TNPSC CML Station Seniority : General TNPSC 2009 : 10 A 1 : MRB : Special TNPSC : FAQ Part 1/4
After the results of Theory Part of General TNPSC has been released, there have been some confusion in the minds of the candidates
We here present a short FAQ for the following 4 categories of candidates. In case you do not fall under any of these, please ask your questions.
Before that let’s get some basics right
Please note that CML Seniority which is important for promotions depends on the Marks you score in the TNPSC Exam and not the date of joining. Yes. CML Seniority is not dependant on the date of joining. So a person selected by General TNPSC 2009 will be senior the person selected by Special TNPSC 2009
Within the Candidates selected by the Same Exam, the interse merit depends on your marks and your community rotation. For example, Dr.A is Rank 50 in a batch and there is another Dr.B who is rank 60 in the same batch and Both of them complete MS in 2015 April. Now, In 2024 April, both of them wold have completed 9 years teaching experience. Now if there is only one post of Prof of Surgery which is vacant, the person with Rank 50 will get it . The one with Rank 60 will get it when the next vacancy arises
To put things in right perspective,
- Candidate Selected by General TNPSC 2003 is senior to the one selected by General TNPSC 2005
- Candidate Selected by General TNPSC 2005 is senior to the one selected by Special TNPSC 2007
- Candidate Selected by Special TNPSC 2007 is senior to the one selected by General TNPSC 2009
- Candidate Selected by General TNPSC 2009 is senior to the one selected by Special TNPSC 2009
- Candidate Selected by Special TNPSC 2009 is senior to the one selected by next TNPSC, whether it is general or special.
Category 1 : I have been appointed under 10 A 1, I have already written the Special TNPSC in Nov 2009.
Question 1.1 : What will happen if I get selected by General TNPSC 2009 (Theory Conducted in Feb 2009 and Interview in Aug 2010)
You will get the seniority of General TNPSC 2009 which will place you far ahead of those selected by Special TNPSC 2009
Question 1.1.1 : Will my services be regularized
Yes. Your services will be regularized from the date of joining under 10 A 1. Yes. No doubt about it
Question 1.1.2 : Some people are saying that if I am appointed under 10 A 1, I have to only get selected by Special TNPSC
No. That is Wrong

Question 1.1.3 : Why are they saying like that
There could be two Reasons. One is that they are ignorant of the law. The second is that they are aware of the law, but want you to skip this exam so that you loose your seniority and thus they (or their relatives or friends) are benefited.
Question 1.1.4 : Is special TNPSC not at all required for those who are appointed under 10 A 1
If the candidate, selected under 10 A 1 is able to get selected by a General TNPSC before the Special TNPSC, he gets appointed using the Merit List of that General TNPSC and hence, becomes senior and he is not required to appear for the Special TNPSC
Special TNPSC is only for those who are not able to get selected in the General TNPSC.
Question 1.1.5 : Is there any proof for this
Check the appointment orders issued to those who were already appointed under 10 A 1 but subsequently got selected in General TNPSC 2005 Waiting List
Question 1.1.6 : In case Orals for Special TNPSC 2009 are called for before the final merit list of General TNPSC 2009 is announced, what should I do
Until the merit list of General TNPSC 2009 is announced, you are NOT Selected. So this question does not apply to you. Sorry but true. Please follow Question 1.2
Question 1.2 : What will happen if I don’t get selected by General TNPSC 2009 (Theory Conducted in Feb 2009 and Interview in Aug 2010)
You will have to appear for the Orals of Special TNPSC 2009. That will be a cake walk. In case of doubt, you can refer to the results of Special TNPSC 2007 J to cheer you up
Question 1.2.1 : Will my services be regularized
Yes. Your services will be regularized from the date of joining under 10 A 1. Yes. No doubt about it
Question 1.2.2 : Does it mean that there is no difference as far as date of regularization of services whether I get selected by General TNPSC or not
Yes. There will be no differences in the date of regularization
Question 1.2.3 : Then what is the advantage of getting selected by General TNPSC
If you get selected in General TNPSC, You move up in the CML Seniority. You will be promoted as Senior Civil Surgeon, JDHS or Dean earlier that your counterpart who could not clear General TNPSC, but got selected by Special TNPSC
Question 1.2.4 : But what is the advantage of joining as 10 A 1 instead of waiting for Regular TNPSC.
