An Open appeal to the Prime Minister, Health Ministry, the Medical Council of India and the National Board of Medical Examinations (DNB Board)
We want to prevent degradation of medical education standards! There is no point in lowering the standards of medical or health education to achieve the concept of appropriate rural health provisioning for India. Measures are required in right earnest by the MCI, DNB board, Health ministry, to allow for modernisation of medical education in a competitive unrestricted environment, as per world standards. We hereby call for help for disadvantaged medical professionals and to create a better environment and working conditions for all postgraduate medical doctors in India- this will prevent physician migration abroad and encourage rural health provisioning for the billion plus emergent India.
The medical council of India and the government of India are currently of the concurrent opinion that 4 and half year MBBS is the appropriate step forward to ease the shortage of medical staff in rural health facilities of India. True to similar concerns the supreme court in full earnest has reacted that a 3 year MBBS is sufficient for a rural populace so that it gets more doctors instead of getting rural health serviced by quack.
The president of India has exhorted at least two times this year that the MBBS fresh graduates and aspiring postgraduates serve at least one year in rural health provisioning. Meanwhile a new bill may be brought up in parliament in this winter session to effect the NCHRH bill provisions.
In the light of these facts, we from AIMDDA (All India MD/MS/DNB Doctors Association) wants to humbly draw attention of the nation to the plight of diploma and DNB candidates and seek government attention to these sons and daughters of the lesser god .
Case of the medical diplomates: Many medical diploma doctors have served this country as specialist’s doctors and tutors in medical colleges, and have worked for paltriest salaries, even lesser than an MSc educated non doctor, even within medical institutions and have suffered as second grade citizens in such institutions since independence.
We request the powers controlling medical education to take a liberal view of the problems face by these brethren and allow diploma doctors to be treated as par with MD doctors subject to certain conditions, well agreed by respective medical speciality associations. We can think of a national level written exam to elevate these medical diploma doctors to MD/MS degrees –or 3 year service as medical diploma can be deemed sufficient to treat them as equal to an MD/MS or similar suggestion. This problem if solved soon, will deliver many medical postgraduates to serve our rural population directly or indirectly.
Allow private practice during non office hours: also, currently all forms of private practice is restricted in government owned medical colleges. This results in many doctors not being able to serve of rural health and impoverished persons, in spite of their ability to treat competently. The doctors will have to be allowed to practice freely subject to precondition that they will not practice during their government duty hours. Also many MD/MS from preclinical and para clinical sciences are not practicing and these doctors can be incentevised by the government to help care the rural and urban poor better than ever.
Also the salary paid by the government is for the 8-10 hour stipulated work period only and cannot stipulate that a doctor cannot render consultancy services for profit beyond his designated office ours as similar consultancy is allowed in other professions, in India and abroad. If such moonlighting is legal for other professionals it cannot be illegal for our government Doctors to practice, beyond office hours.
Plight of the DNB brethren: We wish to draw attention to the fact that many doctors are trying to do post-graduation in hospitals attached to the DNB board, and many of these are well recognized by our medical education patron the medical council of India. But many of our toiling DNB brethren are unhappy that they are not getting the similar pass percentage as the MD/MS brethren in medical colleges permitted by MCI.
We request the powers within the health ministry to note that this high failure rate does not yield more postgraduates to serve the health impoverished nation. Hence it is in national interest to release more DNB postgraduates imprisoned in such failures. We, from the All India MD/ MS/ DNB Doctors Association fervently appeal to increase the pass percentage of such doctors, who will also alleviate rural health problems of India, soon. This will also fulfil the wishes of the nation, our president and other thinkers on health of our nation.
Recognise & value our rural services: No others professionals get compelled to work in rural areas-Also we understand that the nation or the courts do not make similar observation regarding rural service by a lawyer, judge, chartered accountant, an engineer, a dentist, a physiotherapist or any other professional. We can understand the importance attached to doctors, and the compelling reason thereof as a result of that extreme respect.
Loans @ 2 percent interest for rural medical practitioners to establish hospitals: Rural doctors should get loans to build their hospitals at lowest interest rates so that their patients (consumers) get the ultimate benefit of reduced service costs. We request the government should provide us broadband internet facilities to connect to the best hospitals in the world while we envision our rural hospitals for public benefit. Such doctors can be given land by the government at concessional rates. In short, we should be given a better deal if doctors have to shift to the countryside.
