Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine ( PGDFM ) PROSPECTUS 2012

Postgraduate Diploma in Family Medicine (PGDFM) For recent MBBS Graduates working in secondary hospitals
towards expertise in secondary level care
A unique and distinguishing feature of the Christian Medical College Vellore (CMC) is its linkage with the
large and widespread network of mission hospitals located mainly in semi-urban and rural areas and aiming to
serve disadvantaged communities. With inpatient strength of between 20 and 200 beds, these hospitals deliver
broad based clinical services to their local communities. The majority of students in CMC are sponsored by
these hospitals and have undertaken to serve in them for two years immediately after graduation. CMC
recognizes that its raw medical graduates face arduous challenges and difficulties during this service period but
also that this can be an unusual learning experience for them. Graduates from other Medical Colleges also such
as Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, St.John’s Medical College Bangalore and Government Medical
Colleges also work in rural Hospitals after their MBBS. The PGDFM course is for the recent MBBS graduates
is CMC’s response to the challenge of equipping the MBBS graduates, from CMC and other medical colleges
working in secondary hospitals for competent and satisfying engagement with secondary level health care while
also availing of its educational opportunities. At the professional level, the graduates need to become proficient
in broad based multicompetent secondary level care including outpatient work and the handling of demanding
emergencies. They need to be skillful in a variety of medical and surgical procedures in the diverse fields of
medicine. At the same time they also need the distinctive orientation characteristic of Family Medicine. The
graduates also face a variety of other problems such as academic and social isolation, lack of opportunity for
learning, difficulty in translating learning from a tertiary care level to secondary level, lack of procedural skill
competence and administrative problems.
The Course was started in 2007 as a one year Fellowship Programme, the Fellowship in Secondary Hospital
Medicine and then upgraded to the Programme Diploma in Family Medicine in 2010.
All graduates completing MBBS including internship during or after 2010.
Selection Preference will be given to the following in order of preference:
1. Those completing both MBBS and internship at CMC and have a service obligation to
their sponsoring bodies.
2. Those completing both MBBS and internship at CMC but do not have a service obligation.
3. Those who completed MBBS elsewhere but completing internship at CMC.
4. Those completing MBBS in other medical colleges
Under category of 2-4, all the students should have commitment of work a minimum of 1 year in either A.
Mission hospitals B. Government sector C. Private hospitals. Preference will be given to students in that order.
Applicants should not be currently doing a PG course and should not be planning to do a PG course in the next
one year.
Duration: The Integrated PGDFM is of 18 months duration. Candidates have to complete the course within
three years from the date of enrolment.Commencement: The course will commence as from April 1, 2012
1. Design
This course is designed as 13 Modules. An average of six hours per week will be needed to complete the
booklets in the above time period.
2. Organization of booklets. The learning material is presented in a system-based manner. MBBS graduates
have sufficient background knowledge to use the problem-solving approach employed in this course, starting
with the presentation of the patient. The modules challenge the student to give answers, think of options, and to
apply the knowledge that they have just learnt. The teaching module is followed by answers to the questions
posed during the module. This instant feedback helps the student to go back over the material if he/she has
doubts. At the end of each module, a tutor marked assignment has to be submitted as a form of continuous
formative assessment. Suitable additions will be made to the above curriculum appropriate to the secondary
level care. The student should periodically and promptly submit assignments according to the schedule. These
are graded and are part of the assessment.
Candidates will be required to complete the assignments which are based on the MCQs (Multiple Choice of
Questions) and SSAs (Short Structured Answers) for each module of the course within the stipulated dates. The
concerned Faculty of the
Module will evaluate the assignments for the purpose of awarding the Diploma.
During the 18 months there will be three Contact Programmes:
S.No Contact Program Content Dates Venue
1. Contact Session – I
Discussions on Approach to
problems / Case discussions /
to transfer skills such as ECG, Xray
interpretation/ discussions on
ethics, /
transfer of procedural skills.
(7 Days)
2. Contact Session – II
Content similar to contact session
In addition students perform
examination – I
Theory & Practical Examination
(7 Days)
3. Contact Session –
Examination – II
Theory, Practical exam and
Project Presentation
(3 Days)
VelloreContact program timings: The scheduled timing for each day of the contact program is 8 am to 6 pm with a
one hour break for lunch. Saturdays 8 am to 1pm and Sunday holiday.
The purpose of the contact programs
1. To see a wide range of clinical cases
2. Learn some specified skills (both procedural and clinical skills)
3. Imbibe attitudes which will improve professional conduct
4. To augment theory knowledge base
5. Clarification of doubts
6. To present project work and meet with project guide
7. Student networking and meeting with faculty
Skipping Contact sessions
A candidate who is unable to attend the contact session will have to complete the same session in the following
year period.
1st Examination
This will be conducted during Contact Program 2 at CMC (February 2012).
Based on subjects covered in booklets 1 to 6 (see Appendix I)
a) Theory MCQ: 100 marks
b) OSCE: 10 stations: 100 marks
The following would be the content of the OSCE stations: X-rays/ ECG, pictorial material, patient management
problems, instruments, communication skills, history -taking stations.
2nd Examination
This will be conducted during Contact Program 3 at CMC (August 2012).
Based on booklets 7-13 (see Appendix I) and video-lectures shown
a) Theory: MCQ: 100 marks
b) OSCE: 10 stations: 100 marks
The student will be permitted to take the respective examinations only after completion of following:
1) Full Attendance of preceding contact sessions
2) Submission of all assignments, and obtaining a satisfactory grade. (50%)
3) Submission of Project Plan and Final Project at the stipulated time
The Diploma will be awarded to candidates who fulfill the following criteria:
A score of not less than 50% in theory and practicals separately.