After clearing General or Special TNPSC, 10 A 1 period is taken into account for PG Eligibility. So one who joins under 10 A 1 can appear as a service candidate much earlier. Also in transfer counselling where Station Seniority is the criteria, those who joined early will be at an advantage.
Questions and Answers for the following Category 2 is available in the link Given Below
Questions and Answers for the following 2 Categories will be posted this week. Stay Tuned
- Category 3 : I am now doing PG
- Category 4 : I am neither doing PG nor working in Government Service under 10 A 1
Please ask your questions / doubts in the comments
Also See : Our Clarification regarding MRB 2013, Special TNPSC 2013 at TN MRB : Recruitment for 911 Assistant Surgeons, 1163 Specialists, 85 Dental Surgeons. Exam on 12/05/2013
Thank you Bru.
Now it has become clear.Keep it up Bru.
Thanks Sir
thank u sir..i had several doubts abt these exams,,cleared now
Thanks Madam
i have completed degree this april.can get service under 10a1 under PH CATEGORY? or should i continue preparing for pg? will 10a1 be announced this year? sir, help me decide.
Please enroll in employment exchange. you will be called soon. meanwhile continue preparing for PG
my friend who got was in waiting list for 2006 tnpsc, got into service by 10a1 in 2007 june and when his waiting list moved after one and half years in 2009 and is continuing service since then. when he applied for pg after completing 3 yrs of service, his application was rejected on the ground that he didnot completed 2 yrs of service after selected through tnpsc. he as told that dms has to give a g.o to regularise his service for the period he worked under 10a1. n
now my status,
joined 10a1 in june 2007, wrote both general and special tnpsc, selected in theory for general tnpsc,
now my dilemma,
1.vill the same happen to me also, after getting selected in general tnpsc?
2. should i wait for the result of special tnpsc?
only bru can answer..
my friend who got was in waiting list for 2006 tnpsc, got into service by 10a1 in 2007 june and when his waiting list moved after one and half years in 2009 and is continuing service since then. when he applied for pg after completing 3 yrs of service, his application was rejected on the ground that he didnot completed 2 yrs of service after selected through tnpsc. he as told that dms has to give a g.o to regularise his service for the period he worked under 10a1. //
There are many mistakes in this statement
First and foremost,
//waiting list for 2006 tnpsc//
There was no TNPSC 2006. I have listed the TNPSCs in the beginning of this page. Please check that. Sometimes it is very sad that doctors do not even care to check what is written 🙁 🙁 Too Bad
//was rejected on the ground that he didnot completed 2 yrs of service after selected through tnpsc//
There is NO Rule like that
The rules of TNPG are
1. You have to be selected by TNPSC
2. You have to have worked for 2 years for PG Eligibility
Please check the prospectus yourself. If there is a rule like what you told, please tell the clause number
//he as told that dms has to give a g.o to regularise his service for the period he worked under 10a1. //
It is the DPH who has to regularize your service and NOT DMS. So either some one with no knowledge about the rules has guided your friend, or he has understood it wrongly.
1. What was his seniority in TNPSC 2005.
2. Where was his first posting in 2007.
3. Was entries made in Service Register
4. Was he is service CONTINOUSLY till he got selected through waiting list
5. Where did they post him in 2009 after Waiting List was published
6. Did he choose to remain in old station or opted for new staion
7. Did he get proper relief and joined in new station or JUST joined New Station
//joined 10a1 in june 2007, wrote both general and special tnpsc, selected in theory for general tnpsc,
now my dilemma,
1.vill the same happen to me also, after getting selected in general tnpsc?//
I have very clearly told what will happen if you are getting selected in TNPSC. கேள்வி கேட்கும் முன்னர் ஒரு தடவை என்ன எழுதியிருக்கிறது என்பதை படித்து பார்க்கலாமே 🙂 🙂 Is there any doubt in what is given
//2. should i wait for the result of special tnpsc?
