Admission to Post Graduate Degree / Diploma / 5 year MCh (Neuro Surgery) and MDS Courses in Tamil Nadu Government / Self Financing Medical and Dental Colleges for 2009 to 2010 Session
- 1. Application forms for the above courses will be available from 20-01-2009 to 30-01-2009 (upto 3.00 P.M.) from the Deans of the following Government Medical / Dental Colleges on a written request In person or by post with a crossed Demand Draft for Rs.1,250/= (Rupees One thousand two hundred and fifty only) drawn in favour of The Secretary, Selection Committee, Chennal-600 010 and DATED NOT EARLIER THAN 13-1-2009 from any Branch of a NATIONALISED BANK, payable at CHENNAI. SC / ST Candidates are exempted from payment of fees for the application form and they should produce attested Xerox copy of the community certificate while collecting the application form.
- 1. Madras Medlcal College, Chennal-3.
- 2. Stanley Medlcal College, Chennai-1.
- 3. Kilpauk Medical College, Chennal-10.
- 4. Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengalpattu-1.
- 5. Madural Medlcal College, Madural-20.
- 6. Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur-4.
- 7. Colmbatore Medical College, Coimbatore-14.
- 8. Government Mohan Kumaramangalarn Medical Colloge, Salem-30:
- 9. Tlrunelvell Medical College, Tlrunelveli-11.
- 10. K.A.P. Vlswanatham Govt. Medlcal College, Tiruchirapally-17.
- 11. Thoothukudi Government Medlcal College, Thoothukudi-8.
- 12. Kanyakumarl Govt. Medlcal College,Aasaripallam.
- 13. Vellore Govt. Medical College, Vellore.
- 14. Theni Govt. Medical College, Thenl.
- 15. Tamil Nadu Government Dental College and Hospital, Chennal.3.
- 16. Dharmapurl Medical College, Dharmapuri
- 2. Requisition by Post should be addressed to the Deans / Principal of the Government Medical / Dental Colleges only, duly enclosing Postal Stamps to the value of Rs 60/- (Rupees Sixty Only) SEPARATELY FOR POSTAL CHARGES, besides a crossed Demand Draft for Rs.l,250/- (Rupees One thousand two hundred and fifty only) towards Application Form Fee drawn in favour of The Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennal- 600 010 payable at Chennai by Demand Draft dated not earlier than 13-1-2009.
- SC / ST candidates should enclose the attested xerox copy of the community certificate and Postal Stamps to the value of Rs.60/- (Rupees Sixty only) towards the cast of postages, along with their request for free application. No application will be available for sale at Selection Committee.
- 3. a) The candidate should be a citizen of India and should have undergone MBBS /BDS courses in the State of Tamil Nadu.
- 3 b) Candidates of Tamll Nadu Nativity who have completed MBBS / BDS in other States should furnish a Certificate of Nativity In Tamil Nadu issued by a Competent authority in the Format annexed to the Applicatlon Form.
- 4. Service candidates who have not completed two years of continuous service as on 31.03-2009 are not eligible to apply,
- 5. Candidates who had Joined Post Graduate Degree / Diploma / 5 Years M,Ch (Neuro Surgery) / MDS Courses in any discipline and discontinued the courses on any grounds after the cut off date fixed by the Medical Council of India are eligible to apply only after a period of 2 years from the date of appearance for the entrance examination.
- 6, a) Candidates (Private / Service) who have completed / possess a Postgraduate Degree are not eligible to apply for admission to any other Post Graduate Degree or Diploma Courses.
- 6 b) Candidates (Private / Service) who are Diploma holders are not eligible to apply for another Diploma course but can apply for any Post Graduate Degree course.
- 8. Detailed Information regarding Eligiblity, Entrance Examination, Mode of Selection, Courses and Colleges are available In the Prospectus to be Issued along with that Application and also on the website http// and
- 9. Candidates who have graduated from other Universities have to produce the Eligibility Certificate from the Tamll Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai at the time of Counselling, failing which they will not be considered for selection.
- 10. The completed application form along with enclosures should reach the Secretary, Selection Committee, No.162, Periyar E.V.R. High Road, Kilpauk, Chennai-600010 on or before 30-01 -2009 by 5.00 P.M.
- 11. Application form can also be downloaded from the websitehttp// and Such candidates have to enclose a Demand Draft dated not earlier than 13-1-2009 for Rs.1,250/- (Rupees One thousand two hundred and fifty only) drawn in favour of The Secretary Selection Committee, Chennal-10 while submitting the application. SC / ST candidates are exempted from the payment of the cost of application fee
Visit us at :
Date of Exam : Not given in the Notification
Applications available from : 20-01-2009 to 30-01-2009
Applications available at : All Medical Colleges
Online Applications :
Last Date for submitting Applications : 30-01-2009 5 PM
Service Eligibility : 2 years as on 31-03-2009\
is service quota for central government employee still valid
is service quota for central government employee still valid
Only doctors working under Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu are eligible for service quota
Only doctors working under Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu are eligible for service quota
please tel me abt admit card for pg exam if not recieved.where to enquire.
please tel me abt admit card for pg exam if not recieved.where to enquire.
You have to contact the Selection Committee
You have to contact the Selection Committee
please can u help me… i did not get my acknowleagement card and admit card… what should i do now…i have exam on 22
please can u help me… i did not get my acknowleagement card and admit card… what should i do now…i have exam on 22
Contact Selection Committee by Phone or Fax or Telegram (not by E Mail)
Contact Selection Committee by Phone or Fax or Telegram (not by E Mail)
whwe do we get the phone number from
whwe do we get the phone number from
Phone No : 044-28361674
//whwe do we get the phone number from//
It is given in the prospectus ๐
Phone No : 044-28361674
//whwe do we get the phone number from//
It is given in the prospectus ๐