UPSC : CMS : COMBINED MEDICAL SERVICES EXAMINATION, 2012 Notification Employment News 24 – 30 March 2012 www.employmentnews.gov.in 49 From http://www.upsc.gov.in/exams/notifications/2012/cms/upsc-Combined%20Medical%20Service%20Examination%202012.pmd.pdf
(Commission’s website – www.upsc.gov.in)
Union Public Service Commission

“Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.”
No. 14/1/2011-E.I(B) : A combined
examination for recruitment to the services
and posts mentioned in para 2 below will
be conducted by the Union Public Service
Commission on the 17th June, 2012 in
accordance with the Rules published by
the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Dept. of Health) in the Gazette of India
dated the 24th March, 2012.
Centres of Examination : The Examination
will be held at the following centres :
The centres and the dates of holding the
examination as mentioned above are
liable to be changed at the discretion of
the Commission. While every effort will be
made to allot the candidates to the centres
of their choice for examination, the
Commission may, at their discretion allot
a different centre to a candidate, when
circumstances so warrant. Candidates
admitted to the examination will be
informed of the time table and place or
places of examination.
Candidates should note that no request
for change of centre will be considered/
2. (a) The Services/Posts to which
recruitment is to be made and the
approximate number of vacancies to be
filled are given below :-
(i) Assistant Divisional Medical 250
Officer in the Railways.
(ii) Assistant Medical Officer 66
in Indian Ordnance
Factories Health Service.
(iii) Junior Scale Posts in Central 150
Health Services.
(iv) Medical Officers in the 204
Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
(v) General Duty Medical Officer 32
in New Delhi Municipal Council
Note: (i) 7 (Seven) vacancies of Assistant
Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways
are reserved for Physically Handicapped
candidates, belonging to Locomotor
Disability or Cevebral Palsy having
functional classification OL, OA, BL.
(ii) 1 (One) vacancy of Assistant Medical
Officer in Indian Ordnance Factories
Health Service is reserved for Physically
Handicapped candidates belonging to
Locomotor Disability having Functional
Classification OA, OL.
(iii) 5 (Five) vacancies of Junior Scale
Posts in Central Health Services are
reserved for Physically Handicapped
candidates belonging to Locomotor
Disability having functional classification
OL, OA or BL.
(iv) 13 (Thirteen) vacancies of Medical
Officers in the Municipal Corporation of
Delhi are reserved for Physically
Handicapped candidates belonging to
Locomotor Disability.
The number of vacancies is liable to
Reservation will be made for candidates
belonging to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward
Classes and Physically Disabled
Categories in respect of vacancies as may
be fixed by the Government.
A candidate will be eligible to get the benefit
of community reservation only in case
the particular caste to which the candidates
belong is included in the list of reserved
communities issued by the Central Government.
If a candidate indicates in his/her
application form for Combined Medical
Service Examination that he/she belongs
to General category but subsequently
writes to the Commission to change his/
her category to a reserved one, such request
shall not be entertained by the Commission.
While the above principle will be followed
in general, there may be a few cases where
there was a little gap (say 2-3 months) between
the issuance of a Government Notifications
enlisting a particular community
in the list of any of the reserved communities
and the date of submission of the application
by the candidate. In such cases
the request for change of community from
General to Reserved may be considered
by the Commission on merit.
The closing date fixed for the receipt of the
application will be treated as the date for
determining the OBC status (including that
of creamy layer) of the candidates.
(b) A candidate may apply for admission
to the examination in respect of any one
or more of the services/posts mentioned
in para 2 (a) above. Candidates will be
required to indicate preferences for
services/posts at the appropriate time. If a
candidate wishes to be admitted for more
than one service/post he/she need send
in only one application. He/she will be
required to pay the fee mentioned in para
4 below once only and will not be required
to pay separate fee for each of the
services/posts for which he/she applies.
3. Conditions of Eligibility :
(I) Nationality
A candidate must be either :
(a) a Citizen of India, or
(b) a subject of Nepal, or
(c) a subject of Bhutan, or
(d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to
India before the 1st January, 1962 with
the intention of permanently settling in
India. or
(e) a person of Indian origin who has
migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka
or East African Countries of Kenya,
Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania,
Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia or from
Vietnam with the intention of permanently
settling in India.
Provided that a candidate belonging to
categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall
be a person in whose favour a certificate
of eligibility has been issued by the
Government of India.
A candidate in whose case a certificate of
eligibility is necessary, may be admitted
to the examination but the offer of
appointment may be given only after the
necessary eligibility certificate has been
issued to him by the Government of India.
(II) Age Limit : (a) A candidate for this
examination must not have attained the
age of 32 years as on 1st January, 2012,
i.e. the candidate must have been born
not earlier than 2nd January, 1980.
(b) The upper age limit is relaxable as
(i) Upto a maximum of five years if a
candidate belongs to a Scheduled
Caste or a Scheduled Tribe.
(ii) Upto a maximum of three years in the
case of candidates belonging to Other
Backward Classes who are eligible
to avail of reservation applicable to
such candidates.
(iii) Upto a maximum of five years if a
candidate had ordinarily been
The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfil all
eligibility conditions for admission to the Examination. Their admission at all
the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying
the prescribed eligibility conditions.
Mere issue of e-Admission Certificate to the candidate will not imply that
his candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission.
Verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents is taken
up only after the candidate has qualified for Interview/Personality Test.
Candidates are required to apply online by using the website
www.upsconline.nic.in Brief instructions for filling up the online Application
Form have been given in the Appendix-II. Detailed instructions are available
on the above mentioned website.
The online Applications can be filled upto 23rd April 2012 till 11.59 pm after
which the link will be disabled.
4. The eligible candidates shall be issued an e-Admission Certificate three
weeks before the commencement of the examination. The e-Admission
Certificate will be made available in the UPSC website [www.upsc.gov.in]
for downloading by candidates. No Admission Certificate will be sent by
post. All the applicants are required to provide valid and active E-mail
I.D. while filling up Online application form as the Commission may use
electronic mode for contacting them.
Candidates should note that there will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong
answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type Question Papers.
6. For both writing and marking answers in the OMR sheet [Answer Sheet],
candidates must use black ball pen only. Pens with any other colours are
prohibited. Do not use Pencil or Ink pen. Candidates are further advised
to read carefully the “Special Instructions” contained in Appendix-III of
the Notice.
In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their applications,
candidature etc. candidates can contact UPSC’s Facilitation Counter near Gate
‘C’ of its campus in person or over Telephone No.011-23385271/011-23381125/
011-23098543 on working days between 10.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs.
(a) Mobiles phones, pagers or any other communication devices are not
allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted.
Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action
including ban from future examinations.
(b) Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the
banned items including mobile phones/pagers or any valuable/costly
items to the venue of the examination, as arrangements for safekeeping
cannot be assured. Commission will not be responsible for any loss in
this regard.
50 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 24 – 30 March 2012
domiciled in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir during the period from the
1st January, 1980 to the 31st day of
December, 1989.
(iv) Upto a maximum of three years in the
case of Defence Services personnel
disabled in operations during
hostilities with any foreign country or
in a disturbed area and released as a
consequence thereof.
(v) Upto a maximum of five years in the
case of Ex-servicemen including
Commissioned Officers and ECOs/
SSCOs who have rendered at least
five years Military Service as on 1st
January, 2012 and have been
released (i) on completion of
assignment (including those whose
assignment is due to be completed
within one year from 1st January,
2012) otherwise than by way of
dismissal or discharge on account of
misconduct or inefficiency, or (ii) on
account of physical disability
attributable to Military Service or (iii)
on invalidment.
(vi) Upto a maximum of five years in the
case of ECOs/SSCOs who have
completed an initial period of
assignment of 5 years Military Service
as on 1st January, 2012 and whose
assignment has been extended
beyond 5 years and in whose case
the Ministry of Defence issues a
certificate that they can apply for civil
employment and that they will be
released on 3 months notice on
selection from the date of receipt of
offer of appointment.
(vii) Upto a maximum of ten years in the
case of blind, deaf-mute and
Orthopaedically handicapped
(viii)The ad hoc Doctors appointed after
1.10.1984 in the Ministry of Railways
will be granted relaxation in age to
the extent of the period of service
rendered by them as ad-hoc Doctors
in Railways, in the light of the
Supreme Court’s orders dated the
24th September, 1987 on the Writ
Petitions (Nos. 822, 875, 180 & 200
of 1987 with Nos. 370, 298 & 73 of
1987 with Nos. 1165, 1328, 1619,
1735, 1275, 1457, 1087, 1034, 1263,
1294, 1327, 1349, 1370, 1353, 1400,
1451, 1504, 1564, 1650 & 1609 of
1986 and with Nos. 845 of 1986) filed
by some ad-hoc Doctors of the
The Ad-hoc Doctors claiming the
relaxation in upper age limit under
this provision shall be required to
obtain a certificate of eligibillity to this
effect from the Ministry of Railways
and produce the same along with the
Detailed Application Form by
candidates who are declared qualified
for Personality Test/Interview.
NOTE 1 : Candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes
and the Other Backward Classes who are
also covered under any other clauses of
para 3(II) (b) above, viz. those coming
under the category of Ex-servicemen,
persons domiciled in the State of J & K,
physically handicapped etc. will be eligible
for grant of cumulative age-relaxation
under both the categories.
NOTE 2 : The term ex-servicemen will
apply to the persons who are defined as
ex-servicemen in the Ex-servicemen (Reemployment
in Civil Services and Posts)
Rules, 1979, as amended from time to
Note 3 : The age concession under Para
3(II) (b)(v) and (vi) will not be admissible
to Ex-servicemen and Commissioned
Officers inculding ECOs/SSCOs, who are
released on their own request.
NOTE 4 : Notwithstanding the provision
of age-relaxation under para 3 (II) (b) (vii)
above, a physically handicapped
candidate will be considered to be eligible
for appointment only if he/she (after such
physical examination as the on the
Government or appointing authority, as the
case may be, may prescribe) is found to
satisfy the requirements of physical and
medical standards for the concerned
Services/posts to be allocated to the
physically handicapped candidates by the
Save as provided above the Age-Limit
prescribed can in no case be relaxed.
The date of birth accepted by the
Commission is that entered in the
Matriculation or Secondary School
Leaving Certificate or in a certificate
recognised by an Indian University as
equivalent to Matriculation or in an extract
from a Register of Matriculates maintained
by a University which must be certified by
the proper authority of the University or in
the Higher Secondary or an equivalent
examination certificate. These certificates
are required to be submitted only after the
declaration of the result of the written part
of the examination.
No other document relating to age like
horo-scopes, affidavits, birth extracts from
Municipal Corporation, service records
and the like will be accepted. The
expression Matriculation/Higher
Secondary Examination Certificate in this
part of the instruction includes the
alternative certificate mentioned above.
Note 1 : Candidates should note that only
the Date of Birth as recorded in the
Matriculation/Higher Secondary Examination
Certificate or an equivalent certificate
as on the date of submission of
applications will be accepted by the
Commission and no subsequent request
for its change will be considered or
Note 2 : Candidates should also note that
once a Date of Birth has been claimed by
them and entered in the records of the
Commission for the purpose of admission
to an Examination, no change will be
allowed subsequently (or at any other
Examination of the Commission) on any
ground whatsoever.
(III) Educational Qualification :
For admission to the examination a
candidate should have passed the written
and practical parts of the final M.B.B.S.
NOTE-1: A candidate who has appeared
or has yet to appear at the final M.B.B.S.
Examination may also apply. Such
candidates will be admitted to the
examination if otherwise eligible but the
admission would be deemed to be
provisional and subject to cancellation, if
they do not produce proof of having
passed the written and practical part of
the final M.B.B.S. Examination along with
the detailed application which will be
required to be submitted to the
Commission by the candidates who qualify
on the result of the written part of the
Note-2 : A candidate who has yet to
complete the compulsory rotating
internship is educationally eligible for
admission to the examination but on
selection he/she will be appointed only
after he/she has completed the
compulsory rotating internship.
(IV) Physical and Medical Standards:
Candidates must be physically and
medically fit according to the physical/
medical standards for the Combined
Medical Services Examination 2012 as
per regulations contained in Appendix III
to the Rules of the Examination.
4. FEE :
Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST/
Physically Handicapped who are
exempted from payment of fee) are
required to pay a fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees
One Hundred only) either by remitting the
money in any branch of SBI by cash, or by
using net banking facility of SBI, State
Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/State Bank of
Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/State
Bank of Patiala/State Bank of Travancore
or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card.
For the applicants in whose case payments
details have not been received from the
bank they will be treated as fictitious
payment cases and a list of all such
applicants shall be made available on the
Commission website within two weeks after
the last day of submission of online
application. These applicants shall also be
intimated through e-mail to submit copy of
proof of their payment to the Commission
at the address mentioned in the e-mail. The
applicant shall be required to submit the
proof within 10 days from the date of such
communication either by hand or by speed
post to the Commission. In case, no
response is received from the applicant
their application shall be summarily
rejected and no further correspondence
shall be entertained in this regard.
