TNPG 2014 Application Tamil Nadu PG Medical Entrance Notification Prospectus
Know your A.R.No.:
The following clause shall be added as the last point in the “At a Glance” Column of the Policy / Prospectus approved in the G.O. (D) No:36, Health and Family Welfare Department, Dated: 09.01.2014.
- Conditions laid down in this Prospectus relating to TNPSC candidates equally apply to MRB candidates also.
i. The following clause shall be added as the last point in the “At a Glance” Column of the Policy / Prospectus approved in the G.O. (D) No:37, Health and Family Welfare Department, Dated: 09.01.2014.
- Conditions laid down in this Prospectus relating to TNPSC candidates equally
apply to MRB candidates also.
ii. The existing Clause – 28 of the Policy / Prospectus shall be substituted with :
- “Candidates seeking admission should write the Tamil Nadu MDS Entrance Examination conducted by the Selection Committee in that academic year only.”
Selection Committee
What Does this Amendment Mean
- This means that those who have been selected by MRB 2013 cannot apply for TNPG 2014
- If you are applying without mentioning that you are in service , that means you are giving false declaration
- Please don’t do it even though few of your (ignorant / idiotic) friends may advice so
What this Amendment does not mean
- This does not mean that TNPSC = MRB
- If Some one says so based on this amendment alone, please ignore
For More details Please read Our in depth analysis regarding MRB
- Last date for downloading : 26.01.2014, 5.00 pm
- Last date for receipt of application : 27.01.2014, 5.00 pm
- Entrance Examination : 16.02.2014- 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
- Expected date for declaration of result : within a week.
- Allotment of seats by personal appearance :
- I Phase :March / April 2014
- II Phase :Schedule will be Hosted on the website only after
- the completion of the II round of All India Counseling
- Last date of admission : The time as mentioned in the allotment letter of the candidate
- The results will be displayed on the Notice Board of this Directorate. Results will also be available on the internet at http/ Results of individual candidates will not be informed over telephone
- Application Available at :
- Full Prospectus Available at :
¾ Applications can only be downloaded from the websites and and
the filled application along with necessary enclosures and 3 self addressed envelopes 23 X 10 cms
sent to the Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai -10 before the last date i.e.
27.01.2014 along with a Demand Draft for 2000/- which is non refundable towards the cost of
application form drawn in favour of The Secretary, Selection Committee payable at Chennai.
Applications without the Demand Draft will not be accepted. The name of the candidate and the
name of the course (PG Degree / Diploma / 6 Year M.Ch. (Neuro-Surgery)) should be written
on the reverse of the Demand Draft. SC/ SCA and ST candidates who are natives of Tamil Nadu
are exempted from payment of the cost of the Application Form.
¾ Candidates should send the application with all enclosures in an A 4 size cloth lined cover . The
template with requisite details available for download should be printed and pasted on the cover.
¾ AR Number will be assigned by the Selection Committee.
¾ Candidates can track their applications on the above websites by entering their Permanent Medical
Registration Number or Final Year University Examination Register Number and year of 1st
¾ Random Number generated by computer will be assigned to each candidate before the dispatch of
Hall Tickets.
¾ Eligible candidates who have not received their Hall Tickets can download their Hall Tickets from
the websites / by entering their A.R. Number allotted by the
Selection Committee and their Date of Birth and attend the Entrance Examination. Candidates are
requested to paste their photograph on the Hall Tickets which is to be attested by a Gazetted Officer.
(The photograph must be an identical copy of the one pasted on the Application)
¾ Eligible candidates who have not received their call letter for Counseling can download their call
letters from the websites / by entering their Entrance Examination
Number allotted by the Selection Committee and their Date of Birth and attend the counseling as
per the date & time mentioned in the counseling schedule which will also be available on the web
sites .
Prospectus for admission to Post Graduate Degree / Diploma / 6 Year M.Ch. (Neuro-Surgery) Courses 2014-2015 session as per G.O(D)No. 36, Health & Family Welfare (MCA.1 ) Department, dated: 09.01.2014.
1 (a) Candidates seeking admission to PG Degree / Diploma / 6 Year M.Ch, (Neurosurgery) courses
should submit the application form with necessary enclosures which should reach
on or before 27.01.2014 by 5.00 p.m.
(b) The candidates shall ensure that the completed application form with all particulars and
enclosures reaches the Selection Committee within the date and time specified. Applications
received by Speed post / courier or any other means, after the last date & time will not be
accepted .
(c) The Selection Committee shall not be responsible for any delay in the receipt or for the loss in
transit of application form.
