We have already written umpteen times,
Yet we repeat
A doctor, who has been appointed under Time Scale of Pay and who has subsequently cleared a TNPSC, and is continuing in service, shall be regularised from the date of appointment in time scale of pay
- Time Scale on Pay Appointments include those appointed under Rule 10 A 1 through employment exchange and those appointed in Post PG Compulsary Service etc
- Those appointed in Contract Basis (CMC, CMO, MMUMO etc), will be regularised from the date they are brought under Time scale of Pay
If he has cleared more than one TNPSC / selected in more than one TNPSC, His/Her seniority will be based on the TNPSC first conducted among the ones he has cleared
To put things in right perspective, (As already told by us in our previous post General TNPSC 2009 : 10 A 1 : Special TNPSC : FAQ Part 1/4),
- Candidate Selected by General TNPSC 2003 is senior to the one selected by General TNPSC 2005
- Candidate Selected by General TNPSC 2005 is senior to the one selected by Special TNPSC 2007
- Candidate Selected by Special TNPSC 2007 is senior to the one selected by General TNPSC 2009
- Candidate Selected by General TNPSC 2009 is senior to the one selected by Special TNPSC 2009
- Candidate Selected by Special TNPSC 2009 is senior to the one selected by next TNPSC, whether it is general or special.
This is also substantiated by the Government Letter given below
There fore, there is no need of any confusion
All you have to do is
1. Write the Joining Report Properly, without omitting any important factor, enclosing the above Government Letter
2. Make sure that the SR starts with the date you were appointed as 10 A 1
Model Joining Reports are given here
- Model Joining Report for 10 A 1 Candidates Selected by TNPSC – Continuing Same Station
- Model Joining Report for 10 A 1 Candidates Selected by TNPSC – Posted to Different Station
- Model Joining Report for those Doctors who were working in Mobile Medical Units is given below
<Name of the Medical Officer>
Assistant Surgeon
Mobile Medical Officer
<HUD / District>
The Deputy Director of Health Service
<HUD / District>
Respected Sir / Madam
Sub : Tamil Nadu Medical Services – Establishment – Dr.<Name> – Working under time Scale of Pay from <Date of Joining in Government Service> – Selected by TNPSC 2005-04 – Proposal for Regularisation – Regarding
Reference :
- R.No and Date of Appointment order by DPH .
- R.No and Date of Joining Report by DDHS
- R.No and Date of Letter from TNPSC announcing your selection. In case you have been selected by more than one TNPSC, Quote the earliest TNPSC
- R.No and Date of Order Given by DPH
- R.No and Date of Relieving Order by DDHS under whom you worked in Mobile Medical Unit
- R.No:28536/E5/A4/2009 -dated 15.04.2009 of DPHPM to Government.
Government Letter R.No 16296/EAP. II(2) / 2009-1 dated 08.06.2009 of Spl Sec Selvi Apporva letter to Mission director.SHS
- GO(2D)No:46 dated 12.05.2010
- R.No 41349/B2/2010-1 dated 09.11.2010 of Principal Secretary, H&FW, Government of Tamil Nadu,
I have been appointed on Regular Time Scale Service as per Reference 1cited above
I was allotted <Station> as per Reference 2 cited above
I duly joined Service on <Date of Joining in Service> which has been recorded in Reference 2 cited above
I have been selected by TNPSC <2005 – 2006> as per Reference 3 cited above
I have been the necessary order by my Appointing Authority as per Reference 4 cited above. In pursuance of reference 5 cites above, I have been relieved from my old station on <Date of Relieving> and instructed to join at my new station.
Hence I am joining duty at the station mentionedon <DOJ>
I am continuing in service from <Date of Joining in Service> without any break of service. It has been already clarified that I had been appointed under Rule 10 A 1 and I am eligible for all services benefits as per references cited above
As TNPSC has notified my selection, I humbly request you to kindly send the necessary proposals for regularization of my service with effect from <Date of Joining in Service> at the earliest
Thanking You
Yours obediently
Encl : Xerox Copies of documents cited above. (you can download the government clarification from http://goo.gl/auMQM)
Then why DME/DMS/DPE announced below categories before start of counseling
Category 1: Those joined in 10 a(1) and got selected in General TNPSC 2009 and Special TNPSC 2009
Date of Regularization = Date of joining as 10 a(1)
Category 2: Those joined in 10 a(1) and got selected in General TNPSC 2009 and Didn’t appeared/selected in Special TNPSC 2009
Date of Regularization = Date of appointment as TNPSC Candidate. Their Previous 10 a(1) Service was not considered. They have to serve another 2 years Service from Date of appointment as TNPSC Candidate for Service PG eligibility
Category 3: Those joined in 10 a(1) in Mobile Medical Units and got selected in General TNPSC 2009
Date of Regularization = Date of appointment as TNPSC Candidate. Their Previous 10 a(1) Service was not considered. They have to serve another 2 years Service from Date of appointment as TNPSC Candidate for Service PG eligibility. They have to opt for PHC’s.
