Rural Service : Why No One used 30 marks (10 mark per year) in PG Medical Exams
It was amusing to read the following report
The Centre proposed to make it mandatory for MBBS doctors to do a one-year stint in rural areas after its incentives to attract doctors to these less-served areas found few takers.
Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said in the Lok Sabha on Friday that the Ministry launched a 50 per cent reservation in post-graduate courses for serving MBBS doctors who opted for a three-year stint in rural areas, but it evoked no response.
The government’s incentives for medical students taking post-graduate entrance examinations too did not find any takers — students who did one year of rural service were to get 10 per cent marks as additional weightage, while those who did three years would get up to 30 per cent additional marks, he said.
“But I say it with regret that our doctors have decided not to go to the rural areas. Nobody has come forward to make use of the incentives,” he said.
Mr. Azad said the government was in discussion with the Medical Council of India for changing the policy to make it mandatory for doctors to serve in rural areas for one year.
PTI reports:
Responding to a question, Mr. Azad admitted that a perusal of the Medical Council of India registry revealed that some doctors were registered in as many as three States and there was no record to show whether the practitioners were retired or still practising.
“Even the figure of 8.4 lakh registered with the MCI will have to be revised,” he said.
Questions that come to our mind are
Which Exam Sir ? Which Year Sir ? Was it mentioned in Prospectus Sir ? If it was not mentioned in prospectus, how will others know Sir ?
2. If <<
The government’s incentives for medical students taking post-graduate entrance examinations too did not find any takers — students who did one year of rural service were to get 10 per cent marks as additional weightage, while those who did three years would get up to 30 per cent additional marks, he said.
“But I say it with regret that our doctors have decided not to go to the rural areas. Nobody has come forward to make use of the incentives,” he said.
>> was true, Why were these marks not awarded to 4000 doctors working in PHCs in Tamil Nadu ??
3. Is the Minister trying to fool us or has the DGHS fooled the minister ?
Well, we have now found the answers. The answer is in
AMENDMENT NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 15th February, 2012
Published on: 27.02.2012
No. MCI.18(1)/2010-Med./62052 . – In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 33 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956(102 of 1956), the Medical Council of India with the previous approval of the Central Government hereby makes the following regulations to further amend the “Postgraduate Medical Education Regulations, 2000”, namely:-
1. (i) These Regulations may be called the “Postgraduate Medical Education (Amendment) Regulations, 2012 (Part-I)”.
(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.
Why No One used 30 marks ( 10 mark per year) for Rural Service in PG Medical Exams
2 . Postgraduate Medical Education (Amendment) Regulations, 2010 (Part II), vide notification No. MCI.18(1)/2010-Med/49070 dated 21st December 2010 published on 27th December 2010, shall be applicable from the academic year commencing from 2013-2014.
3. In the “Postgraduate Medical Education Regulations, 2000”, the following additions / modifications / deletions / substitutions, shall be as indicated therein:-
4. Clause 9 subclause III. under the heading ‘SELECTION OF POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS, as amended vide notification No. MCI.18(1)/2010-Med/49070 dated 21st December 2010, following shall be substituted as under
“In order to be eligible for admission to any postgraduate course in a particular academic year, it shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain minimum of marks at 50th percentile in ‘National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for Postgraduate courses’ held for the said academic year. However, in respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, the minimum marks shall be at 40th percentile. In respect of candidates as provided in clause 9(II) above with locomotory disability of lower limbs, the minimum marks shall be at 45th percentile. The percentile shall be determined on the basis of highest marks secured in the All-India common merit list in ‘National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for Postgraduate courses.
Provided when sufficient number of candidates in the respective categories fail to secure minimum marks as prescribed in National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test held for any academic year for admission to Post Graduate Courses, the Central Government in consultation with Medical Council of India may at its discretion lower the minimum marks required for admission to Post Graduate Course for candidates belonging to respective categories and marks so lowered by the Central Government shall be applicable for the said academic year only.”
5. Clause 9 under the heading ‘SELECTION OF POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS, as amended vide notification No. MCI.18(1)/2010-Med/49070 dated 21st December 2010, following shall be added after sub-clause IV which is as under:-
“Provided that in determining the merit of candidates who are in service of government/public authority, weightage in the marks may be given by the Government/Competent Authority as an incentive at the rate of 10% of the marks obtained for each year of service in remote and/or difficult areas upto the maximum of 30% of the marks obtained in National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test. The remote and difficult areas shall be as defined by State Government/Competent authority from time to time.”
6. Clause 9 under the heading ‘SELECTION OF POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS, as amended vide notification No. MCI.18(1)/2010-Med/49070 dated 21st December 2010, following shall be added after sub-clause VI which is as under:-
“VII. 50% of the seats in Post Graduate Diploma Courses shall be reserved for Medical Officers in the Government service, who have served for at least three years in remote and/or difficult areas. After acquiring the PG Diploma, the Medical Officers shall serve for two more years in remote and/or difficult areas as defined by State Government/Competent authority from time to time.
