MRB 2014 : Assistant Surgeon General and Assistant Surgeon Dental : Exam on 28 Sep 2014. Apply from 10 Aug to 01 Sep
The rescheduled Examination for the temporary posts of Asst Surgeon/Asst Surgeon (Dental) (originally scheduled on 28th September 2014 Forenoon), will be held on 12th October 2014 (Sunday- Forenoon). All the eligible candidates will also be informed by email and SMS. The eligible candidates are advised to download the new hall tickets.
Medical Services Recruitment Board (MRB)
Update : NOTICE
In view of the large number of requests received from the candidates seeking postponement of Asst Surgeon/Asst Surgeon (Dental) Examination of the MRB (originally scheduled on 28th September 2014 Forenoon), the examination stands postponed. Revised date for the Asst surgeon and Asst Surgeon (Dental) examination will be informed later to the eligible candidates, by email and SMS.
Medical Services Recruitment Board (MRB)
Advt. No. / Notification No. | 05/2014 |
Name of the Post (s) with Code No. | Assistant Surgeon(General-MBBS)-Code No.001Assistant Surgeon(Dental)-Code No. 002 |
Date of Notification | 10.08.2014 |
Date of Closing | 01.09.2014 |
Date of Exam | 28.09.2014 |
Status | Login |
Note : First Exam for Recruitment of Medical Officers was on 12th May 2013 for Recruitment for 911 Assistant Surgeons, 1163 Specialists, 85 Dental Surgeons.
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7th Flor, DMS Buildings, 359, Ana salai, Teynampet, Chenai – 6.
1. Aplications are invited only through online mode up to 01.09.2014 for Direct
Recruitment to the folowing posts on temporary basis in Tamil Nadu Medical
Sl.No Name of the Post Post Code No. of
Vacancies Backlog @ Total
1 Asistant Surgeon
(General-MBBS) Code No. 01 2051 91 2142
2 Asistant Surgeon
(Dental) * * Code No. 02 34 – 34
[@- Backlog vacancies: i) Diferently Abled – 68, i.) Most Backward Clas & Denotifed Community– 18,
i.) Scheduled Tribe – 5]
[ * – Out of the 34 vacancies, 31 numbers of Asistant Surgeon (Dental) Vacancies, are for
deployment in District Early Intervention Centres. For these posts, persons with higher educational
qualifcation are prefered in the folowing order:
i.) MDS – Paedodontia
i.) MDS – Orthodontia / Conservative Dentistry
i.) In the absence of suficient qualifed candidates with higher qualifcation as in (i) above
or in (i) above, qualifed candidates with BDS qualifcation wil be considered.
Explanation: If there are adequate numbers of qualifed candidates with MDS (Paedodontia), only
such candidates wil be considered for selection in respect of the above said 31 vacancies. If there is
inadequate number of qualifed candidates with MDS (Paedodontia) qualifcation, the remaining
vacancies wil be filed with qualifed candidates with MDS (Orthodontia / Conservative Dentistry)
qualifcation. If even after considering the qualifed candidates (with the above mentioned higher
qualifcation), such vacancies wil be filed with the qualifed candidates with BDS qualifcation.]
Date of Notifcation 10.08.2014 (Sunday)
Last date for submision of Aplications (only through Online Registration) and online payment 01.09.2014 (Monday)
Last date for payment of Fe through Indian Bank 03.09.2014 (Wednesday)
Date and Time of Examination
Asistant Surgeon (General)
pSSpeciality (Objective Type Question)
28.09.2014 Fore Non (Sunday) 10.0 A.M. to 12:30 P.M
Asistant Surgeon (Dental)
(Under Graduate level Examination-200 objective type questions)
Note: [Words of Masculine gender in these instructions should wherever the context so
requires, be taken to include female]
3. SCALE OF PAY: Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 5400. Details can be sen in Anexure-6 of this
NOTIFICATION NO: 05/2014 DATE: 10.08.2014Page 2 of 19
a) The rule of reservation is aplicable as per the rules in force. Detailed instructions
with regard to reservation can be sen in Anexure-2 and 3 of this notifcation.
b) The number of vacancies advertised is only an indicative number and is liable for
change with reference to vacancy positon at any time before finalisation of
selection for apointment.
c) If no qualifed and suitable women candidates are available for selection against
the vacancies reserved for them, those vacancies wil be filed by male
candidates belonging to the respective communal categories.
d) Defence personel released or likely to be released from the Armed Forces due
to disabilty incured in forward areas while on duty, wil also be selected if they
are found to be otherwise qualifed and if the Medical authorites are satisfied that
the disabilty is not such as would render them incapable of eficiently discharging
the duties of an Asistant Surgeon.