only bru can answer..//
If you are selected in General TNPSC 2009, No Need to wait for the result
If you are not selected in General TNPSC 2009, you have to wait for the result
//10a1 in 2007 june and when his waiting list moved after one and half years in 2009 and is continuing service since then. when he applied for pg after completing 3 yrs of service//
How will some one who joined in 2007 June apply for TNPG 2010 after completing 3 years
என்ன கொடுமை சார் இது
நீங்கள் சொன்னதில் ஒரு வாக்கியம் கூட உண்மையில்லையே
உங்கள் நோக்கம் தான் என்ன 🙂 🙂 🙂
thank you for your kind response and reply.
and i am continuing preparation. thank you……
sorry for making myself so unclear in previous post..only thing which was wrong was he wrote tnpsc answering ur qurries
1. What was his seniority in TNPSC 2005.
waiting list no.2
2. Where was his first posting in 2007.
phc in nagapattinam
3. Was entries made in Service Register
4. Was he is service CONTINOUSLY till he got selected through waiting list
5. Where did they post him in 2009 after Waiting List was published
he opted for same place.but in the meantime, he got transfer to mayiladurai before his waiting list moved
6. Did he choose to remain in old station or opted for new staion
same station. i mean in mayiladurai
7. Did he get proper relief and joined in new station or JUST joined New Station
this part im not sure
//he as told that dms has to give a g.o to regularise his service for the period he worked under 10a1. //
sorry it was a typhoo that dph has became dms..
//sorry for making myself so unclear in previous post..only thing which was wrong was he wrote tnpsc answering ur qurries//
Sorry Boss
It was not the only thing that was wrong. There were many more mistakes also, which I have already pointed out (DPH. 3 Years etc)
//5. Where did they post him in 2009 after Waiting List was published
he opted for same place.but in the meantime, he got transfer to mayiladurai before his waiting list moved//
Again here you are not clear
Only after the waiting list was published, they could have issued the appointment order. Only after appointment order, they should have issued the posting order
//6. Did he choose to remain in old station or opted for new staion
same station. i mean in mayiladurai//
So your above statement is not correct
Please check
Now I am not able to understand this
He was posted in a PHC in Nagapattinam in 2007. This much is clear.
1. Was he in the same place when the waiting list was published.
2. Where was he working when the waiting list was published
3. What was the place posting order given on the basis of waiting list
4. Did he join there after getting proper relief from old station and then join WITH THE NEW APPOINTMENT Order
5. OR Did he join in the new station with the transfer order.
If he has joined the new station with the transfer order, then the Service Register will show him as 10 A 1 candidate only
//7. Did he get proper relief and joined in new station or JUST joined New Station
this part im not sure//
This is the most important part.
If he had joined the new station with the transfer order (ignoring the new posting order since that was not the place he liked, but the transfer order was to the place he liked) then the Service Register will show him as 10 A 1 candidate only. He has to set his records right
If he had joined the new station with the new posting order (not showing his old records, because there was some delay in relieving him from the previous station) then the Service Register will show him as Regular Candidate, but his services will be counted from 2009 only –> Eligible for TNPG after 2 / 3 years of service from 2009
Hope I have made the situation clear here
Who rejected his application for TNPG 2010
sir, thank u for the illustratious examples
Sir, im a private preparing for pg.i have passed the written test in tnpsc 2009.i want to know whether i can quit service if i get rank in aipg or tnpg 2011. in case im selected in tnpsc..
Until you have done a PG under Service Quota, you can quit service any time
iam in categorv 2. I have joined under ten a1 on december2009. if i clear this general tnpsc2009, whether iam eligible for TNPG 2012 exam under service quota?
