The curriculum of MBBS (Undergraduate Medical Course of India) has been divided into three parts
First MBBS ( I MBBS ) : Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry
Second MBBS ( II MBBS ) : Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine
Third MBBS ( III MBBS or Final MBBS ) : SPM, ENT, Ophthalmology, Medicine, Paediatrics, Surgery, Orthopaedics and OG
MBBS has been traditionally a “Break System” where the student cannot proceed from one part to the next, if all papers are not cleared. Even if the student has failed to pass a single paper, he has to attend those classes again and will be permitted to move to the next step, only after all papers have been passed.
In this scenario, the following order by the Gujarat High Court is very very interesting. We find that the college has decided to appeal. If the appeal by the college is turned down, then MBBS will cease to be a “break system” and instead be like other courses, where one can carry on with “arrears” till the final exam
Last week we had one high court which came to the rescue of the students and this week it is another high court. To know about the order of High Court of Chennai, read
The News about Gujarat High Court’s decision is available at
AHMEDABAD: For the first time in the history of medical colleges in Gujarat, those students who have been unable to clear first year MBBS exams will be allowed to pursue second year studies.
Gujarat High Court : No break for Failure in first MBBS. Suspend Minimum Attendance
In an interim relief, Gujarat high court has allowed students of BJ Medical College, LG Medical College and NHL Municipal Medical College, to pursue second-year studies. The court also directed the colleges to suspend the minimum attendance criterion, subject to their clearing the first year exam.
As per Medical Council of India (MCI) rules, students failing in first year of MBBS cannot go to the second year.
However, 49 students of these three colleges approached the court citing rule 7 of MCI which permits students failing in the second semester of first year MBBS to pursue the first semester of second year MBBS on the condition that they should clear the first-year exam by the time they appear for the next exam.
Sudhir Nanavati, who represented the students, said that Gujarat University has arranged the re-test for these students in January 2012. Even if they clear this test, students will not be able to fulfill the attendance criteria. “So, we have pleaded to the court that the re-examination be held within 40 days of first-year results, just like other universities do,” he told TOI.
“We have decided to challenge this interim relief. This is against MCI rules. Students are allowed to keep terms (ATKT) in second and third year only,” said Pankaj Patel, dean of NHL Municipal Medical College.
Once again hat’s off to the Judiciary.Infact this verdict from the Hon. Gujarat High Court will help innocent new comers to MBBS escape the vengence and torture that these students face because of FRUSTRATED/INHUMAN teachers of the nonclinical subjects in first MBBS, EXCEPTIONAL LOVING AND CONSIDERATE TEACHERS are always there.
All students in government colleges are chosen only on the basis of merit. These meritorious students are subject to such stringent rules only in Tamil Nadu whereas the deemed universities in Tamil Nadu and all universities throughout the country follow the MCI norms. There are more than 34000 students joining in different medical universities in India and except the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University all other universities follow MCI norms. All meritorious students throughout country in Government medical colleges and all private deemed medical universities get a ’pass’ based on MCI norms (theory including orals- aggregate 50%) There is a big mismatch in this system as the meritorious students in Tamil Nadu alone are put to a lot more pressure.
A student who gets 50 marks in both paper I & II – with a total of 100 marks passes where as a student who gets 83 in paper I and 44 in Paper II- with a total of 127 marks fails!!!.
the results for bds final year is so sosooooooooooooo poor in all colleges. y dis has happend sir.students appeared for the second time and third time have also been faild.kindly re evaluate all papers and make the students to pass. atleast reduce the additional fee of about 1lakh for the break period. this may be helpful for the students in self financing colleges of low economic status.please make a consideration and save the life of students..thnk u
Once again hat’s off to the Judiciary.Infact this verdict from the Hon. Gujarat High Court will help innocent new comers to MBBS escape the vengence and torture that these students face because of FRUSTRATED/INHUMAN teachers of the nonclinical subjects in first MBBS, EXCEPTIONAL LOVING AND CONSIDERATE TEACHERS are always there.
All students in government colleges are chosen only on the basis of merit. These meritorious students are subject to such stringent rules only in Tamil Nadu whereas the deemed universities in Tamil Nadu and all universities throughout the country follow the MCI norms. There are more than 34000 students joining in different medical universities in India and except the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University all other universities follow MCI norms. All meritorious students throughout country in Government medical colleges and all private deemed medical universities get a ’pass’ based on MCI norms (theory including orals- aggregate 50%) There is a big mismatch in this system as the meritorious students in Tamil Nadu alone are put to a lot more pressure.
A student who gets 50 marks in both paper I & II – with a total of 100 marks passes where as a student who gets 83 in paper I and 44 in Paper II- with a total of 127 marks fails!!!.
I think, it is injustce to students
the results for bds final year is so sosooooooooooooo poor in all colleges. y dis has happend sir.students appeared for the second time and third time have also been faild.kindly re evaluate all papers and make the students to pass. atleast reduce the additional fee of about 1lakh for the break period. this may be helpful for the students in self financing colleges of low economic status.please make a consideration and save the life of students..thnk u
Can anyone update me as to the status of the said case. Also, can anyone give me the case details too