Category 4: Those doing PG now and got selected in General TNPSC 2009
Here 2 options are given.
1.) Those willing to continue PG are not allowed to take seat. They have to submit a letter saying they will continue PG and ask them to consider their TNPSC selection in future. Then DME/DMS will send request note to Government for considering them as TNPSC candidate in future after completing their PG. Once government accepts they will be called for counselling in future,But they will be placed in CML list below to the Candidates joining now irrespective of current TNPSC seniority number.
2.) Those willing to join service now, have to discontinue their PG. They have to get an letter for PG Discontinuation from DME and surrender it. Then only the posting order for the seat taken has to be given.
Even for category 1 they told as below on issuing of posting order in the evening yesterday
“you have to join as fresh candidate with new date of appointment. That time many candidates raised queries again but nobody is ready to listen and reply.”
So now lot of 10 a(1) candidates is on dilemma whether to join as General TNPSC 2009 candidate or not, since confusion on the joining date. They have 30 days time to join.
Hence I request the Government doctors association will have to talk Government immediately and get clarify this and announce with in 30 days.
//Then why DME/DMS/DPE announced below categories before start of counseling//
//So now lot of 10 a(1) candidates is on dilemma whether to join as General TNPSC 2009 candidate or not, since confusion on the joining date. They have 30 days time to join.//
Common Doctor,
I have given a model joining report
Use that
//Hence I request the Government doctors association will have to talk Government immediately and get clarify this and announce with in 30 days.//
Clarification already given by the government
Subordinate service rules are very clear
Use the Joining Report Model I have given
There will be no problem at all
//Hence I request the Government doctors association will have to talk Government immediately and get clarify this and announce with in 30 days.//
No Need
Sub ordinate Service Rules are very clear
Government has already given a clarification regarding this
Hence it is upto you to write a proper joining report (model given) and get your services regularised
The above GO is only for General TNPSC 2005 waitlisted candidates.
The GO clearly says its for TNPSC 2005 waitlisted candidates. Now they got selected from TNPSC 2005 waiting list.
But they joined in 10 a(1) after the selection list/waiting list announced in 2005. So their Date of Joining in 10 a(1) is after the TNPSC 2005 selection/waiting list announced date.
Hence their services will be regularized from date of joining in 10 a(1) as this date is after the TNPSC 2005 selection/waiting list announced date.
The Above is not ‘GO’ – Government Order
It is just a clarification based on some thing called SUBORDINATE SERVICE RULES
So it applies for ALL TNPSCs
//But they joined in 10 a(1) after the selection list/waiting list announced in 2005.//
They joined way back in 2007
Selection List announced only in 2010
// So their Date of Joining in 10 a(1) is after the TNPSC 2005 selection/waiting list announced date.//
They joined way back in 2007
Selection List announced only in 2010
//Hence their services will be regularized from date of joining in 10 a(1) as this date is after the TNPSC 2005 selection/waiting list announced date.//
Irrelevant Information
Why can’t you read subordinate service rules once instead of getting carried away with such crap
Original Selected/wait-listed list announced on 2005 itself. Now wait-listed candidates are moved up since selected candidates are not joined or left thereafter.
Selection list date they consider 2005 only and not wait-listed moved date on 2010.
That is why in this Government Clarification Letter it was mentioned in last point
as “They will be placed in CML list below the Candidates joined at 2005 itself”
Bruno Sir, Please clarify this whether i am correct or not.
Those selected in Waiting List 2005 will be placed below those selected in the Regular List 2005
This part is correct
As per Sub Ordinate Service Rules : As far as those who are selected in General TNPSC 2009, they will be placed below those selected by Special TNPSC 2007, irrespective of the fact whether they are selected by Special TNPSC 2009 or not
And their services will be regularised from the date of appointment in Regular Time Scale of Pay
Dear Doctor ,
Will there be a selection list for special tnpsc candidates and if so will there be a counselling like the general TNPSC counselling which took place on Nov 29,30
Is there a possibility of getting a different station for 10 A 1 candidates who cleared Special TNPSC
Since the Special TNPSC Candidates are already in service, the chance of a counselling is very less
There was no counselling for Special TNPSC 2007
Yes. Selection List for Special TNPSC 2009 has tobe announced soon.