f) Separate reservation of 3.5% within the 30% reservation available for Backward
Clases is aplicable to Backward Clas Muslims (BCMs). Al the concesions /
relaxations / benefits aplicable to BC candidates are aplicable to BC Muslim
candidates as wel. g) The expresion B.C (i.e. Backward Clas) wherever it ocurs including online
aplication form, should be read as “B.C. (other than BCM) and B.C. (Muslims)”,
[BCMs denotes Backward Clas Muslims].
h) There wil be an examination for Asistant Surgeon (General) having
qualifcation of MBBS degre and an examination for Asistant Surgeon
(Dental) having qualifcation of BDS.
i) As per G.O.Ms.No.25 Welfare of Diferently Abled Persons Department, dated
14.03.2013, G.O.Ms. No.53 Welfare of Diferently Abled Persons Department,
dated 31.05.2013 and G.O.Ms.No.26 Welfare of Diferently Abled Persons
(DAP-3) Department, dated 27.05.2014 the Government has isued orders for the
reservation of 3% vacancies for Diferently Abled Persons. The details of posts that
can be reserved for Diferently Abled Persons are furnished below in so far as
Tamil Nadu Medical Service and their eligibilty is as folows. Tamil Nadu Medical Service
Asistant Surgeon (General) S/ST/W/RW/BN/MF OL (40% to 70%)
Asistant Surgeon (Dental) S/ST/W/RW/SE OL
Code Physical Requirements
S Work Performed by Siting
ST Work Performed by Standing
RW Work Performed by Reading /Writng
W Work Performed by Walking
B Work Performed by Bending
SE Work Performed by Seing
MF Work Performed by manipulating with fingers
Code Functional Clasification
OL One LegPage 3 of 19
5A. AGE (as on 01.07.2015) :
Category of Candidates Maximum Age
i. SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBC&DCs, BCs,
No Age limit
i. Others’ (i.e. candidates not belonging to
other than the categories refered to in
Sl.No. 1 above).
For Ast. Surgeon (General)
35 Years of age (As on 01.07.2015)
Ast. Surgeon (Dental) 30 years of age
(As on 01.07.2015)
Note: “Others” Candidates not belonging to SCs -Scheduled Caste, SC (A)s – Scheduled
Caste(Arunthathiyar), STs- Scheduled Tribes, MBC&DCs Most Backward Clas & Denotifed
Community, BCs- Backward Clas, BCMs- Backward Clas(Muslim) who have put in five
years of service in the State/Central Government are not eligible even if they are within the
Candidates should poses the folowing or its equivalent qualifcation awarded by a
University or Instiution recognised by the University Grants Commision for the purpose of its
grants. The courses must have ben aproved by the Medical Council of India or Dental
Council of India, as the case may be.
For Asistant Surgeon (General) – MBBS Degre
For Asistant Surgeon (Dental) * – BDS Degre*
In aditon to the above, the candidates
i. Must be a registered practioner within the meaning of the Madras Medical
Registration Act, 1914.
i. Must have served as House Surgeon (CRRI) for a period of not les than twelve
i. Candidates should have registered their name in the Tamil Nadu Medical Council /
Tamil Nadu Dental Council, before the date of this notifcation.
iv. If a candidate claims that he educational qualifcation posesed by him/her is
equivalent though not the same as those prescribed for the apointment, the
onus of prof rests with the candidate.
v. Candidate on the date of the Board’s Notifcation for the post should poses
adequate knowledge in Tamil. Candidates who do not poses an adequate
knowledge in Tamil may also aply. If selected, they should pas the Second
Clas Language Test (Ful Test) in Tamil within a period of two years from the
date of their apointment, failng which they wil be discharged from service.
[ * * – In respect of 34 numbers of Asistant Surgeon (Dental) Vacancies, 31 posts are
earmarked for deployment in District Early Intervention Centres located in the
premises of Medical Coleges and District Headquarters hospitals. For these posts
persons with higher qualifcation is prefered in the folowing order:Page 4 of 19
i. MDS – Paedodontia
i. MDS – Orthodontia / Conservative Dentistry
i. In the absence of suficient qualifed candidates with higher qualifcation
as in (i) above or in (i) above, qualifed candidates with BDS qualifcation wil
be considered.