A minimum of 75% attendance in contact programs and completion of requirements
Satisfactory completion of Project work
Satisfactory completion of the tutor marked assignments with over all 50% of marks in the distance
The total fee for the entire course is Rs.10, 000/ payable in two equal installments.
1st installment of Rs.5000 is to be paid on admission to the course the last date being 24 th March 2012, but
can be extended on request.
2nd installment of Rs.5000 is to be paid at the time of the Second Contact course in Feb 2013Course fee, and any other payments, must be paid either by Banker’s Cheque or Demand Draft drawn on a
Vellore Bank in favour of ‘Christian Medical College Vellore Association’.
No. of seats – Maximum seats available: 60
The application form can be downloaded from the CMC website or can be collected in person from the
Curriculum Office, ASHA Building or the Department of Distance Education, 4th Floor, IDTRC office above
State Bank of India Building. The selection process will greatly depend on the written application. Hence
the candidates are advised to fill in the application carefully. The last date for submission of completed
application is 10th March 2012
Announcement of Selections and subsequent formalities
The list of selected candidates will be published on the CMC website on 15th March 2012. Students should
submit their acceptance letter and make payment of 1
installment of fees by March 21. Selected candidates will
be called for a one day orientation program available on the 24th of March 2012, according to the
candidate’s preference. Those who cannot attend should make arrangements to participate through
video-conferencing. On admission, the candidates will be allotted a unique admission number. This number
will be used as a unique ID of the candidate for all purposes related to the course. The candidates must quote
their admission number in all their correspondence with the course office. After joining their respective
hospitals of work, the candidate should send in the Needs Assessment form and the Project Work Form within 6
weeks. The last date for submission of these forms is 7th May 2012.
Email ID: [email protected]
Phone Nos. 0416-228 3617, 0416-228 2804
Mailing address:
The Course Coordinator (PGDFM)
Infectious Diseases Training and Research Centre (IDTRC),
4th Floor, SP complex, SBI building,
No.3, Ida Scudder road,
Vellore – 632 004, Tamil Nadu.
Change in address
Any change in your address or phone no. or email ID should be intimated to us immediately by email or post.
Activity Dates
Last date for submission of filled in application 10
March 2012
Publishing of the list of selected candidates on the CMC website 15
March 2012
Submission of acceptance letter and payment of fees (1st installment) 21
March 2012
Orientation session 24
March 2012
Submission of Needs assessment form and the project work form 7
May 2012
Appendix – I
Contents of Distance Education booklets
Module # Module name
1-1 Ambulatory obstetrics
1-2 Emergency obstetric care
1-3 Anaesthesia for obstetric
2-1 Common Paediatric problems &
Paediatric emergencies
2-2 Neonatology
3 Surgery
4-1 Primary trauma care
Break for CC- I
4-2 Orthopaedics
4-3 Rheumatology
5-1 Infectious Disease
5-2 Poisoning
6-1 ENT
6-2 Eye
7-1 Respiratory problems
7-2 Palliative care
8-1 Endocrine problems
8-2 Rational use of medicine
9-1 Psychiatric care
9-2 Preventive health
9-3 Medical ethics
Break for CC- III
10 Nervous system
11-1 Cardiovascular
11-2 Renal syndromes
12-1 Gastroenterology
12-2 Haematology
13-1 Dermatology
13-2 TB
13-3 Geriatrics
Name ( Dr.) Department
Sara Ninan Anesthesia
Ommen George Cardiology
Sunil Chandy Cardiology
Suresh David Accident & Emergency
Sneha Titus Child Health – III
Leni Kumar Child Health
Peter Prasanth Child Health
Manish Kumar Child Health
Joy Mammen Clinical Pathology
Sujith Chandy Clinical Pharmacology
KR John Community Health
Daisy Singh Community Health
Jasmine Prasad Community Health
Shanthi Dani Community Health
Reginald Alex Community Health
Dincy Peter Dermatology
Leni George Dermatology
Sony Endocrinology
Simon Rajaratnam Endocrinology
George A Mathew ENT
Ajoy Mathew Varghese ENT
Noel walter Forensic Medicine
AJ Joseph Gastroenterology
Uday George Zachariah Gastroenterology
Prince Christopher LCECU
Venkatesh LCECU
Kiruba Vasantha David LCECU
Anand Zachariah Med I
Alice Joan Mathuram Med Unit 1
Dilip Mathai Med Unit 4
Abhilash Med Unit 4
Natasha Edwin Med Unit 4
J.V. Peter Medical ICU
Shalini Anandan Microbiology
Binu govind Neonatology
Alice George Obs & Gyn
Jiji Mathew OG
Aarthy Simha Ophthalmology
Smitha Jasper Ophthalmology
Anil Ommen Orthopedics
Manish Nithyanath Orthopedics
Ebor Jacob PICU
Kala Ebenezer PICU
Elvino Barreto Plastic surgery
KS Jacob Psychiatry
Barney Isaac Pulmonary Medicine
DJ Christopher Pulmonary Medicine
Betty Radiology
John Mathew Rheumatology
Kishore Pitchamuthu SICU
Pritish John SICU
M.J Paul Surgery
Amit Patel Surgery
Jachin Velavan Distance Education
Course Organizers
Anand Zachariah Medicine 1
Rashmi Vyas Physiology
Course Coordinator
Yoga Priya Medicine 1
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