(d) Non-Service Candidates should send their applications directly to the Secretary, Selection
Committee at the above address.
(e) Service Candidates including 10 a (i) / Contract Medical Consultants should get their
applications forwarded only through the proper channel with the remarks of the
forwarding authorities in the format prescribed in the application form If not, the
applications will be summarily rejected.
(f) Advance copies from service candidates will not be accepted.
(g) No oral enquiry would be entertained.
(h) Photocopy / Fax copy of the application will not be accepted.
(i) Both upper limbs, vision and hearing should be normal for all candidates including for
candidates applying under orthopaedically physically disabled category
Eligibility Criteria for P.G.Degree /Diploma /6 Year M.Ch (Neuro Surgery) Courses.
2. (a) Candidates should be citizens of India and should have undergone MBBS
courses in the State of Tamil Nadu.
(b) Candidates of Tamil Nadu Nativity who have completed MBBS in other states
should furnish a Certificate of Nativity in Tamil Nadu issued by the competent authority only
in the specified format in Annexure XI A and supported by a copy of Passport / Ration Card
/ Voter’s ID / Driving License / Permanent Medical Registration Certificate. If the copy of
the supporting document is not produced, then the application form will be rejected. Nativity
Certificate submitted later will be summarily rejected.
3. Candidates who have passed their MBBS Examination and completed / completing the CRRI
period on or before 31-03-2014 are eligible to write the Entrance Examination. However the candidates should possess the permanent Medical Council Registration Certificates of the States or
of India at the time of counseling for allotment of seats .
The candidates who are undergoing CRRI should submit a self declaration that their CRRI will be
completed on or before 31-03-2014. Applications without above said self declaration will be
summarily rejected.
4. Candidates should possess M.B.B.S. Degree of Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University or of any
other University recognized as equivalent to Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University and
recognized by the Medical Council of India. Candidates who have qualified from other Universities
should produce ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATE from Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical
University, Guindy, Chennai 600032 at the time of counseling failing which they will not be
considered for selection.
5. (a) The duration of Post Graduate Degree Courses is three years.
(b) The duration of Post Graduate Degree Courses for the Diploma Candidates who have undergone
two year courses shall be Two years and candidates who have undergone one year course shall
be Three years in the same speciality and three years in other specialties.
For candidates who have undergone DCP and Diploma in Diabetology, the duration of Post
Graduate Degree Course is Three years.
(c) The duration of all Diploma Courses is Two years.
(d) The duration of MCh Neurosurgery course is Six years.
6. Candidates who join a Post Graduate Degree/Diploma/6 Year M.Ch. Neurosurgery courses in any
branch and discontinue the course on any grounds after the cut off date fixed by the Medical Council of
India and the candidates who take an allotment for PG Degree/Diploma/6 Year M.Ch Neurosurgery
courses in any branch after 25.05.2014 and not join the course on or before the cut off date are not
eligible to apply for 2 subsequent academic sessions from the date of appearance for the
Entrance Examination.
7. a. Candidates who are undergoing a Postgraduate Degree / PG Diploma / 6 year MCh Neurosurgery /
courses are not eligible to apply for any Post Graduate Degree / Diploma course / 6 year M.Ch.
(Neurosurgery) Courses.
b. Candidates who are completing a Diploma course ( including All India Quota) are not eligible in
the immediately succeeding academic year to apply for any Post Graduate Degree/ 6 year MCh
Neurosuregry courses.
8. Candidates who have completed a Post graduate Degree /Equivalent or candidates who possess a
Post- Graduate Degree / Equivalent are not eligible to apply for admission to any other Post
Graduate Degree / Diploma Course. A candidate who is a diploma holder is not eligible to apply for
another diploma course but can apply for any Post Graduate Degree Course.
9 a. All Sponsored Candidates are eligible to apply for Diploma in Public Health (DPH) course
irrespective of any Diploma / Degree already acquired. Out of the 5 seats in the DPH Course under
the State Quota in Madras Medical College, 3 seats are reserved for Health Officers in Tamil Nadu
Public Health Service and one seat for Medical Officers of Corporations in Tamil Nadu and the
candidates sponsored by Public Health Department and Corporation in Tamil Nadu are exempted
from writing the Entrance Examination ( vide GO (D) no 147 , Health & Family Welfare
Department, dated 03.02.2003 ).All the sponsored candidates must send the application
forwarded through the proper channel with the remarks of the forwarding authorities well
within the last date i.e. 27.01.2014. The remaining one seat is reserved for Service Candidates
only who will be admitted to the course by merit in the Entrance Examination, irrespective of any
diploma already acquired.
b. Medical officers / Health Officers in the Public Health Department who have been selected by
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission for working under the control of Director of Public Health
and Preventive Medicine and who apply for Diploma in Public Health (DPH) can be considered as
service candidates even if they have not completed Two Years of service as the above qualification,
Diploma in Public Health is essential for declaration of probation. However to be considered under
the Service quota for M.D. (S.P.M.) the candidates must have completed Two Years of service as for
the other Post Graduate Courses.