Explanation: If there are adequate numbers of qualifed candidates with MDS
(Paedodontia), only they wil be considered for selection in respect of the above said
31 vacancies. If there is inadequate number of qualifed candidates with MDS
(Paedodontia) qualifcation, the remaining vacancies wil be filed with qualifed
candidates with MDS (Orthodontia / Conservative Dentistry) qualifcation. If even
after considering the qualifed candidates (with the above mentioned higher
qualifcation), such vacancies wil be filed with the qualifed candidates with BDS
That he is –
i. A person of Indian Origin,
i. who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, East
African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania
(formerly Tankanika and Zanzibar) Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia
with the intention of permanently setling in India, should obtain a
certifcate of eligibilty given by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
i. a subject of Nepal or Bhutan should also obtain a certifcate of eligibilty
given by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
iv. A candidate in whose case a certifcate of eligibilty is necesary wil be
admited to an examination and he wil provisionaly be apointed subject
to the necesary certifcate being given to him by the Government of
Tamil Nadu.
a. The claims of the candidates with regard to the date of birth,
educational/technical qualifcations and community are acepted only on the
information furnished by them in their on-line aplication without physical
verifcation of their claims. Their candidature, therefore wil be provisional and
subject to the Board satisfying itself, about their age, educational/technical
qualifcations, community etc. The candidature, is therefore, provisional at al
stages and the Board reserves the right to reject any candidature at any stage,
even after the selection has ben made.
b. Candidates who consider themselves eligible to apear in an examination may
aply and write the examination at their own risk, with an
undertaking/declaration to that efect viz. before apearing for the examination,
it should be ensured by the candidate that on the date of notifcation of a post he
fulfils al the conditons in regard to age, educational qualifcations, etc. asPage 5 of 19
provided in the rules. The candidature of candidates, if found ineligible shal
stand canceled, even after declaration of the result.
c. Candidate shal not have any adverse character or antecedents.
d. Candidate shal not have more than a living spouse
e. Candidates already working in Government or Public Sector Undertaking or
Local Bodies shal produce a No Objection Certifcate, as in Anexure-5 of this
notifcation, from their apointing authority, at the time of certifcate verifcation
(if provisionaly selected)
Subject Duration
Minimum Qualifying
marks (%)
SC/SCA/ST Others
Writen examination in Optical Markup
Reader (OMR) – shet Objective type
single paper
i. Exam for Ast.Surgeon
i. Exam for Ast. Surgeon
Hours 10 30 35
Note:- The question paper in the subject ‘Medical Sciences’ and ‘Dental Medicine’ wil
be set in English and wil contain 20 objective questions each. There wil be no
negative mark for the wrong answer. The questions wil be in the standard of Undergraduate level (M.B.B.S or
B.D.S level) as per the case. 7. CENTRE FOR EXAMINATION:
Examination wil be held at CHENNAI. Sl. No Name of the Centre Centre Code
i. Candidates should apear for the examination at heir own expenses and no TA/DA wil
be paid.
i. Short-listed candidates wil be caled for verifcation of the original certifcates as claimed
in their on-line aplication form (as detailed in Anexure-3 of this notifcation).
i. There wil be no Oral Test for the post.Page 6 of 19
Selection wil be made based on the marks obtained in the writen examination, duly
folowing the rules of reservation and communal rotation of Government of Tamil Nadu. 9. EXAMINATION FEE AND SERVICE CHARGES:
Rs.750/- (Rupes Seven hundred and fity only) (i.e. including Cost of Registration and
Examination) be paid by al the candidates (excluding SC/SCA/ST candidates).
SC/SCA/ST candidates have to pay Rs.375/- (Rupes Thre Hundred and Seventy Five
In aditon, candidates have to pay the service charges aplicable to the Indian Bank (in
case of ofline payments) or Net Banking charges (Credit / Debit Card) over and above
the mandatory fes. The charges for the same wil be about 2% of the transaction
(aproximately Rs. 15) (Rupes Fiften Only).
The details regarding on-line/of-line remitance can be sen in Anexure-1.
a. Interested candidates are first required to log on to the Medical Services Recruitment
Board’s website
b. On the Home Page, click “Online Registration” to open up the On-Line Aplication Form.
c. Select he name of the post(s)
d. Al the required particulars be entered without skiping any field.
e. Mobile number and e-mail are mandatory. Al communication from MRB wil be sent o
the registered mobile number by SMS and registered e-mail
f. Candidates are required to upload their scaned copy of colour photograph and
scaned copy of signature as per the specifcations given in the Guidelines for Scaning
and Upload of Photograph and Signature. An online aplication is incomplete without he
photograph and signature upload.
g. At he time of aplication candidates ned to aply only in online mode. They shal
not send copies of certifcates / printed aplication to MRB. In the online
aplication, candidates ned to furnish the details such as: Community
Certifcate number; Isuing Authority; Date of isue, in suport of the claims
made with regard to Community, Medical / Dental Council Registration, etc.,
failng which the aplication wil not be considered under the respective
categories. Please read the instructions on “How to Aply On-line” in Anexure-1.
a. The Hal Tickets for eligible candidates wil be made available in the Board’s
Website for download. No Hal Tickets wil be sent by post.