Questions related to you and other similar candidates will be discussed in the subsequent post. However, if you read this post carefully, you can still get the answer 🙂 🙂
gud morn. sir,
i joined under 10a1 in feb 2009,waiting for special tnpsc result.i was on medical leave for 4 months and 23 days which s being regularised from dms and still continuing service,,i am eligible for tnpg in 2011 r 2012?kindly reply..
We will answer your question in detail in the subsequent posts. In short, If the present rules are not changed, and if you manage to clear either General TNPSC 2009 or Special TNPSC 2009, you should be eligible
I have lost my TNPSC 2009 hall ticket, i remember my registration number. My number is in the passed list. what can i do?. other wise how can i get duplicate hall ticket?
Contact TNPSC Office, better go in person
Please contact the TNPSC Office directly
When are you going to publish Questions and Answers for the
Category 2 : I have been appointed under 10 A 1, I have not yet written the Special TNPSC in Nov 2009. (Those appointed After Feb 2009 may come under this category)
My questions are
1.) If I got selected in General TNPSC 2009, whether I will retain my current working place (or) I will get posted at different place (or) how the process would be?
2.) Do you know any books published for General TNPSC 2009 Interview, which is going tobe held on August 2010?
When Questions and Answers for Category 2 will be posted?
Category 2 : I have been appointed under 10 A 1, I have not yet written the Special TNPSC in Nov 2009. (Those appointed After Feb 2009 may come under this category)
1.) If I got selected in General TNPSC 2009, whether I can retain my current working Place (or) I will get posted to new place (or) How the process would be?
2.) Do you have any recent edition of TNPSC Interview Buster for Assistant surgeons?
Iam asking for General TNPSC 2009 Interview which are going tobe held on August 2010.
//When Questions and Answers for Category 2 will be posted?//
Soon !!
//1.) If I got selected in General TNPSC 2009, whether I can retain my current working Place (or) I will get posted to new place (or) How the process would be?//
There is a precedence of permitting the candidates to remain in the same place if the post your are working now is paid through treasury
//2.) Do you have any recent edition of TNPSC Interview Buster for Assistant surgeons?
Iam asking for General TNPSC 2009 Interview which are going tobe held on August 2010.//
Check here
sir,i joined service under 10a1 on june 2007.I did more than 2 years of regular service.But i got MD seat this tnpg 2010 as private though my application to tnpg was forwarded through proper channel.I worked till i joind pg but not relieved properly to do pg and my SR and everything in my old station . Now iam doing MD and i have been selected for orals general tnpsc.Is there any possibility to maintain my service continuity after i complete my pg? please guide me sir. I want service continuity.I joined pg since i wont get such marks in tnpg next time. Is there any way to join service after completing my pg?
Before answering your question, let me ask you one question –> What is service continuity
As I am not properly releived from the service, will the period of PG study be considered along with old service period (2007-Jun to 2010-Apr). Or else is there any chance to join in the service as fresh candidate after completing my PG?
Sir . Im private ST candidate. I have done employment april month this year..if any selection opportunity to get 10a1 /peripheral health service in this year…
.May get within one year
Sir . Im private ST candidate. I have done employment april month this year..if any selection opportunity to get 10a1 /peripheral health service in this year….
May get within one year
Sir , is there any chance to join in the service as fresh candidate after completing my PG?
Sir, i have written General TNPSC 2009 i am doing my pg degree 2nd year… i am selected by TNPSC 2009 and they called for interview.. my questions are
1. if i got selected, shall i join after finishing my pg degree? will they extend it? in hall ticket they told that if not joining service then posting will be cancelled..
2. after pg degree, will they post me in PHC or medical college?
