The Project Director i/c Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project, 7th Floor, DMS Complex, Teynampet, Chennai – 600 006. |
The Mission Director, National Rural Health Mission, Chennai – 06. The Project Director,TANSACS, Chennai – 08. The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services, Chennai – 06. The director of Medical Education, Chennai – 10. The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Chennai – 06. The Director of Medical and Rural Health Services, (ESI), Chennai – 06. |
Ref. No. 5271/ EA / 2010, Dated : 19.11.2010.
Sir / Madam,
Sub: TNHSP – Deputation of Medical Officers to undergo Master of Public Health courses at Tata Institute of Social Sciences – Willingness called for.
Ref: 1. G.O.(2D) No.76, H&FW (EAP 1/1) Dept. Dated 14.08.2010.
2. G.O.(2D) No.111, H&FW (EAP 1/1) Dept. Dated 05.10.2010.
* * *
In the Government Orders cited, sanction has been accorded for sponsoring of 10 candidates per year from among Medical Officers working in the Directorates of Medical and Rural Health Services, Medical Education and Public Health. The course is at TATA Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. The courses offered are :
1. Master of Public Health in Health Policy, Economics and Finance ( MPH – HPEF )
2. Master of Public Health ( MPH )
3. Master of Hospital Administration ( MHA Hospital )
4. Master of Health Administration ( MHA Health ).
The duration of the course is two years. The candidates sponsored should be regular Government servants and they have to serve for a period of seven years in Government after the completion of the course in the respective specialties in which they undergo the course. They will be required to execute a bond in this regard before joining the course as per the regulations for the candidates for the PG courses in Tami Nadu Medical Service.
The period of study spent in the Institute will be treated as duty and they are eligible for regular salary admissible for PG students. They are eligible to have increments on normal dates and eligible to accumulate the earned leave.
The cost towards accommodation, food, travel (up and down one time), shall be borne by the Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project.
A Selection Committee consisting of Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Director of Medical and Rural Health Services, and Director of Medical Education shall select the candidates among the willing persons. The first batch of candidates shall be sent from the year 2011 – 2012.
A proforma calling for willingness of eligible Medical Officers is enclosed. It is requested that the same may be circulated to all Institutions / Hospitals / Primary Health Centres under your control and the applications may be forwarded to this office with your recommendation there on.
The Selection Committee will scrutinize the applications and shortlist the same according to the eligibility.
Suitable candidates will be called for an interview which will be held in Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project, Chennai – 06. and final list of 10 candidates will be arrived at and sent for the course. The last date for receipt of application is 5 pm, 31st December, 2010.
The proforma and other details can be downloaded from our website The candidates can also send an advance copy of application directly to the Project Director, Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project, Chennai – 06. to avoid delay.
Encl : Application.
For Project Director
Copy to :
The Deans of all Government Medical Colleges,
The Superintendent of Medical College Hospitals,
The Director of Institutes, ( Teaching )
The Joint Director of Health Services of all districts,
The Deputy Director of Health Services of all districts,
The Regional Administrative Medical Officer, ESIs
The Superintendent, ESI hospital,
The DPMU Coordinators of all districts,
The Regional Consultants,
The Principal :
Public Health Training Centre, Salem, Villupuram, Madurai, Poonamallee and Egmore.
(to be filled in CAPITAL letters only)
1. Name :
2. Designation & Office Address :
3. Permanent address :
4. Gender : Male / Female
5. Date of Birth & Age, Date of Retirement : ……………………,…………,………
6. Contact No. (both Landline & Mobile) :
7. Email id :
8. Qualification ( MBBS & Post MBBS)
Sl.No |
Qualification |
College |
Year of Passing |
1 |
M.B.B.S |
2 |
3 |
4 |
9. Any award / meritorious service /
Paper Presentation / Research work etc :
10. Any Project Experience
if so how many years, Give details :
11. Mode of Selection :
(Contract / 10(a)(i) / temporary / TNPSC)
12. Date of Regularization :
13. Period of probation :
(completed/not completed/approved probationer)
13. Total years of Service :
14. Total years of leave :
(Study, private affairs, unauthorized, authorized)
15. Any disciplinary action pending :
16. Whether willing to work for 7 years in
State Govt. service after completion
of the course : Yes / No
17. Whether willing to execute a bond for
Rs. 10.00 lakhs with Government
interest in the event of discontinuing the
course in the mid way/ failure to serve for
seven years after completion of the course : Yes / No
(ie., Course fees & etc.,)
18. Branch of the MPH Course opted for :
(Choose the branch in order of a,b,c & d)
a) Master of Public Health in Health Policy,
Economic and Finance
b) Master of Public Health
c) Master of Hospital Administration
d) Master of Health Administration
19. Reason for opting for the above Course :
I declare that the particulars furnished are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Place :
Recommendations of the Head of Office / Directorate
NAME : …………………………………………
S/O D/O W/O : ……………………………………………..
LAND LINE PHONE NO: ………………………………….
MOBILE NUMBER: …………………………….
EMAIL ID: ……………………………………..
TO IN FAVOUR OF Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project, Chennai – 06.