Last time TNPSC took 4 months to announce Selection List for Special TNPSC 2007 after the marks was announced.
sir i am selected in general tnpsc 09 but withheld list . now me not called for counsiling . but low mark getting my friends attend select now what can i do ?
why was your result withheld
now tnpsc office cleared and send to dph any idea counsiling ?
contact dph
we contact to dph sir they told 27 memb list is there . but they not tell counsiling date .
They have to decide whether to include or not the vacancies arising from those not joining for your postings
sir you are mentioned in the modal joining report in the reference as’your’s TNPSC 2003-2004 SELECTION LETTER’ but we got selected by TNPSC 2005-2009 only ..my doubt is whether we have to mention 2003-2004 or 2005-2009..kindly clarify sir…
You have to mention the year you got selected
இதெல்லாம் ஒரு சந்தேகமா
dear sir,when will spl.tnpsc 2009 results come? can we(spl.tnpsc 2009) get eligibility for tnpgee-2011
Expecting before end of Jan 2011
You will be eligible if you have completed the required period
Special TNPSC 2009 Selection List was Published on TNPSC site on 21-DEC-2010
Thanks Boss
dear sir,do u hav any idea about minimum service period required for tnpgee-2011? is it 2 or 3 yrs..thanks in advance..
Its 2 years now.
should be 2 years only
why doubt
sir,i got selected in general tnpsc 2009.i ama 10 a 1 candidate since 2009 feb in thiruvarur hud.i got transferred from my original working place to sivakasi hud..but not yet relieved from thiruvarur.last date for joining new place is 29/12/2010.if i could not join with in stipulated time will my order be cancelled?please clarify.
it will not be cancelled
but please inform DPH in writing (registered post) that the delay in reporting is because of you being not relieved and you will be reporting once you are relieved and that you are willing to report at the new place
i am a 10 a 1 candidate since june 2010 in thiruvarur hud.i got selected in 2009 general tnpsc and got transferred to tanjavur hud.i am not yet relieved from thiruvarur hud.will my service be counted from 10 a 1 joining date at thiruvarur or tnpsc joining date at thanjavur.should i get a releiving order from thiruvarur hud compulsarily??please clarify.
What does this joining report tell you
Sir, I joined 10(a)(1) service in March 2007. Cleared Special TNPSC 2009 now. Will I be getting eligibility for TN PG 2011 automatically? or should DPH / Health sec should issue any orders for providing us eligibility??
Sir, can u please clarify me these doubts,
1)What will be the next step for getting my Services regularised, probation declaration? I have already cleared Medical code and account tests. Should I take any initiative for the same?
2)when will I become eligible for pending increments? I am provided only one increment so far, stating I am a 10a1 candidate.
3)will this period from 10a1 – service joining (Mar 2007) to Spl TNPSC results release (Dec 2010) be considered for time bound promotions?
4)Are service-PGs eligible for regular increments? I heard it is only an on-paper increment. Is it so?
5)Are service-PGs eligible for DA increments announced from time to time?
6) what are the allowances which I may loose during Service – PG period?
//1)What will be the next step for getting my Services regularised, probation declaration? I have already cleared Medical code and account tests. Should I take any initiative for the same?//
Send a letter to your controlling officer, DDHS, JDHS, in the model format I had given (of course, change the TNPSC Selection etc)
//2)when will I become eligible for pending increments? I am provided only one increment so far, stating I am a 10a1 candidate.//
Now itself
//3)will this period from 10a1 – service joining (Mar 2007) to Spl TNPSC results release (Dec 2010) be considered for time bound promotions?//
Which Time bound promotion are you talking about
//4)Are service-PGs eligible for regular increments? I heard it is only an on-paper increment. Is it so?//
Paper Increments as of now
//5)Are service-PGs eligible for DA increments announced from time to time?//
Yes. Eligible
//6) what are the allowances which I may loose during Service – PG period?//
You will be getting only DA
regarding the letter to be sent to our controlling officer (JDHS)..
Should this letter be sent along with the internet printout that came on 21st december or should we wait for the individual communication that is sent by TNPSC to the JD office.