//1. if i got selected, shall i join after finishing my pg degree? will they extend it? in hall ticket they told that if not joining service then posting will be cancelled..//
It depends on the time of release of selection list
//2. after pg degree, will they post me in PHC or medical college?//
That depends on your Speciality
sir , we have been selected in tnpsc theory exam and awaiting interview soon
todays dinamani paper (page9) says govt is planning to recruit another 683 candidates through ten a 1 in second week of this month
but i have read that ten a 1 recruitment is done only when there are no tnpsc recruitments in that period
so how can these two be conducted in exactly the same period sir
please clarify
//but i have read that ten a 1 recruitment is done only when there are no tnpsc recruitments in that period//
Where did you read this 🙂 🙂
//so how can these two be conducted in exactly the same period sir
please clarify//
Please check the Rules
Please see these also
when will the 2009 special tnpsc exam results will be released?
After this results. Proably by October
i have seen advt. detailing the call for 10a1
on 4 august. but no detail in websites available.
is there a chance for fresh 10a1 call?
last week on august 4, there was an announcement in both dinamalar[page4] and dinamani[page 1] dailies where a higher official in health dept,. announced that about 683 fresh doctors would be called for temporary employment under 10a1. i could not fully understand the statement and is there a possibility for such a call apart from ongoing tnpsc recruitment.
your kind help needed sir….
This is seperate.
ten a 1 counselling to commence on aug 23
783 doctors to be recruited
i too heard the same(above post).who are all called?please make clear about that?
I am a 10 A1 doctor working in TN medical service… your information was very usu full to me … THANK YOU SIR .. for you information & efforts … unfortunately our TNGDA officials are not giving any clarification regarding this & doing only politics…
sir please one doubt …
what is rule 4E regarding seniority / is it possible to get seniority from date of joining for 10A1 doctors ??? ( our TNGDA officials – madurai saying it is possible)
//what is rule 4E regarding seniority //
That is only for those who join directly
That is not for 10 A 1 Candidation
// is it possible to get seniority from date of joining for 10A1 doctors ??? ( our TNGDA officials – madurai saying it is possible)//
Unless you had absconded from service inbetween, whether you have been selected by General TNPSC or Special TNPSC, your service will count from your date of joining under 10 A 1 in Regular Time Scale of Pay
For those who have joined in Consolidated pay, the service will count from the date you came under time scale of pay
ஸ்ஸ்ஸ்ஸ் யப்பா இதையே எத்தனை தடவை சொல்வது…. எழுதியிருப்பதை ஒரு முறை படிக்கலாமே
good evening dr.bruno, i was a contract medical officer in 2004,got selected inregulartnpsc2005 (anesthesia).(withheld, and appointed on 13.04.2007). i was continuously working on time scale since 01.11.2006. one increment was given to me from my date of joining on tnpsc selection for DA advance increment is fixed on 01.04.2008. but timescale people were given advance increment from 01.10.2007. i wants to know that whether i am eligible toget increment from 01.10.2007
You are eligible to get regular increments from October 2007
Why was the result withheld
When did you pass DA
TNPSC result of Assistant surgeon (General) 2005-2009 published on 29-09-2010. i got 237 marks (written -207 oral-30).my category is other than BC muslims (general)
In waiting list of other than BC muslims (general) reg no : 00101176, reg no : 01001002 reg no 01901007 reg no 01901139(waiting list 35-39) reg no :00102046(WL 47) all got the same mark of my category.. but my register no is no there… and WL 40-46 are also having same mark but OBCM F
Q1.we all got the same mark but my register number is not included in waiting list. Reason?
Q2. In TNPSC ad 756 vacancies r published. but now only 658 member only provisionally selected for the post. Y?
Q3. Most of the them selected are doing pg, if waiting list is not enought to fil the vacant positons, wil tnpsc call the remaining doctors r conduct a new tnpsc test?