Intimation regarding the availabilty of hal ticket for download wil be sent by
email / SMS. b. The candidates, aplying for the examination should ensure that hey fulfil alPage 7 of 19
eligibilty conditons for admision to examination. Their admision to the
examination is purely provisional subject to satisfying of the eligibilty
conditons. Mere isue of Hal ticket o the candidate wil not imply that his/her
candidature has ben fuly cleared by the Board.
i. Any communication intended for the Board must be made in writng and adresed
only to the Medical Services Recruitment Board, 7th flor, 359, Ana Salai,
Teynampet, Chenai 60 06.
i. If a reply is sought, it must be acompanied by an envelope afixed with suficient
postage stamps with the adres to which the reply is to be sent.
i. Communications asking for reasons for non-selection and request for exemption
from age limit or other qualifcations wil receive no atention.
iv. The Board wil receive communication only from candidates. Communication in the
name of pleader or agent wil receive no atention.
v. Requests for furnishing causes of ailure in writen exam or for non-selection on the
results of the Test or evaluation wil not be complied with.
vi. Details of marks of al candidates who apeared for the Writen Test wil be hosted
in the Board’s website
vi. After the selection is made by the Board, the list of selected candidates wil be
sent o Head of Department /Government for Apointment o the selected post. vi. Any claim relating to the selection should be received within 30 days from the
date of anouncement of results. Claims received thereafter wil receive no
Candidates provisionaly selected for apointment to the posts wil be required to
produce a certifcate of physical fitnes after their selection in the form prescribed for
“Executive Posts”. The Standard of vision prescribed for the posts “Standard – I” – is as
Beter eye Other eye
Distant vision
without glases
Distant vision with
6/6 6/12
Al the candidates wishing to aply shal abide by the folowing undertaking. In aditon,
candidates who are caled for certifcate verifcation shal submit he folowing undertaking to
the Board
i) In the event of selection, the candidate shal serve in Government Primary Health
Centres for a period of not les than thre years excluding any period spent on training,Page 8 of 19
leave or higher education (Ast. Surgeon (General).
i) Sucesful candidate shal join duty within 30 days the date of receipt of apointment
orders and shal not claim extension of joining time citng that he was undergoing higher
studies /P.G Course or for any other eason. He shal abide by the conditon that his/her
name wil be removed from the aproved list without asigning any reasons therefor, if
he/she fails to join duty within the stipulated time.
i) He shal abide by the conditon that if he is selected and apointed as Asistant
Surgeon, after joining duty, he shal not be permited to undergo PG course within the
period of two years excluding the period of leave.
iv) If the candidate is under any contractual obligation, to serve under any State
Government /Central Government /Private Instiutions he must produce a No Objection
Certifcate from the Apointing Authority concerned. 14. Candidates are advised to read and familarize themselves with this detailed
notifcation before filing online aplication in . Member SecretaryPage 9 of 19
1 How to Aply On-line?
2 Reservation
3 List of Documents to be produced at he time of
Certifcate Verifcation
4 Disqualifcation /Debarment
5 No Objection Certifcate
6 Pay, Alowances, Joining Time, etc.Page 10 of 19
a. Candidates should aply only through online in the Board’s Website b. Before aplying, the candidates should kep a scaned image of their colour
photograph (20KB to 50KB in size) and scaned image of their signature (10KB to
20KB in size). (Preferably stored in a CD/DVD/Pen drive as per their convenience
in JPG/JPEG format).
c. A valid e-mail ID and Mobile Number is mandatory for registration and email ID
and the given mobile number should be kept active til the declaration of results.
MRB wil send intimation regarding the Hal Ticket for Writen Examination,
certifcate verifcation Cal Leters, Other Memos etc. only through the registered e- mail ID.
d. Please note that al the particulars mentioned in the online aplication including
Name of the Candidate, Post Aplied, Communal Category, Date of birth, Adres,
Email ID, etc. wil be considered as final and no modifcations wil be alowed after
the last date specifed for aplying online. Candidates are requested to fil in the
online aplication form with utmost care as no corespondence regarding change
of details wil be entertained.
e. The candidates shal register their mobile number in the aplication to receive
SMSs. Al communications from the MRB wil be through e-mail and SMS to the
candidate’s registered email/mobile number only.
f. Payment of e can be done through either on-line mode or ofline mode
Online Payment (Net Banking, Credit card/Debit card)
g. In case of candidate wishes to pay fes through the online payment gateway, `
i.e. Net Banking, Credit Card and Debit card Payment, an aditonal page of the
aplication form wil be displayed wherein candidates may folow the instructions
and fil in the requisite details to make payment.
h. After submiting your payment information in the online aplication form, please
wait for the intimation from the server, DO NOT pres Back or Refresh buton in
order to avoid double charge.
i. If the online transaction has ben sucesfuly completed a Registration Number
and Pasword wil be generated. Candidates should note the same for future
reference. Ofline Payment hrough Indian Bank
j. For ofline mode of payment candidates have to select Indian Bank.
k. Click “SUBMIT” to submit he Aplication form.
l. On Submision, system wil generate the payment chalan which the candidate
ned to take print out and go to any of the branches of Indian Bank to make the
payment.(Please note that ofline Indian bank payment chalans wil be generatedPage 1 of 19
only during 7 am to 9 pm only.)
