Private Medical Colleges Association, Bihar
Samanpura, Raja Bazar, Bailey Road , Patna – 800014, India
Admission Notice
(Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma Course 2012-13)
The Association invites applications on prescribed form for Combined Entrance Test for admission to Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma courses for the session 2012-13 in Katihar Medical College, Katihar and Mata Gujri Memorial Medical College, Kishanganj, Bihar in the following Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma course(s): a) Katihar Medical College, Katihar – in the subjects of General Medicine, Paediatrics, Dermatology Venereology & Leprosy, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Anaesthesiology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Pathology, Community Medicine, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Physiology and Anatomy. b) Mata Gujri Memorial Medical College, Kishanganj – in the subjects of General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, Dermatology Venereology & Leprosy, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, E.N.T., Anaesthesiology, Ophthalmology, Community Medicine, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Physiology and Anatomy . These courses are recognized / permitted by MCI and the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India
Last date of submission of application forms: 31.3. 2012
Date of Entrance Test: 08.04.2012
Entrance Test Centre: Patna
Date of publication of the result: 16.04.2012
Date of Counselling : 22.04.2012
Date of Commencement of Classes: 30.04.2012
Eligibility: The candidate shall posses recognized MBBS degree or equivalent qualifications and should have obtained permanent registration with the Medical Council of India or any of the State Medical Councils or should obtain the same within one month from the date of his admission failing which the admission of the candidates shall be cancelled. A foreign national can also apply as per terms & condition mentioned in prospectus
Application forms and other particulars may be obtained by post through a Bank Draft of Rs. 1950/- in favour of “Private Medical Colleges Association, Bihar” payable at “Patna” or on payment of Rs. 1900/- in cash at the sale counters of the Association at Patna, Katihar Medical College, Katihar, and Mata Gujri Memorial Medical College, Kishanganj, Bihar.
Phone No: 91-612-3250222 Controller of Examinations
91-9431016000 91-9430911111 Selection Committee
hello sir
my self dr.pawan kumar from nangal dam punjab i am joing ur collage coures BRMS pls sir total amount of coures. i am passing BEMS and NARUROPATHY AND YOGA new delhi i am study only couresponig pls total infromation in my id sir