Advertisement No:214
Special Qualifying Examination
Applications are invited only from the 2109 persons, who were appointed as Assistant Surgeons, Medical Officers and Non-Service Post Graduate/ Diploma holders through Employment Exchange in the time scale of pay in G.O.Ms.No.29, dated 21.01.2007, G.O.Ms.No.83, dated 12.03.2007, G.O.Ms.No.215, dated 12.06.2007 and G.O.Ms.No.323, dated 07.09.2007 of Health and Family Welfare Department, as the case may be, and who are in service as on 07-08-2009, for regularisation of their temporary services so as to absorb them as Assistant Surgeons.
Name of the Post | Service and Code | Post Code | Scale of Pay |
Assistant Surgeon | Tamil Nadu Medical Service (Code No.048) | 1947 | Pay Band (PB3)- Rs.15600 – 39100 Plus Grade Pay -Rs. 5400 (Pre-Revised Rs. 8000-275-13,500/-) |
A. The rule of reservation of appointments applies to this recruitment as per the rule in force.
B. If no qualified and suitable female candidates are available for selection against the vacancies reserved for women, those vacancies will be filled by male candidates belonging to the respective communal categories.
C. Candidates, who do not apply and appear for this Special Qualifying Examination or who do not come out successful in the said examination combined with Oral Test with the minimum qualifying marks shall be ousted from service forthwith.
D. A Medical Graduate who has passed out from a Medical College in Madhya Pradesh should also produce a certificate from competent authority to the effect that he is under no contractual obligation to serve the Government of Madhya Pradesh.
E. The Physically Handicapped persons should produce, before their appointment, a certificate of physical fitness from the Medical Board to the effect that his/her handicap will not render him/her incapable of efficiently discharging the duties attached to the post to which he/she has been selected. No reservation for PH persons.
F. Reservation of appointment to “Destitute Widows” and “Ex-servicemen” will not apply to this recruitment.
G. Candidates belonging to Backward Class Muslims (i.e.BCMs) should, compulsorily fill-up Columns 6, 7 and 7(a) of the OMR application and shade the boxes thereunder. All the concessions / relaxations / benefits applicable to BC candidates are applicable to BCM candidates also.
H. The expression “BC” (i.e. Backward Class) wherever occurs in the Commission’s ‘Instructions, etc. to candidates’, ‘Information Brochure’, OMR application form and Notification should be read as “BC (Other than BCM) and BCM”.
I. Any claim relating to the selection (not related to candidature or/and claims made in the application) should be received within 90 days from the date of announcement of results. Claims received thereafter will receive no attention.
J. Certificate of Physical Fitness: Candidates selected for appointment to the post will be required to produce a certificate of physical fitness in the form prescribed for “Executive Posts”. The Standard of vision prescribed for the post is ‘Standard- III’. Candidates with defective vision should produce eye fitness certificate from qualified Eye Specialist.
A |
Date of Notification |
15.09.2009 |
B |
Last date for receipt of applications |
16.10.2009 |
5.45 P.M. |
C |
Date of Written Examination |
29.11.2009 |
10.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. |
(A) AGE (as on 01.07.2009):
(i) MINIMUM AGE LIMIT – Should have completed 18 years (for all candidates)
(i.e. should have been born on or before 01.07.1991)
(ii) MAXIMUM AGE LIMIT – Should not have completed 35 years
(1) No maximum age limit for SCs, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs(Other than BCMs), BCMs and Destitute Widows of all castes.
(ii) Candidates who have exceeded the prescribed maximum age limit may also apply. The age rule will be relaxed by the Government, if they come up for selection.
(iii) Item (d) of para 2 of the Commission’s ‘Instructions etc. to candidates’ will not apply to this recruitment.
Candidates should possess the following or its equivalent qualification on the date of their temporary appointment as Assistant Surgeon:
(1) Must possess the degree of M.B.B.S. of any University or Institution recognised by the University Grants Commission for the purpose of its grant or the D.M. & S of the Government of Tamil Nadu. and;
(2) Must be a Registered Medical Practitioner within the meaning of Madras Medical Registration Act, 1914. (Evidence in this regard should be sent with the application)
Persons claiming equivalence of qualification should enclose evidence for such claims.
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Minimum Qualifying Marks for selection |
For all candidates | |||
Single Paper in the Subject. Viz. “MEDICAL SCIENCE” (Code No. 078) [Degree Standard] (200 Questions) |
3 Hours |
300 |
102 |
Interview and Record |
– |
40 |
340 |
(i) The existing syllabi for Medical Science Paper I and Paper II have been clubbed together and will constitute a Single syllabus. A single Question paper in the said syllabus, set in English only, is to be answered by the candidates.
(ii) The Syllabus has been published in the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Bulletin No.11, dated 16.05.2001 at pages 893-896 and is also available in the Commission’s website “”
Examinations will be held at Chennai Centre only (Code No.001). Candidates should appear for the examination at their own expenses.