Physically handicapped persons are
exempted from the payment of fee
provided they are otherwise eligible for
appointment to the Services/Posts to be
filled on the results of this examination on
the basis of the standards of medical
fitness for these Services/Posts (including
any concessions specifically extended to
the physically handicapped). A physically
handicapped candidate claiming age
relaxation/fee concession will be required
by the Commission to submit alongwith
their detailed application form, a certified
copy of the certificate from a Government
Hospital/Medical Board in support of his/
her claim for being physically
NOTE : Notwithstanding the aforesaid
provision for age relaxation/fee
exemption, a physically handicapped
candidate will be considered to be eligible
for appointment only if he/she (after such
physical examination as the Government
or the appointing authority, as the case
may be, may prescribe) is found to satisfy
the requirements of physical and medical
standards for the concerned Services/
Posts to be allocated to Physically
Handicapped candidates by the
NB 1 : Applications without the prescribed
Fee (Unless remission of Fee is claimed)
shall be summarily rejected.
NB 2 : Fee once paid shall not be refunded
under any circumstances nor can the fee
be held in reserve for any other
examination or selection.
NB 3 : If any candidate who took the
Combined Medical Services Examination
held in 2011 wishes to apply for admission
to this examination, he/she must submit
his/her application so as to reach the
Commission’s Office by the prescribed
date without waiting for the results or an
offer of appointment.
5. How to Apply:
(a) Candidates are required to apply
Online by using the link www.
upsconline.nic.in Detailed Instructions
for filling up Online Applications
are available on the above
mentioned website.
The applicants are advised to submit
only single application; however, if due
to any unavoidable situation, if he/she
submits another/multiple applications,
then he/she must ensure that application
with the higher RID is complete in
all respects like applicants details,
examination centre, photograph, signature,
fee etc. The applicants who are
submitting multiple applications
should note that only the applications
with higher RID (Registration ID) shall
be entertained by the Commission and
fee paid against one RID shall not be
adjusted against any other RID.
(b) All candidates, whether already in
Government Service or Government
owned industrial undertakings or
other similar organisations or in
private employment should submit
their applications online direct to the
Persons already in Government service,
whether in a permanent or temporary
capacity or as workcharged employees
other than casual or daily rated employees
or those serving under the Public
Enterprises are however, required to
submit an undertaking that they have
informed in writing their Head of Office/
Department that they have applied for the
Examination. Candidates should note that
in case a communication is received from
their employer by the Commission
withholding permission to the candidates
applying for/appearing at the examination,
their application shall be rejected/
candidature shall be liable to be cancelled.
NOTE 1 : While filling in his application
form, the candidate should carefully
decide about his/her choice for the centre.
If any candidate appears at a centre
other than the one indicated by the
Commission in his/her e-Admission
Certificate, the papers of such a
candidate will not be valued and his/her
candidature will be liable to cancellation.
NOTE 2 : Incomplete or defective
applications shall be summarily rejected.
No representation or correspondence
regarding such rejection shall be
entertained under any circumstances.
Candidates are not required to submit
alongwith their applications any
certificates in support of their claims
regarding Age, Educational Qualifications,
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled
Tribes/Other Backward Classes and
Physically Handicapped etc. The
candidates applying for the examination
should ensure that they fulfil all the
eligibility conditions for admission to the
Examination. Their admission at all the
stages of examination for which they
are admitted by the Commission viz.
Written Examination and Interview/
Personality Test will be purely
provisional, subject to their satisfying
the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on
verification at any time before or after
the written Examination or Interview/
Personality Test, it is found that they do
not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions,
their candidature for the examination will
be cancelled by the Commission.
Candidates are requested to keep ready
the attested copies of the following
documents for submission to the
Commission soon after the declaration of
the result of the written examination which
Employment News 24 – 30 March 2012 www.employmentnews.gov.in 51
is likely to be declared in the month of
September/October, 2012.
1. Certificate of Age.
2. Certificate of Educational
3. Certificate in support of claim to belong
to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe
and Other Backward Classes where
4. Certificate in support of claim for age/
fee concession, where applicable.
5. Certificate in support of being
physically handicapped (where
6. Certificate of eligibility for grant of age
relaxation for ad-hoc doctors of
Ministry of Railways [Refer Para 3(II)
(b) (viii)].
Immediately after the declaration of the
written results, successful candidates will
be required to submit online, a Detailed
Application requiring additional information
to be furnished. Attested copies of
the above mentioned certificates will have
to be sent to the Commission at that time.
The originals will have to be produced at
the time of interview. If any of their claims
is found to be incorrect, they may render
themselves liable to disciplinary action by
the Commission in terms of Rule 11 of the
Rules for the Combined Medical
Services Examination, 2012, reproduced
A candidate who is or has been declared
by the Commission to be guilty of:
(i) obtaining support for his candidature
by any means, or
(ii) impersonating, or
(iii) procuring impersonation by any
person, or
(iv) submitting fabricated documents or
documents which have been
tampered with, or
(v) making statements which are
incorrect or false or suppressing
material information, or
(vi) resorting to any other irregular or
improper means in connection with
his/her candidature for the
examination, or
(vii) using unfair means during the
examination, or
(viii)writing irrelevant matter, including
obscene languages or pornographic
matter, in the script (s), or
(ix) misbehaving in any other manner in
the examination hall, or
(x) harassing or doing bodily harm to the
Staff employed by the Commission for
the conduct of their examination, or
(xi) being in possession of or using
mobile phone, pager or any electronic
equipment or device or any other
equipment capable of being used as
a communication device during the
examination; or
(xii) violating any of the instructions
issued to candidates along with their
Admission Certificates permitting
them to take the examination, or
(xiii)attempting to commit or as the case
may be abetting the commission of
all or any of the acts specified in the
foregoing clauses, may in addition to
rendering himself/herself liable to
criminal prosecution be liable.
(a) to be disqualified by the Commission
from the examination for which he/she
is a candidate and/or
(b) to be debarred either permanently or
for a specified period:-
(i) by the Commission from any
examination or selection held by
(ii) by the Central Government from
any employment under them; and
(c) if he/she is already in service under
Government to disciplinary action
under the appropriate rules.
Provided that no penalty under this rule
shall be imposed except after.
(i) giving the candidate an opportunity of
making such representation, in writing
as he/she may wish to make in that
behalf; and
(ii) taking the representation, if any,
submitted by the candidate within the
period allowed to him/her into
6. Last date for submission of
applications :
The Online Application can be filled upto
23rd April 2012 till 11.59 p.m., after which
the link will be disabled.
7. Correspondence with
The Commission will not enter into any
correspondence with the candidates
about their candidature except in the
following cases:
(i) The eligible candidates shall be issued
an e-Admission Certificate three
weeks before the commencement of
the examination. The e-Admission
Certificate will be made available in
the UPSC website [www.upsc.
gov.in] for downlading by candidates.
