Tamil Nadu PG – TNPG 2010 – FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions – Your Doubts Clarified
Hope you have already seen the following two pages
Let us Try to Answer a Few Questions
- What is the seat I am likely to get for My Mark for My Community for My Service / Private Status ?
- I have AAA Marks + BBB Experience Marks. Will I get CCC Course in DDD Medical College ?
To be Frank, with only the Exam Marks released, and that too since we do not know the community status, Service Status and Experience marks of others, WE CANNOT ANSWER THESE TWO QUESTIONS WITH CONFIDENCE in most of the cases.
Of course, if you have got 71.64 Marks and have another 8 marks and you belong to Service BC and you want, MD Gen Medicine in any college, the answer is “yes”.
Or If you have got 37.8 and you want MD Radio, the answer is “NO”
In most other cases, the answer is “Not adequate Data”
So, please be patient till the entire list is released.
- Are PG Seats being Increased ?
The answer is YES
- Is this confirmed News ?
The answer is YES
- MCI Did not inspect my college. How can they increase the seats ?
Usually, for starting a new course or for increasing the seats, MCI Inspection is mandatory. But now, as a special case, they have sanctioned additional seats WITHOUT INSPECTION
- Why ?? How ??
Till Date, a Post Graduate Teacher can teach only one PG Student. Now they have changed it to Two Students per teacher. Check PG medical race to get easier: 2,000 more seats from this year for more information from TOI
- Are all seats being doubled ?
- Can we know which seats are being doubled and which are not ?
In most cases, if the Concerned Department had send the proposal through Dean, to MCI, the approval is being given. Since we do not know which departments had send and which had not, we cannot predict the seat rise at present
- Are the additional Seats being showed in AIPG Counselling ?
- Will they be allotted by TNPG ?
Hopefully Yes…..
- When can we be sure of this ?
When the seat matrix is being displayed at the time of counselling
- What is the implication of this ?
Till the seat matrix is displayed, and till we are sure of the exact number of seats for each course in each college, it is not possible to predict whether a particular course is available for a Particular Rank for a Particular Community
- I have few other doubts !! How to clarify those ?
Please ask in the Comments below and we will try to find the answers
- Do you have a Discussion Forum ?
Yes. We have a discussion Forum. You can check it at www.pgmed.org Or you can ask the doubts in the comment section below every page in this site
- Is there a mailing List, I can subscribe ?
The Mailing List is at http://groups.google.com/group/targetpg You can join the mailing List
- Do you offer RSS Feeds for the site ?
The Link for the RSS Feeds is http://feedproxy.google.com/TargetPG
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We have a SMS Alert Feature. You can subscribe to our SMS Channel from this link
- Are Site Updates Available through Twitter ?.
Yes. Our Twitter ID is www.twitter.com/targetpg
- Is there an Official Orkut Community for Site Members ?
Yes. The Official Orkut Community is at http://www.orkut.co.in/Community.aspx?cmm=11782975
- Is there a charge associated with using this site ?
No. This is totally Free of Cost. Not even a single page is protected. All contents are available free of cost
Update : Click here for TNPG 2010 Rank. General Rank, Service Rank, Community Rank, Service Community Rank
Please read Question 2
you got GEN.MED and then y r u asking these type of question
thank u very much.is ur peplies applicable even for m.d.s?
thank u very much. is ur replies applicable even for m.d.s?
my mark is 48.6 service mark 10 total 58.6 shall i get MD OG UNDER service SC
Please see Question 2
how many seats are there for md paedeatrics and md anaesthesia in tamilnadu?
Please see Question Number 8
sir my score is 63.72 and 3 service marks wil be added. i belong to open OC will i get dch?
thank you sir for this information..
i dont i get a reply?
please inform about mds rank
can i know the no of seats available for md paedeatrics and md anaesthesia for tamilnadu last year?
This is a good question !!
Click this Link for TNPG 2009 Prospectus
Hello Dr.,
Thanks for consolidating the marks and publishing the analysis. Do you have any idea when the final list will be released by the selection committee? All we are saying is “ifs” and “else” and “but”. As per the prospectus, the final list should have been released by Feb 26, 2010. I haven’t seen any notification in the tnhealth.org site.
Sir do you have info about how many service candidates are in the pg race 2010!
my mark 50.4 plus 9 service mark MBC..will i got MS gen
Please check the answer to Question 2
when will the tnpg rank list will be released.
rank list publishing date sir???
i belong to sc community ……..ma mark n pg entrance exam is 56.5….. what course ll i get 4 this mark……….