After remitance, colect he candidate’s copy of the fe payment chalan from the
Branch. Please check that the chalan is properly signed and the details of
Transaction Number, Branch Name and DP Code Number, Deposit Date have
ben noted in the chalan by the Branch authorites.
m. Online Aplication Registration wil be taken as sucesful one, only if the
payment is made in any of the Indian Bank branches within two working days
from the date of registration/submision of aplication, failng which the
aplication wil be rejected.
n. If the transaction is sucesful, Registration number and pasword wil be
generated. The same should be noted for future reference
Print Option:
o. After submiting the aplication, candidates can save/ print their aplication in
PDF format.
p. On entering Registration Number and pasword, Candidates can download
their aplication and print, if required.
q. Candidates ned not send the printout of the online aplication or any other
suporting documents to the Board. The certifcates wil be normaly verifed
only when the candidates become eligible for next stage of selection.
r. The certifcates in suport of claim(s) made by the candidates, as per
Notifcation, should be produced, whenever required as directed by the Board
without fail. Note:
i. Candidates are advised in their own interest to aply on-line and remit fe
much before the closing date and not to wait til the last date to avoid last- minute internet conectivity isues
i. MRB wil not be responsible for delayed submision.
i. Under no circumstances, a candidate should share/mention e-mail ID or Mobile
Number with any other person. In case a candidate does not have a valid
personal e-mail ID, they should create a new e- mail ID before aplying on-line
and must maintain that email acount.
iv. No modifcation in fe payment hrough on-line mode is permited.
v. Candidates should carefuly fil in the details in the On-Line Aplication at the
apropriate places and click on the “SUBMIT” buton at he end of the On-Line
Aplication format. Before presing the “SUBMIT” buton, candidates are
advised to verify each and every particular filed in the aplication. The name of
the candidate or his /her father/husband’s name etc. should be spelt
corectly in the aplication as it apears in the certifcates. Any
change/alteration found may disqualify the candidature.
vi. Any clarifcation may be obtained from the Help Desk Phone No.1860 345 012
betwen 9 am and 6 pm.Page 12 of 19
The rule of reservation and communal rotation is aplicable as per the existing
orders of the Government of Tamil Nadu in this regard. Candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyars),Scheduled Tribes, Most
Backward Clases/ Denotifed Communites, Backward Clases (other than Muslim)
and the Backward Clases (Muslim) wil also be eligible for selection against the
vacancies to be filed under General turns on the basis of merit and where a
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyars)/Scheduled Tribe, Most Backward
Clas/Denotifed Community or Backward Clas (other than Muslim)/Backward Clas
(Muslim) candidate is selected on the basis of merit against the General turn, the
vacancy reserved for them wil not in any way be afected.
List for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Clases/ Denotifed
Communites and Backward Clases and Backward Clases (Muslim) can be sen in
the Document section under the Instructions to the candidates in MRB website in
Note: –
(i) Persons belonging to Tamil Nadu, and to one of the communites mentioned in the
lists indicated above alone shal be treated as Scheduled Caste or Scheduled
Tribe or Most Backward Clases/Denotifed Communites or Backward Clases
and Backward Clases (Muslim) as the case may be. Persons belonging to other
States shal not be treated as belonging to the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled
Tribe or Most Backward Clases/Denotifed Communites or Backward Clas and
Backward Clas (Muslim) even though they may belong to one of the Communites
specifed in the list.
(i) Persons belonging to Christian Communites, who are converts from any Hindu
Community included in the list of Backward Clases wil be considered as
Backward Clases with efect from 24-2-1986.
(i)A member of the Scheduled Caste on conversion to Christianity wil be considered
only under Backward Clases (other than Muslim) and not under Scheduled
(iv) “Arunthathiyar” refers to, Arunthathiyar, Chakilyan, Madari, Madiga, Pagadai,
Thoti or Adi Andhra.
Reservation for Women:
The Rule of 30% reservation of apointments for female candidates wil be folowed.