No Admission Certificate will be sent
by post.
If a candidate does not receive his/
her e-Admission Certificate or any
other communication regarding
his/her candidature for the examination
three weeks before the commencement
of the examination, he/
she should at once contact the
Information in this regard can also
be obtained from the Facilitation
Counter located in the Commissions
office either in person or over phone
Nos. 011-23385271/011-23381125/
011-23098543. In case no communication
is received in the
Commission’s Office from the candidate
regarding non-receipt of his/
her e-Admission Certificate at least
three weeks before the examination,
he/she himself/herself will be solely
responsible for non-receipt of his/her
e-Admission Certificate. No candidate
will ordinarily be allowed to take
the examination unless he/she holds
an e-Admission Certificate for the examination.
On the receipt of e-Admission
Certificate, candidates should
check it carefully and bring
discrepencies/errors if any, to the
notice of UPSC immediately.
The mere fact that an e-Admission
Certificate to the Examination has
been issued to a candidate, will not
imply that his/her candidature has
been finally cleared by the
Commission or that entries made
by the candidate in his/her
application for the examination
have been accepted by the
Commission as true and correct.
Candidates may note that the
Commission takes up the
verification of eligibility conditions
of a candidate, with reference to
original documents, only after the
candidate has qualified for
interview for Personality Test on
the results of the Written
Examination. Unless candidature is
formally confirmed by the
Commission, it continues to be
provisional. The decision of the
Commission as to the eligibility or
otherwise of a candidate for
admission to the Examination shall
be final. Candidates should note that
the name in the e-Admission
Certificate in some cases, may be
abbreviated due to technical
(ii) In the event of a candidate
downloading more than one
admission certificate from the
Commission’s website, he/she
should use only one of these
admission certificates for appearing
in the examination and report about
the other(s) to the Commission Office.
(iii) Candidates must ensure that their
e-mail ids given in their application
are valid and active as the
Commission may use electronic
mode of communication while
contacting them.
(iv) A candidate must see that
communications sent to him/her at
the address stated in his/her
application are redirected, if
necessary. Change in address
should be communicated to the
Commission at the earliest
opportunity. Although the
Commission make every effort to take
account of such changes, they cannot
accept any responsibility in the
(v) If a candidate receives an e-
Admission Certificate in respect of
some other candidate, the same
should be immediately brought to the
Commission’s notice with a request
to issue the correct e-Admisison
Certificate. Candidates may note that
they will not be allowed to take the
examination on the strength of an e-
Admission Certificate issued in
respect of another candidate.
IMPORTANT : All communications to the
Commission should invariably contain the
following parti-culars.
8. For being considered against the
vacancies reserved for them, the
physically handicapped person should
have disability of Forty per cent (40%) or
more. However, such candidates shall be
required to meet one or more of the
following physical requirements/abilities
which may be necessary for performing
the duties in the concerned Services/
F 1. Work performed by
manipulating (with Fingers)
PP 2. Work performed by pulling and
L 3. Work performed by lifting
KC 4. Work performed by kneeling
and crouching
B 5. Work performed by bending
S 6. Work performed by sitting (on
bench or chair)
ST 7. Work performed by standing
W 8. Work performed by walking
SE 9. Work performed by seeing
H 10. Work performed by hearing/
RW 11. Work performed by reading
and writing
The functional classification in their case
shall be, one or more of the following,
consistent with the requirement of the
concerned Services/Posts:-
BL 1. both legs affected but not
BA 2. both arms affected
a. impaired reach.
b. weakness of grip.
BLA 3. both legs and both arms
OL 4. one leg affected (R or L)
a. impaired reach.
b. weakness of grip.
c. ataxic.
OA 5. one arm affected (R or L)
a. impaired reach.
b. weakness of grip.
c. ataxic.
BH 6. stiff back and hips (cannot sit
or stoop)
MW 7. muscular weakness and
limited physical endurance
B 8. the blind
PB 9. partially blind
D 10. the deaf
PD 11. partially deaf
9. Withdrawal of applications :
10. The form and manner of
communication of the result of the
examination to individual candidates shall
be decided by the Commission in their
discretion and the Commission will not
enter into correspondence with them
regarding the result.
11. Subject to other provisions contained
in this Notice, successful candidates will
be considered for appointment on the
basis of the order of merit assigned to them
by the Commission and preferences
expressed by them for various posts.
12. Success in the examination confers
no right to appointment unless
Government are satisfied after such
enquiry as may be considered
necessary that the candidate having
regard to his/her character and
antecedents is suitable in all respects
for appointment to the service. The
appointment will be further subject to
the candidate, satisfying the appointing
authority of his/her having satisfactorily
completed the compulsory rotating
13. A candidate must be in good mental
and bodily health and free from any
physical defect likely to interfere with the
discharge of his/her duties as an officer of
the Service. A candidate who after such
physical examination, as Government or
the appointing authority, as the case may
be, may prescribe, is found not to satisfy
these requirements, will not be appointed.
14. No person –
(a) who has entered into or contracted a
marriage with a person having a
spouse living; or
(b) who having a spouse living has
entered into or contracted a marriage
with any person shall be eligible for
appointment of service; provided that
the Central Government may if
satisfied that such marriage is
52 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 24 – 30 March 2012
permissible under the personal law
applicable to such person and the
other party to the marriage and there
are other grounds for so doing exempt
any person from the operation of this
15. The details regarding (a) Scheme and
Syllabi of the examination, (b) Instructions/
Guidelines for filling up the application
form, (c) Special Instructions to the
candidates for objective type tests and (d)
Brief particulars of the services to which
recruitment is made are given in Appendix
I, II, III and IV of this notice respectively.
(Kuldeep Kumar Saharawat)
Deputy Secretary
Union Public Service Commission
The examination shall be conducted
according to the following plan:-
The candidates will take the written
examination in two Papers, each Paper
carrying a maximum of 250 marks. Each
Paper will be of two hours duration.
Personality Test : (100 Marks):
Personality test carrying 100 marks of
such of the candidates who qualify on the
results of the written examination.