Foreign educated doctors: our doctors graduated abroad face similar discrimination by the health ministry which has to be more prudent and liberal in allowing the entry of medical graduates and postgraduates educated abroad, we appeal to the medical leadership to end this disturbance to our medical brethren, by ensuring parity, without harassing these professionals-as they will be hundred times better than 3 year or 4 year MBBS cadre to be created or a quack.
Act on illegal doctors/cross practicing doctors of Indian systems of medicine: Stop quackery: The government can publicise that quacks will be legally penalized if they continue their quackery after being noted by the local health authorities. The policing of quackery should be taken up seriously and the legal system should be empowered to take action against these forms of illegal medical practice.
We, the doctors of the All India MD/MS/DNB Doctors Association with like minded associations like the Indian Medical Association and other professional associations want health of our rural fellow Indians to be as healthy as per world standards and are ready to serve their health purposes. We request community support against quackery, dilution of medical education standards, and dilution of health education standards in general. We request the courts of this country and vigilant non-governmental organizations supporting health for all and against health inequities to support our cause.
For a healthy nation
All India MD/MS/DNB Doctors Association.
Teacher ship disturbance or service break due to MCI disapproval of colleges is not a problem to service record-AIMDDA will recognize your teacher ships and will issue free teachership certificates:
A teacher ship/attachment certificate is a entitlement for the hapless/harassed teacher-we shall be on the side of the council ditched teacher.
It pains the association members /executive council members when we note due to Teacher ship derecognition in that derecognized college many teachers face many problems due to the derecognition process and it leads to socioeconomic and academic harassment of the concerned medical faculties for no faults of theirs.
The MCI and the government of India is at serious fault in denying the services of these doctors or obliterating their service records when these people could actually alleviate the health manpower shortages that this country claims of ,often,chronically.
Teacher ship disturbance and service break as a result of non approval of the college a teacher works will be a major disturbance in future, in a teacher’s biodata as it was in the previous days. We have to view in this way-Government is creating disturbance through MCI such a way that innocent careers of many doctors ,nurses, technicians and other staff get seriously deranged/derecognized/destroyed for being part of the failed venture for no fault of theirs.
Unfortunately IMA has thought anything about the hapless and harassed careers as it concerns only a 1000 0f the persons annually.But we ,from All India MD/MS/DNB Doctors association are part of the harassed subcommmunity hence we will support outr injured brethren due to non application of minds by mCI,Health ministry and its officials.
Infact we also support similar faculties in all over educational establishments affected by government,MCI,DCI,NCI or UGC,or MOH as being ordinary employees our role in the derecognition process is limited to the fault of being part of a failed academic adventure/academic misadventure/politically unfavorable academic misadventure.
MCI recognitions should be replaced by accreditation/disaccreditation failing which this association will seek industry help of FICCI,and other commercial ranking agencies. Every year nearly 10 colleges on medical side and 10-15 colleges in dental sector fail to get MCI or DCI approvals in India. It means that careers of atleast 100 per college of medical teachers and dental faculty are at stake of non recognition by the councils.
MCI derecognition guillotine execution kills careers of nearly a 1000 careers annually. The country cannot afford to loose its medical faculty to foreign countries-we are already scarce of medical faculty.Harassed Medical teachers-need support from MCI and GOI/MOH else will result in teacher migrations abroad.
All India MD/MS /DNB Doctors association views this problem as a technical one due to the stubborn attitudes shown by MCI and its valiant inspectors who want to believe for the day of inspection that they were/are also or are supposed to be medical teachers and they take varied attitudes.The problem arises due to the mistaken belief in our MCI inspectors in contrast to the DCI inspectors that these great men and women are superior to other MD/MS/DNB qualified mortals of lesser reach or influence.AIMDDA should view this problem –as reported in various medical colleges of MCI inspectors acting sometimes arbitrarily-quite seriously.We shall take cudgels on the behalf of our rank and file members and we ask the MCI to recognize the teachership service/attachment and show it as attachement if not as a service detail.