When i enquired my office people they said only when the JD office receives communication from TNPSC ,they will proceed further regarding regularisation regardless of our letter.
One more doubt. In the model joining letter for those continuing in same station, what is ref no.4 and ref no.5. Kindly clarify
Thanks in advance
//regarding the letter to be sent to our controlling officer (JDHS)..
Should this letter be sent along with the internet printout that came on 21st december or should we wait for the individual communication that is sent by TNPSC to the JD office.//
Send one now, with the xerox copy of the hallticket
When you get individual letter, send again
//When i enquired my office people they said only when the JD office receives communication from TNPSC ,they will proceed further regarding regularisation regardless of our letter.//
Our people will give 100 types of excuses for postponing things and not doing something
//One more doubt. In the model joining letter for those continuing in same station, what is ref no.4 and ref no.5. Kindly clarify//
4. R.No and Date of Letter from TNPSC
5. R.No and Date of Order Given by DPH
Since you (Special TNPSC Candidates) are not given a letter from DPH, 5 does not apply
ஏன் சார்
இதில் கூடவா சந்தேகம்
Thank you very much sir
Sorry for the silly!! doubt
Didn’t realise that
sir,please clarify me following doubt.
I have joined 10a1 in march2010 subsequently selected by general tnpsc.
(1)office people are ignoring the health secretary clearance letter(41349/B2/2010-1) saying they didnot receive it.after showing them the copy of it,they tell that it is meant for 2003-04 and not 2005-09.
2)since i joined in march 2010 i enquired whether increment will be credited from jan2011.they said service count from tnpsc selection quoting that 10a1 order given under emergency provisions has said that i cannot claim anything and terminatable.
3)regarding regularing letter,should give after 1 year(march 2011)?
//sir,please clarify me following doubt.
I have joined 10a1 in march2010 subsequently selected by general tnpsc.
(1)office people are ignoring the health secretary clearance letter(41349/B2/2010-1) saying they didnot receive it.after showing them the copy of it,they tell that it is meant for 2003-04 and not 2005-09.//
Tell them that Fundamental Rules are common for everyone
Send the letter in Registered Post
Ask them to give a reply in Writing
//2)since i joined in march 2010 i enquired whether increment will be credited from jan2011.they said service count from tnpsc selection quoting that 10a1 order given under emergency provisions has said that i cannot claim anything and terminatable.//
If you are selected by TNPSC, and if you have not gone on leave inbetween, (except CL, COL, PL, RH, Week Off) your first increment is from Jan 2011
Give a letter in writing. Attach your TNPSC Selection Letter.
Have you given the joining report as given in this site
//3)regarding regularing letter,should give after 1 year(march 2011)?//
Give it immediately
Send by Registered Post
Send a Copy to DPH Also
Any doubts, ask here
will a MBBS candidate in medical college as tutor earn non practising allowance
what are all the allowances available for phc medical officers?
How much is the coat allowance?
If a 10a(1) candidate is posted at a different phc on general tnpsc counselling, is he/she eligible to claim transfer T.A ?
//what are all the allowances available for phc medical officers?//
With Monthly Pay
1. DA
2. HRA
3. Personal Pay
4. Medical Allowance
5. Rural Allowance
6. Other Compensatory Allowance
Are you getting All these ???
Over Coat Allowance :
//How much is the coat allowance?//
Not sure about the present rate. Will refer and tell you
//If a 10a(1) candidate is posted at a different phc on general tnpsc counselling, is he/she eligible to claim transfer T.A ?//
They are not BOUND to give you. Let us be very clear on it. You cannot CLAIM it as a matter of right
But, unless the transfer order says ‘ this transfer is on the willingness of the candidate and hence he/she is not eligible for Transfer TA’, you can always submit a bill to the treasury
If the treasury refuses, keep quiet 🙂 🙂
Other than this, you are also eligible for Travelling Allowance – TA
Make it a habit to write the TA Bill every month and submit and get money, however small the amount may be
I am a 10a1 candidate selected by Special TNPSC of 2009, results released on 21.12.2010. I have still not received any personal communication from TNPSC regarding my selection.
(1) What is my year of TNPSC selection.(Asked in column “18 a” of OMR Sheet of TNPG Application)
(2) In column “5 b” of Application service proforma , it is asked to provide proof of TNPSC Selection. What sould I poduce?
(3) Whether I am Temporary / Probationer / Approved Probationer? What does these mean actually?