(A) Written Examination:
1. The components and syllabus of two
Papers and the weightage to different
components in the two papers are given
below: –
Paper I Maximum
(Code No. 1) Marks : 250
(a) General Ability 30 questions
(b) General Medicine 70 questions
(c) Paediatrics 20 questions
Total questions in Paper I = 120 (30
General Ability, 70 General Medicine and
20 Paediatrics).
Syllabus of Paper-I
(a) General Ability
(i) Indian Society, Heritage & Culture,
Polity, Economy, Human Development
Indices and the Development
(ii) Natural Resources, their distribution,
exploitation, conservation and related
(iii) Basic concepts of Ecology and
Environment and their impact on
health and economy;
(iv) Impact of changing demographic
trends on health, environment and
(v) Indian Agriculture, Industry, Trade,
Transportation and Service Sectors;
(vi) Natural and man made disasters and
their management;
(vii) Food adulteration, Food processing,
food distribution, food storage and
their relevance to public health;
(viii)Recent trends in Science and
(b) General Medicine
(General Medicine including Cardiology,
Neurology, Dermatology and Psychiatry)
(i) Cardiology
(ii) Respiratory diseases
(iii) Gastro-intestinal
(iv) Genito-Urinary
(v) Neurology
(vi) Hematology
(vii) Endocrinology
(viii)Metabolic disorders
(ix) Infections/Communicable Diseases
a) Virus
b) Rickets
c) Bacterial
d) Spirochetal
e) Protozoan
f) Metazoan
g) Fungus
(x) Nutrition/Growth
(xi) Diseases of the skin (Dermatology)
(xii) Musculoskelatal System
(c) Paediatrics
Paper II Maximum
(Code No. 2) Marks : 250
(a) Surgery 40 questions
(b) Gynaecology & 40 questions
(c) Preventive & Social 40 questions
Total questions in Paper II = 120 (40
Surgery, 40 Gynaecology & Obstetrics
and 40 Preventive & Social Medicine).
Syllabus of Paper – II
(a) Surgery
(Surgery including ENT, Opthalmology,
Traumatology and Orthopaedics)
I General Surgery
i) Wounds
ii) Infections
iii) Tumours
iv) Lymphatic
v) Blood vessels
vi) Cysts/sinuses
vii) Head and neck
viii) Breast
ix) Alimentary tract
a) Oesophagus
b) Stomach
c) Intestines
d) Anus
e) Developmental
x) Liver, Bile, Pancreas
xi) Spleen
xii) Peritoneum
xiii) Abdominal wall
xiv) Abdominal injuries
II Urological Surgery
III Neuro Surgery
IV Otorhinolaryngology E.N.T.
V Thoracic surgery
VI Orthopedic surgery
VII Ophthalmology
VIII Anesthesiology
IX Traumatology
i) Ante-natal conditions
ii) Intra-natal conditions
iii) Post-natal conditions
iv) Management of normal labours or
complicated labour
i) Questions on applied anatomy
ii) Questions on applied physiology of
menstruation and fertilization
iii) Questions on infections in genital
iv) Questions on neoplasma in the
genital tract
v) Questions on displacement of the
i) Conventional contraceptives
ii) U.D. and oral pills
iii) Operative procedure, sterilization and
organization of programmes in the
urban and rural surroundings
iv) Medical Termination of Pregnancy
I Social and Community Medicine
II Concept of Health, Disease and
Preventive Medicine
III Health Administration and Planning
IV General Epidemiology
V Demography and Health Statistics
VI Communicable Diseases
VII Environmental Health
VIII Nutrition and Health
Candidates are required to apply online by using the website www.upsconline. nic.in
Salient Features of the system of Online Application Form are given hereunder :
l Detailed instructions for filling up Online Applications are available on the above
mentioned website.
l Candidates will be required to complete the Online Application Form containing
two stages viz. Part-I and Part-II as per the instructions available in the above
mentioned site through drop down menu.
l The candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only)
[excepting SC/ST/Female/PH candidates who are exempted from payment of fee]
either by remiting the money in any branch of SBI by cash or by using net banking
facility of State Bank of India/State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/State Bank of
Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/State Bank of Patiala/State Bank of Travancore
or by using any Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card.
l Before start filling up Online Application, a candidate must have his/her photograph
and signature duly scanned in the .jpg format in such a manner that each file
should not exceed 40 KB and must not be less than 3 KB in size for the photograph
and 1 KB for the signature.
l The Online Applications (Part I and II) can be filled from 24th March, 2012 to 23rd
April, 2012 till 11.59 p.m., after which link will be disabled.
l Applicants should avoid submitting multiple applications. However, if due to any
unavoidable circumstances any applicant submits multiple applications then he
must ensure that the applications with higher RID is complete in all respects.
l In case of multiple applications, the applications with higher RID shall be entertained
by the Commission and fee paid against one RID shall not be adjusted against any
other RID.
l The applicants must ensure that while filling their application form, they are providing
their valid and active E-mail IDs as the Commission may use electronic mode of
communication while contacting them.
l Candidates are strongly advised to apply Online well in time without waiting for
the last date for submission of Online Application.
IX Non-communicable diseases
X Occupational Health
XI Genetics and Health
XII International Health
XIII Medical Sociology and Health
XIV Maternal and Child Health
XV National Programmes
2. The written examination in both the
papers will be completely of objective
(Multiple choice answer) type. The
question Papers (Test Booklets) will
be set in English only.
3. Candidates must write the Papers in
their own hand. In no circumstances
will they be allowed the help of a
scribe to write answers for them.
4. The Commission have discretion to
fix qualifying marks in any or both the
papers of the examination.
5. Penalty for wrong answers
There will be penalty (Negative Marking)
for wrong answers marked by a
candidate in the objective type question
(i) There are four alternatives for the
answers to every question. For each
question for which a wrong answer
has been given by the candidate, one
third (0.33) of the marks assigned to
that question will be deducted as
(ii) If a candidate gives more than one
answer, it will be treated as a wrong
answer even if one of the given
answers happens to be correct and
there will be same penalty as above
for that question.
(iii) If a question is left blank i.e. no answer
is given by the candidate, there will
be no penalty for that question.
6. Candidates are not permitted to use
calculators for answering objective
type papers. They should, therefore
not bring the same inside the
Examination Hall.
(B) PERSONALITY TEST – (100 marks):
Candidates who qualify in the written
examination will be called for Interview/
Personality Test to be conducted by the
Union Public Service Commission. The
Interview/Personality Test will carry 100
The interview for Personality Test will be
intended to serve as a supplement to the
written examination for testing the General
Knowledge and ability of the candidates
in the fields of their academic study and
also in the nature of a personality test to
assess the candidate’s intellectual
curiosity, critical powers of assimilation,
balance of judgment and alertness of
mind, ability for social cohesion, integrity
of character, initiative and capability for
Employment News 24 – 30 March 2012 www.employmentnews.gov.in 53
1. Articles permitted inside Examination Hall
Clip board or hard board (on which nothing is written), a good quality black ball
pen for making responses on the Answer Sheet. For writing also they should use
black ball pen only. Answer Sheet and sheet for rough work will be supplied by the
2. Articles not permitted inside Examination Hall
Do not bring into the Examination Hall any article other than those specified above,
e.g., books, notes, loose sheets, electronic or any other type of calculators,
mathematical and drawing instruments, Log Tables, stencils of maps, slide rules,
Test Booklets and rough sheets pertaining to earlier session(s), etc.