Q4. Waiting list 11-24 in general turn(general) have low marks 238.5-240 than who are in waiting list of other than BC muslims (general). how this happen??
reply as soon as possible
TNPSC result of Assistant surgeon (General) 2005-2009 published on 29-09-2010.
i got 237 marks (written -207 oral-30).my category is other than BC muslims (general)
In waiting list of other than BC muslims (general) reg no : 00101176, reg no : 01001002 reg no 01901007 reg no 01901139(waiting list 35-39)
reg no :00102046(WL 47) all got the same mark of my category.. but my register no is no there… and WL 40-46 are also having same mark but OBCM F
Q1.we all got the same mark but my register number is not included in waiting list. Reason?//
Did you check the withheld list
Did you give all the certificates
Was any certificates pending (for example, the two conduct certificates)
//Q2. In TNPSC ad 756 vacancies r published. but now only 658 member only provisionally selected for the post. Y?//
Check the Withheld list
//Q3. Most of the them selected are doing pg, if waiting list is not enought to fil the vacant positons, wil tnpsc call the remaining doctors r conduct a new tnpsc test?//
WIll call from waiting list
This question has been already answered many times here
Please check the old posts
//Q4. Waiting list 11-24 in general turn(general) have low marks 238.5-240 than who are in waiting list of other than BC muslims (general). how this happen??
reply as soon as possible//
Check the Reservation Rules
Rules are also available online
Q1.we all got the same mark but my register number is not included in waiting list. Reason?
If more peoples are in the same mark, then based on Date of Birth Rank will be decided. Whoever older they come first.
Q3. Most of the them selected are doing pg, if waiting list is not enought to fil the vacant positons, wil tnpsc call the remaining doctors r conduct a new tnpsc test?
Please confirm with TNPSC, whether they will increase Waitlisted Peoples in this situation. If not they will call New TNPSC.
Q4. Waiting list 11-24 in general turn(general) have low marks 238.5-240 than who are in waiting list of other than BC muslims (general). how this happen??
No your question is wrong. Those waitlisted in general turn(general) belongs to other than BC muslims (general), they MUST be waitlisted also in other than BC muslims (general). See the Register Numbers Properly in both. They have the same numbers.
persons having same marks older persons will come first.. thats ok but as there is no prescribed things to decide how many persons wil be included in waiting list, how wil they discriminate people having same mark in the waiting list.. shall we claim for it?
Please confirm with TNPSC, based on what criteria how many persons included in current waiting list and whether they will increase number of Wait listed peoples if waiting list is not enough to fill the vacant positions and let us know also the answers from TNPSC
I checked the withheld list but my register number is not there and given all the certificates needed…
we all got the same mark, what shall i do, sir?shall i claim?
contact TNPSC
is that dentists are selected through 10a 1?
I m working under 10(a)(1) since february 2007. Now waiting list of 2005 general service TNPSC has come and I have been given appointment order in the same station this month. In my office they say service will count only from the date of joining in this appointment order and I will not be eligible as service candidate and I will have to pay back my First increment also.
I have also been selected in the Speciality TNPSC (psychiatry) conducted in feb 2009 and have appeared for special qualifying interview and have got 228 marks
In this forum, you have said service will be regularized from the date of 10(a)(1), whichever TNPSC comes earlier whether general or special qualifying.
Can you PLEASE publish or please mail me
for the consideration of service from the date of joining of 10(a)(1) as my office persons says there is no order for that.
Please reply as soon as possible, as date of joining ends this thursday
thanks in advance
//I m working under 10(a)(1) since february 2007.
Now waiting list of 2005 general service TNPSC has come and I have been given appointment order in the same station this month.
In my office they say service will count only from the date of joining in this appointment order and
I will not be eligible as service candidate and I will have to pay back my First increment also.//
Your Office people do not know any rules.
Ask them to refer FR / TNSSR
Or Ask them to read the latest communication from DPH
//I have also been selected in the Speciality TNPSC (psychiatry) conducted in feb 2009 and have appeared for special qualifying interview and have got 228 marks
In this forum, you have said service will be regularized from the date of 10(a)(1), whichever TNPSC comes earlier whether general or special qualifying.