10.(a) The Following categories of Medical Officers will be treated as Service Candidates for the
purpose of allotment of seats.
i. Medical Officers selected by the TNPSC and appointed in Tamil Nadu Medical Services on
regular basis, with minimum of Two Years continuous service as on 31.03.2014
ii. Medical Officers serving (continuously for two years) in Local Bodies in Tamil Nadu
(b) Those Service candidates ( selected by TNPSC ) who have put in LESS THAN TWO Years of
continuous regular service as on 31.03.2014 either in Tamil Nadu Medical Service or in Local
Bodies are not eligible to apply for P G Degree Diploma / 6 Year M.Ch (Neurosurgery)
Courses. Fractional values of a year will not be counted.
(c) 10 a (i) candidates / Contract Medical Consultants not selected by TNPSC will not be
considered as Service candidates. If selected for any Post Graduate course they have to submit
their resignation. They will be considered as Service candidates if they have been selected by
TNPSC at the time of counseling and have completed TWO years of service.
If any Medical Officer including 10 a (i) candidates / Contract Medical Consultants after
selection by TNPSC apply as Private candidates suppressing the fact of their selection, they
will be debarred for TWO years. Further appropriate legal action will be taken against
(d) Candidates working in Institutions coming under “Registered Societies Act”
and Self Financing institutions shall be considered as Non service candidates.
(e) The period of service as Contract Medical Consultants will not be treated as regular service.
11. Applications with incomplete or insufficient particulars or without enclosures or those received
after the last date mentioned will be summarily rejected ( without any intimation to the
12. The Government Orders issued and to be issued from time to time pertaining to any of the
matters contained in the prospectus should be read as part and parcel of this prospectus and
such terms and conditions in the Government Order are deemed to have been incorporated
in this prospectus
13.( a). Candidates should send the applications in the prescribed form only .
(b) Recent identical passport size photographs should be affixed to the application form, scrutiny
form, identification cum attendance slip and the entrance exam hall ticket in triplicate as
instructed. The Photograph must be taken as shown in the Instructions. ( Annexure IX ).
14. Service candidates including 10 a (i) candidates/ Contract Medical Consultants working in Tamil
Nadu Government Medical Institutions should send their applications through the proper channel
with the forwarding authority’s remarks and the service particulars carefully filled up by the
forwarding authority as prescribed in the application form. Applications of the Service
candidates who have completed two years of continuous , regular service alone will be considered.
The Heads of Departments have to issue a Certificate of completion of the required service . The
applications should reach within the stipulated time . Applications received after the last date
will not be accepted irrespective of the date of submission and date of forwarding by the
competent authority.
15. Candidates must enclose only Photocopies of documents duly attested by a gazetted officer in the
order as indicated below:
(a) MBBS / Diploma course completion certificate from the college where the candidate has
undergone the course.
(b) MBBS / Diploma Degree certificate or provisional pass certificate from the University concerned.
(c) CRRI Completion certificate from the Dean / Head of the Institution.
(d) Final MBBS Part II Mark sheets.
(e) Permanent Medical Registration certificate issued by the Medical Council of India / State.
(f) Community certificate from the competent authority indicating the community status of
candidates belonging to BC / BCM / MBC / DC / SC / SCA / ST candidates should produce
community certificates issued by a Revenue Divisional Officer.
(g) Attempt certificates in Final MBBS Part II.
(h) Eligibility certificate from Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University for candidates who
have qualified from other Universities. This should be produced at the time of counseling when
called for.
(i) HSC / Equivalent Examination Mark Sheet.
(j) TNPSC Selection & Posting Order ( For Service Candidates.)
(k) Nativity certificate ( if applicable ) with supportive documents.
(l) Posting order from appropriate authority for 10 a (i) / Contract Medical Consultants.
16. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to give the correct mailing address on the main
application form/Scrutiny Form / 3 envelopes 23 X 10 cms ( For Hall ticket and Call Letters). If
there is any change of address it should be intimated immediately to the Selection Committee in
17. The Selection Committee shall not be held responsible for any loss in transit or for incorrect
address given by the candidate.