VIII. The Universities and other authorities concerned shall organize admission process in such a way that teaching in postgraduate courses starts by 2nd May and by 1st August for super speciality courses each year. For this purpose, they shall follow the time schedule indicated in Appendix-III
IX. There shall be no admission of students in respect of any academic session beyond 31st May for postgraduate courses and 30th September for super speciality courses under any circumstances. They Universities shall not register any student admitted beyond the said date.
X. The Medical Council of India may direct, that any student identified as having obtained admission after the last date for closure of admission be discharged from the course of study, or any medical qualification granted to such a student shall not be a recognized qualification for the purpose of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. The institution which grants admission to any student after the last date specified for the same shall also be liable to face such action as may be prescribed by MCI including surrender of seats equivalent to the extent of such admission made from its sanctioned intake capacity for the succeeding academic year.”
(Dr. Sangeeta Sharma )
Medical Council of India
Foot Note : The Principal Regulations namely, “Postgraduate Medical Education Regulations, 2000” were published in Part – III, Section (4) of the Gazette of India on the 7th October, 2000, and amended vide MCI notification dated 03.03.2001, 06.10.2001, 16.03.2005, 23.03.2006, 20.10.2008, 25.03.2009, 21.07.2009, 17.11.2009, 09.12.2009, 16.04.2010 and 27.12.2010.
I invite your attention to the words Postgraduate Medical Education (Amendment) Regulations, 2010 (Part II), vide notification No. MCI.18(1)/2010-Med/49070 dated 21st December 2010 published on 27th December 2010, shall be applicable from the academic year commencing from 2013-2014.
The amendment was notified in 2010. But it is in effect ONLY from 2013. That means it has not been brought to use at all.
So the answer to the questions are
Which Exam Sir ? No Exam
Which Year Sir ? No Year
Was it mentioned in Prospectus Sir ? The rule is not in use till now. Now it was not mentioned
If it was not mentioned in prospectus, how will others know Sir ? It is not in vogue till now. These were his words “But I say it with regret that our doctors have decided not to go to the rural areas. Nobody has come forward to make use of the incentives,” How can we use them now ? when the incentives start only from 2013.
MUST READ : The Tamil Nadu Compulsory Rural Service Model
Reader Interactions
if it comes into action those senior doctors what they can do. those completed 10 yrs back MBBS, THERE was no rural posting AT that time. TNPSC USED TO COME ONCE IN FIVE YEARS. NOW A DAYS ENTERING GOVT. SERVICE IS EASY. YOUNG MBBS OUT COMING STUDENT CAN WORK ANYWHERE. WHAT ABOUT THOSE COMPLETED 10 YRS BACK. SHOULD THEY GO BACK TO VILLAGE and try for PG AFTER some years.
I have completed my mbbs &DTCD (diploma in tb chest) in 2009&MPSC in 2009.I got posting in district tb hospital where I am from 3&half yrs.NOW this yr , i knew about IN SERVICE PG COURSE. I got 12th rank in MH PGMCET inservice quota.After 1 month of result,the final list was published &my rank became 47th.this is due to increase of 30% marks because of work in rural areas.if i was familiar to this rule ,i would take post in rural areas.
hi satish.the same problem with me exactly,we all district mos need to discuss this together,else we will always lag behind all and to a great extend.kindly call on-9420369025,8087660730
why marks for rural service alone. give marks for all type of govt service. give more marks for rural service.
like 5 marks for other govt service like, ESI, RAILWAY, ARMY, STATE GOVT SERVICE.
DOCTOR COMPLETED eg, DMRT, DMRD, DCP, DIP IN PHYSICAL MEDICINE, DO, what he is going to do in rural areas.
hi srk,ur views very true,we all district mos need to do discuss this together,because even in district ,we face lot of hardships while working,and we get very less pay as compared to phc mos,so even we should get some incentives,kinly call on-9420369025,8087660730,or else we will always lag behind all and to a great extent.
1 Difficult area doctors Vs Non-difficlut area doctors
2 Freshers vs Difficult area doctors
3. Definition of difficult areas petition.People will say working in TB centre is most difficult/and worse than even warfare zones.So include them also.
4. There will be more of such petitions.
More power in govt hands.Less power in student`s academic hard work.More corruption.People would give bribes and sifarish to get their names into difficult area list.Some more influential people will just sit at home and their name in difficlut area list.