(4) In list of enclosures to be enclosed with TNPG application they have asked to enclose “TNPSC SELECTION AND APPOINTMENT ORDER”. What should I enclose?
//(1) What is my year of TNPSC selection.(Asked in column “18 a” of OMR Sheet of TNPG Application)//
//(2) In column “5 b” of Application service proforma , it is asked to provide proof of TNPSC Selection. What sould I poduce?//
Xerox copies of Hall Ticket and TNPSC Result Notification
(3) Whether I am Temporary / Probationer / Approved Probationer? What does these mean actually?
(4) In list of enclosures to be enclosed with TNPG application they have asked to enclose “TNPSC SELECTION AND APPOINTMENT ORDER”. What should I enclose?
Wait for letter from TNPSC. If you don’t get that, enclose Xerox copies of Hall Ticket and TNPSC Result Notification
thank u BRUNO sir..
thankyou sir.I am enclosing a letter to my DDHS in this format. Is it Ok??? Should any corrections to be made??
Medical Officer
Govt Primary Health Centre
——— HUD
The Deputy Director of Health Services
Sub: Request to forward my Application for TamilNadu Post Graduate Entrance examination – regarding
1) Appointment order of Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, R.No : ——–.
2) Joining report of The Deputy Director of Health services of ———– , R.No:———-
3) Hall Ticket of Special Qualifying TNPSC Examination held on 29.11.2009.
4) Call letter of Special Qualifying TNPSC Examination interview / Oral test held on ———
5) Selection List of Special Qualifying TNPSC Examination published by TNPSC
on 21.12.2010.
Respected Sir,
I got appointed under 10(a)(1) Rule as per Ref No:1 cited above and I joined service on ——–Ref No:2 cited above, and I am in continuous service till date.
I appeared for the Special Qualifying TNPSC Examination held on 29.11.2009 for Regularisaion of my services as per R.No: 3 & 4 cited above.
I am provisionally selected by TNPSC for regularization of my services as per Ref.No:5 cited above.
Hence, I kindly request you to forward my application form for TamilNadu Post Graduate Entrance examination of 2011 to the selection committee, with necessary Service Particulars and do the needful for me to appear for this Examination as a service Candidate .
Yours Sincerely
//I appeared for the Special Qualifying TNPSC Examination held on 29.11.2009 for Regularisaion of my services as per R.No: 3 & 4 cited above.//
Special TNPSC is not for Regularisation
Change it to
Special TNPSC for Selection of Doctors to TN Medical Services
sir, i have been selected by special tnpsc.. but the notification has not come in the gazette..
1. should gazette notification is a must for getting regularized
2. since i need to apply for mch tn exam, can i apply just with spl tnpsc pass or should i get regularised
3. is there a all india common entrance test for superspeciality exam coming up in 2012, if it comes what will happen
to service quota in superspeciality exam for tamilnadu pgs.
please reply
do you have the TNPSC Letter
1. Do you have the TNPSC Letter . . . 3. You have to fight to avoid our seats going out . .. you have to oppose CET
I am a 10a1 candidate selected by Special TNPSC of 2009, results released on 21.12.2010.when will be my regularization and probation what should i do for that?simply i am going and coming from phc.can you help me for this?
Send a letter to your DDHS asking him to send the regularization proposal to DPH
You can use the format given here http://wp.me/p18fgK-uh
i am a 10 A 1 candidate in sep 2011.i want to know how many leaves i am eligible for this year.
iam a 10A1 canditate selected in sep 2011.i heard that there will be a special tnpsc in may2012.am i eligible for it.becoz i was told that 10A1 candidates r eligible for a special tnpsc only after one year of completion of service.
//becoz i was told that 10A1 candidates r eligible for a special tnpsc only after one year of completion of service.//
In the notification, the cut off date will be specified. That is the criteria
Those appointed in Jan 2009 took Special TNPSC in Nov 2009
So the rule you quote is wrong
Don’t believe in rumours
See http://www.targetpg.in/exams/tn-tamil-nadu/10-a-1-rules for the correct rules
May is too soon
Not possible
There will be atleast 3 months time
I am a Veterinary Graduate.Recently TN govt called for Vet Asst Surgeon post on 10 a(i) basis.Since this is the first time we have been called for under this 10 a(i),i am having
doubt sir,whether govt will confirm the service (sp tnpsc) since it is on temporary basis? waiting for ur reply sir
Wait for the next Special TNPSC
Not announced in this year’s budget
We have to wait