18. Filled up applications without the signature of the candidates will be rejected.
19. The Entrance Examination will be conducted only at Chennai as scheduled below between 10.00
A.M and 1.00. P.M.
PG Degree/ Diploma and 6 Year 16.02.2014
M.Ch.(Neuro-Surgery) Courses (Sunday)
The Centre in which the entrance examination is to be written will be given in the Hall Ticket.
20. Admission to the Entrance Examination and Counseling does not confer on the candidate the
right of admission to any course if found to be ineligible later.
21. Eligible candidates who do not receive the Hall Tickets can download their Hall Tickets from the
websites / by entering their A.R. Number allotted by the Selection
Committee and their Date of Birth and attend the Entrance Examination. Candidates are requested to
paste their photograph on the Hall Tickets which is to be attested by a Gazetted Officer. (The
photograph must be an identical copy of the one pasted on the Application)
22. Candidates admitted for the Entrance Examination will have to come to the Examination Centre at
their own expense and make their own arrangements for stay.
23. Only candidates with Valid Hall Tickets will be allowed to enter the Examination Hall.
24. (a)Candidates are advised to be present at 9.30 a.m. in the Examination Centre. They are
required to be seated on their respective seats 15 minutes before the commencement of
examination and to fill up the 1st page of Question Booklet. Question Booklets should not be
opened by the candidates before 10.00 A.M.
(b) Candidates coming thirty minutes after the commencement of the Examination
will not be permitted to appear for the Examination.
25. No candidate will be allowed to carry any text material printed or written, bits of paper, electronic
and telecommunication devices of any kind inside the Hall.
26. No candidate will be allowed to leave the hall before the end of the examination.
27. Candidates shall maintain strict silence. Any misconduct will entail forfeiture of the right to
continue the Examination. His / Her Answer Sheet will not be considered for valuation.
Further he / she will not be allowed to apply for the Post Graduate Courses for Two Years.
28. Answers should be shaded with a Ball Point Pen in the OMR answer sheet as per the instructions
given and if it is shaded with any other item the answer sheets will not be considered for valuation
without any intimation to the candidate. The ball point pen will be provided in the examination
29. Candidates seeking admission should write the Tamil Nadu Post Graduate Entrance examination
conducted by the Selection Committee in that academic year only.
30. The Entrance Examination will be of the undergraduate level covering all subjects and will
contain 250 objective type questions each with four responses (A B C D) in English. Number of
questions in each subject is as shown in the Annexure II
31. Each question will carry 1 (one) Mark. There will be NO NEGATIVE MARK for incorrect
responses. Zero mark will be given for questions not answered. When more than one answer is
indicated or when it is illegible, no mark will be awarded for that question. The Maximum marks
will be computed to 90.
32. Candidates will not be allowed to take back the Question Booklet and a request for
provision of Photocopies of the question booklet, answer sheet or answer key will not be
33. The individual Entrance Examination Marks for 90 will be displayed at the office of the
Selection Committee and on the websites( /
34. The Secretary, Selection Committee will publish the Merit List at the office of the Selection
Committee and on the websites /
35. The candidates will be called for counseling as per their merit and they may exercise
their option as per their eligibility norms mentioned in the Prospectus.
36. There will be NO Rechecking / Revaluation / Retotalling of answer sheets. Answer keys will not
be provided.
37. The Merit List will be drawn for a Total Mark of 100 by computing the Entrance Examination
Marks and the marks for experience .(90 marks for entrance examination + 10 marks for
38. One mark for each completed year after the completion of CRRI shall be awarded as marks for
experience for both service and non service candidates to a maximum of Ten marks as on 31.03.2014
and Service candidates shall be awarded, one mark per year of service in rural areas and two marks per
year of service in hilly areas and two marks per year of service in Government Hospitals, Primary
Health Centres and Government Medical College Hospitals of Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam and
Ramanathapuram Districts limited to a maximum of 10 marks. Altogether the total marks awarded for
experience will be restricted to 10 marks to all candidates including candidates from rural and hilly
areas and the three districts mentioned above.
1) Marks awarded for Entrance examination : Maximum 90 marks.
2) Experience marks for all candidates limited to a maximum of 10 ( i+ ii+ iii )
i) One mark per year for experience after CRRI.
ii) Marks for candidates served in rural and hilly areas : – One mark per year of service in
rural areas and two marks per year of service in hilly areas
iii) Two marks per year of Service for candidates who have worked in Government
Hospitals, Primary Health Centres and Government Medical College Hospitals of
Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam and Ramanathapuram Districts.
Fractional values of a year will not be counted for awarding marks for experience in
i, ii & iii .