Acordingly, due number of vacancies out of the total vacancies in each communal
category wil be reserved for female candidates. If no qualifed and suitable female
candidates are available for selection against such vacancies, those vacancies shal
be filed by male candidates belonging to the respective communal categories.Page 13 of 19
List of Documents to be produced at he time of Certifcate
a. Evidence of Date of Birth (Birth Certifcate/SSLC /HSC)
b. Community certifcate from the competent authority (Permanent Community
c. Evidence of Educational qualifcation (SSLC /HSC /MBBS/BDS/ PG Diploma /
PG Degre /Ph.D Degre or Provisional certifcate etc.)
d. Evidence of Tamil qualifcation (viz., SSLC /HSC /Certifcate for having pased
the second clas Language Test (Ful Test) in Tamil conducted by the Tamil
Nadu Public Service Commision).
e. Medical Council /Dental Council Permanent Registration Certifcate.
f. Certifcate of character and conduct isued by Group A or Group B Oficer on or
after isue of the curent notifcation. g. Certifcate of character and conduct isued by the Head of the Instiution in
which he /she last studied. h. Diferently abled certifcate isued by the competent authority (if aplicable).
i. No Objection Certifcate from the Apointing Authority concerned (if aplicable)
j. An undertaking regarding arest/conviction/pending cases/debarment etc.
The Original Certifcates in suport of the claims made in the aplication, should be
produced at the time of atending the certifcate verifcation, when caled for. One set
of duly atested photo copies of al certifcates along with two copies of colour
photograph identical to the one uploaded in the aplication, should also be handed
over while atending the certifcate verifcation, when caled for.
(a) Evidence of date of birth viz.,
(i) Birth certifcate with name; (i)the Secondary Schol-Leaving Certifcate; or (i)
Higher Secondary Course CertifcatePage 14 of 19
(b) Community Certifcate
In the case of an aplicant who claims to be a member of SC/ SC(A) or ST or
MBC/DC or BC(Other than BCM)or BCM, a certifcate from the folowing authority
noted against each should be produced in the form as specifed in G.O.Ms. No.
781, Revenue department, dated 2nd May 198:- Sl
Name of the Community Competent authority to isue the
1. ST
R.D.O/Ast. Colector /Sub Colector/
Personal Asistant (General) to the Colector
of Chenai/ District Adi-Dravidar Welfare
2. SC/SC(A) Taluk Tahsildar
MBC/ DC, BC (other than
Muslim and BCM)
Revenue Oficer not lower in rank than a
Tahsildar or Head Quarters Deputy Tahsildar or
Special Deputy Tahsildar apointed to isue
Community Certifcate. Aditonal Head
Quarters Deputy Tahsildar and Zonal Deputy
Thotia Naicker (including
Rajakambalam, Golavar,
Silavar, Thockalavar,
Thozhuva Naicker and
Eragolar) included in the list of
Head Quarters Deputy Tahsildar
Community Certifcate should have ben isued by the competent authorites
refered to above, in whose jurisdiction the candidate claims to have permanent
residence, after personal enquires and proper verifcation. The certifcate obtained
by the candidates in the form other than the one prescribed in G.O.Ms.No. 781,
Revenue department, dated 2nd May 198 and solely based on the entries in
S.S.L.C or Transfer Certifcate or other Schol/Colege records wil not be
Candidates are warned that if the community recorded in the certifcate
produced by them from the competent authority is not included in the list of
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Most Backward Clases/Denotifed
Communites or Backward clases given in the list of communites in
htp:/ , they wil
not be considered as belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes or Most
Backward Clases/Denotifed Communites or Backward Clases as the case may
be. They wil, in that case, be considered only under ‘Others’ and if they are not
qualifed to be considered under ‘Others’, their aplications wil be rejected.
In case of women candidates’, the community certifcate should bear her
father’s name.Page 15 of 19
(c&d) Documents evidencing the qualifcation prescribed for the apointment,
including qualifcation in Tamil
Copies of Degre or Provisional Certifcate alone wil be acepted as evidence of
qualifcation. However, in case the Degre Certifcate is lost or is not immediately
available for reasons to be specifed, extract from the Convocation Register wil be
acepted as evidence of qualifcation. Copies of Mark Shets or Grade Certifcates
wil not be acepted as suficient evidence. In the case of an aplicant, who claims
to poses adequate knowledge in Tamil, whether his mother-tongue is Tamil or
not, a certifcate evidencing that he had taken Tamil as a language in his S.S.L.C.
Public Examination or had taken al the non language subjects in the S.S.L.C.
Public Examination in Tamil Medium or he had pased the Second Clas
Language Test (Ful Test) in Tamil.