Selection will be made in two successive stages i.e., (i) Written Examination and (ii) Oral Test in the shape of an interview. Final selection will be made on the basis of the total marks obtained by the candidates at the Written Examination and Oral Test taken together subject to the rule of reservation of appointments. Candidates’ appearance both in the Written Examination and Oral Test is compulsory. A candidate who has not appeared for the Oral Test will not be considered for selection, even if he/she secures in the Written Examination the qualifying marks for selection (For further details please refer paragraph 22(b) of the ‘Instructions, etc. to candidates’).
8. EXAMINATION FEE: Rs.125/-(For further details refer para 2 under part –III of Information Brochure and for Examination fee concessions, refer para 12 of the ‘Instructions, etc. to candidates’). Candidates (other than those who apply Online) should inform the counter Clerk of the Post Office, their OMR application Number for obtaining the Postal receipt. Physically Handicapped Persons and Destitute Widows are exempted from payment of Examination fee.
Candidates should enclose attested copies of all certificates (including evidence for Educational Qualification, together with Medical Registration Certificate in the State of Tamil Nadu possessed by them) as mentioned in para 15 of the Commission’s ‘Instructions, etc. to candidates’ and item 25 under part –II of Information Brochure along with a Postal receipt to the value of Rs.125/- pasted in the column provided in the application, unless exemption of fee is claimed. Original Certificates should not be sent. Those applying Online, please refer para 11 (D) of this Notification/Advertisement
Applications received without the attested copies of certificates as specified above will be rejected.
Candidates should also furnish the particulars regarding his/her arrest, convictions, debarment or disqualification by UPSC/State Public Service Commissions, participation in agitation or any political organization, candidature in election for Parliament/State Legislature/ Local Bodies etc., if any, in a separate statement along with the application.
Concessions in the matter of age and/or fees allowed to SCs, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs (other than BCMs), BCMs, Destitute Widows, Ex-Servicemen, Physically Handicapped persons, etc. are given in the Commission’s ‘Instructions, etc. to candidates’.
A. OMR application form along with an Information Brochure containing general instructions for filling up the application form, Commission’s ‘Instructions, etc. to candidates’ and an envelope for sending application can be obtained from any one of the HEAD POST OFFICES or selected Sub-Post Offices (236 Nos.) in Tamil Nadu / Puduchery on payment of Rs.30/-. (The list showing the names of Post Offices is available in the Commission’s Website
B. OMR application forms can also be obtained in person from the sales counter of the office of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Omanthoorar Government Estate, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 002, on all working days upto 5.00 p.m. (excluding lunch interval between 1.30 and 2.00 p.m.) till the closing date, on cash payment of Rs.30/-. Application forms will not be supplied to the candidates by Post.
C. Candidates should use only the OMR application form (AD or subsequent series). No other typed or printed or Xeroxed / Photocopy of the application form will be accepted and such application, if any received, will be summarily rejected.
D. Candidates can also avail of the facility of applying Online on the Commission’s Website Candidates applying Online should possess and keep ready Postal Receipt for Rs.155/- (i.e. Application fee Rs.30/- and Examination fee Rs.125/-) obtained from any one of the Post Offices listed in Annexure-III to the Information Brochure before registering Online. Candidates claiming exemption from payment of Examination fee should possess and keep ready Postal Receipt for Rs.30/- towards the application fee. The Postal Receipt obtained for the payment of Application Fee/ Examination Fee should be pasted in the space provided in the application form. Candidates applying Online shall also abide by the Commission’s instructions laid down in this Notification / Advertisement/Commission’s ‘Instructions, etc. to candidates’ / Information Brochure. They should send their applications (i.e. The printout generated from the web site and signed by the candidate) with the Postal Receipt along with attested copies of Certificates so as to reach the Commission’s office on or before the last date for receipt of applications, failing which his/her application will be rejected. The facility of applying Online will be closed at 5.45.p.m. on 14-10-2009.
(A) Candidates should submit filled in original OMR/Online application form directly to the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission along with the required attested copies of documents.
A Xerox copy of their OMR/Online application should be submitted to the Head of Office in which the candidate had served last or are now serving, for the purpose of onward transmission to the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission with the required certificate through the Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine.
(Sub para (g) of para 15 of ‘Instructions, etc. to candidates’ will not apply to this Special Qualifying Examination)
(B) Candidates are advised to verify the following aspects before sending their filled in OMR applications to the Commission’s office:
(i) Signature by the candidate below the declaration in Ballpoint pen or fountain pen only.
Failure to sign will entail rejection of his/her application.
(ii) Post Code No. viz 1947, in item (i) of column 23 of the OMR application specified and the Boxes thereunder shaded.
(iii) Columns 11, 14(c), 22 and 23(a) of the OMR application form need not be filled in.
(iv) Columns 1, 1(a), 3, 4 and item (i) of column 23 in the OMR application form filled up based on the details available in this Notification / Advertisement.
(v) Column 24 of the OMR application form filled up based on the temporary employment in which he/she is now continuing.