Can you PLEASE publish or please mail me
for the consideration of service from the date of joining of 10(a)(1) as my office persons says there is no order for that.//
Communication already send from DPH
//Please reply as soon as possible, as date of joining ends this thursday
thanks in advance//
Please see
// as my office persons says there is no order for that.//
Ask that Idiot to first read FR and TNSSR
hello sir
your informations are so much usefull to us.i had joined service by 10a1 in feb2009 and i had cleared the general and special tnpsc and now i am having counciling on 30th nov. i want to leave my current station[perambalur] and wants go to in and around erode .will i be able to join there or have work in the same station. in the meantime i am trying for transfer to erode. can i wait for my counciling and join in erode or better go by transfer.please clarify me sir. thanking you.
@arul go to counselling and opt for a phc near your home
thank u sir .where can i get the vacancy list of phcs in any district i had tried inquiring friends and contacting the dph office but cant get the proper details. please tell me a solution. it will be helpful during my counciling…..regarding tnpge is it just completing 2 years and passing tnpsc is enough for eligibility or i have to wait till the completion of regularisation and probation formalities
Please see the previous posts
Everything has been discussed in detail
Respected sir, Madam
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Dear Doctor,
I absconded from the Govt Service 3years ago. Now I want to write Mch exam as a non service candidate. Am I eligible?
did you abscond during bond period
dear sir
I am a 10a1 candidate joined on 4th jan 2008 .Iwrote special tnpsc exam conducted for our batch on 2010.but while verification they withheld my result ‘coz of NOC. later i produced the NOC certificate to the office.but am unable to follow my position in the exam held my hallticket no is00108144. cud u plz help?
did you contact the office
am not able to understand ?wther my results are cleared?
If I join 10A1 service, and during my service if I get PG seat in T.N. or All India, will I be relieved? Will my certificates be returned to me? Kindly enlighten me. Thanks.
As long as you do not do a PG under service quota, you can quit any time
Dr. Forgive for asking on the same subject. If I get a P.G. seat during my 10A1 service will my certificates be returned to enable me to join the P.G.course? Thanks and regards.
Unless you have done a PG through service quota, you can quit any time
want to know what is the upper age limit for General Catergory candidates for 10 A 1 Basis of appointment .
Hi bruno
I was selected in regular TNPSC 2003-04 and joined service under speciality category (Ortho)at year 2006 . overall rank was not alloted by the tnpsc for that exam.As for as I know CML no was not alloted for the speciality group of candidates. CML 2010 was taken out of the website few days after it was put up. according to that we were given a cml seniority way behind MBBS candidates selected by that TNPSC.i wish to know what will become of our seniority.
//according to that we were given a cml seniority way behind MBBS candidates selected by that TNPSC.i wish to know what will become of our seniority.//
That is as per norms
If you had been selected in both General Exams and Speciality Exam, Your seniority will be that of General Rank
If you had been selected only in Speciality Exams, you will be placed after the last candidate selected in General
Dear bruno,
I was selected both in general as well as speciality. ( ortho). I choose to take up speciality interview though i was selected in both theory exams. i dont have a general rank because we were allowed to take up only one interview.(general rank was not given for speciality people during this TNPSC) let us look at the scenario.. I joined service in 2006 as post D.ortho speciality. let us consider a MBBS candidate doing doing M.S.Ortho after me would have a CML seniority way ahead of me ,would be considered above me for all puposes, though he would be junior to me by age and completion of degree and we both would have joined in the same TNPSC.
kindly do clarify this for me
Dear bruno,
I was selected both in general as well as speciality. ( ortho). I choose to take up speciality interview though i was selected in both theory exams. i dont have a general rank because we were allowed to take up only one interview.(general rank was not given for speciality people during this TNPSC) let us look at the scenario.. I joined service in 2006 as post D.ortho speciality. let us consider a MBBS candidate doing doing M.S.Ortho after me would have a CML seniority way ahead of me ,would be considered above me for all puposes, though he would be junior to me by age and completion of degree and we both would have joined in the same TNPSC.
kindly do clarify this for me, thank you
we have got the MRB result…i have got 50………iam SC candidate…….my name is not in the list……………….is there any possible to get post……..or this was the final list of results???????????????
we have got the MRB result…i have got 50………iam SC candidate…….my name is not in the list……………….is there any possible to get post……..or this was the final list of results???????????????