(e) Medical/ Dental Council Registration Certifcates
Candidates aplying for the posts for apointment to which registration of their
names in Tamil Nadu Medical Council or Tamil Nadu Dental Council, as the case
may be, is a pre-conditon. They should have registered their names before the
date of the Board’s notifcation. The registration shal be valid one. Original of the
same has to be produced at the time of certifcate verifcation along with other
(f & g)Two certifcates of Character and Conduct
(i) From the Head of the Instiution in which the candidate last studied. (i) From a
Government Oficer belongs to Group A or B who knows the candidate personaly,
obtained not prior to the date of curent notifcation. This certifcate must be based
on personal knowledge and experience of the candidate and not from a relative.
Note:-(i) If the period of study at he Instiution in which the candidate last studied,
is les than one academic year, he must produce also another certifcate from the
Head of the Instiution, in which he last studied for not les than one academic
year. (i) No two certifcates may be obtained from the same person.Page 16 of 19
If a candidate atempts to canvas to bring influence on the Chairman or any
Member of the Board personaly / by leter / through relatives, friends, patrons,
oficials or other persons wil be disqualifed.
(a) If the aplicant atempts any tampering, alteration with the documents or
certifcates, he is liable to be debared from apearing for any of the selections and
examinations conducted by the Board and consequently from entry into public
service itself.
(b)(i) Candidates furnishing false particulars in the mater of qualifcation or the nature
of pas in various subjects, experience gained, their eligion or community etc.,
(i) Supresion of material information regarding
(a) Employment in Government or Local Bodies, Public Corporations etc.,
(b) Arests, convictions debarment or disqualifcation by Union Public
Service Commision /State Public Service Commision.
(c) Participation in agitation or any politcal organization.
(d) Candidature in election for Parliament/ State Legislature/ Local
Bodies etc.,
i) Making false or vexatious alegations against the Board in petions
adresed to it or any other authority
wil be viewed seriously and that the candidate responsible for such act wil be
debared from apearing for the examinations and selections held by this
Board permanently or for such period of years as the Board may decide.
(c) Candidates resorting to any Mal-practices in the examination hal, such as.
(i) Copying from another candidate in the examination hal
(i) Permiting others to copy from his answer bok
(i) Copying from unauthorized Boks or Notes which are printed / type
writen / manualy writen or use of electro mechanical devices wil also
lead to debarment of the candidate for such a period as the Board may
decide.Page 17 of 19
No Objection Certifcate
Persons who are in the service of the Indian Union or a State in India or in the
employment of Local Bodies or Universites, or Quasi Government Organizations
constiuted under the authority of the Government of India or of a State in India
whether in regular service or in a temporary service ned not send their aplications
through their Head of Department or Employer. Instead, they may directly aply to the
Board duly informing their Employer in writng that hey are aplying for the particular
recruitment and with the conditon that hey should produce “No Objection Certifcate”
in the form prescribed below, from the apointing authority.
i. Name of the Candidate…………………………………………….
i. Name of the Post held …………………………………………….
i. Whether the Candidate is employed temporarily under
the emergency provisions or whether the candidate is
a probationer or an aproved probationer or a ful
member of any of the sub-ordinate/State Services?
iv. Whether any criminal cases/disciplinary action is
pending against he individual?
v. Details of disciplinary/criminal action taken against the
individual, if any
vi. Period of Employment From (date) To (date)
vi. I have no objection to the candidate’s aplication being considered for the
post of——————–
Signature, Designation, and Seal with Date
(i) Persons who get employment after the submision of their aplications and before
the receipt of intimation of certifcate verifcation requirng to produce original
documents for verifcation should also produce the “No objection Certifcate” (i) In
case any Criminal /Disciplinary action is taken against or if any punishment is imposed
against such persons after the production of “No objection Certifcate” and before the
actual apointment, such candidates should report this fact forthwith to the Board
indicating their Registration/ Aplication Number and other details at the earliest
oportunity.Page 18 of 19
The scale of pay is Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-
i) Sucesful candidate shal join duty within 30 days the date of receipt of
apointment order and shal not claim extension of joining time citng that he was
undergoing higher studies /P.G Course or for any other reason. He shal abide by
the conditon that his/her name wil be removed from the aproved list without
asigning any reasons there for, if he/she fails to join duty within the stipulated
ii) Candidates selected and apointed to a post should undergo such
probation and training and should pas such tests as may be prescribed in
the rules by the Government from time to time and are liable to face such
penalties as prescribed by the Government for failure to pas such tests.
iii) In the event of selection, the candidate shall serve in Government Primary Health Centres for a period of not less than three years excluding any period spent on training, leave or higher education. (Asst. Surgeon-General).
iv) He shall abide by the condition that if he is selected and appointed as Assistant Surgeon, after joining duty, he shall not be permitted to undergo PG course within the period of two years, excluding the period of leave.
v) At any time before the end of the prescribed period of probation, the
probation of a candidate apointed may be terminated and he may be
discharged from the service.
vi) A candidate who is in the service of a Government other than the
Government of Tamil Nadu, if selected and apointed, wil not be entiled on
the basis of the previous service under that Government o any concesion
in the mater of leave, transit pay, etc., under the Government of Tamil
vi) If a rate of pay actualy in force at the time of apointment of selected
candidate is diferent from that anounced, he wil be paid only at hat rate.