(C) Filled in applications must be sent to the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Omanthoorar Government Estate, Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002 well in advance so as to reach the Commission’s Office before 5.45 p.m. on 16.10.2009.
(1156/RND-B1/2007) Secretary.
Target PG Series TNPSC 2nd Edition (16 Papers from 1995 to 2007)
Target PG Series TNPSC 2/e
Medical Book Company
Chennai : Evening Bazar Rd, Stall Nos. 758, 759 and 760 Opp. : M.A. Jacob Carpet Showroom, Near of Petrol Pump
Chennai – 600003 Ph. (044) 25354925, Cell : 9444032167
Coimbatore : 6, Avinashi Road (1st Floor), Opp. Coimbatore Medical College Coimbatore – 641014 Ph. (0422) 2590588, Cell : 9443056321 E-mail : [email protected]
- 16 Original Question Papers from 1995 to 2007
- Special TNPSC Dec 2007 (the latest TNPSC Exam for Assistant Surgeon)
- TNPSC 2007 May MHO Recruitment
- TNPSC 2005 October
- TNPSC 2003 October
- Special TNPSC 2003 July
- 2000 Medical Science
- 2000 Medical Science
- 1999 Medical Science
- 1999 Medical Science
- 1998 Medical Science
- 1998 Medical Science
- 1997 Medical Science
- 1996 Medical Science
- 1996 Medical Science
- 1995 Medical Science
- 1995 Medical Science
- 2720 Original Questions
- Answers Extensively Referenced from Standard Textbooks.
- Detailed Explanation for Each Answer.
- Questions with more than one answer (or no answer) are pointed out.
- Relevant Diagrams and Tables
- Other possible points in the topic that have been asked and can be asked are explained.
- High Yield Topics are enumerated
- Comments, Tips and Mnemonics for solving.
- Notes on Preparation and Strategy Management.
- Handy Size – Easy to Carry.
- Online Extension at , and
- Brought out by TargetPG
Are Doctors who Joined during the year 2009 via Employment Exchange as Temporary Assitant Surgeons are eligible for this exam ?
Please clarify this (your eligibility) from DPH (and not from your DDHS, JDHS, Dean, DMS, DME)
Don’t get mislead by the words “and who are in service as on 07-08-2009”
It means that IN ADDITION TO HAVING MET Other criteria, you should ALSO Be on Service. It does NOT give eligibility to all who are on service as on 07-08-2009
Also remember that last time, in Special TNPSC 2007, there was a similar clause and many people interpreted it wrongly and were satisfied when their applications were forwarded by DDHS / JDHS. But ultimately, they did not get hall tickets
hello sir , whether those who have joined in feb2009 and remainning in service till date can also be eligible can also write this tnpsc special exam?
Don’t get mislead by the words “and who are in service as on 07-08-2009?
It means that IN ADDITION TO HAVING MET Other criteria, you should ALSO Be on Service. It does NOT give eligibility to all who are on service as on 07-08-2009
Also remember that last time, in Special TNPSC 2007, there was a similar clause and many people interpreted it wrongly and were satisfied when their applications were forwarded by DDHS / JDHS. But ultimately, they did not get hall tickets
hello sir , whether those who have joined in feb2009 and remainning in service till date can also be eligible can also write this tnpsc special exam
Please clarify this from DPH (and not from your DDHS, JDHS, Dean, DMS, DME)
who are eligible to write 10a1 exams?
is it any compulsion required ex.completion of 2yrs services to write 10a1?
There is no compulsion. But please check your eligibility from the DPH Office. Don’t get mislead by the words “and who are in service as on 07-08-2009?
It means that IN ADDITION TO HAVING MET Other criteria, you should ALSO Be on Service. It does NOT give eligibility to all who are on service as on 07-08-2009
Also remember that last time, in Special TNPSC 2007, there was a similar clause and many people interpreted it wrongly and were satisfied when their applications were forwarded by DDHS / JDHS. But ultimately, they did not get hall tickets
can we get attestation of our enclosures from any govt civil surgeon or only from our superior officer?
Any Gazetted Officer. Forwarding should be by your superior
in dph e mail to all ddhs dated 03.10.2009 it is mentioned that those who joined service as 10 a 1/relaxation of 10 a1 on or before 23/02/2009 and continuing as on 07/08/2009 are eligible for this special tnpsc the cut off date for joining is 23/02/2009 .those who attended counselling on 23/02/2009 for nagapatinam and thiruvarur specialrecruitment drive need to clarify as their date of joining will be within 02/03/2009
sir,i was appointed in february i eligible to write this special 10a1 tnpsc 2009 going to be held in november?,kindly reply..
Please see the information given by Dr.Bhuvaneshwaran at 10-10-2009 1:45 PM
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Inform to Ur friends also. THANK ‘U’
Dindigul, Tamil Nadu.
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sir i have passed the special tnpsc 2009
i got mail from selection committee
but from what website i can download the bulletin?
Will be available in District Libraries and Collector Offices