The ranks of such candidates will be based on the following criteria in the order of preference
given below:-
(a) Marks obtained in the Entrance Examination.
(b) Least Number of appearances in the qualifying Final MBBS Part II.
(c) Seniority in age will be given preference.
(d) Computerized Random Number assigned. Higher value of random number will be taken into
40. a) Admission to PG Degree / Diploma / 6 Year M.Ch. (Neurosurgery) courses, shall be made by
counseling on the basis of merit applying the rule of reservation wherever applicable.
(b) Candidates will be called for counseling in batches according to their ranks.
(c) Candidates can choose any one of the branches or colleges available at the time of counseling.
(d) If they do not attend the I phase of counseling they will not be eligible to attend subsequent
phases of counseling.
(e) All candidates who attend the I phase of counseling are eligible to attend the subsequent phases
of counseling
(f) Re-allotment from one college to another college and from one course to another course is
permitted during counseling only, based on merit and rule of reservation.
(g) Option once given during the counseling cannot be changed later.
(h) Individual request for transfer of college will not be entertained during or after counseling
(i) Mutual transfers will not be permitted under any circumstances.
(j) Candidates selected for admission should give a declaration in the form given at the
time of Counseling that he / she is liable for forfeiture of selection / admission if
suppression of facts are found at any time during or after the admission to the course.
The selection / admission shall be liable for cancellation based on the declaration
at any time during or after the admission to the course. Further he / she will not be allowed
to apply for the Post Graduate Courses for the next Two Years.
41 (a) (i) Due to unforeseen reasons ,if a candidate cannot attend the counseling on the specified date
and time, he / she can authorize a representative to attend the counseling on his/ her behalf. The
authorized representative should produce an undertaking and authority letter for allotment in the
format given in Annexure X (A & B) along with the requisite original documents. The allotment
made to the authorized representative shall be binding on the candidate.
(ii) Candidates who are absent at the scheduled time and date of counseling without a valid reason
for absence will not be considered for admission. However the Selection Committee reserves the
right to permit the candidate to attend the counseling if a valid reason for absence is communicated
to the Selection Committee. The candidate so permitted can only claim the course and college
available at the time of counseling when he / she actually attends during that phase only.
(iii) If a candidate is absent during the first phase of counseling, he / she cannot attend the second
phase of counseling.
(b) Strict discipline should be maintained by the candidates for smooth conduct of counseling.
If the candidates are found to indulge in any untoward activities, they will be debarred from
the counseling and selection for the present and subsequent sessions.
(c) Candidates securing less than 50% of total marks in Other Communities and 40% of total
marks in the reserved Communities (BC, BCM, MBC, SC, SCA and ST) will not be considered for
(d) The candidates appearing for allotment by personal appearance should bring the documents
enclosed along with application in original. In any case candidates without original certificates
/ documents,shall not be allowed to participate in the counseling. Candidates who have
deposited their original documents to Institutions / Universities and come for counseling
with a certificate stating that “ their original certificates are submitted with institution/
University” will NOT be allowed to participate in counseling .
42. Any change or modification and relevant information pertaining to this admission process will be
made available immediately on the website. ( / The candidates
are instructed to visit the websites from the date of application till the end of counseling without
fail. Please do not wait for counseling information to be received by post. All information including
the date of counseling will be put up in the website. Candidates will be permitted for counseling
43. Unauthorised absence of candidates for one month and more after joining the course will be
treated as ‘discontinued’ and the vacancy will be filled up by the Selection Committee depending
on the availability of time before the cut off date .
44. All candidates attending the counseling for PG Degree / Diploma / 6 year M.Ch.
( Neurosurgery) Course will have to remit a non- refundable amount of .500/- by means of
Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Secretary, Selection Committee as processing fee.
The candidates who are selected at the time of counseling shall pay the tuition fee in total as
prescribed in clause 55 by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Secretary, Selection
Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai – 10 payable at Chennai at the time of receipt of the allotment
orders towards tuition fee. After the receipt of the joining report from the Deans of the respective
colleges, this amount will be transferred to the Colleges concerned.
The fee is not refundable if the candidate does not join after collecting the allotment order or
submitting the joining report during counseling or discontinues the course.
45. The Candidates who discontinue the course shall pay as discontinuation fees to the Deans of the
respective Colleges the sum as specified below in total by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of
the Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai- 10, payable at Chennai.