Mobile phones, pagers or any other communication devices are not allowed
inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any
infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban
from future examinations.
Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned
items including mobile phones/pagers to the venue of the examination, as
arrangement for safekeeping cannot be assured.
3. Penalty for Wrong Answer
(i) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for
which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one third (0.33) of the
marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
(ii) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer
even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same
penalty as above for that question.
(iii) If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no
penalty for that question.
4. Unfair means strictly prohibited
No candidates shall copy from the papers of any other candidate nor permit his
papers to be copied nor give nor attempt to give nor obtain nor attempt to obtain
irregular assistance of any description.
5. Conduct in Examination Hall
No candidates should misbehave in any manner or create disorderly scene in the
Examination Hall or harass the staff employed by the Commission for the conduct
of the examination. Any such misconduct will be severely penalised.
6. Answer Sheet particulars
(i) Write in black ball pen your Centre and subject followed by test booklet series (in
bracket), subject code and roll number at the appropriate space provided on the
answer sheet at the top. Also encode (with black ball pen) your booklet series (A,
B, C or D, as the case may be), subject code and roll number in the circles provided
for the purpose in the answer sheet. The guidelines for writing the above particulars
and for encoding the above particulars are given in Annexure. In case the booklet
series is not printed on the test booklet or answer sheet is un-numbered, please
report immediately to the Invigilator and get the test booklet/answer sheet replaced.
(ii) All corrections and changes in writing the roll number must be initialed by the
candidates as well as by the Invigilator and countersigned by the Supervisor.
(iii) Immediately after commencement of the examination please check that the test
booklet supplied to you does not have any unprinted or torn or missing pages or
items etc. If so, get it replaced by a complete test booklet of the same series and
7. Do not write your name or anything other than the specific items of information
asked for, on the answer sheet/test booklet/sheet for rough work.
8. Do not fold or mutilate or damage or put any extraneous marking in the Answer
Sheet. Do not write anything on the reverse of the answer sheet.
9. Since the answer sheets will be evaluated on computerized machines, candidates
should exercise due care in handling and filling up the answer sheets. They
should use black ball pen only to darken the circles. For writing in boxes also,
they should use black ball pen. Since the entries made by the candidates by
darkening the circles will be taken into account while evaluating the answer
sheets on computerized machine, they should make these entries very
10. Method of marking answers
In the “Objective Type” of examination, you do not write the answers. For each
question (hereinafter referred to as “Item”) several suggested answers (hereinafter
referred to as “Responses”) are given. You have to choose one response to each
The question paper will be in the Form of Test Booklet. The booklet will contain
item bearing numbers 1, 2, 3 ………… etc. Under each item, Responses marked (a),
(b), (c), (d) will be given. Your task will be to choose the correct response. If you
think there is more than one correct response, then choose what you consider the
best response.
In any case, for each item you are to select only one response. If you select more
than one response, your response will be considered wrong.
In the Answer Sheet, Serial Nos. from 1 to 160 are printed. Against each numbers,
there are circles marked (a), (b), (c) and (d). After you have read each item in the
Test Booklet and decided which one of the given responses is correct or the best,
you have to mark your response by completely blackening with black ball pen to
indicate your response.
For example, if the correct answer to item 1 is (b), then the circle containing the
letter (b) is to be completely blackened with Black ball pen as shown below :-
Example : (a) ● (c) (d)
11. Signature on Attendance List
You are required to write the serial number of the Answer Sheet and Test Booklet
and Series of Test Booklet issued to you on the Attendance List and to sign in
appropriate column against your name. Any change or correction in these
particulars should be authenticated by the candidate by putting his/her signatures.
12. Please read and abide by the instructions on the cover of Test Booklet. If any
candidate indulges in disorderly or improper conduct, he/she will render himself/
herself liable for disciplinary action and/or imposition of a penalty as the
Commission may deem fit.
How to fill in the Answer Sheet of objective type tests in the Examination Hall
Please follow these instructions very carefully. You may note that since the answer
sheets are to be evaluated on machine, any violation of these instructions may result in
reduction of your score for which you would yourself be responsible.
Before you mark your responses on the Answer Sheet, you will have to fill in various
particulars in it.
As soon as the candidates receive the Answer Sheet, he/she should check that it is
numbered at the bottom. If it is found unnumbered he/she should at once get it replaced
by a numbered one.
You will see from the Answer Sheet that you will have to fill in the top line, which reads
thus :
dsUÊ fo”k; fo”k; dksM vuqØekad
Centre Subject S. Code Roll Number
If you are, say, appearing for the examination in Delhi Centre for the General Studies Paper* and
your Roll No. is 081276 and your Test Booklet series is `A’, you should fill in thus, using black ball
* This is just illustrative and may not be relevant to the Examination concerned.
dsUÊ fo”k; fo”k; dksM vuqØekad
Centre Delhi Subject General S. Code Roll Number
Studies (A)
You should write in black ball pen the name of the centre and subject in English or Hindi.
The test Booklet Series is incidated by Alphabets A, B, C, or D at the top right hand corner of the
Write your Roll Number exactly as it is in your Admission Certificate in black ball pen in the boxes
provided for this purpose. Do not omit any zero(s) which may be there.
The next step is to find out the approriate subject code from the Time Table. Now encode the Test
Booklet Series, Subject Code and the Roll Number in the circles provided for this purpose. Do the
encoding with black ball pen. The name of the Centre need not be encoded.
Writing and encoding of Test Booklet Series is to be done after receiving the Test Booklet and
confirming the Booklet Series from the same.
For General studies* subject paper of `A’ Test Booklet Series you have to encode the subject
code, which is 99. Do it thus.
iqfLrdk Øe fo”k; 9 9
Booklet Series (A) Subject 9 9
● 0 0
B ➀ ➀
C ➁ ➁
D ➂ ➂
➃ ➃
➄ ➄
➅ ➅
➆ ➆
➇ ➇
● ●
All that is required is to blacken completely the circle marked `A’
below the Booklet Series and below the subject code blacken
completely the Circles for “9” (in the first vertical column) and “9”
(in the second verticle column). You should then encode the Roll
No. 081276. Do it thus similarly :
Important : Please ensure that you have carefully encoded
your subject, Test Booklet series and Roll Number.
*This is just illustrative and may not be relevant to your Examination.