Health minister is behaving like an uneducated person.
hi from some source i heard incentive marks will be given only for those who are above 5 years of experience. from 5 years onwards means person with 6 yrs servics(5+1) will get 10%, with 7 yrs *(5+2)will get 20% like so again they r playin trick to encourage us to work in rurals n ruin time…
in mp state recently there are 3 type of job for MO gov providing
1. MO contractual under NRHM
2. MO contractual under state gov health department
3. MO permanent via public service commission
kindly tell me these all 3 will get 30 percent marks in neet after 3 yr of completation or not
I will be thankful if u call me 09425969553
i m posted for last 5 yr in rural area now i loses my skill gradually,i lost my confidence, now i think why i became a doc, now i seriously thinking to change my profession,i ve advice to Mr minister take back ur stupid rule coz after rural posting every doc become ” gud for nothing”
hey there i m in service doctor in gujarat
it was mentioned in prospectus of this academic year
but almost very few mo would have seen it
it is on page 7 of prospectus
i m fighting for this right since last 2-3 yr
govt officials have cheated with mo
make a group of mo so we can fight for our right
if it comes into action those senior doctors what they can do. those completed 10 yrs back MBBS, THERE was no rural posting AT that time. TNPSC USED TO COME ONCE IN FIVE YEARS. NOW A DAYS ENTERING GOVT. SERVICE IS EASY. YOUNG MBBS OUT COMING STUDENT CAN WORK ANYWHERE. WHAT ABOUT THOSE COMPLETED 10 YRS BACK. SHOULD THEY GO BACK TO VILLAGE and try for PG AFTER some years.
instead of mark they can allot certain percentage seats for rural areas.
Any age criteria for PG admission because i have done job in rural are for 10 yrs but am more thane 45 year old? Why this policy come late?
I have completed my mbbs &DTCD (diploma in tb chest) in 2009&MPSC in 2009.I got posting in district tb hospital where I am from 3&half yrs.NOW this yr , i knew about IN SERVICE PG COURSE. I got 12th rank in MH PGMCET inservice quota.After 1 month of result,the final list was published &my rank became 47th.this is due to increase of 30% marks because of work in rural areas.if i was familiar to this rule ,i would take post in rural areas.
hi satish.the same problem with me exactly,we all district mos need to discuss this together,else we will always lag behind all and to a great extend.kindly call on-9420369025,8087660730
is this rule applicable to all india counselling too?
why marks for rural service alone. give marks for all type of govt service. give more marks for rural service.
like 5 marks for other govt service like, ESI, RAILWAY, ARMY, STATE GOVT SERVICE.
DOCTOR COMPLETED eg, DMRT, DMRD, DCP, DIP IN PHYSICAL MEDICINE, DO, what he is going to do in rural areas.
Tamil Nadu Medical Services has quota for all service and marks for rural service
Same thing( same methodology) should be applied for CET, If additional marks added.
hi srk,ur views very true,we all district mos need to do discuss this together,because even in district ,we face lot of hardships while working,and we get very less pay as compared to phc mos,so even we should get some incentives,kinly call on-9420369025,8087660730,or else we will always lag behind all and to a great extent.
This is simply the stupidiest decision made.
Govt and MCU will be flooded with petitions.
1 Difficult area doctors Vs Non-difficlut area doctors
2 Freshers vs Difficult area doctors
3. Definition of difficult areas petition.People will say working in TB centre is most difficult/and worse than even warfare zones.So include them also.
4. There will be more of such petitions.
More power in govt hands.Less power in student`s academic hard work.More corruption.People would give bribes and sifarish to get their names into difficult area list.Some more influential people will just sit at home and their name in difficlut area list.
Health minister is behaving like an uneducated person.
hi,is that extra weitage will apply for mbbbs students who opt 4 rural service after mbbs as it made compulsory now? pls do reply.
nop, its only 4 those drs who are permanent employees of state govt
i hav been doing rural service frm last8mnths… it will b 1yr by this decembr 5th… can i get any service percentage?????
offcourse u will…thats what the gazette says
practically there must be some extra weightage to those doctors who r working in extremelly inaccissible areas
is this extra marks only for state counselling orit will be also for all india counselling????
i m doing service in rural hard area since 2 year.but its temporary job.can i get extra marks?
hi from some source i heard incentive marks will be given only for those who are above 5 years of experience. from 5 years onwards means person with 6 yrs servics(5+1) will get 10%, with 7 yrs *(5+2)will get 20% like so again they r playin trick to encourage us to work in rurals n ruin time…
Is reservation aplicable to person who did as medical oficer in rural areas for NEET
What did you find in NEET Prospectus
I heard there is temperory n permenant in phc is it true
Where did you hear it
in mp state recently there are 3 type of job for MO gov providing
1. MO contractual under NRHM
2. MO contractual under state gov health department
3. MO permanent via public service commission
kindly tell me these all 3 will get 30 percent marks in neet after 3 yr of completation or not
I will be thankful if u call me 09425969553
Does anyone got benefit of this quota of rural service in neet this year.
It was not given
i m posted for last 5 yr in rural area now i loses my skill gradually,i lost my confidence, now i think why i became a doc, now i seriously thinking to change my profession,i ve advice to Mr minister take back ur stupid rule coz after rural posting every doc become ” gud for nothing”
hey there i m in service doctor in gujarat
it was mentioned in prospectus of this academic year
but almost very few mo would have seen it
it is on page 7 of prospectus
i m fighting for this right since last 2-3 yr
govt officials have cheated with mo
make a group of mo so we can fight for our right