy and bio-chemistry for first year MBBS examination. Students were required to score 50 per cent marks in each of the subjects for promotion to the second year. It was stipulated that if a student secures less than 50 marks in one subject and more than 50 marks in another paper, the cumulative marks being more than 100, that would not be taken into consideration for a pass, the Vice-Chancellor of the University had stated.
Poorna Choundary averred that she had scored 59 marks in the first physiology paper and 42 marks in the second paper, which totalled 101 marks.
But she was told that she had not passed the test and that she would have to write the papers again. She contended that this was incorrect and that a large number of students were affected by this system.
Why not change the system to semester pattern . So that we may concentrate equally in both papers. Why needed ib ? It is really a torture untold . 🙁 increase the mark. Let it be separate pass itself but please change the pattern to sem system. Why shud dr alone face dis situation. If so do it engineering people also . Why are we proned more to the dark side of coming up in life . Already to become a full specialist it is ten to twelve years . Dis ib still prolongs the period only . Think on our side also . Consider our family conditions also. We are not like the high class to becum great doc when we emerge from our family as first graduated. . We hav to uplift our family ? Consider our request. Please remove ib alone. . Make the exam tuff . Make the correction strict . No probs. We are ready to write any number of times until we are clear wid our subject. Rather than passing out wid minimal marks.
// Why needed ib ?//
// Please remove ib alone.//
What is IB
Intermediate batch. That is you won’t continue your studies wid the original batch nor will you fall into the junior batch. A separate batch
the university wants high standard. for that they simply introduced separate pass. why cant they improve learning methods also? not even ready to give one day gap between exams. stressing the students too much
nwow the university has published revised results…. the students have wrote exams for 500 marks and the university published the mark for 200… couldnt understand what’s happening to mgr university….
setting higher standards is good, setting 50% mark in each part,if this has been followed by all universities in India than its fine but this is not followed by any of the universities even the deemed universities in Tamilnadu. A person from a deemed university eq Annamali University passes into the 2nd year even though he has scored 100 marks as a combination of both the part 1 and part 2 put together where as a person from The MGR Medical university even though he has scored 125 marks in total is declared failed. There is no equality here. A person from another university who has been declared pass under the combined marks system comes into the MGR university to do his internalship where as a student from the same university is declared failed even though the student has scored more than the student of the other university when combining the marks. This is not fair. this is clear discrimination. I think the V.C of the MGR Medical University should look into this and set this right. Setting higher standards should not discriminate students.
Mani you are right. There should not be any discrimination. we have enough of discriminatin in the name of religion caste etc why another? More over this rulling was introducred inbetween the accamadic year and this should not be applicable for students who appeared for the exam this year.
If this rule was known students from the all india quota whould not have chosen this university. The MGR university should look into this immediately and give refeif to the students
The university considers students who did not pass as per MGR university’s new guideline as “half baked” and poor quality docs.
Probably, in future, students from other university will not be given eligibility certificate to undergo PG training in any college under MGR university as they did not pass out as per MGR university guidelines.
Good luck for MGR university students!!! and bad luck for other university students!!!
might happen!
what happens to the docs who have already graduated from MGR university? Are they less qualified?
the students affected by this system so far the students r worried…… judgement should be all pass otherwise so many students will be disturbed
i came to medical college in tamil nadu by all india quota and i feel ds was my biggest mistake of life..who wants to take college just to fail ..,our profs claim that they had similar pattern and this s gud 4us but they should know that in dr tym buks were 1\3rd of our buks…few students of my batch hav stopped coming 2posting nd class as they r sure that they wont pass god help us..gudluck to every one
I could not understand what happened to the university,are they trying to examine a students capacity to tackle any sort of worst situations in life besides bringing out good healthy doctors for our future? The results have completely disturbed each an every medical students mind,this in turn will affect each an everyone including their families.This will also create a bad impact on medical field, scaring students to enter this field.Responsibility and honesty as i thought should be the main motto of doctors.SO at least from the forth coming exams,let us all wish that this motto would be brought in concern to each an every doctors brain who correct the students paper.
If you mbbs students say this sytem is cruel, then what about our pharm d students who have the rules… you at least are having studies for 5 or 5and half years. But pharm d students have 6 full years. Actually this system was first introduced for pharm d people are in majority so you protested..but we are only 30 students in each college so we accepted it..BUT DEFINETELY WHO GOT MBBS SEAT IN RIGHT WAY WILL NOT WORRY..BUT WHO GOT BY DONATION ONLY HAVE TO WORRY……