Roll Numbers
0 8 1 2 7 6
➀ ➀ ● ➀ ➀ ➀
➁ ➁ ➁ ● ➁ ➁
➂ ➂ ➂ ➂ ➂ ➂
➃ ➃ ➃ ➃ ➃ ➃
➄ ➄ ➄ ➄ ➄ ➄
➅ ➅ ➅ ➅ ➅ ●
➆ ➆ ➆ ➆ ● ➆
➇ ● ➇ ➇ ➇ ➇
➈ ➈ ➈ ➈ ➈ ➈
9 9 0 8 1 2 7 6
54 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 24 – 30 March 2012
Brief particulars relating to the Services to which recruitment is being made
through this examination are given below.
I. Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways :
(a) The post in Group A – The revised pay structure of the post is Pay Band – 3
of Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay Rs. 5400 plus Non-Practising Allwoance
as per orders in force from time to time. The rate of Non-Practicing Allowance
at present is 25% of Basic Pay (i.e. aggregate of Pay in Pay Band and
Grade Pay) subject to the condition that the Basic Pay plus Non-Practicing
Allowance does not exceed Rs. 85000/-.
The candidates will be bound to observe the orders which the Ministry of
Railways or any higher authority may issue from time to time restricting or
prohibiting private practice by him/her. The candidates in Government service
will be given initial pay in the above mentioned scale according to rules and
orders while others will be given the minimum of the pay scale mentioned
(b) A candidate will be appointed on probation for a period of One year which
may be extended by the Government if considered necessary. On satisfactory
completion of the probation, candidates will be eligible for confirmation in the
junior scale of the Indian Railway Medical Service.
(c) The appointment of probationers can be terminated by one month’s notice in
writing on either side during the period of probation in terms of Rule 301 (3) of
the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volume-I. Such notice is not however,
required in cases of dismissal or removals as disciplinary measure after
compliance with the provisions of Clause (2) of Article 311 of the Constitution
and compulsory retirement due to mental or physical incapacity.
(d) A candidate will have to undergo training as prescribed by the Ministry of
Railways and pass all the Departmental Examinations.
(e) A candidate will be governed by the “Contributory Pension System” effective
from 01.01.2004 as per orders of the Government..
(f) A candidate will be eligible for leave in accordance with the leave rules as in
force from time to time and applicable to officers of his/her status.
(g) A candidate will be eligible for free Railway Passes and Privilege Ticket
Orders in accordance with the rules in force from time to time.
(h) A candidate will be required to pass the examination in Hindi of an approved
standard within the period of probation and failure to do so shall involve
liability to termination of service.
(i) Under the rules every person appointed to the above post shall, if so required,
be liable to serve in any Defence Service or post connected with the Defence
of India for a period of not less than four years including the period spent on
training, if any. provided that such person –
(a) shall not be required to serve as aforesaid after the expiry of ten years
from the date of such appointment.
(b) shall not ordinarily be required to serve as aforesaid after attaining the
age of 45 years.
(j) Reckoning Service : The persons who are recruited under these rules to
posts to which the conditions prescribed in Rule 45 of Railway Services
(Pension) Rules, 1993 are applicable shall be eligible to the benefit of the
provisions contained in the rule.
(k) A candidate will be governed in respect of matters specifically referred to
above as well as other matters by the provisions of the Indian Railways
Establishment Code and the extant orders as amended/issued from time to
(l) In the first instance a candidate will be posted to the Railway Health Units/
Dispensaries at way side Station. ADMOs are also liable to transfer to any
(m) Prospects of promotion including pay scales and allowances attached to
higher grades will be as per the provisions of Railway Medical Service
Recruitment Rules, 2000 and the orders and instructions issued by the Ministry
of Railway from time to time. .
(n) Duties and Responsibilities :
Assistant Divisional Medical Officers
(i) He will attend the indoor wards and out patient department daily and as
(ii) He will carry out physical examination of candidates and of employees in
service in accordance with the regulations in force.
(iii) He will look after family planning, public health and sanitation in his
(iv) He will carry out examination of vendors.
(v) He will be responsible for discipline and proper discharge of duties of the
Hospital Staff.
(vi) He will carry out duties assigned to him specially if any and will prepare
returns and indents connected with his speciality.
(vii) He will maintain and upkeep all equipments in his charge.
Note 1 : When an ADMO is posted at the Headquarters of a division under the
charge of a Divisional Medical Officer he will assist the Divisional Medical
Officer in all his duties but may be specially assigned with certain
duties and responsibilities.
Note 2 : ADMOs will also be required to perform such other duties as may be
assigned to them from time to time.
II. Posts of Assistant Medical Officer in the Indian Ordnance Factories
Health Service under the Ministry of Defence.
(a) The posts are temporary in Group A but likely to be made permanent in due
course. The scale of pay is in the Pay Band PB-3 of Rs. 15600-39100 with
Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- plus non-practising allowance (NPA) as per orders
in force from time to time. The rates at present are 25% of the basic pay.
(b) The candidates will be on probation for a period of 2 years from the date of
appointment which may be curtailed or extended at the discretion of the
competent authority. On satisfactory completion of the probation period he
will continue in the temporary post till confirmed against the permanent
(c) The candidate can be posted any where in India in any of the Ordnance
Factory Hospitals or Dispensaries.
(d) Private practice of any kind whatsoever is prohibited.
(e) The appointment can be terminated on one month’s notice on either side
during the period of probation and thereafter while employed in temporary
capacity. The Government reserves the right to give one month’s pay in lieu
of notice.
(f) Prospects of promotion including pay scale and allowances attached to the
higher grades will be as per the provisions of IOFHS Rules 2001 and the
Order and Instructions issued by the Government from time to time.
(g) Nature of Duties –
(1) Assistant Medical Officers.
(i) They will attend to indoor patients in wards/departments of hospitals and out
patients/dispensaries/out patient departments daily and as required.
(ii) They will carry out medical examination of employees and candidates for
employment in accordance with the regulation in force.
(iii) They will maintain and upkeep all equipment in their charge.
(iv) They will be responsible for training, discipline and proper discharge of duties
of the hospital and dispensary staff.
(v) They will perform such other duties as are allotted to them by the Medical
Officer-in-Charge as per rules.
(2) Assistant Director Health Services and Senior Medical Officer.
(a) ADHS posted at the Hqrs will assist the DHS/Addl. DHS/DDHS in the discharge
of their duties on all medical matters as directed by them.
(b) He/she will assist the DHS/Addl. DHS/DDHS in the day to day work of the
Medical Section as the Section Officer.
(c) He/she will perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the
DHS/Addl. DHS/DDHS from time to time.
(d) He/she will assist the DHS in dealing with all questions relating to Medical
Stores & Equipments.