The pay of the post is also subject to such modifcation, as may be made
from time to time.Page 19 of 19
Candidates should apply only through online in the Board’s Website ( or other website specified by the MRB. Click here to apply
Before applying, the candidates should have scanned image of their photograph and signature in CD/DVD/Pen drive as per their convenience.
A valid e-mail ID or Mobile Number is mandatory for registration. email ID, should be kept active till the declaration of results. MRB will send Hall Tickets (Memorandum of Admission) for Written Examination, other Memos etc. through the registered e-mail ID.
Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application including Name of the Candidate, Qualification, Post Applied, Communal Category, Date of birth, Address, Email ID, Centre of Examination etc. will be considered as final and no modifications will be allowed after the last date specified for applying online. Certain fields fixed and cannot be edited. Candidates are hence requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost care as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained.
The candidates who wish to receive SMS should register their mobile number in the application.
- A. Candidates are first required to go to the MRB’s website
- B. Click On-Line Registration.
- C. Select the name of the post or service for which you wish to apply.
- D. Please enter all the required particulars without skipping any field.
- E. Candidates are required to upload their photograph and signature as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature. An online application is incomplete without the photograph and signature upload.
- F. Please select the mode of payment (Online Payment/Offline Payment).
- G. In case of candidates wish to pay fees through the online payment gateway i.e. Net Banking , Credit Card & Debit Card Payment, an additional page of the application form will be displayed wherein candidates may follow the instructions and fill in the requisite details to make payment.
- H. After submitting your payment information in the online application form, please wait for the intimation from the server, DO NOT press Back or Refresh button in order to avoid double charge.
- I. If the online transaction has been successfully completed a Application Number and Password will be generated. Candidates should note their Application Number and Password for future reference in respect of the post applied for.
- J. For offline mode of payment candidates have to select Indian Bank.
- K. Click “SUBMIT” to submit the Application form.
- L. Candidates will be provided with Application Number and password. Please note down the Application Number and password.
- M. On Submission system will generate the payment challan which the candidate need to take print out and go the nearest branch of Indian bank to make the payment.
- N. Collect the candidate’s copy of the Fee Payment Challan from the Branch. Please check that the challan is properly signed and the details of Transaction Number, Branch Name and DP Code Number, Deposit Date have been noted in the challan by the Branch authorities.
- O. Online Application Registration will be taken as successful one, only if the payment is made in any Indian Bank Branches within two working days from the date of registration/ submission of application. Failing which the application will be rejected.
- P. Giving your Application Number and password, Candidates can download their application and print, if required for information purpose.
- Q. Candidates need not send the printout of the online application or any other supporting documents to the Board. The certificates will be verified only the candidates come up for next stage of selection.
- I. Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply on-line much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee/ intimation charges to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on the MRB’s website on account of heavy load on internet/website jam.
- II. MRB does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the MRB.
- III. Under no circumstances, a candidate should share/mention e-mail ID or Mobile Number to any other person. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, they should create a new e-mail ID before applying on-line and must maintain that email account.
- IV. There is a provision to modify the submitted Online Application. Candidates are requested to make use of this facility to correct their details in the Online Application if any. This modification facility will be available up to the last date for applying online for the particular post. After this date, no modification will be permitted. Candidates should take utmost care while filling in the Online Application. Please note that no modification in fee payment details will be permitted for candidates who pay fees/ intimation charges through the online mode. Certain fields fixed and cannot be edited. Candidates are hence requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost care as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained.
- V. Candidates should carefully fill in the details in the On-Line Application at the appropriate places and click on the “SUBMIT” button at the end of the On-Line Application format. Before pressing the “SUBMIT” button, candidates are advised to verify every particular filled in the application. The name of the candidate or his /her father/husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates/mark sheets. Any change/alteration found may disqualify the candidature.
- VI. Request for change/correction in any particulars in the Application Form shall not be entertained under any circumstances AFTER THE LAST DATE FOR Editing/ Updating application details specified. MRB will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the required details in the application form.
- VII. Board is not responsible for the online payment failure.
- VIII. Any clarification may be obtained from the Help Desks No 1860 345 0112 for BSNL & MTNL between 09:00 – 18:00 HRS.
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