Hello.. I hav got 70.56 + 1 MBC Non service candidate… Any chance for MS ortho / McH Neuro?? Reply pls
Please see Answer to Question 2
my mark 63.36+2 and to mbc community. what are the possible courses that ican get in each college?
Please see Question Number 2
Please read the answer to Question 2
thank u sir. Do u know what is the first mark in service qouta.how many service candidates are there?
sir please display tnpg mds entrance exam marks of all the 800 bds candidates.
sir, i have been requesting u since the day ..the results were published. can, i know y u dont give proper response to m.d.s regarding question. sir, u have done a good job in sorting out the rank list but can’t u reply m.d.s aspiring people like us…
We do not have the resources (time) to deal with MDS.
wen vil rank list out///vat courses vil i get for 64.8+1mbc
wen will the results b published..any idea hw many service candidates took the exam
is it possible to write may aiims,june pgi and nimhans once we take a seat in all india or tnpg?do we have to pay money if we quit after taking a seat? do u know the fee structure for allindia seats?
hi dear friends …. i heard some undertable works are going on in tnpg 2010… and inspite of a tough question paper many of them have scored very high marks….and the tn gov. has not published the entire people scores in the website….. and they have published the marks in 2 days which is highly unexpected… is all these things are mere corelation or is something happening there………..
experts please enlighten us……..
Please write WITH EVIDENCE or Proof. Do not spread Rumours.
Igot 53.28+10.What are the possible courses that Ican get and where they can be?pls reply me soon.
Did you read the answer to question 2
i really dont have any evidence…. really sorry if it is a rumour….. since many people discussed about this i want to post this and clarify the doubt ….from you sir….
when will they publish the rank list? why there is a delay?
its true that lots of rumors are spreading while they delay releasing rank list. every year these rumors are arising. god only knows. how can anyone show it with evidence!!let us wait and see…
sir,Kindly let me know when the final rank list would be published.we all are waiting for it.Please reply and do the needfull
it requires a lot of work to arrange the list as per marks and quotas..and rumors will make our time interesting..
thats all.. lets wait and watch our fate..
Whether any court case has been filed w.r.t this exam.
I heared that a case is filed as in the question paper negative mark is mentioned, in some exam halls thy were not told of “No negative Mark”………….
Is there any possiblity of conducting Re-exam.
TNPG 2010 – 2011 SESSION
The TNPG 2010-2011 session merit list for admission to Post Graduate MD/MS/M.Ch (5Yr NEURO SURGERY)/MDS/DIPLOMA will be released shortly. The increase of seats in various Specialties / Colleges from MCI is awaited to finalize the no.of seats in I Phase of PG counselling scheduled to be held in April-2010.
rank list tomorrow , sir ??????
How is possible to get md seat for mark of 54.36
I hav one query… pls clear this..
Are candidates selected under ALL INDIA QUOTA eligible to attend TNPGME counselling?
If so, how with all the originals submitted?
My friends are saying that this yr it has been specifically mentioned that u need 2 attend the counselling only with the originals.But usually ppl used 2 attend with a bonafide certificate issued by the joined college….
Kindly answer my query….
I hav one query… pls clear this..
Are candidates selected under ALL INDIA QUOTA eligible to attend TNPGME counselling?
If so, how with all the originals submitted?
My friends are saying that this yr it has been specifically mentioned that u need 2 attend the counselling only with the originals.But usually ppl used 2 attend with a bonafide certificate issued by the joined college….
Kindly answer my query
Sir is there any special reservation or preference for inter caste marriage candidates in tnpg ?
Please check the prospectus
sir which is good college to do MS general surgery in tamil nadu.. i have got 1614 in AIPG and in first round i have taken in coimbatore .. should i change in 2nd round
Where do you plan to settle after your Post Graduation
my marks 65.24 service mbc any chance to get md og
My mark is 64.44 and +4. Bc muslim. Is there any possibility to get MDOG or DGO seat?.