(e) They will arrange medical attention to the employees and their families as
per rules.
(f) SMOs will attend Indoor Wards, Factory Health Clinic, Estate Clinic, OPD
and will be required to perform such other duties as may be assigned by
PMO and SMO in-charge of the hospital.
(3) Dy. Director Health Services and Principal Medical Officer.
(a) DDHS posted at the Hqrs will assist the DHS/Addl. DHS in the discharge of
the laters duties in matters as directed by him/her.
(b) PMO-Senior PMOs will be MO in-charge of factory hospitals and the Medical
Estt. there.
(c) As M.O. Incharge they will be advisers to the GM of Fys. on all medical
matters and make recommendation as considered necessary.
(d) They will arrange medical attention to the employees and their families as
per rules.
(e) They will perform such other duties as may be laid down under any statute or
Govt. orders or delegated to him by the DHS.
(f) Principal Medical Officers will attend indoor Wards, Factory Health Clinic,
Estate Health Clinic, OPD and will be required to perform such other duties
as may be assigned by PMO-in-Charge of the Hospital.
(4) Additional Director Health Services.
(a) Addl. DHS will assist the DHS in discharge of the latters duties in the matter
as directed by him/her.
(b) He/she will act as DHS under order of DGOF in latters absence on leave,
tour etc.
(5) Chief Medical Officer :-
a. He/She will have overall responsibility of administration of Ord. Fy. Hospitals
having specialist centres, including Factory Health Organization and Family
Welfare Centre.
b. Advise General Manager on medical, health, hygiene and occupational health
c. Plan, organize and monitor the work of Medical Establishment and review
d. Organize Hospital services in accordance with the orders,instructions and
regularisation issued from time to time by higher authorities.
e. Ascertain the expressed and implied need and expectations, grievances and
suggestions of the patients, factory management, statutory authorities and
community and organize the health services to meet them wherever possible.
f. Ensure that all the resources allotted to the medical establishments are fully
optimally utilized and economy is observed in the functioning.
g. He/she will perform such other duties as may be liad down under any statute
of Govt. orders or delegated to him/her by DHS.
6. Director Health Services.
(a) Medical Adviser to DGOF on all Medical and Health matters. Controlling
authority of the Medical Establishment of DGOF organisation on all
Professional and Technical matters. He/she will exercise the administrative
powers as delegated to him/her by the DGOF.
Employment News 24 – 30 March 2012 www.employmentnews.gov.in 55
(b) He/she will work out the plans of implementation of the reports/
recommendations accepted by the Govt.
(c) As the Controlling Authority he will distribute the personnel according to the
requirement of factories.
(d) He/she will normally represent the DGOF on the UPSC.
(e) He/she will normally once a year make or cause to be made inspection of all
factories and report to the DGOF on the working of Medical installation there
on all matters connected with Medical Estt.
(f) He/she will initiate ACR of Addl. DHS and will review the reports of all SA
grade, JAG (NFSG) & JAG (OG) officers of IOFHS.
III. Junior Scale posts in the Central Health Service.
(a) The posts are temporary but likely to continue indefinitely. Candidates will
be appointed to Junior Group ‘A’ scale and they will be on probation for the
period of 2 years from the date of appointment which may be curtailed or
extended at the discretion of the competent authority. They will be confirmed
after the satisfactory completion of probation subject to availability of
permanent posts.
(b) The candidates can be posted any where in India in any dispensary or hospital
under any organisation participating in the Central Health Service viz. C.G.H.S.
operating at Delhi, Bangalore, Bombay, Meerut, Lakshadweep Andaman and
Nicobar Islands, P&T department etc. Private practice of any kind whatsoever
including lab and consultant practice is prohibited.
(c) The scale of pay admissible in the Medical Officer of CHS is in the Pay
Band PB-3 of Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400 and 25% NPA
as per the recommendations of the 6 Pay Commission and the promotional
avenues will be available as per the provision of CHS Rules, 1996 and the
orders and instructions issued by the Govt. from time to time.
IV. Medical Officer in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
(i) The posts are temporary in category ‘A’ but likely to be made permanent in
due course. The scale of pay is in the Pay Band PB-3 of Rs. 15600-39100
with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400 plus restricted non-practising allowance (NPA)
as per orders in force from time to time.
(ii) The candidate will be on probation for a period of one year from the date of
appointment which may be curtailed or extended at the discretion of
competent authority. On satisfactory completion of the probation period, he/
she will continue in the temporary post till confirmed against the permanent
(iii) The candidate can be posted any where within the jurisdiction of the Municipal
Corporation of Delhi in any one of the Hospitals/Dispensaries/M & CW and
Family Welfare Centres/Primary Health Centres etc.
(iv) Private practice of any kind whatsoever is prohibited.
(v) The appointment can be terminated on one month’s notice on either side
during the period of probation and thereafter while employed in temporary
capacity. The Municipal Corporation of Delhi reserve the right to pay one
month’s pay in lieu of notice.
Prospects of promotion including pay scales and allowances attached
to the higher grades shall be according to the provisions of the
Recruitment Regulations.
V. General Duty Medical Officer in New Delhi Municipal Council
(a) The scale of post is in the Pay Band PB-3 of Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade
Pay of Rs. 5400 (VIth CPC) plus restricted non-practicing allowance (NPA)
as per orders in force from time to time.
(b) Ordinary rules regarding pension, gratuity, confirmation etc. as enforced in
the Council from time to time will be applicable.
(c) The candidate will be on probation for a period of two years from the date of
appointment which may be extended at the discretion of the competent
authority. On satisfactory completion of the probation period will continue in
the temporary capactiy till confirmed against the permanent vacancy.
(d) The candidate can be posted anywhere within the jurisdiction of the NDMC
in any of the hospitals/dispensaries/M & C & family welfare centres/Primary
Health Centres etc.
(e) Private practice of any kind whatsoever is prohibited.
(f) The appointment can be terminated on one month’s notice on either side
during the period of probation and thereafter, while employed in temporary
capacity, NDMC reserves the right to one month’s pay in lieu of notice.
(g) GDMO shall be entitled for promotion as Senior Medical Officer in the Pay
Band-3 of Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 6600 and from Senior Medical
Officer to Chief Medical Officer in the Pay Band-3 of Rs. 15600-39100 +
Grade Pay of Rs. 7600 and from Chief Medical Officer to chief Medical
Officer (Non-functional Selection Grade) in the Pay Band-4 of Rs. 37400-
67000 + Grade Pay of Rs. 8700 and Senior Administrative Grade Pay Band-
4 of Rs. 37400-67000 + Grade Pay of Rs. 10000.
davp 55104/14/0072/1112 EN 52/110
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