TNPG 2010 – II Phase of counselling on 26.6.2010 & 27.6.2010
2010-2011 Session
II Phase of counselling on 26.6.2010 & 27.6.2010
Information to the candidates
Counselling for Reallotment/Allotment of colleges to the already selected & waitlisted candidates will be conducted simultaneously in the order of merit/community wherever applicable.
The counselling will be conducted as detailed below.
Those candidates who wish to retain the seat selected in the I phase of allotment need not attend the II phase of counselling.
Allotment of newly sanctioned Seat (MD Forensic Medicine- 1 Seat at Tirunelveli Medical College)
For newly sanctioned seats, change of speciality is permitted for State Quota. Candidates including selected/waitlisted candidates from Ranks 1-1906 only are eligible to attend the counseling
Reallotment of M.D.Courses for Speciality wise existing vacancies.
State Quota candidates who have joined and are undergoing courses in the concerned speciality will be called in the order of Merit and as per College wise communal reservation.
Followed by Allotment of M.D.Courses ( for the consequential vacancies after reallotment )Speciality wise
State Quota candidates who have waitlisted for the concerned speciality will be called in the order of Merit and as per College wise communal reservation.
Reallotment of M.S.Courses for Speciality wise existing vacancies.
State Quota candidates who have joined and are undergoing courses in the concerned speciality will be called in the order of Merit and as per College wise communal reservation.
Followed by Allotment of M.S.Courses ( for the consequential vacancies after reallotment )Speciality wise.
State Quota candidates who have waitlisted for the concerned speciality will be called in the order of Merit and as per College wise communal reservation.
MDS Courses
1 seat in Oral Medicine & Radiology reserved for Physically challenged.
1 seat in Periodontics marked for BC candidate as per the Roster.
Reallotment of Diploma Courses for Speciality wise existing vacancies..
State Quota candidates who have joined and are undergoing courses in the concerned speciality will be called in the order of Merit and as per College wise communal reservation.
Followed by Allotment of Diploma Courses ( for the consequential vacancies after reallotment )Speciality wise.
State Quota candidates who have waitlisted for the concerned speciality will be called in the order of Merit and as per College wise communal reservation.
Counselling for remaining vacancies if any after the counselling session on 26.6.2010 .
Eligible candidates from General Rank 1907 onwards will be allotted seats in the order of Merit and as per communal reservation.
(Rule of reservation / Roster Method wherever applicable)
Candidates who had obtained allotment in state quota in I phase of Counselling can claim only newly sanctioned seats (MD Forensic Medicine) and Reallotment of colleges without change of speciality.
in the order of merit and as per communal reservation.
Candidates appearing for allotment are required to produce their Certificates in Original for verification at the time of counseling as per Clause 44 (d) of PG Prospectus 2010-2011.
Selected candidates should pay the total tuition fees at the time of receipt of allotment order and processing fee of Rs 500/- as specified in the prospectus for 2010-2011 session.
Candidates should submit the joining report at the Selection Committee on the day of allotment itself. No extension of joining time will be granted strictly.
If the candidates who have given the joining report on the day of allotment fail to report at the
College within the prescribed date he/she will not be eligible to apply for Tamilnadu P.G Entrance
Examination for two years from the date of appearance for the Entrance Examination in 2010
[Clause 6 of PG prospectus 2010-2011]
Vacancies (seat matrix) will be displayed in the website before the counselling. /
Candidates are requested to refer to the website daily and no individual call letters will be sent.
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seems actual number of vacancies were not shown.
I fully agree with you, Dr.MBBS. For example, 10 seats in M.S. Gen. Surgery which were available in MMC & SMC were not shown at all. You can imagine the number of seats hidden in the seat matrix in all branches!
tnpg councelling is the worst method of councelling.if u attend first round u hav to wait listed for a particular speciality.there is no general wait list,if u wont get ur wait list seat then u wont able to attend second day.the lower rank candidates taken better seat only bcoz ur in in wait list u hav no choice to attend .its an injustice.