See Question 2
How come 10a 1 , when they have not attended any orals or how can tnpsc release before regular tnpsc results. I personally think that dme people are bargain to block seats before officialy releasing the seat matrix. I say this from last year experience
dr.sathish…u are right…regular tnpsc results havent been published and so 10 a1 tnpsc results cant be published before that…i too think so…………………………….
the regular tnpsc candidates must file a writ petition bfore hon ble high court to stay the process of special tnpsc results bfore their results.its a injustice after writing the tnpsc waiting for one year not even get the results.but how come the special tnpsc results relesed first.DEAR REGULAR TNPSC CANDIDATES FIGHT FOR UR RIGHT.the other candidates must file a writ petition if a special g.o issued for 10a1 candidates allow them to attend councelling bfore tnpsc results.
hi frnds.. i dont get u.. wats dat special tnpg? can sum1 tell me
To release this go, why did the gov conduct a exam and cheat the regular tnpsc candidates waiting for results .
do anyone know when is the court judgement for 10a1 case ? how long we have to wait still-for merit list? too much delaying makes us mad……any idea abt merit list date friends ?
its given as 19 or 20 or 21 in adrplexus.com.i dont know how reliable it is.
yes u r correct for court of law prospectus is a base.if they bring new g.o or policy desicion after exam it may not control backdated.so if 10a1 people wants to enter in race the only way is PULL TNPSC RESULS From govt machine
yes u r absolutely right…..it is not so easy to conduct orals for 1500 people and release the tnpsc results so soon………so it is not easily possible for 10a1 candidates to attain the dream of service candidate this year itself..
hi anynews about increasing seats in MDS in tnpg2010 ? bruno help me.
We have no idea about this
is mci going to faceout all diploma courses? then what is fate of people who already have pg diploma .recently mci recogniced huge no of master degrees, but diplomas? any idea ,please reply
We believe that they are going to phase out diplomas
That is what we could infer from the latest seat matrix
Ah.. That is a million dollar question
very pathetic tnpg 2010.i have got a regret for pg admission.better TN gover can announce that tnpg is only for service candidates not for private.50%quota has been alresdy alloted to them.in spite of this they can also come in general quota.further more they are having extra one markfor rural service.these one mark should be used only to put separate rank list for service candidates (competing within them as some may be in urban,GH,some may be in rural.)this rural service mark should not be used in general rank list as people like us had not been called for 10A1 and we dont have an opportunity for working in rural area.either of this should happen,service people should enter only through50% quota or the rural service marks should be used only for preparing separate service candidate list not for ganeral list.if not very very few of the private candidates will study in tamil nadu.nearly 60 t0 65% of 1st 200 ranks were occupied by them last year.this year it may go up still, higher?????!!!!
Good Suggestion, as 50 % seats are already given to AIPG Quota !!
பத்த வச்சாச்சு டூம் டூம் டூம்
to targetpg,i think you are good supporter of service.k fine.here is the thing i want to convey.u say that 50% seats are surrendered to all india.80000 candidates this year wrote all india for 3200 seats.the propoprtion is very less.
.u see that 250 to 300 seats surrenderd to all india is for all 80000 candidates not for us alone.total no service candidates appeared this year 1785(22.4%).private candidates 6158(77.5%).for those 22.4% candidates 50% seats are reserved and also they can take seat in general.total no service in 1 st 2000 candidates is 79(79/1785=4.4%).remaining non service in 1st 200 are121(121/6158=1.9%).please look into the percentages and the reservation of seat.
Some Questions
How much candidates wrote All India From Tamil Nadu : That should be equal to or less than the number of candidates who write TNPG That means 8000.
That means only 10 percent of those who write AIPG are from Tamil Nadu
But what is the seats given to AIPG from Tamil Nadu
It is 450 to 470
What percentage of seats is this in the entire All India Allotment
Why is this like this
Tell me which other state (other than Maharashtra) gives this many seats to All India
Do you know that Delhi has 100% reservation based on College of UG. Only those who did UG in Delhi are eligible for Delhi PG and States Like Andhra do not give any seat to AIPG
In many places there are institute Quota, where they corner seats
sir can i know how many md paediatrics in tn seat matrix
Already given in this site
Sir i have completed my crri on 25.3.2010 but i can register in tamilnadu medical counsil only after 31.3.2010. Will i get experience mark next year?
my general rank is 98 in rank list i gone to 300 is there any possiblity against srervice candidate is dere any case in court
sir my marks 55.08 any possible to get wait for second counselling
sir if any possible to wait for second counseling 2010 ( marks 55.08 BC )
I really loved reading this writing. We (as a community) appreciate it. I have a similar blog on this topic. Do you mind if I link to this writing on my internet site?
i ill get 64.33?wat course?
Wait till the full rank list is released. What is the total marks
Wait till the full list is released
please Wait till the full list is released
what master degree will i get for 193 rank (BC,PRIVATE)in tnpg
mbc service.mark 68…whats the probability to get ms (gen) or (ent)
i got 36 markcan i get any seat i ma backward
my no aipgmee is 11007727 what is my rank