SRM Entrance Examination 2014 (SRMEE 2014) for admission to programs B.Tech, M.Tech, MBA, MCA, Health Sciences – Under Graduate
will be will be held as follows:
(i) Paper – Pencil Mode: April 27, 2014, Sunday from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
(ii) Computer Based Exam: April 17 to April 22, 2014 with two sessions per day.

For B.Tech and Health Sciences UG:
Candidate can choose either Paper – Pencil entrance exam or
Online entrance exam.
For M.Tech, MBA and MCA:
All candidates have to appear for online entrance exam only.
Details will be available in the fourth week of November 2013.
Contact: +91 44 27417400, [email protected]
General Instructions for Online Exam
You are going to take a computer based online Test at a workstation.
You are required to be present in the Test Centre 30 minutes before the starting time of the Test as specified in the admit card.
Do not carry any of your belongings inside the exam centre including mobile phone, cellular phones, pagers, palm tops, blue tooth device, or any electronic device which has the potential of misuse in cheating or unauthorized communication during the examination.
You are allowed to carry only pen / pencil inside the test centre.
You are required to produce your Hall Ticket and ID proof (which bears your photograph and date of birth) at the registration desk without which the entry will not be allowed.
At the registration desk, your identity is verified, Hall Ticket scanned, photograph captured and assigned to a computer.
For working purpose a paper sheet will be provided at the workstation. All rough work will need to be worked in this sheet of paper and no additional material will be given for rough work.
The administrator is authorized to dismiss you from the test session for any of the following reasons:
Creating disturbance
Attempting to take the test on behalf of someone else
Talking to other examinees
Attempting to tamper with the computer system – either hardware or software
If found with calculators, slide rules, pagers, cell phones, concealed microphones, wireless devices or any other material that may aid in answering questions
Specific instructions to be followed during the entrance examination will be published in our website.
Rules For Paper – Pencil Examination
Candidate is directed to enter into the respective Examination Hall 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination
Candidate will not be permitted to enter the Examination Hall 30 minutes after the commencement of the examination
Candidates should find and occupy his / her allotted seat.
Candidates should necessarily bring their hall ticket with them. During the examination time, invigilators will check the Hall Ticket for identity of the candidate.
Candidates are directed to bring sharp HB pencil(s), eraser, and ballpoint pen to the Examination Hall.
Candidates are not permitted to carry any text material in printed or written form, log tables, formula book, mobile phone, pager, programmable calculators in to the examination hall
Use HB pencil for shading inside the brackets in the OMR sheet.
Answers should be given only in the answer sheet. No spare answer sheet will be given.
Altering the answer choice is not possible if shaded with ballpoint pen. If there are multiple shadings for a question, the corresponding question will be treated as unanswered
Handle the OMR sheet with care.
Any malpractice committed is punishable as per university norms.
No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall till the end of the examination
Before handing over the OMR coding sheet, candidates are requested to check the OMR coding sheet regarding the correctness of particulars and return it to their respective invigilators
For other details http://admissions.srmuniv.ac.in/admissions_india/srmee2014
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