From 20.5.2014 to 25.5.2014
For P.G. Diploma Courses 2 Lakhs
For P.G. Degree / 6 Year
M.Ch. (Neuro-Surgery) Courses 4 lakhs
After 25.5.2014
For P.G. Diploma Courses 5 lakhs
For P.G. Degree / 6 Year
M.Ch. (Neuro-Surgery) Courses 10 lakhs
Unless the penalty amount is paid in total, the candidates will not be relieved.
46. The admissions to Post Graduate Degree / Diploma Course for 2014-2015 will close
on the cut off date of admission (i.e. on 31-05-2014) as per the Guidelines issued by the
Medical Council of India and DGHS and also the Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical
University, Chennai – 32.
47. Out of the seats sanctioned for Post Graduate Diploma/Degree Courses 50% of the total recognised
/ permitted seats are offered to All India Quota for allotment by the Director General of Health
Services, New Delhi. The remaining 50% of the seats will be allotted under State Quota during the
I phase of counseling.
48. For the newly sanctioned seats in Government Colleges after the I Phase of counseling, reallotment
of courses/colleges will be permitted as per merit and communal reservation from rank one. Joined
and Waitlisted candidates only can attend the counseling for the allotment of the above seats.
49 . During the 2nd phase of counseling all joined and waitlisted candidates can attend the counseling for
the available vacancies arising due to state quota discontinued and not joined candidates allotted during
the first phase of counseling and All India Quota surrendered seats after the II Phase of counseling by
the DGHS as per merit and communal reservations.
50 Allotment will be made only for the seats affiliated by the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical
University for the Academic Year 2014-2015 session. Seats approved by the Tamil Nadu
Dr. MGR Medical University for P.G. Diploma/ Degree/ 6 Year M.Ch.(Neuro-Surgery) courses for
2014–2015 session will be displayed at the time of Counseling.
Some seats may be approved but not recognised by MCI. Therefore the candidate should well
examine these points before opting for a seat. The selection committee shall neither be
responsible nor shall entertain any case on above grounds.
51.a. The Selection will be made by counseling based on Merit and by applying the Rule of
Reservation / Roster method followed by the Government of Tamil Nadu wherever applicable.
b. 50% of seats in each speciality and in each college are reserved for service candidates, in
addition to those service candidates selected in the open category. In case an odd number seat
remains in any speciality in the total seats sanctioned for that speciality, that seat shall be filled by
merit and communal reservation ( example 1).
The odd seat stated above is referable to each speciality and not to each college ( as
illustrated in example 2)
Example 1 : In MD Biochemistry course, there are 4 seats in Madras Medical College, 2
seats in Stanley Medical College and 3 seats in Tanjore Medical College. Thus there are totally 9
seats with 5 seats for the open category and 4 seats for the Service Category.
Example 2 : In the 6 year MCh Neurosurgery course there are 2 seats in Madras Medical
College and 1 seat each in Stanley Medical College and Madurai Medical College. Of the 2 seats
in Madras Medical College 1 each will be allotted to the open and service categories. The single
seat in Stanley Medical College and Madurai Medical College will be allotted one each for the
open and service categories as per Merit and Communal Reservation
If there is only a single seat in any speciality that seat shall be filled by merit only.
Roster method of rule of reservation will be followed if the seats are more than 1 and less
than 8 in each branch as per G.O.Ms.No.241/ dt.29-10-07 of P&AR (K) Dept. of Government of
Tamil Nadu.This is subject to the final verdict of the Supreme Court of India in the SLP 14014-
15/09 filed by this Govt. against the orders passed by the Bench of the High Court of Madras
dated 12.05.2009 in W.A Nos.763 & 764 / 2007 and W.P No 7067 / 2009 .
If the seats are 8 and more, the rule of reservation shall be as follows:-
Open Competition – 31%
Backward Class – 30%
Most Backward / Denotified Community – 20%
Scheduled Caste – 18%
Scheduled Tribe – 1%
Within the 30% reservation for Backward Classes 3.5% reservation will be provided for
Muslims. And 16% of seats out of 18% quota earmarked to SC, Shall be allocated to the
scheduled Caste, Arunthathiyar Community.
c. If there are no eligible Service candidates opting for PG Degree/ Diploma/ 6 year MCh
(Neurosurgery) courses, the same will be allotted to eligible Open category candidates.
52.a.Any remaining unfilled seats for want of adequate number of eligible candidates belonging to SCA
community shall be filled by candidates belonging to SC community other than Arunthathiyar as
per merit and vice versa. ( GO (Ms) 55 P & AR Department dated 08.04.2010.)
b. Any remaining reserved seats in ST Quota for want of adequate number of eligible candidates
belonging to ST community shall be allotted to candidates belonging to SC Community as per
merit. ( GO (Ms) No 77 Health & Family Welfare Department (MCA 1) dated 24.02.2011.)
c. Any remaining unfilled seats in BCM Community for want of adequate number of eligible
candidates after exhausting the merit list shall be filled up on merit basis by candidates belonging
to BC community without exceeding the quota for BC community as a whole.