Just because a college has been derecognized by the valiant members of the MCI or DCI the college and its staff cannot just disintegrate.Their services are still required and are relevant.
Just because a college doesn’t exist as per MCI terms it does not mean that the infrastructure crumbles or is destroyed or can be erased from existence.AIMDDA supports the afflicted colleges by supporting and appealing to the government and regulatory bodies to not destroy the teachership/attachment/observership of the concerned faculty at the derecognized institution.
MCI has not devised any alternates for the teacher or employees career and MCI disapproval creates large scale of disturbance in socioeconomic and academic terms in doctors,paramedics,and public served by these professionals.AIMDDA vows to represent the affected teachers and will take up a public interest case against the disinterest shown towards careers of individuals employed at derecognized institutes and universities of medical, dental or nursing education and likewise.
AIMDDA appeals to the citizens of India to realize that MCI or DCI derecognition will destroy teachershipcontinuity in process destroy the credentials of the concerned teachers for no fault of theirs.MCi should develop concern for the welfare of the doctors it often claims to represent. Perhaps since MCI has failed to do its constitutional mandate of protecting the simple Medical Teacher that MCI today faces disapproval and disenchantement of the doctors in general.As a part of ongoing campaign and possible litigation against concerned councils/departments
1. Please do not derecognize the service done in derecognized institutions and their dependent families as it destroys the career of many afflicted individuals
2. The individuals themselves being MBBS,MD or Bsc Nursing or other qualified continue to remain in the concerned campus in service,of the employer for economic reasons. You cannot snatch the right to livelihood of the affected faculty unless you are in a position to employ them in government setup or you can make some livelihood arrangements.
3. Concerned faculties are well qualified and well within their rights otherwise, except for the MCI derecognition of their parent college, and their degree is well recognized, and hence due to the reasons 2,3 above we cant say that you are unable to recognize their services-in fact on humanitarian grounds the court would recognize their existence, right to livelihood and job as it would not come in other basic rights as Indian citizens.
4. As a trade union we AIMDDA will support the affected members to secure their rightful rights
5. MCI has no rights to derecognize our teachership-it may have rights to derecognize a doctor but not a teachership
6. Only a university has rights regarding teacherships
7. Even DNB can be considered as teachers if University feels so-and as per its constitution engage services of such persons
8. MCI may have rights to derecognize a college-but not the constituent blood bank and deny the livelihood of a hospital staff.MCI has moral,ethical duty which it has evaded since long towards doctors due to its hard disapproval attitudes which have been severely criticized by even the courts.In absence of making alternate livelihoods ,we cannot justify the denying of teachership benefits-like gratuity,pension as a result of tyranny by the government of India as well as the Medical Council of India because of non academic reasons.
9. As an academic we have not failed –and are still registerable with MCI on strength of our MBBS and MD /other qualifications.There isa right to practice the degree we obtained .Our right to education and right to teachership gets compromised due to hard decisions of MCI and GOI/MOH.
10. hence we appeal to all the concerned parties to settle the issue amicably-as hereunder-
a. allow teachers to be recognized but issue a certificate that he/she was not a functional teacher for the concerned academic year
b. but he/she remains stilla recognized teacher-as his degree/previous experience is unblemished
c. MCI can classify such teachers as Associate teachership or a step which is slightly lower than a regular teacher
d. Allow visiting teacherships
e. MCI should not take hard decisions on MD/MS/DNB faculty-infact we have noted in few inspections MCI has gone very soft on MSc faculty asif MSc persons have a understanding with the MCI.Please remember MCI still stands for Medical doctors registration.
Signed by executive council of ALL INDIA MD/MS/DNB DOCTORS ASSOCIATION
aimdda is discussing. Toggle Comments
Thank you so much for your outlook, I totally agree with you. It is great to see a fresh outlook on this and I look forward to a lot more.
hellow dear md biochemist ,are u non clinical basic science teacher ,mind well u r not a doctor to treat patient in biochemistry,why so much jelous aginest your teacher( who had given md degree to teach metabolic pathway, nothing else all u r doing in medical college, stop nonsense comment againest existing stop,fight for your servial in future same time have respectto guru ,guru is guru, really u want comment ask your teacher/senior to surrounder their md degree