DD – 36, Sector – 1, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 064
Official Website: – http://www.thewbuhs.in, e mail: [email protected]; : 2321-3461
+ Fax: 2358- 0100
Memo.no. COE/UHS/ 101 /2012 Date: 10 February 2012

Result of West Bengal Post Graduate Medical Admission Test (WBPGMAT) -2012 and West Bengal Post Graduate Dental Admission Test (WBPGDAT) -2012 held on 22 January 2012 and DIH-DPH-DMCW-MPH-MPH Admission test held on 29 January 2012 is now ready for publication.
Candidate is requested to click “P G Admission Test Result- 2012” and put his /her acknowledgement number or Roll number to get result summary.
Provisional Merit lists for the “Open” candidates appearing at WBPGMAT-2012 and DIH-DPH-DMCW-MPH Admission Test -2012 and all candidates appearing at WBPGDAT-2012 will be displayed at the University Website.
Government -sponsored candidates may please note that number of Writ Petitions concerning the definition of “Remote and difficult areas” are pending for hearing at the Honourable Calcutta High Court. Result instead of merit list with ranking is being published for such candidates without prejudice to the final verdict of the Honourable Calcutta High Court and direction of Government of West Bengal in the Health and Family Welfare Department.
Name, Category (Open/Government), status [Gen/SC/ST and OBC (where it is applicable)] are given based on information provided by the candidate during submission of on-line form.
Eligibility for counseling is based on conditions laid down in the respective Information Booklet.
Controller of Examinations
The West Bengal University of Health Science
when wii be the counciling of wbpgmat 2012