( GO (Ms) No 30 Health & Family Welfare Department (MCA 1) dated 18.01.2012.)
d. Even after filling up of the required seats reserved for Arunthathiyars on preferential basis, if more
number of qualified Arunthathiyars are available, such excess number of candidates of
Arunthathiyars shall be entitled to compete with the Scheduled Castes other than Arunthathiyars in
the inter-se merit among them(As per G.O.Ms.No.65, dated 27.5.2009 of P&AR(K) Department).
( a ) Selection and admission of students to the seats earmarked as Government quota in Self-
Financing and Government Aided Institutions will be operating in terms of G.O (Ms )
No. 13, Health & Family Welfare (MCA1) Department , Dated 22.01.2013 or subject to the Central
and State Act and Rules proposed by the respective Government coming into force before
counseling. The seat matrix for these institutions will be displayed during counseling.
( b) Service candidates taking allotment in Self- financing colleges will not be paid salary and they
have to avail leave to which they are eligible for the period of study on their own after obtaining
prior permission from the Head of the Directorate concerned.
( c ) Stipend / Fee structure/ Bond amount/ any other conditions will be as per the Institution
admitted into
. .
3% of the total number of seats available in Government Medical Institutions are reserved for
the Orthopaedically Physically disabled candidates(only for locomotory disabilities of lower
limbs).In the first instance, candidates with disability of lower limbs between 50% to 70% shall be
considered and in case candidates are not available in that category then the candidates with 40% to
50% locomotory disabilities of the lower limbs will be considered. The other conditions for
admission into PG Degree / Diploma / 6 Year M.Ch. (Neurosurgery) courses will be applicable as in
the case of the general category.
The candidates are required to produce a certificate from the Medical Board of the Medical
College of the area concerned constituted for the purpose of assessing the nature and the extent of
disability in the format prescribed in the Annexure-IV( A & B ).
The Certificate must have been obtained within three months prior to submitting the
application for seeking admission under this category . If the Certificate has been obtained
earlier, the application will be rejected.
The Medical Certificate issued by the Medical Board of the Medical College of the area
concerned for this purpose is subject to the confirmation by the Expert Committee constituted by
the Director of Medical Education at the time of counseling.
The candidates seeking admission under this category should produce a full size photograph
exhibiting the deformity.
(1) The candidates who have applied under this category for PG Degree / Diploma / 6 Year
M.Ch. (Neuro surgery) courses will be required to undergo a second Medical Examination by a
Medical Board constituted for the purpose by the Director of Medical Education to ascertain and
confirm the nature and extent of Physical disability.
(2) a. Candidates with any other disability other than the locomotory disability of the lower
limb will not be considered for admission into PG Degree / Diploma / 6 Year M.Ch.(Neuro
Surgery) course under this Special Category. Such applications will be summarily rejected without
any intimation to the candidate.
b. Both Upper Limbs, Vision and Hearing should be normal.
(3) The decision of the Director of Medical Education in this regard will be final.
PG Diploma 15,000/-
PG Degree 20,000/-
6 Year MCh Neurosuregry 20,000/-
The above fee structure is applicable for 2014-15 admissions. The selected
candidates have to pay the balance of the tuition fees( if any ) and other
special fees etc., at the time of admission in the respective colleges.
56. (a) All Non Service candidates selected will be paid stipend and Service Candidates
salary as per the Government Orders in force.
(b) The Government of Tamil Nadu is offering Post Graduate Medical Education through its 10
Medical Colleges / Hospitals and Specialised institutes. The Government spends a large amount of
money to impart Medical Education including Post-Graduate Medical Education. It levies nominal
fees and at the same time provides a stipend to Private candidates and salary to Service candidates.
It is natural that the Government desires to ensure that these seats are not wasted. Further, the
Government looks forward to these Doctors who have undergone Post-Graduate training to serve the
poor and the needy of this country at large and this State in particular. The public have the right to
expect the Specialists to utilize the skills they acquired during their training for the benefit of the
sick, the poor and the needy. To ensure that the services of trained Post Graduate Doctors are made
available, an Undertaking is obtained from them at the time of their admission. It is sincerely,
believed that this will discourage an attitude of not paying attention to those poor people at whose
expense they have been educated.
