drjesuraj wrote:hi guys,
i took my pg in north thru aipg,and superspeciality also in north.i am still not able to understand why so much of allowances given to service.
people who are in service ,in stable government job,who are allowed to do private practise are given 50% exclusive and marks for service plus marks for rural service.as for as i know no other state has so much of allowances.tn reserves 50% seats in DM / MCh also to service,while no other state has.
It is because no other state has this much number of government hospitals and this many number of specialists posted
The seats are reserved so that Government Hospitals have specialists http://www.doctorsandlaw.com/2006/01/validity-of-service-quota.html
Seats are reserved for Service Candidates NOT TO HELP THE CANDIDATES (Quotas like Institute Quota in AIIMS where 33 percent seats are reserved for AIIMS Undergraduates are for helping the doctors. Quotas like Ex Service man quota are for Helping Candidates)
Take the case of Institute Quota is AIIMS. All AIIMS Undergraduates are guaranteed a PG Seat in AIIMS. Do you know that those who have got just 16 % in Entrance are getting MD Gen Medicine and Masters in OG in AIIMS through Institute Quota
In Service Reservation is a different kind. The doctors who have done their PG through Service has to serve in TN Government till retirement.
i know few people in this forum always support this stepmotherly attitute to nonservice candidates,who get one of lowest stipend among all states,who are foced to do post pg service,pay one of the highest fee among the states.
It is because the Non Service PGs do not unite and fight. There is no association for Non Service PGs.
people may argue that they sacrifice their life for rural service.
Can you refuse this.
how many of you will continue if govt bans private practise.
You will only know when Government Bans Private Practice
And When they ban, they need to give around 45000 for Assistant Professor and 1,00,000 for a Professor (in line with Central Government).
dont say no nonservice candidate goes to rural areas.
No one said that. Many doctors posted in Compulsary Rural Service are working in rural areas only. Only few non service candidates are against the compulsary rural service. So majority of non service candidates do go to rural areas
prefrences to people who do service is needed,but the same time this stepmotherly attitute towards non service candidates is not good either.
tell me one more state in india which gives so much allowances to service.
Tell me one state in India which has TOTAL FREE TREATMENT in Government Hospitals (including Cardiac Bye Pass, Total Knee Replacement)
Tell me one state in India where there are 1400 PHCs for 4.5 crore Rural Population
Tell me one state in India where there are more than 100 CEMONC Centres (for a Population of 6 Crores)
Tell me one state in India where there are 17 Government Medical Colleges (for a population of 6 Crores)
Tell me one state in India where there are 14000 vacancies for doctors of which 10000 vacancies are for specialists (for a population of 6 crores)
dont say only in tn doctors are interested in govt service.
Not at all. In every state doctors are interested in government service
this like giving money to rich,and say to poor get rich then we will give you money.
I am not getting your point here
nonservice candidate who has neither job nor degree is treated like a enemy and every year govt comes with new clauses,rules ,bonds and along with studying he has to fight cases with govt,powerful service doctor unions.it looks odd.
MBBS Doctors are welcome to join in Government Service. There was a counselling on Jan 29-31. (http://www.tngda.in/2009/01/blog-post.html) There will be another counselling in the next 2 weeks.
Further there is a TNPSC Next week www.targetpg.com/exams/tnpsc/2009_general
So this no job is not at all a valid argument now (few years ago, you need to wait for a lot of time to join Service)
I am an Asst. Surgeon working tngov. since 2007.When I first joined duty, I went to the PHC by 8am.I was surprised
PHC was locked.That day I sat in the PHC upto 5pm.That day after 1pm,evrybody left,except a staff nurse,who told me that PHC closes by 1pm.Throughout my service I have found that Govt.service is just a show off,includin all the new programmes which Gov. of India is introducing now and then wastin a lot of funds.Moreover there is so much of unethical practice,for example,using unsterile materials for conducting deliveries,for suturing wounds etc.The so called TANSACS,concerned with AIDS are hell bent upon drawing blood for HIV tests.What right have they to force people when many people do not even need them.On questioning them,I am told that they have to achieve targets.Well is this the purpose of medicine? The statistics that you are boasting of is filled with emptiness. out of the 1400 PHCs that you talk about,tell me one PHC where a Dr. is available round the clock?Ok,even if he is available so,what will happen to the Patients who come when the Dr. is on leave?In short,aGovt. Dr. cannot be trusted and relied upon always.The same Dr. is very sincere in his/her clinic.