WHEREAS the party of the First Part have applied for admission in TATA Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai Post Graduate Degree and the party of the First Part has been selected in the said course. As per the application of the Party of the First Part has agreed to serve the Government of Tamil Nadu for a period not less than Seven Years after successful completion of the Post Graduate Degree course and on such failure of not completing the full bond period of Seven Years the party of the First Part shall forthwith pay a sum of Rs. 10.00 lakhs ( Rupees Ten lakhs only).
During the above period, the Party of the First Part shall be paid a salary on par with the fresh recruits of the Government of Tamil Nadu Medical Services and The Government of Tamil Nadu will requisition their services, if required with in a period of Two years from the date of completion of the Post Graduate Degree.
AND WHEREAS for the better protection of the Government, the party of the First Part has agreed to execute the bond with 3 sureties for Income Tax assesses to stand guarantee for the above said amount of Rs. 10.00 lakhs.
AND WHEREAS the Party of the First Part have also agreed that on successful completion of the Post Graduate Degree course his / her certificate relating to Post Graduate Degree course will not be given to the Party of the First Part unless the Party of the First Part successfully completes the bond period of Seven years or pay to the Governor of Tamil Nadu his successors and assignees (hereinafter called “ The Government “) on demand the sum of Rs. 10.00 lakhs (Rupees Ten lakhs only ) and on such default together with interest at Government Rates thereon from the date of demand on the said amount. The party of the First Part…………………………………………………….or His / her legal heirs, executors and administrators shall forthwith pay to the Government on demand the said sum of Rs. 10.00 ( Rupees Ten lakhs only ) together with interest from the demand at Government rate in force on Government loan.
AND WHEREAS the Government have , at the request of the Party of the First part.
………………………………………………….. employed as …………………………………………………..granted stipend to him / her for a period of 24 months with effect from ………………….. in order to enable him / her to study at TATA Institute of Social Science, Mumbai.
AND WHEREAS if the Party of the First part ………………………………………………………. work for a period of less than 24 months during the Post Graduate Degree, the proportionate amount will be treated as stipend and the party of the First Part ……………………………………. shall pay back in addition to the security amount of Rs 10.00 lakhs ( Rupees Ten lakhs only ) the balance amount of stipend to the Government.
AND upon the Party of the First Part …………………………………………………….. or
The sureties aforesaid making such payment, the above written bond shall be void and be of no effect, otherwise it shall remain in force and virtue.
PROVIDED always that the liability of the sureties hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by reasonable time being granted or by any forbearance, act or omission of the Government or any person authorized by them (Whether with or without the consent knowledge of the sureties) nor shall it be necessary for the Government to sue the party of the First Part before suing the sureties 1. ………………………………………………, 2…………………………………………. and 3. ………………………………………………………….. Or any of them for amount due hereunder.
This bond shall in all respect be Government by the Laws of India, for the time being in force, and the right and liabilities shall, where necessary, be accordingly determined by the appropriate courts in India.
This bond is exempted from stamp duly, under Article 57 of Schedule-I of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899. ( Central Act II of 1899 )
- The Party of the First Part has agreed to serve the Government of Tamil Nadu medical Services for a period of Seven Years on successful completion of the Post Graduate Degree and in the event of default the party of the First Party shall pay forthwith a sum of Rs. 10.00 lakhs ( Rupees Ten lakhs only ) to the Government of Tamil Nadu Medical Services.
- For the aforesaid amount of Rs. 10.00 lakhs ( Rupees Ten lakhs only ) the party of the First part has brought 3 sureties and it should stand alive till successful completion of the Seven Years bond period with a government by the party of the First Part or in the event of such default till payment of Rs. 10.00 lakhs ( Rupees Ten lakhs only) is paid to Government of Tamil Nadu Medical Services.
- The Party of the First Part agrees that till the successful completion of the Period of Seven Years service to the Government of Tamil Nadu or till the payment of Rs. 10.00 lakhs ( Rupees Ten lakhs only ) is paid the certificate relating to ………………………….. Post Graduate Degree course shall be in the custody of the party of the Second part and the Government has a first lien over all the certificates gained by the candidate at the time of admission. The Party of the First part authorizes for retention of the certificates till the lien is cleared / discharged.
Sighed and Dated at ………………………………. on this the ……………………………….. day of ……………………………………..
Sighed and delivered by the
party of the First Part ………………………………………. Signature of the candidate.
In the presence of :
Witness 1 |
Witness 1 |
Name : |
Name : |
Address : |
Address : |
Signature |
Signature |
Signed and delivered by the
Surety ……………………………………………….. Signature of the Surety with seal.
In the presence of :
Witness 1. |
Witness 2. |
Name : |
Name : |
Address : |
Address : |
Signature |
Signature |
Signed and delivered by the
Surety ……………………………………………….. Signature of the Surety with seal.
In the presence of :
Witness 1. |
Witness 2. |
Name : |
Name : |
Address : |
Address : |
Signature |
Signature |
Signed and delivered by the
Surety ……………………………………………….. Signature of the Surety with seal.
In the presence of :
Witness 1. |
Witness 2. |
Name : |
Name : |
Address : |
Address : |
Signature |
Signature |
i think MPH course which s given by TATA institute s not recognised by mci..
What other MPH Courses are recognised by MCI
Thanks for the information