(c) All Service Candidates of Tamil Nadu having more than five years of service after passing the
PG Degree / Diploma shall execute a bond for a sum of 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten lakhs only) for
Diploma courses and 20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Lakhs only) for Degree and 6 year M.Ch.
Neurosurgery Courses as security amount with the undertaking that they will serve the Government
of Tamil Nadu till Superannuation with three sureties. Two sureties should be permanent
Government servants in the same or higher rank than the candidate. One surety should be the
spouse/ parent of the candidate. PAN numbers of the sureties should be furnished. The
prescribed form will be available in the colleges at the time of admission. The bond will become
infructuous if the service candidates serve the Government of Tamil Nadu after the completion of
the Course until superannuation.
(d) All service candidates of Tamilnadu who have less than 5 years of service after passing PG
Degree / Diploma courses have to serve the Government for a period of 5 years from the date of
passing the examination irrespective of the date of superannuation, if the Government requires their
services. They have to furnish an undertaking to this effect at the time of joining the course. Both
Service and Non Service candidates will be given salary on par with the salary of new recruits
in the Tamil Nadu Medical Service after 58 years.
(e) Non service candidates will be paid stipend till the age of 58 years only. For Service candidates if
their study period exceeds after superannuation for the period after 58 years they will be given
stipend on par with the non-service candidates.
(f) Non-service candidates who complete the following scarce specialities will have to work for a
period of 5 years after passing the course, if the Government requires their services. They will be
given salary on par with the salary of new recruits in the TNMS only. They should also furnish
an undertaking to this effect at the time of joining the course.
Non-Clinical Clinical
1) MD Pathology 1) MD Psychiatric Medicine
2) MD Physiology 2) MD Radio Diagnosis
3) MD Bio-Chemistry 3) MD Radiotherapy
4) MD Microbiology 4) MD Anaesthesia
5) MD Forensic Medicine 5) MD TB & Chest Diseases
6) MD Pharmacology 6) 6 year M.Ch.(Neurosurgery)
8) MD Anatomy 8) DMRT
(g) Non-Service candidates shall execute a bond with three sureties for a sum of 10,00,000/-
(Rupees Ten Lakhs only) on admission to Post Graduate Diploma courses and 20,00,000/-
(Rupees Twenty Lakhs only) for Post Graduate Degree courses / 6 year M.Ch. Neurosurgery
Courses of the 2014 – 2015 session with an undertaking that they shall serve the Government of
Tamil Nadu for a period of not less than two years, in the posting issued by Government, if
required. During the above period, they will be paid a salary on par with the fresh recruits of the
Government of Tamil Nadu Medical Services and the Government of Tamil Nadu will requisition
their services within a period of 2 years from the date of completion of their Postgraduate Degree/
Diploma /6 year M.Ch.,(Neurosurgery) Course. Two sureties should be permanent Government
servants in the same or higher rank than the candidate. One surety should be the spouse/
parent of the candidate. PAN numbers of the sureties should be furnished. The prescribed form
of bond will be available in the Colleges at the time of admission. The bond will become
infructuous if he/she serves the State Government of Tamil Nadu if required for minimum period
of 2 years.
If non-service candidates discontinue the course they have to pay the total amount of penalty
and the stipend received
(h) For any reason, if the candidate is unable to serve the Government for the above said period, the
bond amount paid by the candidate in total has to be credited to the relevant Head of Account as per
Government rules in force.
(i) The Security bonds are governed by clause (c) under exemption under article 57 of
Schedule – I of the Indian Stamp Act of 1879. ( Central Act II of 1879). Hence the
Security Bonds executed need not be stamped.
a. All intimation for communication to the candidates will be sent only to the mailing address given
by the candidate at the time of application. The Intimation / Call Letters will either be sent by
Certificate of Posting or Registered Post or Speed Post or Courier Service or Telegram or in the
websites whichever is feasible depending on the availability of time before counseling. Selection
Committee will not be held responsible for the Postal Delay and non viewing of websites.
b. The results will be published on the Websites / as well as the
Selection Committee Office notice board.
58. The candidates who join Post Graduate Degree/Diploma /6 year M.Ch (Neurosurgery) Courses
should not indulge in any kind of agitation/ strike/ragging activity inside /outside the college
campus during the course of study. Candidates found to take part in any such activities mentioned
above will be expelled from the course/college, at any part of the course of study and criminal
action will be taken against them.
59. Any candidate appearing for the Entrance Examination is deemed to have read the contents
in this Prospectus and agrees with all the conditions and clauses and will not have the right to
challenge any of the Regulations after appearing for the Entrance Examination
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