Take for eg. my own PHC.It is an upgraded one without Quarters.Is an upgraded PHC necessary for a population below 20000?Our average O.P. turnout is actually around 30-40???So PHC was constucted for POLITICAL reasons.There is much more to this.In short,if one wants to be untruthful,be envious of oneanother, politically active,fool poor patients,experiment on human beings,swindle funds,,,,,,Govt. is the best set up.Presently my aim is to resign from this filth as early as possible,so please guide me in resigning from 10a(1) service.
//.That day after 1pm,evrybody left,except a staff nurse,who told me that PHC closes by 1pm.//
And You really believed it !!! ๐ ๐
//Moreover there is so much of unethical practice,for example,using unsterile materials for conducting deliveries,for suturing wounds etc.//
What did you, as the head of the institution do for it. You can easily correct it, IF YOU ARE WILLING
//The statistics that you are boasting of is filled with emptiness. out of the 1400 PHCs that you talk about,tell me one PHC where a Dr. is available round the clock//
Doctors are not supposed to be available round the clock in 1100 PHCs. Only in Upgraded PHCs doctors are to be available 24 hours. Don’t you know the basic rules. My God. What did you actually do in the PHC without even knowing the duty timing…. ๐ ๐ Pathetic
//Ok, even if he is available so,what will happen to the Patients who come when the Dr. is on leave?//
If it is an emergency, the patient can well be referred to the next PHC or the nearby GH or the nearest Medical College
//In short, a Govt. Dr. cannot be trusted and relied upon always.//
I don’t think it is a correct statement
Referral institutions always run 24 hours.
What about your DAS / DAP during your UG Days.. If one was on leave, did the medical college Medicine / Surgery Department close down for the day…. ๐ ๐
//Presently my aim is to resign from this filth as early as possible,so please guide me in resigning from 10a(1) service.//
Very simple.
Take a white paper. Write the following letter
Assistant Surgeon
(Your PHC
Your HUD
Your District)
The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Respected Sir,
I would like to resign from service
Yours sincerely
If you have any bond obligations, you have to pay the amount
On the other hand, If you want to continue in the service and correct the problems in your PHC, post your questions at http://pgmed.org/viewforum.php?f=10 . http://www.tngda.com and interact over there.
//.There is much more to this.In short,if one wants to be untruthful, be envious of one another, politically active, fool poor patients,experiment on human beings,swindle funds,,,,//
I fully disagree with this..
What you have told happens across all levels, both private and government, more so in private sector.
By the way, if you want to continue, you may have to appear for this exam http://www.targetpg.in/exams/tnpsc/tnpsc_2009_special
//The statistics that you are boasting of is filled with emptiness.//
Tell me which of the following statistics is wrong
Tell me one state in India which has TOTAL FREE TREATMENT in Government Hospitals (including Cardiac Bye Pass, Total Knee Replacement)
Tell me one state in India where there are 1400 PHCs (now it has been upgraded to 1500) for 4.5 crore Rural Population
Tell me one state in India where there are more than 100 CEMONC Centres (for a Population of 6 Crores)
Tell me one state in India where there are 17 Government Medical Colleges (for a population of 6 Crores)
Tell me one state in India where there are 14000 vacancies for doctors of which 10000 vacancies are for specialists (for a population of 6 crores)
i think above text about government services not applicable for everywhere generalisation is bad thing ok why because success any programme not decided by material as many people say success will not come with instrument but with dedication ok.govrnmentservice is having some defects ofcourse every will have some defects but in government service somewhat people are neglegent as they are permenant employees where as in private set senario is completley different.private people will do things for their benefits but government people will do for the sake of people.if government is not doing any thing our india will be still in under developed one but now our india is fastest growing country ok.many examples are there to proove it as our govrnment taking many measures in strenthining of present UNIVERSAL IMMUNISATION PROGRAMME and many incentives for people who undergoing sterilisation operations,JSY AMOUNTS for pregnants who are delivered in hospitals so many things and many programmes are there its not waste of many ok.result may not come as early as soon but it will take years but NRHM WILL SUCCEED AND GOVENMENT WILL SUCCEED OK.U FIRST DO UR SERVICE IN UR PHC AREA AND MADE OTHERS TO THINK LIKE THST ONE DAY WILL COME NO PRIVTE AND ONLY GOVT WILL RULE OK.DO GOOD AND BE GOOD.BE LIKE OPTIMIST AS WE R DOCTORS HAVING MORE KNOWLEDGE WE SHOULD NOT DO LIKE THIS GENERALISED STATEMENTS DO UR DUTY AND THEN AUTOMATICALLY ALL UR COLLEAGUES WILL STAY IN PHC OK